WSOverlayScreenShotAnimation::WSOverlayScreenShotAnimation() { setVisible(false); const HostInfo& info = HostBase::instance()->getInfo(); int width = info.displayWidth; int height = info.displayHeight; setPos(width/2, height/2); int r = qMin(width, height); r = r/2; m_boundingRect = QRectF(-width/2, -height/2, width, height); m_gradient = QRadialGradient(0, 0, r, 0, 0); QGradientStops stops; stops.append(QGradientStop(0, QColor(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF))); stops.append(QGradientStop(0.15, QColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0))); stops.append(QGradientStop(0.5, QColor(0xFF, 0xFF ,0xD0, 0xF0))); stops.append(QGradientStop(0.75, QColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xD0, 0x0F))); stops.append(QGradientStop(1.0, QColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xD0, 0x00))); m_gradient.setStops(stops); connect(WindowServer::instance(), SIGNAL(signalAboutToTakeScreenShot()), SLOT(stop())); connect(WindowServer::instance(), SIGNAL(signalTookScreenShot()), SLOT(start())); }
QRadialGradient ControlSlider::backgroundGradient() { QRadialGradient gradient(0.5,0.5,1.0,0.5,0.5); gradient.setCoordinateMode(QGradient::ObjectBoundingMode); QGradientStops stops; stops.append(QPair<qreal,QColor>(0.0, Qt::white)); stops.append(QPair<qreal,QColor>(0.8, backgroundColor())); stops.append(QPair<qreal,QColor>(1.0, Qt::white)); gradient.setStops(stops); return gradient; }
void ContextPaneWidgetRectangle::onGradientClicked() { if (ui->colorGradient->isChecked()) { m_hasGradient = true; QLinearGradient gradient; QGradientStops stops; stops.append(QGradientStop(0, ui->colorColorButton->convertedColor())); stops.append(QGradientStop(1, Qt::white)); gradient.setStops(stops); ui->gradientLine->setEnabled(true); ui->gradientLine->setGradient(gradient); } }
Ui::ShadowedWidget<__Base>::ShadowedWidget(QWidget* _parent, int _tailLen, double _alphaFrom, double _alphaTo) : __Base(_parent) , tailLenPx_(_tailLen) { QGradientStops stops; QColor voipShadowColor("#000000"); voipShadowColor.setAlphaF(_alphaFrom); stops.append(qMakePair(0.0f, voipShadowColor)); voipShadowColor.setAlphaF(_alphaTo); stops.append(qMakePair(1.0f, voipShadowColor)); linearGradient_.setStops(stops); }
void updateGradient() { static const double n_colors = 6; QGradientStops colors; colors.reserve(n_colors+1); for ( int i = 0; i <= n_colors; ++i ) colors.append(QGradientStop(i/n_colors, QColor::fromHsvF(i/n_colors, saturation, value))); w->setColors(colors); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void HeaderItem::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget) { Q_UNUSED(option); Q_UNUSED(widget); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); QFont font = painter->font(); font.setBold(true); font.setPointSize(static_cast<int>(font.pointSize() * 1.4)); painter->setFont(font); QRectF frame(QPoint(0, 0), geometry().size()); // paint the background QGradientStops stops; stops.append(QGradientStop(0.0, QColor(40, 57, 74))); stops.append(QGradientStop(0.5, QColor(0, 0, 0))); stops.append(QGradientStop(1.0, QColor(10, 16, 23))); QLinearGradient gradient(frame.topLeft(), frame.bottomLeft()); gradient.setStops(stops); painter->setPen(QColor(56, 73, 93)); painter->setBrush(QBrush(gradient)); QPainterPath path; path.moveTo(0, 20); path.arcTo(0, 0, 40, 40, 180, -90); path.lineTo(frame.right() - 20, 0); path.arcTo(frame.right() - 40, 0, 40, 40, 90, -90); path.lineTo(frame.right(), frame.bottom()); path.lineTo(0, frame.bottom()); path.lineTo(0, 20); path.closeSubpath(); painter->drawPath(path); painter->setPen(Qt::white); painter->drawText(frame, Qt::AlignCenter, title); }
void saveGradientStops(QTextStream &str, const QGradient *g) { QGradientStops stops = g->stops(); if (g->interpolationMode() == QGradient::ColorInterpolation) { bool constantAlpha = true; int alpha =; for (int i = 1; i < stops.size(); ++i) constantAlpha &= ( == alpha); if (!constantAlpha) { const qreal spacing = qreal(0.02); QGradientStops newStops; QRgb fromColor = PREMUL(; QRgb toColor; for (int i = 0; i + 1 < stops.size(); ++i) { int parts = qCeil(( + 1).first - / spacing); newStops.append(; toColor = PREMUL( + 1).second.rgba()); if (parts > 1) { qreal step = ( + 1).first - / parts; for (int j = 1; j < parts; ++j) { QRgb color = INV_PREMUL(INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_256(fromColor, 256 - 256 * j / parts, toColor, 256 * j / parts)); newStops.append(QGradientStop( + j * step, QColor::fromRgba(color))); } } fromColor = toColor; } newStops.append(stops.back()); stops = newStops; } } foreach(QGradientStop stop, stops) { QString color = QString::fromLatin1("#%1%2%3") .arg(, 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0')) .arg(, 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0')) .arg(, 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); str << QLatin1String(" <stop offset=\"")<< stop.first << QLatin1String("\" ") << QLatin1String("stop-color=\"") << color << QLatin1String("\" ") << QLatin1String("stop-opacity=\"") << stop.second.alphaF() <<QLatin1String("\" />\n"); }
void GradientLine::updateGradient() { if (m_useGradient) { QGradientStops stops; for (int i = 0; i < m_stops.size(); i++) { stops.append(QPair<qreal, QColor>(,; } m_gradient.setStops(stops); } else { if (!active()) return; } }
void SvgStyleParser::parseColorStops(QGradient *gradient, const KoXmlElement &e) { QGradientStops stops; QColor c; for (KoXmlNode n = e.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { KoXmlElement stop = n.toElement(); if (stop.tagName() == "stop") { float offset; QString temp = stop.attribute("offset"); if (temp.contains('%')) { temp = temp.left(temp.length() - 1); offset = temp.toFloat() / 100.0; } else offset = temp.toFloat(); QString stopColorStr = stop.attribute("stop-color"); if (!stopColorStr.isEmpty()) { if (stopColorStr == "inherit") { stopColorStr = inheritedAttribute("stop-color", stop); } parseColor(c, stopColorStr); } else { // try style attr QString style = stop.attribute("style").simplified(); QStringList substyles = style.split(';', QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (QStringList::Iterator it = substyles.begin(); it != substyles.end(); ++it) { QStringList substyle = it->split(':'); QString command = substyle[0].trimmed(); QString params = substyle[1].trimmed(); if (command == "stop-color") parseColor(c, params); if (command == "stop-opacity") c.setAlphaF(params.toDouble()); } } QString opacityStr = stop.attribute("stop-opacity"); if (!opacityStr.isEmpty()) { if (opacityStr == "inherit") { opacityStr = inheritedAttribute("stop-opacity", stop); } c.setAlphaF(opacityStr.toDouble()); } stops.append(QPair<qreal, QColor>(offset, c)); } } if (stops.count()) gradient->setStops(stops); }
QBrush XMLParseBase::parseGradient(const QDomElement &element) { QLinearGradient gradient; QString gradientStart = element.attribute("start", ""); QString gradientEnd = element.attribute("end", ""); int gradientAlpha = element.attribute("alpha", "255").toInt(); QString direction = element.attribute("direction", "vertical"); float x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0.0; if (direction == "vertical") { x1 = 0.5; x2 = 0.5; y1 = 0.0; y2 = 1.0; } else if (direction == "diagonal") { x1 = 0.0; x2 = 1.0; y1 = 0.0; y2 = 1.0; } else { x1 = 0.0; x2 = 1.0; y1 = 0.5; y2 = 0.5; } gradient.setCoordinateMode(QGradient::ObjectBoundingMode); gradient.setStart(x1, y1); gradient.setFinalStop(x2, y2); QGradientStops stops; if (!gradientStart.isEmpty()) { QColor startColor = QColor(gradientStart); startColor.setAlpha(gradientAlpha); QGradientStop stop(0.0, startColor); stops.append(stop); } if (!gradientEnd.isEmpty()) { QColor endColor = QColor(gradientEnd); endColor.setAlpha(gradientAlpha); QGradientStop stop(1.0, endColor); stops.append(stop); } for (QDomNode child = element.firstChild(); !child.isNull(); child = child.nextSibling()) { QDomElement childElem = child.toElement(); if (childElem.tagName() == "stop") { float position = childElem.attribute("position", "0").toFloat(); QString color = childElem.attribute("color", ""); int alpha = childElem.attribute("alpha", "-1").toInt(); if (alpha < 0) alpha = gradientAlpha; QColor stopColor = QColor(color); stopColor.setAlpha(alpha); QGradientStop stop((position / 100), stopColor); stops.append(stop); } } gradient.setStops(stops); return QBrush(gradient); }
void Project::MatchColors(QAction *action) { if (action) { QString selectedDomainName = action->text(); Domain* selectedDomain = DetermineDomain(selectedDomainName); if (selectedDomain && visibleDomain) { // Get the active shader types ShaderType outlineType = selectedDomain->GetTerrainOutlineType(); ShaderType fillType = selectedDomain->GetTerrainFillType(); if (outlineType == SolidShaderType) { // Copy the solid outline color from the selected domain QColor solidOutline = selectedDomain->GetTerrainSolidOutline(); visibleDomain->SetTerrainSolidOutline(solidOutline); } else if (outlineType == GradientShaderType) { // Copy the outline gradient from the selected domain // Convert percentages in gradient stops to elevation values // Convert these elevation values back into percentages in the range of the selected domain float selectedRange[2] = {selectedDomain->GetTerrainMinZ(), selectedDomain->GetTerrainMaxZ()}; float currentRange[2] = {visibleDomain->GetTerrainMinZ(), visibleDomain->GetTerrainMaxZ()}; QGradientStops selectedGradientOutline = selectedDomain->GetTerrainGradientOutline(); QGradientStops newStopsOutline; for (int i=0; i<selectedGradientOutline.count(); ++i) { QGradientStop currentStop = selectedGradientOutline[i]; float percentage = currentStop.first; QColor color = currentStop.second; float selectedValue = selectedRange[1] - percentage*(selectedRange[1] - selectedRange[0]); if (selectedValue >= currentRange[0] && selectedValue <= currentRange[1]) { QGradientStop newStop; newStop.first = (currentRange[1] - selectedValue) / (currentRange[1] - currentRange[0]); newStop.second = color; newStopsOutline.append(newStop); } } visibleDomain->SetTerrainGradientOutline(newStopsOutline); } if (fillType == SolidShaderType) { // Copy the solid fill color from the selected domain QColor solidFill = selectedDomain->GetTerrainSolidFill(); visibleDomain->SetTerrainSolidFill(solidFill); } else if (fillType == GradientShaderType) { // Copy the fill gradient from the selected domain // Convert percentages in gradient stops to elevation values // Convert these elevation values back into percentages in the range of the selected domain float selectedRange[2] = {selectedDomain->GetTerrainMinZ(), selectedDomain->GetTerrainMaxZ()}; float currentRange[2] = {visibleDomain->GetTerrainMinZ(), visibleDomain->GetTerrainMaxZ()}; QGradientStops selectedGradientFill = selectedDomain->GetTerrainGradientFill(); QGradientStops newStopsFill; for (int i=0; i<selectedGradientFill.count(); ++i) { QGradientStop currentStop = selectedGradientFill[i]; float percentage = currentStop.first; QColor color = currentStop.second; float selectedValue = selectedRange[1] - percentage*(selectedRange[1] - selectedRange[0]); if (selectedValue >= currentRange[0] && selectedValue <= currentRange[1]) { QGradientStop newStop; newStop.first = (currentRange[1] - selectedValue) / (currentRange[1] - currentRange[0]); newStop.second = color; newStopsFill.append(newStop); } } visibleDomain->SetTerrainGradientFill(newStopsFill); } } } }