bool QBluetoothServiceInfoPrivate::registerService(const QBluetoothAddress& localAdapter) { Q_UNUSED(localAdapter); //QNX always uses default local adapter if (protocolDescriptor(QBluetoothUuid::Rfcomm).isEmpty()) { qCWarning(QT_BT_QNX) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Only SPP services can be registered on QNX"; return false; } if (serverChannel() == -1) return false; if (__fakeServerPorts.key(serverChannel()) != 0) { if (!ppsSendControlMessage("register_server", 0x1101, attributes.value(QBluetoothServiceInfo::ServiceId).value<QBluetoothUuid>(), QString(), attributes.value(QBluetoothServiceInfo::ServiceName).toString(), __fakeServerPorts.key(serverChannel()), BT_SPP_SERVER_SUBTYPE)) return false; //The server needs to know the service name for the socket mount point path __fakeServerPorts.key(serverChannel())->m_serviceName = attributes.value(QBluetoothServiceInfo::ServiceName).toString(); } else { return false; } registered = true; return true; }
bool QBluetoothServiceInfoPrivate::unregisterService() { if (!registered) return false; if (serverChannel() == -1) return false; if ( __fakeServerPorts.key(serverChannel()) != 0) { #ifdef QT_QNX_BT_BLUETOOTH QByteArray b_uuid = attributes.value(QBluetoothServiceInfo::ServiceId). value<QBluetoothUuid>().toByteArray(); b_uuid = b_uuid.mid(1, b_uuid.length() - 2); if (bt_spp_close_server( == -1) return false; #else if (!ppsSendControlMessage("deregister_server", 0x1101, attributes.value(QBluetoothServiceInfo::ServiceId).value<QBluetoothUuid>(), QString(), attributes.value(QBluetoothServiceInfo::ServiceName).toString(), __fakeServerPorts.key(serverChannel()), BT_SPP_SERVER_SUBTYPE)) { return false; } #endif else { __fakeServerPorts.remove(__fakeServerPorts.key(serverChannel())); registered = false; return true; } } else { return false; } }
bool SalesModel::setProperty(int rowIndex, const QString &property, const QVariant &value) { QVariantMap rowValues = getProperty(rowIndex); const char * UPDATE_STAMENT="UPDATE items_sales set price = :price WHERE prov = :prov and ref = :ref " "and size = :size and color = :color and sales_date = :sales_date;"; m_updateQuery.prepare(UPDATE_STAMENT); m_updateQuery.bindValue(":ref",rowValues["ref"]); m_updateQuery.bindValue(":size",rowValues["size"]); m_updateQuery.bindValue(":color",rowValues["color"]); m_updateQuery.bindValue(":prov",rowValues["prov"]); m_updateQuery.bindValue(":sales_date",rowValues["date"]); m_updateQuery.bindValue(":price", value); if(!m_updateQuery.exec()){ qWarning()<<"could no update sales "<<m_updateQuery.lastQuery(); return false; } qDebug()<<"price updated "<<value; QHash<int, QByteArray> roles = roleNames(); QModelIndex ind = index(rowIndex,roles.key("price")); QSqlQuery q = query(); q.exec(); setQuery(q); emit dataChanged(ind,ind); return true; }
static void removeMenuAllActions(QMenu *pMenu) { QList<QAction*> pActionsList=pMenu->actions(); QList<QAction*> pActionsListDictValues=actionsDict.values(); for(int i=0;i<pActionsList.count();i++) { int iIdx=pActionsListDictValues.indexOf(; if (iIdx>=0) actionsDict.remove(actionsDict.key(; } }
bool QBluetoothServiceInfoPrivate::registerService(const QBluetoothAddress& localAdapter) { Q_UNUSED(localAdapter); //QNX always uses default local adapter if (protocolDescriptor(QBluetoothUuid::Rfcomm).isEmpty()) { qCWarning(QT_BT_QNX) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Only SPP services can be registered on QNX"; return false; } if (serverChannel() == -1) return false; if (__fakeServerPorts.key(serverChannel()) != 0) { #ifdef QT_QNX_BT_BLUETOOTH QByteArray b_uuid = attributes.value(QBluetoothServiceInfo::ServiceId) .value<QBluetoothUuid>().toByteArray(); b_uuid = b_uuid.mid(1, b_uuid.length() - 2); qCDebug(QT_BT_QNX) << "Registering server. " << << attributes.value(QBluetoothServiceInfo::ServiceName) .toString(); if (bt_spp_open_server(attributes.value(QBluetoothServiceInfo::ServiceName) .toString().toUtf8().data(),, true, &QBluetoothServerPrivate::btCallback, reinterpret_cast<long>(__fakeServerPorts.key(serverChannel()))) == -1) { qCDebug(QT_BT_QNX) << "Could not open the server. " << qt_error_string(errno) << errno; bt_spp_close_server(; return false; } #else if (!ppsSendControlMessage("register_server", 0x1101, attributes.value(QBluetoothServiceInfo::ServiceId).value<QBluetoothUuid>(), QString(), attributes.value(QBluetoothServiceInfo::ServiceName).toString(), __fakeServerPorts.key(serverChannel()), BT_SPP_SERVER_SUBTYPE)) return false; #endif //The server needs to know the service name for the socket mount point path __fakeServerPorts.key(serverChannel())->m_serviceName = attributes.value(QBluetoothServiceInfo::ServiceName).toString(); } else { return false; } registered = true; return true; }
bool QxtGlobalShortcutPrivate::nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &, void *message, long *) { EventRef event = (EventRef) message; if (GetEventClass(event) == kEventClassKeyboard && GetEventKind(event) == kEventHotKeyPressed) { EventHotKeyID keyID; GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamDirectObject, typeEventHotKeyID, nullptr, sizeof(keyID), nullptr, &keyID); Identifier id = keyIDs.key(; activateShortcut(id.second, id.first); } return false; }
OSStatus qxt_mac_handle_hot_key(EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef event, void* data) { Q_UNUSED(nextHandler); Q_UNUSED(data); if (GetEventClass(event) == kEventClassKeyboard && GetEventKind(event) == kEventHotKeyPressed) { EventHotKeyID keyID; GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamDirectObject, typeEventHotKeyID, NULL, sizeof(keyID), NULL, &keyID); Identifier id = keyIDs.key(; QxtGlobalShortcutPrivate::activateShortcut(id.second, id.first); } return noErr; }
bool QxtGlobalShortcutPrivate::eventFilter(void* message) //bool QxtGlobalShortcutPrivate::macEventFilter(EventHandlerCallRef caller, EventRef event) { EventRef event = (EventRef) message; if (GetEventClass(event) == kEventClassKeyboard && GetEventKind(event) == kEventHotKeyPressed) { EventHotKeyID keyID; GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamDirectObject, typeEventHotKeyID, NULL, sizeof(keyID), NULL, &keyID); Identifier id = keyIDs.key(; activateShortcut(id.second, id.first); } return false; }
const QHash<QString, QMPointer<QMJsonValue> >::iterator QMJsonObject::erase(const QHash<QString, QMPointer<QMJsonValue> >::iterator &iter) { if (iter == mHash.end()) return mHash.end(); auto key = iter.key(); auto value = iter.value(); auto niter = mHash.erase(iter); emit itemRemoved(key, value); return niter; }
int main() { QString str; QTextStream in(stdin); QFile sout;, QIODevice::WriteOnly); QDataStream out(&sout); bool ok = true, ok2; QHash<quint32,quint8> data; QHash<qint8,QString> catalog; while ( ok ) { QString line = in.readLine(); ok = !in.atEnd(); if ( line.isEmpty() || line.startsWith('#') ) continue; QRegExp rx(";"); int split = rx.indexIn(line); QString catagoryString = line.right( line.size() - split - 1 ).simplified(); qint8 catagory = catalog.key(catagoryString); if(!catagory) { catalog[ catagory = catalog.size()+1 ] = catagoryString; } QString codes = line.left( split ).simplified(); QStringList codeList = codes.split ( ".." ); quint32 start =, 16); quint32 end = (codeList.size() == 2) ?, 16) : start; for (quint32 code = start; code<=end; ++code) { data.insert( code, catagory ); qDebug() << "[" << catagory << "] " << code; } } out << catalog << data; }
void MainWindow::saveScreen() { // create initial filepath QHash<QString, QString> formatsAvalible; formatsAvalible["png"] = tr("PNG Files"); formatsAvalible["jpg"] = tr("JPEG Files"); QString format = "png"; _conf->getSaveFormat(); Core* c = Core::instance(); QString filePath = c->getSaveFilePath(format); // create file filters QString fileFilters; QString filterSelected; filterSelected = formatsAvalible[format]; QHash<QString, QString>::const_iterator iter = formatsAvalible.constBegin(); while (iter != formatsAvalible.constEnd()) { fileFilters.append(iter.value() + " (*." + iter.key() + ");;"); ++iter; } fileFilters.chop(2); QString fileName; fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save As..."), filePath, fileFilters, &filterSelected, QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog); QRegExp rx("\\(\\*\\.[a-z]{3,4}\\)"); quint8 tmp = filterSelected.size() - rx.indexIn(filterSelected); filterSelected.chop(tmp + 1); format = formatsAvalible.key(filterSelected); // if user canceled saving if (fileName.isEmpty()) return; c->writeScreen(fileName, format); }
double AssetsIO::getRate(const QDate &date, double duration) { Q_UNUSED(date); double rate = 0.00; QHash<QString,QDate> hashRatesDates; QStringList listChosenOfRanges; AssetsRatesModel model(this); if (WarnDebugMessage) qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << " model.rowCount() =" << QString::number(model.rowCount()) ; for (int i = 0; i < model.rowCount(); i += 1) { QDate dateRequest =,ASSETSRATES_DATE),Qt::DisplayRole).toDate(); QString rangeReq =,ASSETSRATES_YEARS),Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); QString rate =,ASSETSRATES_RATES),Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); if (WarnDebugMessage) qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << " rangeReq and rate =" << rangeReq+" "+rate ; QStringList listOfRanges = rangeReq.split("_"); if (int(duration) >= listOfRanges[0].toInt() && int(duration) <= listOfRanges[1].toInt()) { hashRatesDates.insertMulti(rate,dateRequest) ; } } QList<QDate> valuesOfDates = hashRatesDates.values(); if (WarnDebugMessage) qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << " valuesOfDates size =" << QString::number(valuesOfDates.size()) ; if (hashRatesDates.size() < 1) { Utils::warningMessageBox(tkTr(Trans::Constants::ERROR), tr("You have to fill defaults for assets rates.\nGo " "in Configuration>Preferences to do so.\n" "Otherwise result will be wrong !")); return 1.00; } qSort(valuesOfDates.begin(),valuesOfDates.end()); QDate nearestDate = valuesOfDates.last(); QString nearestDateStr = nearestDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd"); QString rateStr = hashRatesDates.key(nearestDate); rate = rateStr.toDouble(); qWarning() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << "rate = " << QString::number(rate) ; return rate; }
int TwoDModelEngineApi::readColorFullSensor(QHash<uint, int> const &countsColor) const { if (countsColor.isEmpty()) { return 0; } QList<int> const values = countsColor.values(); int maxValue = INT_MIN; for (int value : values) { if (value > maxValue) { maxValue = value; } } const uint maxColor = countsColor.key(maxValue); switch (maxColor) { case (black): return 1; case (red): return 5; case (green): return 3; case (blue) : return 2; case (yellow): return 4; case (white): return 6; case (cyan): return 7; case (magenta): return 8; default: return 0; } }
void ChatWindowStyle::readStyleFiles() { // load style info QString infoPlistFile = d->baseHref + QLatin1String("../Info.plist"); ChatStylePlistFileReader plistReader(infoPlistFile); d->defaultVariantName = plistReader.defaultVariant(); if (d->defaultVariantName.isEmpty()) { // older themes use this d->defaultVariantName = plistReader.displayNameForNoVariant(); } if (d->defaultVariantName.isEmpty()) { // If name is still empty we use "Normal" d->defaultVariantName = i18nc("Normal style variant menu item", "Normal"); } qCDebug(KTP_TEXTUI_LIB) << "defaultVariantName = " << d->defaultVariantName; d->defaultFontFamily = plistReader.defaultFontFamily().isEmpty() ? QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::GeneralFont).family() : plistReader.defaultFontFamily(); // If the theme has no default font size, use the system font size, but since that is in points (pt), we need to convert // it to pixel size (and using pixelSize() does not work if the QFont was not set up using setPixelSize), so we use the // rough conversion ratio 4/3 and floor the number d->defaultFontSize = plistReader.defaultFontSize() == 0 ? qFloor(QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::GeneralFont).pointSizeF() * (4.0/3.0)) : plistReader.defaultFontSize(); d->disableCombineConsecutive = plistReader.disableCombineConsecutive(); d->messageViewVersion = plistReader.messageViewVersion(); // specify the files for the identifiers QHash<InternalIdentifier, QLatin1String> templateFiles; templateFiles.insert(Template, QLatin1String("Template.html")); templateFiles.insert(Header, QLatin1String("Header.html")); templateFiles.insert(Content, QLatin1String("Content.html")); templateFiles.insert(Footer, QLatin1String("Footer.html")); templateFiles.insert(Topic, QLatin1String("Topic.html")); templateFiles.insert(IncomingContent, QLatin1String("Incoming/Content.html")); templateFiles.insert(IncomingNextContent, QLatin1String("Incoming/NextContent.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingContent, QLatin1String("Outgoing/Content.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingNextContent, QLatin1String("Outgoing/NextContent.html")); templateFiles.insert(Status, QLatin1String("Status.html")); templateFiles.insert(IncomingHistory, QLatin1String("Incoming/Context.html")); templateFiles.insert(IncomingNextHistory, QLatin1String("Incoming/NextContext.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingHistory, QLatin1String("Outgoing/Context.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingNextHistory, QLatin1String("Outgoing/NextContext.html")); templateFiles.insert(ActionIncoming, QLatin1String("Incoming/Action.html")); templateFiles.insert(ActionOutgoing, QLatin1String("Outgoing/Action.html")); templateFiles.insert(FileTransferIncoming, QLatin1String("FileTransferRequest.html")); templateFiles.insert(VoiceClipIncoming, QLatin1String("voiceClipRequest.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingStateUnknown, QLatin1String("Outgoing/StateUnknown.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingStateSending, QLatin1String("Outgoing/StateSending.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingStateSent, QLatin1String("Outgoing/StateSent.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingStateError, QLatin1String("Outgoing/StateError.html")); // load all files QFile fileAccess; Q_FOREACH(const QLatin1String &fileName, templateFiles) { QString path = d->baseHref + fileName; // Load template file if (QFile::exists(path)) { fileAccess.setFileName(path);; QTextStream headerStream(&fileAccess); headerStream.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); QString data = headerStream.readAll(); if(!data.isEmpty()) { //qCDebug(KTP_TEXTUI_LIB) << fileName << "was found!"; setContent( templateFiles.key(fileName), data); } else { qCDebug(KTP_TEXTUI_LIB) << fileName << "was not found!"; } //qCDebug(KTP_TEXTUI_LIB) << fileName << content(templateFiles.key(fileName)); fileAccess.close(); } }
void ChatWindowStyle::readStyleFiles() { // load style info QString infoPlistFile = d->baseHref + QLatin1String("../Info.plist"); ChatStylePlistFileReader plistReader(infoPlistFile); d->defaultVariantName = plistReader.defaultVariant(); if (d->defaultVariantName.isEmpty()) { // older themes use this d->defaultVariantName = plistReader.displayNameForNoVariant(); } if (d->defaultVariantName.isEmpty()) { // If name is still empty we use "Normal" d->defaultVariantName = i18nc("Normal style variant menu item", "Normal"); } kDebug() << "defaultVariantName = " << d->defaultVariantName; d->defaultFontFamily = plistReader.defaultFontFamily(); d->defaultFontSize = plistReader.defaultFontSize(); d->disableCombineConsecutive = plistReader.disableCombineConsecutive(); d->messageViewVersion = plistReader.messageViewVersion(); // specify the files for the identifiers QHash<InternalIdentifier, QLatin1String> templateFiles; templateFiles.insert(Template, QLatin1String("Template.html")); templateFiles.insert(Header, QLatin1String("Header.html")); templateFiles.insert(Content, QLatin1String("Content.html")); templateFiles.insert(Footer, QLatin1String("Footer.html")); templateFiles.insert(Topic, QLatin1String("Topic.html")); templateFiles.insert(IncomingContent, QLatin1String("Incoming/Content.html")); templateFiles.insert(IncomingNextContent, QLatin1String("Incoming/NextContent.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingContent, QLatin1String("Outgoing/Content.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingNextContent, QLatin1String("Outgoing/NextContent.html")); templateFiles.insert(Status, QLatin1String("Status.html")); templateFiles.insert(IncomingHistory, QLatin1String("Incoming/Context.html")); templateFiles.insert(IncomingNextHistory, QLatin1String("Incoming/NextContext.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingHistory, QLatin1String("Outgoing/Context.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingNextHistory, QLatin1String("Outgoing/NextContext.html")); templateFiles.insert(ActionIncoming, QLatin1String("Incoming/Action.html")); templateFiles.insert(ActionOutgoing, QLatin1String("Outgoing/Action.html")); templateFiles.insert(FileTransferIncoming, QLatin1String("FileTransferRequest.html")); templateFiles.insert(VoiceClipIncoming, QLatin1String("voiceClipRequest.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingStateUnknown, QLatin1String("Outgoing/StateUnknown.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingStateSending, QLatin1String("Outgoing/StateSending.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingStateSent, QLatin1String("Outgoing/StateSent.html")); templateFiles.insert(OutgoingStateError, QLatin1String("Outgoing/StateError.html")); // load all files QFile fileAccess; Q_FOREACH(const QLatin1String &fileName, templateFiles) { QString path = d->baseHref + fileName; // Load template file if (QFile::exists(path)) { fileAccess.setFileName(path);; QTextStream headerStream(&fileAccess); headerStream.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); QString data = headerStream.readAll(); if(!data.isEmpty()) { //kDebug() << fileName << "was found!"; setContent( templateFiles.key(fileName), data); } else { kDebug() << fileName << "was not found!"; } //kDebug() << fileName << content(templateFiles.key(fileName)); fileAccess.close(); } }
NodeType_t NodeType::fromString(QString type) { return TYPE_NAME_HASH.key(type, NodeType::Unassigned); }
void dumpColors(const QHash<QPair<QString, int>, QColor> &colors) { foreach (const QColor &color, colors.values()) { const QPair<QString, int> key = colors.key(color); qDebug() << key << color; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QTextStream cout (stdout); /* for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) { cout<<argv[i]; cout<<"\n"; } */ /*leftthumb.txt out.txt 0.9 0.0001*/ QString infileName (argv [1]); QString outfileName (argv [2]); double start;// = QString(argv[3]).toDouble(); double step;// = QString(argv[4]).toDouble(); cout<<"contendor version"; cout<<infileName; cout <<"\n"; cout<<outfileName; cout <<"\n"; //cout<<start; cout <<"\n"; //cout<<step; cout <<"\n"; QList <double> thresholds; thresholds<<0.9 << 0.99 << 0.999 << 0.9999 << 1; makeFRRForAllFingers(infileName, thresholds).outTableToTextFile(outfileName); // TableContendor cnt (1,1); // cnt.readFileIntoContendor("tablein.txt"); // cnt.outTableToTextFile("tableout.txt"); return 0; //return onArrayOfThresholds (infileName, outfileName); QList <double> listOfValues; //список значений, читаемый из файла /* Временное решение проблемы - потом, наверное, считывать придётся в табличный контейнер или нечто типа того */ QFile infile (infileName); if (! | QIODevice::Text )) { cout<<"Error: infile cannot be opened"; cout.flush(); return -1; } QTextStream str (&infile); while(!str.atEnd()) { listOfValues.append(str.readLine().toDouble()); } QHash <int, int> counterValuesLowerThanThreshold; //сраный костыль, ибо qHash не может быть с ключом типа double, просто не может, трололо!!!! //первое значение - ключ QHash <int, double> keytable; //заполняем таблицу порогов int j=0; for (double i=start; i<=1; i+=step) { keytable.insert(j,i); counterValuesLowerThanThreshold.insert(j,0); j++; } //зерно алгоритма foreach (double val, listOfValues) { { for (double i=start; i<=1; i+=step) if (val<=i) { //сраные костыли во все поляяяя!! //тролли советуют написать-таки реализацию qHash()с double, вкупе с оператором ==() counterValuesLowerThanThreshold.insert(keytable.key(i),counterValuesLowerThanThreshold.value(keytable.key(i))+1 ); //counterValuesLowerThanThreshold.insert(i,counterValuesLowerThanThreshold.value(i)+1); } } }
QUuid uuidOfIndex(int index) { return (sCacheHash.key(index,QUuid())); }
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> typedef QPair<uint, uint> Identifier; static QMap<quint32, EventHotKeyRef> keyRefs; static QHash<Identifier, quint32> keyIDs; static quint32 hotKeySerial = 0; static bool qxt_mac_handler_installed = false; OSStatus qxt_mac_handle_hot_key(EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef event, void *data) { Q_UNUSED(nextHandler) Q_UNUSED(data) if (GetEventClass(event) == kEventClassKeyboard && GetEventKind(event) == kEventHotKeyPressed) { EventHotKeyID keyID; GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamDirectObject, typeEventHotKeyID, NULL, sizeof(keyID), NULL, &keyID); Identifier id = keyIDs.key(; QxtGlobalShortcutPrivate::activateShortcut(id.second, id.first); } return noErr; } bool QxtGlobalShortcutPrivate::nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray & eventType, void *message, long *result) { Q_UNUSED(eventType) Q_UNUSED(message) Q_UNUSED(result) return false; } quint32 QxtGlobalShortcutPrivate::nativeModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
QNetworkReply *Parse::query(QString endPoint, QUrlQuery extraParams) { if (!isReady()) return NULL; if (extraParams.isEmpty()) setEndPoint(endPoint); else setEndPoint( endPoint + "?" + extraParams.toString() ); //TODO improve me : not use endpoint to give url encoded params ensureEndPointHasPrefix("classes"); m_conn = connect(this, &BaaS::replyFinished, [=](QJsonDocument json, QNetworkReply *reply){ disconnect(m_conn); if (isLastRequestSuccessful()){ //structure to return from parse QHash<int, QByteArray> roles = QHash<int, QByteArray>(); QVector<QVariantMap> data = QVector<QVariantMap>(); Q_ASSERT(json.isObject()); QJsonObject obj = json.object(); QJsonValue tmp = obj.value("results"); if (tmp.isArray()){ QJsonArray res = tmp.toArray(); for ( QJsonValue elem: res){ if (elem.isObject()){ obj = elem.toObject(); //Update roles QStringList keys = obj.keys(); for (QString roleName : keys ) { if ( roles.key( roleName.toUtf8(), -1) == -1) roles[roles.size()] = roleName.toUtf8(); } //Add values data.push_back( obj.toVariantMap()); } } emit querySucceeded(roles, data, reply); } //else if (tmp.isObject()){ //obj = tmp.toObject();//Update roles else { QStringList keys = obj.keys(); for (QString roleName : keys ) { if ( roles.key( roleName.toUtf8(), -1) == -1) roles[roles.size()] = roleName.toUtf8(); } //Add values data.push_back( obj.toVariantMap()); emit querySucceeded(roles, data, reply); } } } ); initHeaders(); return request( BaaS::GET); }
void AnalysisDialog::showAnalysisResults() { lastCalcDateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd-MM-yyyy_hh-mm-ss"); const bool showImg = settings->val_showImgInReport(); const bool createTmpImgFiles = settings->val_createTmpImg(); const ptrdiff_t imgWidth = settings->val_imgWidth(); createGraphics(graphics, material1, material2, settings, tempPath + QDir::separator() + lastCalcDateTime); if ( graphics.isEmpty() ) { freeMemory(); QMessageBox::warning(this, "mixan", tr("Can not create graphics!")); return; } // report->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); report->insertHtml( "<b>" + lastCalcDateTime + "</b><br><br>" + tr("Settings") + "<br>* " + tr("Type of analysis") + ": " + ui->comboBox_analysisType->currentText() + "<br>* " + tr("Power of the approximate polynom") + ": " + QString::number(settings->val_polyPwr()) + "<br>* " + tr("Method of threshold color definition") + ": "); if ( settings->val_thrColDefMethod() == THRCOLDEFMETHOD_POLYAPPROX ) { report->insertHtml( tr("Through polynomial approximation") ); } else { report->insertHtml( tr("Through gravity centers") ); } report->insertHtml( + "<br>* " + tr("Accuracy of color threshold determining") + ": " + QString::number(settings->val_thrAccur()) ); if ( ui->comboBox_analysisType->currentIndex() == ANALTYPE_MIX ) { report->insertHtml( "<br>* " + tr("Ideal concentration") + ": " + QString::number(settings->val_idealConc()) ); } else if ( ui->comboBox_analysisType->currentIndex() == ANALTYPE_GRANULATION ) { report->insertHtml( "<br>* " + tr("Pixels per square millimeter") + ": " + QString::number(settings->val_pxpermm2()) ); if ( settings->val_sievesCellDiameter().isEmpty() ) { report->insertHtml( "<br>* " + tr("Sieves cell diameter, mm") + ": " + tr("no values") ); } else { report->insertHtml( "<br>* " + tr("Sieves cell diameter, mm") + ": " + settings->val_sievesCellDiameter() ); } if ( settings->val_sievesCellDimension().isEmpty() ) { report->insertHtml( "<br>* " + tr("Sieves cell dimension, mm") + ": " + tr("no values") ); } else { report->insertHtml( "<br>* " + tr("Sieves cell dimension, mm") + ": " + settings->val_sievesCellDimension() ); } } if ( !thrmsg.isEmpty() ) { report->insertHtml("<br><br><b>" + thrmsg + "</b><br><hr><br>"); report->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); thrmsg.clear(); freeMemory(); return; } report->insertHtml( "<br><br>" + tr("First material image file") + ": " + ui->lineEdit_mat1FileName->text() ); if ( showImg ) { report->insertHtml( "<br><br>" + tr("Image of the first material") + ":<br>" ); if ( material1->originalImage().width() > imgWidth ) { report->textCursor().insertImage( material1-> originalImage().scaledToWidth(imgWidth) ); } else { report->textCursor().insertImage(material1->originalImage()); } } report->insertHtml( "<br><br>" + tr("Second material image file") + ": " + ui->lineEdit_mat2FileName->text()); if ( showImg ) { report->insertHtml( "<br><br>" + tr("Image of the second material") + ":<br>" ); if ( material2->originalImage().width() > imgWidth ) { report->textCursor().insertImage( material2-> originalImage().scaledToWidth(imgWidth) ); } else { report->textCursor().insertImage(material2->originalImage()); } } report->insertHtml( "<br><br>" + tr("Visualization of the calculated " "gray color threshold. " "Histograms (with polynoms) and threshold color.") + ":<br>" ); report->textCursor().insertImage(graphics[0]); report->insertHtml("<br>"); // if ( ui->comboBox_analysisType->currentIndex() == ANALTYPE_MIX && probes.size() != 0 ) { QString imgname; double conc = 0; QVector<double> concs; for ( ptrdiff_t i=0; i<probes.size(); i++ ) { imgname = probes[i]->imageFileName(); if ( imgname.isEmpty() ) { report->insertHtml( "<br><b>" + tr("Analysis of image") + " " + imgname + " " + tr("failed or canceled") + ".</b>" ); continue; } conc = probes[i]->concentration(); concs.push_back(conc); if ( showImg ) { report->insertHtml( "<br>" + tr("Mix image") + ":<br>" ); if ( probes[i]->originalImage().width() > imgWidth ) { report->textCursor().insertImage( probes[i]->originalImage(). scaledToWidth(settings->val_imgWidth()) ); } else { report->textCursor().insertImage( probes[i]->originalImage() ); } } report->insertHtml( "<br>" + tr("Mix image file") + ": " + imgname + "<br>" + tr("Concentration of the first component") + " = <b>" + QString::number(conc) + "</b><br>" ); } if ( probes.size() < 2 ) { report->insertHtml("<hr><br>"); } else { report->insertHtml( "<br><b>Vc = " + QString::number(Vc(concs, settings->val_idealConc())) + "</b><br><hr><br>" ); } report->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); } else if ( ui->comboBox_analysisType->currentIndex() == ANALTYPE_GRANULATION && granules.size() != 0 ) { double minArea = 0; double maxArea = 0; double meanArea = 0; double meanCompact = 0; createHistograms(histograms, granules, settings, tempPath + QDir::separator() + lastCalcDateTime, minArea, maxArea, meanArea, meanCompact); if ( histograms.size() != 2 ) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "mixan", tr("Can not create histograms!")); freeMemory(); return; } // QString imgname; ptrdiff_t totalParticlesNumber = 0; for ( ptrdiff_t i=0; i<granules.size(); i++ ) { totalParticlesNumber += granules[i]->partNumber(); // imgname = granules[i]->imageFileName(); if ( imgname.isEmpty() ) { report->insertHtml( "<br><b>" + tr("Analysis of image") + " " + imgname + " " + tr("failed or canceled") + ".</b>" ); continue; } if ( showImg ) { report->insertHtml( "<br>" + tr("Granules image") + ":<br>" ); if ( granules[i]->resImage().width() > imgWidth ) { report->textCursor().insertImage( granules[i]->resImage(). scaledToWidth(settings->val_imgWidth()) ); } else { report->textCursor().insertImage( granules[i]->resImage() ); } } report->insertHtml( "<br>" + tr("Image file") + " #" + QString::number(i) + ": " + imgname + "<br>" ); report->insertHtml( tr("Particles found") + ": <b>" + QString::number(granules[i]->partNumber()) + "</b><br>" ); } report->insertHtml( "<br>" + tr("Total particles number (on all images)") + ": <b>" + QString::number(totalParticlesNumber) + "</b><br>" ); report->insertHtml( "<br>" + tr("Total particle-size distribution") + ":<br>" ); report->textCursor().insertImage(histograms[0]); report->insertHtml( "<br><br>" + tr("Size of particles") + " [" ); if ( settings->val_sizeinmm() ) { report->insertHtml(tr("mm2")); } else { report->insertHtml(tr("px")); } report->insertHtml( "]:<br>" + tr("minimum_size") + " = <b>" + QString::number(minArea) + "</b><br>" + tr("maximum_size") + " = <b>" + QString::number(maxArea) + "</b><br>" + tr("mean_size") + " = <b>" + QString::number(meanArea) + "</b>" ); report->insertHtml( "<br><br>" + tr("Total particle-circularity distribution") + ":<br>" ); report->textCursor().insertImage(histograms[1]); report->insertHtml( "<br><br>" + tr("Mean compact particles") + ": <b>" + QString::number(meanCompact) + "</b>" ); // if ( settings->val_sizeinmm() && (!(settings->val_sievesCellDiameter().isEmpty()) || !(settings->val_sievesCellDimension().isEmpty())) ) { QStringList diameters = settings->val_sievesCellDiameter(). split(";", QString::SkipEmptyParts); QStringList dimensions = settings->val_sievesCellDimension(). split(";", QString::SkipEmptyParts); QHash<QString, double> cells; QVector<double> sieveCells; if ( !diameters.isEmpty() ) { double diam = 0; for ( ptrdiff_t i=0; i<diameters.size(); i++ ) { diam = diameters[i].toDouble(); cells.insert(diameters[i], diam); sieveCells.push_back(diam); } } if ( !dimensions.isEmpty() ) { double reducedDim = 0; for ( ptrdiff_t i=0; i<dimensions.size(); i++ ) { reducedDim = dimensions[i].toDouble() * CELLKOEFF; cells.insert(dimensions[i], reducedDim); sieveCells.push_back(reducedDim); } } QVector<double> partRemainders; QVector<double> totalRemainders; defRemainders(granules, sieveCells, partRemainders, totalRemainders); QString str = "<br><br>" + tr("Remainders on sieves") + "<table><tr><td align=\"right\" colspan=\"25\">" + tr("Particular") + "</td><td align=\"right\" colspan=\"11\">" + tr("Total") +"</td></tr>"; ptrdiff_t i_fm = 0; for ( ptrdiff_t i=(sieveCells.size()-1); i>=0; i-- ) { if ( cells.key(sieveCells[i]) == "2.5" ) { i_fm = i; } str += "<tr><td colspan=\"5\">" + tr("Sieve") + "</td><td colspan=\"5\">#" + QString::number(i) + "</td><td>(</td><td align=\"right\">" + cells.key(sieveCells[i]) + "<td>" + tr("mm") + "</td><td>)</td><td align=\"right\" colspan=\"10\">" + QString::number(partRemainders[i]*100, 'f', 2) + "</td><td>%</td>" + "<td align=\"right\" colspan=\"10\">" + QString::number(totalRemainders[i]*100, 'f', 2) + "</td><td>%</td></tr>"; } str += "</table>"; report->insertHtml(str); // if ( cells.contains("2.5") && cells.contains("1.25") && cells.contains("0.63") && cells.contains("0.315") && (cells.contains("0.14") || cells.contains("0.16")) ) { double summFullRem = 0; for ( ptrdiff_t i=i_fm; i>(i_fm-5); i-- ) { summFullRem += totalRemainders[i]*100; } report->insertHtml( "<br><br>" + tr("Fineness modulus") + ": <b>" + QString::number(summFullRem/100, 'f', 3) + "</b>" ); } } // report->insertHtml("<br><hr><br>"); report->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); // if ( createTmpImgFiles ) { saveImages(granules, tempPath + QDir::separator() + lastCalcDateTime ); } } else { report->insertHtml("<br><hr><br>"); report->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); } // freeMemory(); }