Пример #1
  Most important function of an interactor component
  When an event arrive on your interactor : this function is call
  You have to process it and return true. If the event do nothing in your interactor : this function
  return false;
  bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *e) {

    If you have clicked on a node/edge, information widget is visible.
    And if you use the wheel of the mouse we hide the information widget
    if (_informationWidgetItem->isVisible() && e->type() == QEvent::Wheel) {
      return false;

    Check if the event is a mouse event
    QMouseEvent *qMouseEv = dynamic_cast<QMouseEvent *>(e);

    if (qMouseEv != nullptr) {
      GlMainView *glMainView = static_cast<GlMainView *>(view());

      Check if event is a left mouse button press
      if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && qMouseEv->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {

        If you have clicked on a node/edge, information widget is visible.
        And if you reclick : hide it
        if (_informationWidgetItem->isVisible()) {
        } else {

          Select entities under the mouse cursor
          The result of selection is stored in SelectedEntity
          And pickNodesEdges return true if you click on node or edge
          SelectedEntity selectedEntity;

          if (glMainView->getGlMainWidget()->pickNodesEdges(qMouseEv->x(), qMouseEv->y(),
                                                            selectedEntity)) {

            Change text of the information label with
            - If you click on a node : "Click on node id : nodeId"
            - If you click on an edge : "Click on edge id : edgeId"
            QString text("Click on ");

            if (selectedEntity.getEntityType() == SelectedEntity::NODE_SELECTED)
              text += "node ";
              text += "edge ";

            text += " id : " + QString::number(selectedEntity.getComplexEntityId());

            - Update QLabel with new text
            - Auto resize QLabel
            - Set position of the label at mouse position
            - Display it

            Here we just add a small smooth animation on the label pop
            QPropertyAnimation *animation =
                new QPropertyAnimation(_informationWidgetItem, "opacity");

            We have treated the event so we return true
            return true;

    We don't have treated the event se we return false
    return false;
Пример #2
void UiAPI::DeleteCallingWidgetOnClose()
    QGraphicsProxyWidget *proxy = dynamic_cast<QGraphicsProxyWidget *>(sender());
    if (proxy && !proxy->isVisible())