Пример #1
    Converts the variant map \a map to a QJsonObject.

    The keys in \a map will be used as the keys in the JSON object,
    and the QVariant values will be converted to JSON values.

    \sa fromVariantHash(), toVariantMap(), QJsonValue::fromVariant()
QJsonObject QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(const QVariantMap &map)
    QJsonObject object;
    if (map.isEmpty())
        return object;


    QVector<QJsonPrivate::offset> offsets;
    QJsonPrivate::offset currentOffset;
    currentOffset = sizeof(QJsonPrivate::Base);

    // the map is already sorted, so we can simply append one entry after the other and
    // write the offset table at the end
    for (QVariantMap::const_iterator it = map.constBegin(); it != map.constEnd(); ++it) {
        QString key = it.key();
        QJsonValue val = QJsonValue::fromVariant(it.value());

        bool latinOrIntValue;
        int valueSize = QJsonPrivate::Value::requiredStorage(val, &latinOrIntValue);

        bool latinKey = QJsonPrivate::useCompressed(key);
        int valueOffset = sizeof(QJsonPrivate::Entry) + QJsonPrivate::qStringSize(key, latinKey);
        int requiredSize = valueOffset + valueSize;

        if (!object.detach2(requiredSize + sizeof(QJsonPrivate::offset))) // offset for the new index entry
            return QJsonObject();

        QJsonPrivate::Entry *e = reinterpret_cast<QJsonPrivate::Entry *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(object.o) + currentOffset);
        e->value.type = val.t;
        e->value.latinKey = latinKey;
        e->value.latinOrIntValue = latinOrIntValue;
        e->value.value = QJsonPrivate::Value::valueToStore(val, (char *)e - (char *)object.o + valueOffset);
        QJsonPrivate::copyString((char *)(e + 1), key, latinKey);
        if (valueSize)
            QJsonPrivate::Value::copyData(val, (char *)e + valueOffset, latinOrIntValue);

        offsets << currentOffset;
        currentOffset += requiredSize;
        object.o->size = currentOffset;

    // write table
    object.o->tableOffset = currentOffset;
    if (!object.detach2(sizeof(QJsonPrivate::offset)*offsets.size()))
        return QJsonObject();
    memcpy(object.o->table(), offsets.constData(), offsets.size()*sizeof(uint));
    object.o->length = offsets.size();
    object.o->size = currentOffset + sizeof(QJsonPrivate::offset)*offsets.size();

    return object;