Пример #1
bool QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::sendRequest()
    if (!reply) {
        // heh, how should that happen!
        qWarning() << "QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::sendRequest() called without QHttpNetworkReply";
        state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::IdleState;
        return false;

    switch (state) {
    case QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::IdleState: { // write the header
        if (!ensureConnection()) {
            // wait for the connection (and encryption) to be done
            // sendRequest will be called again from either
            // _q_connected or _q_encrypted
            return false;
        written = 0; // excluding the header
        bytesTotal = 0;

        QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate *replyPrivate = reply->d_func();
        replyPrivate->connection = connection;
        replyPrivate->connectionChannel = this;
        replyPrivate->autoDecompress = request.d->autoDecompress;
        replyPrivate->pipeliningUsed = false;

        // if the url contains authentication parameters, use the new ones
        // both channels will use the new authentication parameters
        if (!request.url().userInfo().isEmpty() && request.withCredentials()) {
            QUrl url = request.url();
            QAuthenticator &auth = authenticator;
            if (url.userName() != auth.user()
                || (!url.password().isEmpty() && url.password() != auth.password())) {
                connection->d_func()->copyCredentials(connection->d_func()->indexOf(socket), &auth, false);
            // clear the userinfo,  since we use the same request for resending
            // userinfo in url can conflict with the one in the authenticator
        // Will only be false if QtWebKit is performing a cross-origin XMLHttpRequest
        // and withCredentials has not been set to true.
        if (request.withCredentials())
            connection->d_func()->createAuthorization(socket, request);
        QByteArray header = QHttpNetworkRequestPrivate::header(request,
            (connection->d_func()->networkProxy.type() != QNetworkProxy::NoProxy));
        QByteArray header = QHttpNetworkRequestPrivate::header(request, false);
        // flushing is dangerous (QSslSocket calls transmit which might read or error)
//        socket->flush();
        QNonContiguousByteDevice* uploadByteDevice = request.uploadByteDevice();
        if (uploadByteDevice) {
            // connect the signals so this function gets called again
            QObject::connect(uploadByteDevice, SIGNAL(readyRead()),this, SLOT(_q_uploadDataReadyRead()));

            bytesTotal = request.contentLength();

            state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WritingState; // start writing data
            sendRequest(); //recurse
        } else {
            state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WaitingState; // now wait for response
            sendRequest(); //recurse

    case QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WritingState:
        // write the data
        QNonContiguousByteDevice* uploadByteDevice = request.uploadByteDevice();
        if (!uploadByteDevice || bytesTotal == written) {
            if (uploadByteDevice)
                emit reply->dataSendProgress(written, bytesTotal);
            state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WaitingState; // now wait for response
            sendRequest(); // recurse

        // only feed the QTcpSocket buffer when there is less than 32 kB in it
        const qint64 socketBufferFill = 32*1024;
        const qint64 socketWriteMaxSize = 16*1024;

        QSslSocket *sslSocket = qobject_cast<QSslSocket*>(socket);
        // if it is really an ssl socket, check more than just bytesToWrite()
        while ((socket->bytesToWrite() + (sslSocket ? sslSocket->encryptedBytesToWrite() : 0))
                <= socketBufferFill && bytesTotal != written)
        while (socket->bytesToWrite() <= socketBufferFill
               && bytesTotal != written)
            // get pointer to upload data
            qint64 currentReadSize = 0;
            qint64 desiredReadSize = qMin(socketWriteMaxSize, bytesTotal - written);
            const char *readPointer = uploadByteDevice->readPointer(desiredReadSize, currentReadSize);

            if (currentReadSize == -1) {
                // premature eof happened
                connection->d_func()->emitReplyError(socket, reply, QNetworkReply::UnknownNetworkError);
                return false;
            } else if (readPointer == 0 || currentReadSize == 0) {
                // nothing to read currently, break the loop
            } else {
                qint64 currentWriteSize = socket->write(readPointer, currentReadSize);
                if (currentWriteSize == -1 || currentWriteSize != currentReadSize) {
                    // socket broke down
                    connection->d_func()->emitReplyError(socket, reply, QNetworkReply::UnknownNetworkError);
                    return false;
                } else {
                    written += currentWriteSize;

                    emit reply->dataSendProgress(written, bytesTotal);

                    if (written == bytesTotal) {
                        // make sure this function is called once again
                        state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WaitingState;

    case QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WaitingState:
        QNonContiguousByteDevice* uploadByteDevice = request.uploadByteDevice();
        if (uploadByteDevice) {
            QObject::disconnect(uploadByteDevice, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(_q_uploadDataReadyRead()));

        // HTTP pipelining

        // ensure we try to receive a reply in all cases, even if _q_readyRead_ hat not been called
        // this is needed if the sends an reply before we have finished sending the request. In that
        // case receiveReply had been called before but ignored the server reply
        if (socket->bytesAvailable())
            QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "_q_receiveReply", Qt::QueuedConnection);
    case QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::ReadingState:
        // ignore _q_bytesWritten in these states
        // fall through
    return true;