void QuickInterpreter::setTopLevelObjects(QObjectList *l) { QSEngine::init(); if(toplevel) for (int i=0; i<toplevel->size(); ++i) { QObject *o = toplevel->at(i); disconnect(o, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(topLevelDestroyed(QObject*))); } delete toplevel; toplevel = new QObjectList; kids.clear(); if (!l) { toplevel->clear(); return; } QSObject global(env()->globalObject()); for (int i=0; i<toplevel->size(); ++i) { QObject *o = toplevel->at(i); if (hasTopLevelParent(o)) { continue; } kids.append(o->objectName()); connect(o, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject *)), this, SLOT(topLevelDestroyed(QObject *))); global.put(o->objectName(), wrap(o)); staticGlobals << o->objectName(); toplevel->append(o); } delete l; }
static QObject *qChildHelper(const char *objName, const char *inheritsClass, bool recursiveSearch, const QObjectList &children) { if (children.isEmpty()) return 0; bool onlyWidgets = (inheritsClass && qstrcmp(inheritsClass, "QWidget") == 0); const QLatin1String oName(objName); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { QObject *obj = children.at(i); if (onlyWidgets) { if (obj->isWidgetType() && (!objName || obj->objectName() == oName)) return obj; } else if ((!inheritsClass || obj->inherits(inheritsClass)) && (!objName || obj->objectName() == oName)) return obj; if (recursiveSearch && (dynamic_cast<MythUIGroup *>(obj) != NULL) && (obj = qChildHelper(objName, inheritsClass, recursiveSearch, obj->children()))) return obj; } return 0; }
void Object::setAttribute() { IObject::setAttribute(); QObject* widget = sender(); if(widget->objectName() == "experience") _experience = ((QSpinBox*)widget)->value(); else if(widget->objectName() == "cooldown") _cooldown = ((QSpinBox*)widget)->value(); }
void WinControl::callQTModule( ) { QObject *obj = (QObject *)sender(); if(string("*exit*") == obj->objectName().toAscii().data()) SYS->stop(); else { try{ callQTModule(obj->objectName().toAscii().data()); } catch(TError err) { } } }
void ClientBackgroundManager::callClient() { QObject* sendedFrom = sender(); qDebug() << "Called callClient" << sendedFrom->objectName(); //send message to server MessageEnvelop call(REQUEST_CALL_TO_CLIENT_FROM_SERVER); call.setName(sendedFrom->objectName()); emit sendDataToServer(call); //myClient2ServerThread.sendMessageToServer(call); //GUI }
void Object::setAttribute() { IObject::setAttribute(); QObject* widget = sender(); if(widget->objectName() == "bonus") _bonus = ((QSpinBox*)widget)->value(); else if(widget->objectName() == "time") _time = ((QSpinBox*)widget)->value(); else if(widget->objectName() == "cooldown") _cooldown = ((QSpinBox*)widget)->value(); }
void Courier::setForwardRescheduleSignal(QObject &ob, bool fwd) { if(fwd) { if(!connect(&ob,SIGNAL(reschedule(quint64)),this,SIGNAL(reschedule(quint64)),OC_CONTYPE)) { qWarning()<<"ERROR: Could not connect "<<ob.objectName(); } } else { if(!disconnect(&ob,SIGNAL(reschedule(quint64)),this,SIGNAL(reschedule(quint64)))) { qWarning()<<"ERROR: Could not disconnect "<<ob.objectName(); } } }
void qt_object_node::init(QObject& obj) { auto name = obj.objectName(); if (!name.isEmpty()) set_name(obj.objectName().toStdString()); else { std::string str; const QMetaObject* mo = obj.metaObject(); while (str.empty()) { str = mo->className(); mo = mo->superClass(); if (!mo) break; } if (!str.empty()) { set_name(std::move(str)); } else { set_name("Object"); } } // Note : we create the childrens, and then lock the vector // because the children creation operation calls node_base::children() which // causes // double locking. decltype(m_children) children_vect; for (auto c : obj.children()) { children_vect.push_back( std::make_unique<qt_object_node>(*c, m_device, *this)); } for (int i = 0; i < obj.metaObject()->propertyCount(); i++) { children_vect.push_back(std::make_unique<qt_property_node>( obj, obj.metaObject()->property(i), m_device, *this)); } { write_lock_t lock{m_mutex}; std::move( children_vect.begin(), children_vect.end(), std::back_inserter(m_children)); } }
void GUI::EverywhereWindow::switchView() { QObject* senderObj = sender(); ui->globalWidget->setStyleSheet("QWidget#globalWidget { background : url(C:/everywhere/images/" + _menuWidgets[senderObj->objectName()].first + "Background.png); }"); ui->globalWidget->style()->unpolish(ui->globalWidget); ui->globalWidget->style()->polish(ui->globalWidget); ui->globalWidget->update(); _current = _menuWidgets[senderObj->objectName()]; manageMenu(); _current.second->initialize(); QTimer::singleShot(400, this, SLOT(updateView())); }
void Combat::buttonClickedSlot() { if(!rollDice) { //we can apply the hit now for(int i = 0; i < playerCount.size(); i++) { if(getPlayerTurn() == playerCount.at(i)) { int hitPoint = playerHitPoint.at(i)->objectName().toInt(); //get the button QObject *button = sender(); QWidget *widget = qobject_cast<QWidget *>(button); //get the player rack QObject *PlayerRack = button->parent(); int playerWidgetID = PlayerRack->objectName().toInt(); if(playerWidgetID == getPlayerTurn()) { Message("Warning", "You can't remove your things"); } else { //remove the thing and button if(hitPoint == 0) { //not enough hitpoint,change to next player popMessageBox(); Message("Warning", "Don't have hitpoint!"); break; } else { //remove the things int ThingID = button->objectName().toInt(); removePlayerThingFromID(ThingID); //delete the button delete widget; //refresh the playerhitpoint label playerHitPoint.at(i)->setObjectName(QString::number(hitPoint-1)); QString temp ="Player " + QString::number(playerCount.at(i)) + " HitPoint : " + playerHitPoint.at(i)->objectName(); playerHitPoint.at(i)->setText(temp); //check if the hitPoint become to 0 if(!checkAllPlayerRack()&&(hitPoint == 1)) { popMessageBox(); break; } } } } } } }
void format_arg(fmt::BasicFormatter<char>& f, const char*&, const QObject& qobj) { auto& w = f.writer(); w.write("{}<{:#x}", qobj.metaObject()->className(), reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&qobj)); if (!qobj.objectName().isEmpty()) { w.write(" "); w.write(qobj.objectName().toStdString()); } w.write(">"); }
int PythonQtStdDecorators::findChildren(QObject* parent, const char* typeName, const QMetaObject* meta, const QRegExp& regExp, QList<QObject*>& list) { const QObjectList& children = parent->children(); int i; for (i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { QObject* obj = children.at(i); if (!obj) return -1; // Skip if the name doesn't match. if (regExp.indexIn(obj->objectName()) == -1) continue; if ((typeName && obj->inherits(typeName)) || (meta && meta->cast(obj))) { list += obj; } if (findChildren(obj, typeName, meta, regExp, list) < 0) return -1; } return 0; }
QObject* PythonQtStdDecorators::findChild(QObject* parent, const char* typeName, const QMetaObject* meta, const QString& name) { const QObjectList &children = parent->children(); int i; for (i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { QObject* obj = children.at(i); if (!obj) return NULL; // Skip if the name doesn't match. if (!name.isNull() && obj->objectName() != name) continue; if ((typeName && obj->inherits(typeName)) || (meta && meta->cast(obj))) return obj; } for (i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { QObject* obj = findChild(children.at(i), typeName, meta, name); if (obj != NULL) return obj; } return NULL; }
void RibbonWidget::itemSelected() { QObject *source = this->sender(); QString name = source->objectName(); emit itemSelected(name); }
void MyMenu::componentComplete() { QObjectList temp_list = children (); for (int i=0; i<temp_list.count (); ++i) { QObject *obj = temp_list.at (i); if( obj->objectName ()=="MyMenuItem"){ MyMenuItem *item = qobject_cast<MyMenuItem*>(obj); menu->addAction(item); }else if(obj->objectName ()=="MenuSeparator"){ menu->addSeparator (); }else if(obj->objectName ()=="MyMenu"){ MyMenu *item = qobject_cast<MyMenu*>(obj); menu->addMenu (item->menu); } } }
void Home::contactClick() { QObject *senderObj = sender(); QString senderObjName = senderObj->objectName(); QPushButton *tmp = (QPushButton *)senderObj; if (_pushtmp != NULL) { _pushtmp->setEnabled(true); //_pushtmp->setStyleSheet("QPushButton{color: rgb(0, 0, 0);}"); } tmp->setEnabled(false); _pushtmp = tmp; _activeUser = senderObjName.toInt(); if (_activeUser == _myid) { ui->_lineContactName->setReadOnly(false); ui->_lineSurnameEdit->setReadOnly(false); ui->_lineBirthday->setReadOnly(false); ui->_lineLocalisation->setReadOnly(false); ui->_linePhoneNumber->setReadOnly(false); } else { ui->_lineContactName->setReadOnly(true); ui->_lineSurnameEdit->setReadOnly(true); ui->_lineBirthday->setReadOnly(true); ui->_lineLocalisation->setReadOnly(true); ui->_linePhoneNumber->setReadOnly(true); } ui->_lineContactName->setText(_musers[_activeUser]->get_name().c_str()); ui->_lineSurnameEdit->setText(_musers[_activeUser]->get_surname().c_str()); ui->_lineBirthday->setText(_musers[_activeUser]->get_birth().c_str()); ui->_lineLocalisation->setText(_musers[_activeUser]->get_address().c_str()); ui->_linePhoneNumber->setText(_musers[_activeUser]->get_phone().c_str()); }
int main() { QObject* pobj1 = new QObject; QObject* pobj2 = new QObject(pobj1); QObject* pobj4 = new QObject(pobj2); QObject* pobj3 = new QObject(pobj1); pobj2->setObjectName("the first child of pobj1"); pobj3->setObjectName("the second child of pobj1"); pobj4->setObjectName("the first child of pobj2"); for (QObject* pobj = pobj4; pobj; pobj = pobj->parent()) { qDebug() << pobj->objectName(); } QObject* pobj = pobj1->findChild<QObject*>("the first child of pobj2"); QList<QObject*> plist1 = pobj1->findChildren<QObject*>(QRegExp("th*")); QList<QObject*> plist2 = pobj1->findChildren<QObject*>(); pobj1->dumpObjectInfo(); pobj1->dumpObjectTree(); qDebug() << pobj1->metaObject()->className(); return 0; }
void tst_QWidgetsVariant::qvariant_cast_QObject() { QFETCH(QVariant, data); QFETCH(bool, success); QObject *o = qvariant_cast<QObject *>(data); QCOMPARE(o != 0, success); if (success) { QCOMPARE(o->objectName(), QString::fromLatin1("Hello")); QVERIFY(data.canConvert<QObject*>()); QVERIFY(data.canConvert(QMetaType::QObjectStar)); QVERIFY(data.canConvert(::qMetaTypeId<QObject*>())); QVERIFY(data.value<QObject*>()); QVERIFY(data.convert(QMetaType::QObjectStar)); QCOMPARE(data.userType(), int(QMetaType::QObjectStar)); QVERIFY(data.canConvert<QWidget*>()); QVERIFY(data.canConvert(::qMetaTypeId<QWidget*>())); QVERIFY(data.value<QWidget*>()); QVERIFY(data.convert(qMetaTypeId<QWidget*>())); QCOMPARE(data.userType(), qMetaTypeId<QWidget*>()); } else { QVERIFY(!data.canConvert<QObject*>()); QVERIFY(!data.canConvert(QMetaType::QObjectStar)); QVERIFY(!data.canConvert(::qMetaTypeId<QObject*>())); QVERIFY(!data.value<QObject*>()); QVERIFY(!data.convert(QMetaType::QObjectStar)); QVERIFY(data.userType() != QMetaType::QObjectStar); } delete o; }
QString General::getPackage() const{ QObject *p = parent(); if(p) return p->objectName(); else return QString(); // avoid null pointer exception; }
QVariant QObjectTreeModel::data( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const { if( !index.isValid() ) return QVariant(); if( role != Qt::DisplayRole ) return QVariant(); QObject* item = static_cast<QObject*>( index.internalPointer() ); switch( index.column() ) { case 0: { Gluon::GluonObject* gobj = qobject_cast<Gluon::GluonObject*>( item ); if( gobj ) return gobj->name(); return item->objectName(); break; } case 1: return item->metaObject()->className(); break; default: return QVariant(); } }
/** * Makes a connection between the sender widget \a sender and its signal \a signal * of the created resource and Python callback function \a cb. * If the sender widget does not exist or no resource has been loaded this method returns FALSE, * otherwise it returns TRUE. */ bool PyResource::connect(const char* sender, const char* signal, PyObject* cb) { if ( !myDlg ) return false; QObject* objS=0L; QList<QWidget*> list = myDlg->findChildren<QWidget*>(); QList<QWidget*>::const_iterator it = list.begin(); QObject *obj; QString sigStr = QString::fromAscii("2%1").arg(QString::fromAscii(signal)); while ( it != list.end() ) { obj = *it; ++it; if (obj->objectName() == QLatin1String(sender)) { objS = obj; break; } } if (objS) { SignalConnect* sc = new SignalConnect(this, cb, objS); mySingals.push_back(sc); return QObject::connect(objS, sigStr.toAscii(), sc, SLOT ( onExecute() ) ); } else qWarning( "'%s' does not exist.\n", sender ); return false; }
void ColumnDropCSVView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *press) { QModelIndex atClick = indexAt(press->pos()); if (!atClick.isValid() || atClick.row()) return; QRect indexRect = visualRect(atClick); QPixmap pix(indexRect.width(), indexRect.height()); pix.fill(QColor(0,0,0,0)); render(&pix, QPoint(0, 0),QRegion(indexRect)); QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this); QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData; mimeData->setData(subsurface_mimedata, atClick.data().toByteArray()); mimeData->setData(subsurface_index, QString::number(atClick.column()).toUtf8()); drag->setPixmap(pix); drag->setMimeData(mimeData); if (drag->exec() != Qt::IgnoreAction){ QObject *target = drag->target(); if (target->objectName() == "qt_scrollarea_viewport") target = target->parent(); if (target != drag->source()) model()->setData(atClick, QString()); } }
JSValue QtInstance::stringValue(ExecState* exec) const { QObject* obj = getObject(); if (!obj) return jsNull(); // Hmm.. see if there is a toString defined QByteArray buf; bool useDefault = true; getClass(); if (m_class) { // Cheat and don't use the full name resolution int index = obj->metaObject()->indexOfMethod("toString()"); if (index >= 0) { QMetaMethod m = obj->metaObject()->method(index); // Check to see how much we can call it if (m.access() != QMetaMethod::Private && m.methodType() != QMetaMethod::Signal #if HAVE(QT5) && m.parameterCount() == 0 && m.returnType() != QMetaType::Void) { QVariant ret(m.returnType(), (void*)0); void * qargs[1]; qargs[0] = ret.data(); if (QMetaObject::metacall(obj, QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, index, qargs) < 0) { if (ret.isValid() && ret.canConvert(QVariant::String)) { buf = ret.toString().toLatin1().constData(); // ### Latin 1? Ascii? useDefault = false; #else && m.parameterTypes().isEmpty()) { const char* retsig = m.typeName(); if (retsig && *retsig) { QVariant ret(QMetaType::type(retsig), (void*)0); void * qargs[1]; qargs[0] = ret.data(); if (QMetaObject::metacall(obj, QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, index, qargs) < 0) { if (ret.isValid() && ret.canConvert(QVariant::String)) { buf = ret.toString().toLatin1().constData(); // ### Latin 1? Ascii? useDefault = false; } #endif } } } } } if (useDefault) { const QMetaObject* meta = obj ? obj->metaObject() : &QObject::staticMetaObject; QString name = obj ? obj->objectName() : QString::fromUtf8("unnamed"); QString str = QString::fromUtf8("%0(name = \"%1\")") .arg(QLatin1String(meta->className())).arg(name); buf = str.toLatin1(); } return jsString(exec, buf.constData()); }
// Forward the async storeReady signal void NodeAssociateStore::hookSignals(QObject &ob) { if(!connect(this, SIGNAL(peerStoreReady(bool)), &ob, SLOT(onPeerStoreReady(bool)),OC_CONTYPE)) { qWarning()<<"Could not connect "<<ob.objectName(); } else { //qDebug()<<"HOOKING peerStoreReady"; } if(!connect(this,SIGNAL(peerAdded(QString)),&ob,SLOT(onPeerAdded(QString)),OC_CONTYPE)) {
void BCI2000Viewer::ExecuteAction() { QObject* pSender = sender(); for( size_t i = 0; i < sizeof( sActions ) / sizeof( *sActions ); ++i ) if( pSender->objectName() == sActions[i].object ) (this->*sActions[i].action)(); UpdateActions(); }
void KeyStore::unhookSignals(QObject &ob) { if(!disconnect(this, SIGNAL(keystoreReady(bool)), &ob, SLOT(onKeystoreReady(bool)))) { qWarning()<<"Could not disconnect "<<ob.objectName(); } else { //qDebug()<<"UN-HOOKING keystoreReady"; } }
void Node::unHookColorSignals(QObject &ob) { if(nullptr!=mSensorsCourier) { if(!disconnect(&ob,SIGNAL(colorChanged(QColor)),mSensorsCourier,SLOT(onColorUpdated(QColor)))) { qWarning()<<"ERROR: Could not disconnect "<<ob.objectName(); } } }
void mafHierarchy::printInformation(QString &string) { for (mafTree<QObject *>::prefix_iterator i = m_Tree->prefix_begin(); i != m_Tree->prefix_end(); ++i) { mafTreeNode<QObject *> *n = i.simplify().node(); QObject *obj = n->m_data; if(obj != NULL) { if (n->m_parent) { QObject *objParent = n->m_parent->m_data; string.append(objParent->objectName()); string.append("->"); } string.append(obj->objectName()); if (m_TreeIterator.node() == n) { string.append("<-current"); } string.append("\n"); } } }
void NameList::putResult(QObject *object) { QObject *p = object; while (!hasSiblings(p)) { p = p->parent(); } bool ok; int index = p->property("index").toInt(&ok); if (ok && index < result.size()) result[index] = p->objectName(); }
/*! Adds \a object to the manager. Scripts handled by this manager can access the object in the code using the object's \l{QObject::objectName}{objectName} property. You must add all the necessary objects before loading any scripts. */ void QAxScriptManager::addObject(QAxBase *object) { QObject *obj = object->qObject(); QString name = obj->objectName(); if (d->objectDict.contains(name)) return; d->objectDict.insert(name, object); connect(obj, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(objectDestroyed(QObject*))); }