Пример #1
void tst_QBoxLayout::testLayoutEngine()
    QFETCH(DescrList, itemDescriptions);
    QFETCH(int, size);
    QFETCH(int, spacing);
    QFETCH(PosList, expectedPositions);
    QFETCH(SizeList, expectedSizes);

    QHBoxLayout box;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < itemDescriptions.count(); ++i) {
         Descr descr = itemDescriptions.at(i);
         LayoutItem *li = new LayoutItem(descr);
         box.setStretch(i, descr.stretch);
    for (i = 0; i < expectedSizes.count(); ++i) {
        int xSize = expectedSizes.at(i);
        int xPos = expectedPositions.at(i);
        QLayoutItem *item = box.itemAt(i);
        QCOMPARE(item->geometry().width(), xSize);
        QCOMPARE(item->geometry().x(), xPos);
Пример #2
void OverlayWidget::updatePositions()
    if (!m_currentWidget || !m_currentToplevelWidget) {

    if (!m_currentWidget->isVisible() || m_currentWidget->isHidden()) {
        m_widgetColor = Qt::green;
    } else {
        m_widgetColor = Qt::red;

    const QPoint parentPos = m_currentWidget->mapTo(m_currentToplevelWidget, QPoint(0, 0));
    m_widgetRect = QRect(parentPos.x(), parentPos.y(),
                         m_currentWidget->height()).adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1);

    m_layoutPath = QPainterPath();

    if (m_currentWidget->layout() &&
            qstrcmp(m_currentWidget->layout()->metaObject()->className(), "QMainWindowLayout") != 0) {
        const QRect layoutGeometry = m_currentWidget->layout()->geometry();

        const QRect mappedOuterRect =
                                         layoutGeometry.topLeft()), layoutGeometry.size());

        QPainterPath outerPath;
        outerPath.addRect(mappedOuterRect.adjusted(1, 1, -2, -2));

        QPainterPath innerPath;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_currentWidget->layout()->count(); ++i) {
            QLayoutItem *item = m_currentWidget->layout()->itemAt(i);
            if (item->widget() && !item->widget()->isVisible())
            const QRect mappedInnerRect =
                                             item->geometry().topLeft()), item->geometry().size());

        m_layoutPath = outerPath.subtracted(innerPath);

        if (m_layoutPath.isEmpty()) {
            m_layoutPath = outerPath;
            m_drawLayoutOutlineOnly = true;
        } else {
            m_drawLayoutOutlineOnly = false;

Пример #3
void FlagLayout::setGeometry(const QRect &rect)
    int topHeight = 0;
    int bottomHeight = 0;


    // left side
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
        ItemWrapper *wrapper = list.at(i);
        QLayoutItem *item = wrapper->item;
        Position position = wrapper->position;

        if (position == TopLeft) {
            topHeight += spacing();
            item->setGeometry(QRect(rect.x() + spacing(), topHeight, 
                                    item->sizeHint().width(), item->sizeHint().height()));

            topHeight += item->geometry().height();
        } else if (position == BottomLeft) {
            bottomHeight += item->geometry().height() + spacing();
            item->setGeometry(QRect(rect.x() + spacing(), rect.height() - bottomHeight, 
                                    item->sizeHint().width(), item->sizeHint().height()));

    // right side
    topHeight = 0;
    bottomHeight = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
        ItemWrapper *wrapper = list.at(i);
        QLayoutItem *item = wrapper->item;
        Position position = wrapper->position;

        int rightpos = item->sizeHint().width() + spacing();
        if (position == TopRight) {
            topHeight += spacing();
            item->setGeometry(QRect(rect.x() + rect.width() - rightpos, topHeight, 
                                    item->sizeHint().width(), item->sizeHint().height()));

            topHeight += item->geometry().height();
        } else if (position == BottomRight) {
            bottomHeight += item->geometry().height() + spacing();
            item->setGeometry(QRect(rect.x() + rect.width() - rightpos, rect.height() - bottomHeight, 
                                    item->sizeHint().width(), item->sizeHint().height()));
Пример #4
QRect QLayoutItemProto::geometry() const
  QLayoutItem *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QLayoutItem*>(thisObject());
  if (item)
    return item->geometry();
  return QRect();
Пример #5
void PreviewWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
    int i_total = 0, i_offset = 0, i;
    QPainter painter( this );
    QPixmap pixmaps[3];
    for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
        pixmaps[i] = QPixmap::grabWidget( bars[i], bars[i]->contentsRect() );
        for( int j=0; j < bars[i]->layout()->count(); j++ )
            QLayoutItem *item = bars[i]->layout()->itemAt( j );
            if ( !strcmp( item->widget()->metaObject()->className(), "QLabel" ) )
                QPainter eraser( &pixmaps[i] );
                eraser.fillRect( item->geometry(), palette().background() );
        pixmaps[i] = pixmaps[i].scaled( size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio );

    for( i=0; i<3; i++ )
        i_total += pixmaps[i].size().height();

    /* Draw top bars */
    i = ( b_top ) ? 1 : 3;
    for( ; i<3; i++ )
        painter.drawPixmap( pixmaps[i].rect().translated( 0, i_offset ), pixmaps[i] );
        i_offset += pixmaps[i].rect().height();

    /* Draw central area */
    QRect conearea( 0, i_offset, size().width(), size().height() - i_total );
    painter.fillRect( conearea, Qt::black );
    QPixmap cone = QPixmap( ":/logo/vlc128.png" );
    if ( ( conearea.size() - QSize(10, 10) - cone.size() ).isEmpty() )
        cone = cone.scaled( conearea.size() - QSize(10, 10), Qt::KeepAspectRatio );
    if ( cone.size().isValid() )
        painter.drawPixmap( ((conearea.size() - cone.size()) / 2).width(),
                            i_offset + ((conearea.size() - cone.size()) / 2).height(),
                            cone );

    /* Draw bottom bars */
    i_offset += conearea.height();
    for( i = 0 ; i< ((b_top) ? 1 : 3); i++ )
        painter.drawPixmap( pixmaps[i].rect().translated( 0, i_offset ), pixmaps[i] );
        i_offset += pixmaps[i].rect().height();

    /* Draw overlay */
    painter.fillRect( rect(), QColor( 255, 255, 255, 128 ) );

Пример #6
void FreeLayout::setGeometry(const QRect &r)
	QList<QLayoutItem *>::const_iterator it, iEnd = m_items.end();
	for (it = m_items.begin(); it != iEnd; ++it) {
		QLayoutItem *item = *it;

		const QRect &geom = item->geometry();
		const QSize &sizeHint = item->sizeHint();

		if (geom.size() != sizeHint)
			item->setGeometry(QRect(geom.topLeft(), sizeHint));
Пример #7
void tst_QLayout::geometry()
    // For QWindowsStyle we know that QWidgetItem::geometry() and QWidget::geometry()
    // should be the same.
    QApplication::setStyle(new QWindowsStyle);
    QWidget topLevel;
    QWidget w(&topLevel);
    QVBoxLayout layout(&w);
    SizeHinterFrame widget(QSize(100,100));
    QLayoutItem *item = layout.itemAt(0);
    QCOMPARE(item->geometry().size(), QSize(100,100));

    QCOMPARE(item->geometry().size(), QSize(110,110));

    QCOMPARE(item->geometry().size(), QSize(90,90));
void TabsInkBar::refreshGeometry()
    QLayoutItem *item = tabs->tabLayout()->itemAt(tabs->currentIndex());
    if (item) {
        const QRect &r = item->geometry();
        const qreal s = 1-_tween;
        if (QAbstractAnimation::Running != _animation->state()) {
            setGeometry(r.left(), r.bottom()-1, r.width(), 2);
        } else {
            const qreal left = _previousGeometry.left()*s + r.left()*_tween;
            const qreal width = _previousGeometry.width()*s + r.width()*_tween;
            setGeometry(left, r.bottom()-1, width, 2);
Пример #9
QSize DummyLayout::sizeHint() const
	QRect geom, result;

	QList<QLayoutItem *>::const_iterator it, iEnd = m_items.end();
	for (it = m_items.begin(); it != iEnd; ++it) {
		QLayoutItem *item = *it;

		geom = item->geometry();

		result |= geom;

	return result.size();
Пример #10
void ZBorderLayout::setGeometry(const QRect &rect)
    ItemWrapper *center = 0;
    int eastWidth = 0;
    int westWidth = 0;
    int northHeight = 0;
    int southHeight = 0;
    int centerHeight = 0;
    int i;


    for (i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
        ItemWrapper *wrapper = list.at(i);
        QLayoutItem *item = wrapper->item;
        Position position = wrapper->position;

        if (position == North) {
            item->setGeometry(QRect(rect.x(), northHeight, rect.width(),

            northHeight += item->geometry().height() + spacing();
        } else if (position == South) {
                                    item->geometry().y(), rect.width(),

            southHeight += item->geometry().height() + spacing();

                              rect.y() + rect.height() - southHeight + spacing(),
        } else if (position == Center) {
            center = wrapper;

    centerHeight = rect.height() - northHeight - southHeight;

    for (i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
        ItemWrapper *wrapper = list.at(i);
        QLayoutItem *item = wrapper->item;
        Position position = wrapper->position;

        if (position == West) {
            item->setGeometry(QRect(rect.x() + westWidth, northHeight,
                                    item->sizeHint().width(), centerHeight));

            westWidth += item->geometry().width() + spacing();
        } else if (position == East) {
            item->setGeometry(QRect(item->geometry().x(), item->geometry().y(),
                                    item->sizeHint().width(), centerHeight));

            eastWidth += item->geometry().width() + spacing();

                              rect.x() + rect.width() - eastWidth + spacing(),
                              northHeight, item->geometry().width(),

    if (center)
        center->item->setGeometry(QRect(westWidth, northHeight,
                                        rect.width() - eastWidth - westWidth,
Пример #11
 * The purpose of this function is to make sure that widgets are not laid out outside its layout.
 * E.g. the layoutItemRect margins are only meant to take of the surrounding margins/spacings.
 * However, if the margin is 0, it can easily cover the area of a widget above it.
void QBoxLayoutPrivate::effectiveMargins(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom) const
    int l = leftMargin;
    int t = topMargin;
    int r = rightMargin;
    int b = bottomMargin;
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
    Q_Q(const QBoxLayout);
    if (horz(dir)) {
        QBoxLayoutItem *leftBox = 0;
        QBoxLayoutItem *rightBox = 0;

        if (left || right) {
            leftBox = list.value(0);
            rightBox = list.value(list.count() - 1);
            if (dir == QBoxLayout::RightToLeft)
                qSwap(leftBox, rightBox);

            int leftDelta = 0;
            int rightDelta = 0;
            if (leftBox) {
                QLayoutItem *itm = leftBox->item;
                if (QWidget *w = itm->widget())
                    leftDelta = itm->geometry().left() - w->geometry().left();
            if (rightBox) {
                QLayoutItem *itm = rightBox->item;
                if (QWidget *w = itm->widget())
                    rightDelta = w->geometry().right() - itm->geometry().right();
            QWidget *w = q->parentWidget();
            Qt::LayoutDirection layoutDirection = w ? w->layoutDirection() : QApplication::layoutDirection();
            if (layoutDirection == Qt::RightToLeft)
                qSwap(leftDelta, rightDelta);

            l = qMax(l, leftDelta);
            r = qMax(r, rightDelta);

        int count = top || bottom ? list.count() : 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            QBoxLayoutItem *box = list.at(i);
            QLayoutItem *itm = box->item;
            QWidget *w = itm->widget();
            if (w) {
                QRect lir = itm->geometry();
                QRect wr = w->geometry();
                if (top)
                    t = qMax(t, lir.top() - wr.top());
                if (bottom)
                    b = qMax(b, wr.bottom() - lir.bottom());
    } else {    // vertical layout
        QBoxLayoutItem *topBox = 0;
        QBoxLayoutItem *bottomBox = 0;

        if (top || bottom) {
            topBox = list.value(0);
            bottomBox = list.value(list.count() - 1);
            if (dir == QBoxLayout::BottomToTop) {
                qSwap(topBox, bottomBox);

            if (top && topBox) {
                QLayoutItem *itm = topBox->item;
                QWidget *w = itm->widget();
                if (w)
                    t = qMax(t, itm->geometry().top() - w->geometry().top());

            if (bottom && bottomBox) {
                QLayoutItem *itm = bottomBox->item;
                QWidget *w = itm->widget();
                if (w)
                    b = qMax(b, w->geometry().bottom() - itm->geometry().bottom());

        int count = left || right ? list.count() : 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            QBoxLayoutItem *box = list.at(i);
            QLayoutItem *itm = box->item;
            QWidget *w = itm->widget();
            if (w) {
                QRect lir = itm->geometry();
                QRect wr = w->geometry();
                if (left)
                    l = qMax(l, lir.left() - wr.left());
                if (right)
                    r = qMax(r, wr.right() - lir.right());
    if (left)
        *left = l;
    if (top)
        *top = t;
    if (right)
        *right = r;
    if (bottom)
        *bottom = b;
Пример #12
void tMediaButtonBox::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* /*pEvent*/ )
    QPainter painter( this );
    const QRect rect = contentsRect();

    // background
    painter.fillRect( rect, palette().window() );

    // separator drawing is supported only for QBoxLayout
    QBoxLayout* pLayout = qobject_cast< QBoxLayout* >( layout() );
    if( !pLayout )

    // if there is no space between the items, we don't draw any separator
    int halfSpacing = qRound( pLayout->spacing() * 0.5 );
    if( halfSpacing == 0 )

    // setup the pen to draw separators
    tNOSStyle* pNosStyle = qobject_cast< tNOSStyle* >( style() );
    if( pNosStyle )
        QColor c = pNosStyle->GetColor( tNOSStyle::eNCR_Alternative1 );
        c.setAlpha( 127 );
        QPen pen( c );
        pen.setCosmetic( true );
        painter.setPen( pen );

    // separator bounds (X for horizontal sep, Y for vertical sep)
    int separatorOffset;
    if( pLayout->direction() == QBoxLayout::LeftToRight || pLayout->direction() == QBoxLayout::RightToLeft )
        separatorOffset = rect.height() / 7;
        separatorOffset = rect.width() / 8;
    int separatorX1 = rect.left() + separatorOffset;
    int separatorX2 = rect.right() - separatorOffset;
    int separatorY1 = rect.top() + separatorOffset;
    int separatorY2 = rect.bottom() - separatorOffset;

    // find the first visible widget or spacer (layouts are not handled yet, see below)
    int from = 0;
    QLayoutItem* fromItem = 0;
    for( from = 0; from < pLayout->count(); ++from )
        fromItem = pLayout->itemAt( from );
        if( ( fromItem->widget() && fromItem->widget()->isVisible() ) || fromItem->spacerItem() )

    // iterate over each item and draw a separator between:
    // - two visible widgets
    // - a spacer and a visible widget
    // - a visible widget and a spacer
    // to be noted that embedded layouts are not handled yet (must be wrapped in a widget)
    for( int to = from + 1; to < pLayout->count(); ++to )
        QLayoutItem* toItem = pLayout->itemAt( to );

        if( toItem->widget() )
            // if toItem is a visible widget, process it; if it is hidden, skip it
            if( toItem->widget()->isHidden() )
        else if( toItem->spacerItem() )
            // skip empty spacer
            if( toItem->geometry().isEmpty() )

            if( fromItem->spacerItem() )
                // if fromItem and toItem are spacers, just take toItem as
                // the new reference but don't draw any separator
                from = to;
                fromItem = toItem;

        // because a spacer item "eat" the spacing (i.e. there is no spacing added after a spacer)
        // we need to adjust the separator offset
        int tunedHalfSpacing = halfSpacing;
        if( fromItem->spacerItem() )
            tunedHalfSpacing -= pLayout->spacing();

        switch( pLayout->direction() )
        case QBoxLayout::LeftToRight:
                int x = fromItem->geometry().right() + tunedHalfSpacing;
                painter.drawLine( x, separatorY1, x, separatorY2 );

        case QBoxLayout::RightToLeft:
                int x = fromItem->geometry().left() - tunedHalfSpacing;
                painter.drawLine( x, separatorY1, x, separatorY2 );

        case QBoxLayout::TopToBottom:
                int y = fromItem->geometry().bottom() + tunedHalfSpacing;
                painter.drawLine( separatorX1, y, separatorX2, y );

        case QBoxLayout::BottomToTop:
                int y = fromItem->geometry().top() - tunedHalfSpacing;
                painter.drawLine( separatorX1, y, separatorX2, y );

        from = to;
        fromItem = toItem;