Пример #1
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QGLCamera &cam)
    dbg << "QGLCamera";
    if (!cam.objectName().isEmpty())
        dbg << cam.objectName();
    dbg << "\n";
    dbg << "   projection:" << ( cam.projectionType() == QGLCamera::Perspective ?
                                     "Perspective" : "Orthographic" );
    dbg << "-- viewsize:" << cam.viewSize().width() << "x" << cam.viewSize().height() << "\n";
    dbg << "   near-plane:" << cam.nearPlane() << "-- far-plane:" << cam.farPlane();
    dbg << "-- field-of-view:" << cam.fieldOfView() << "\n";
    dbg << "   rotation:" << cam.screenRotation() << " -- motion adjust:" <<
           cam.motionAdjustment() << " -- aspect adjust:" << cam.adjustForAspectRatio() << "\n";
    dbg << "   eye:" << cam.eye() << "-- center:" << cam.center();
    dbg << "-- up:" << cam.upVector() << "\n";
    return dbg;
// Convert deltas in the X and Y directions into percentages of
// the view width and height.
QPointF QGLGraphicsNavigationItemPrivate::viewDelta(qreal deltax, qreal deltay)
    QRectF rect = viewportItem->rect();
    qreal w = rect.width();
    qreal h = rect.height();
    QGLCamera *camera = viewportItem->camera();
    bool scaleToWidth;
    qreal scaleFactor, scaleX, scaleY;
    QSizeF viewSize = camera->viewSize();
    if (w >= h) {
        if (viewSize.width() >= viewSize.height())
            scaleToWidth = true;
            scaleToWidth = false;
    } else {
        if (viewSize.width() >= viewSize.height())
            scaleToWidth = false;
            scaleToWidth = true;
    int rotation = camera->screenRotation();
    if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270) {
        scaleToWidth = !scaleToWidth;
        qSwap(deltax, deltay);
    if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 180) {
        deltax = -deltax;
    if (rotation == 180 || rotation == 270) {
        deltay = -deltay;
    if (scaleToWidth) {
        scaleFactor = 2.0f / viewSize.width();
        scaleX = scaleFactor * h / w;
        scaleY = scaleFactor;
    } else {
        scaleFactor = 2.0f / viewSize.height();
        scaleX = scaleFactor;
        scaleY = scaleFactor * w / h;
    return QPointF(deltax * scaleX / w, deltay * scaleY / h);
// Rotate about the object being viewed.
void QGLGraphicsNavigationItemPrivate::rotate(qreal deltax, qreal deltay)
    QGLCamera *camera = viewportItem->camera();
    QRectF rect = viewportItem->rect();
    int rotation = camera->screenRotation();
    if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270) {
        qSwap(deltax, deltay);
    if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 180) {
        deltax = -deltax;
    if (rotation == 180 || rotation == 270) {
        deltay = -deltay;
    qreal anglex = deltax * 90.0f / rect.width();
    qreal angley = deltay * 90.0f / rect.height();
    QQuaternion q = camera->pan(-anglex);
    q *= camera->tilt(-angley);
Пример #4
void CubeItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
    if (navigating) {
        QPoint delta = event->pos().toPoint() - pressedPos;
        int deltax = delta.x();
        int deltay = delta.y();
        QGLCamera *camera = this->camera();
        int rotation = camera->screenRotation();
        if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270) {
            qSwap(deltax, deltay);
        if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 180) {
            deltax = -deltax;
        if (rotation == 180 || rotation == 270) {
            deltay = -deltay;
        qreal anglex = deltax * 90.0f / rect().width();
        qreal angley = deltay * 90.0f / rect().height();
        QQuaternion q = startNavCamera->pan(-anglex);
        q *= startNavCamera->tilt(-angley);
    } else if (pressedFace != -1) {
        int face;
        QPoint pos = cubeIntersection
            (event->widget(), event->pos().toPoint(), &face);
        if (face != pressedFace)
            pos = QPoint(-1, -1);
        deliverSceneEvent(pos, event);