Пример #1
void qDrawWinPanel(QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h,
                    const QPalette &pal, bool        sunken,
                    const QBrush *fill)
    if (sunken)
        qDrawWinShades(p, x, y, w, h,
                        pal.dark().color(), pal.light().color(), pal.shadow().color(),
                       pal.midlight().color(), fill);
        qDrawWinShades(p, x, y, w, h,
                       pal.light().color(), pal.shadow().color(), pal.midlight().color(),
                       pal.dark().color(), fill);
Пример #2
void FormStyle::GlobalColorButtonCliked()
	QColor initialColor;
	if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_1" )
		initialColor = applicationPalette.button().color().rgba();
	else if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_2" )
		initialColor = applicationPalette.window().color().rgba();
	else if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_3" )
		initialColor = applicationPalette.shadow().color().rgba();
	else if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_4" )
		initialColor = applicationPalette.highlight().color().rgba();
	else if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_5" )
		initialColor = applicationPalette.base().color().rgba();
	else if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_6" )
		initialColor = applicationPalette.text().color().rgba();
	else if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_7" )
		initialColor = applicationPalette.highlightedText().color().rgba();
	else if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_8" )
		initialColor = sliderButtonColor.rgb();
		initialColor = Qt::white;

	QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor( initialColor, this, Texts[ 119 ] /*Wybierz kolor*/, QColorDialog::DontUseNativeDialog );

	if ( !color.isValid() )

	if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_1" )
		applicationPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, color );
	else if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_2" )
		applicationPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Window, color );
	else if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_3" )
		applicationPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Shadow, color );
		applicationPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Light, color );
		applicationPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Dark, color );
	} else if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_4" )
		applicationPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Highlight, color );
	else if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_5" )
		applicationPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Base, color );
	else if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_6" )
		applicationPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Text, color );
		applicationPalette.setBrush( QPalette::WindowText, color );
		applicationPalette.setBrush( QPalette::ButtonText, color );
	} else if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_7" )
		applicationPalette.setBrush( QPalette::HighlightedText, color );
	else if ( focusWidget()->objectName() == "bC1_8" )
		sliderButtonColor = color;

Пример #3
void FormStyle::setButtonsColor()
	if ( ui.ccB->isChecked() )
		QPalette tmpPalette;

		tmpPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, applicationPalette.button() );
		ui.bC1_1->setPalette( tmpPalette );
		tmpPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, applicationPalette.window() );
		ui.bC1_2->setPalette( tmpPalette );
		tmpPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, applicationPalette.shadow() );
		ui.bC1_3->setPalette( tmpPalette );
		tmpPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, applicationPalette.highlight() );
		ui.bC1_4->setPalette( tmpPalette );
		tmpPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, applicationPalette.base() );
		ui.bC1_5->setPalette( tmpPalette );
		tmpPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, applicationPalette.text() );
		ui.bC1_6->setPalette( tmpPalette );
		tmpPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, applicationPalette.highlightedText() );
		ui.bC1_7->setPalette( tmpPalette );
		tmpPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, sliderButtonColor );
		ui.bC1_8->setPalette( tmpPalette );

		if ( !mainWindowPixmap.isNull() )
			QBrush brushW( mainWindowPixmap.scaled( ui.bP2_2->size(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ) );
			tmpPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, brushW );
			ui.bP2_2->setPalette( tmpPalette );
			ui.bP2_2->setPalette( qApp->palette() );
		ui.bC1_1->setPalette( qApp->palette() );
		ui.bC1_2->setPalette( qApp->palette() );
		ui.bC1_3->setPalette( qApp->palette() );
		ui.bC1_4->setPalette( qApp->palette() );
		ui.bC1_5->setPalette( qApp->palette() );
		ui.bC1_6->setPalette( qApp->palette() );
		ui.bC1_7->setPalette( qApp->palette() );
		ui.bC1_8->setPalette( qApp->palette() );

		ui.bP2_2->setPalette( qApp->palette() );
Пример #4
static void qtmDrawShadeRoundPanel(QPainter *p, const QRect &r,
                                   const QPalette &pal, bool sunken,
                                   int lineWidth, const QBrush *fill)
  if (r.width() == 0 || r.height() == 0)
  if (!(r.width() > 0 && r.height() > 0 && lineWidth >= 0)) {
    qWarning("qtmDrawShadeRoundPanel: Invalid parameters");
  QColor shade = pal.dark().color();
  QColor light = pal.light().color();
  if (fill) {
    if (fill->color() == shade)
      shade = pal.shadow().color();
    if (fill->color() == light)
      light = pal.midlight().color();
  QPen oldPen = p->pen();                        // save pen
  QBrush oldBrush = p->brush();                  // save brush  
  QRect rect(r);
  int border = 8;
  if (sunken) {
    qtmDrawRoundedRect(p,rect,border,border, Qt::AbsoluteSize);
    //    p->drawRoundedRect(rect,border,border, Qt::AbsoluteSize);
    qtmDrawRoundedRect(p,rect,border,border, Qt::AbsoluteSize);
    //    p->drawRoundedRect(rect,border,border, Qt::AbsoluteSize);
  p->setBrush(fill ? *fill : shade);
  qtmDrawRoundedRect(p,rect,border,border, Qt::AbsoluteSize);
  //  p->drawRoundedRect(rect,border,border, Qt::AbsoluteSize);
  p->setPen(oldPen);                        // restore pen
  p->setBrush(oldBrush);                        // restore brush
Пример #5
QVariantMap Bridge::get_palette()
    QVariantMap colors;
    QPalette palette = qApp->palette();
    colors.insert("window", palette.window().color().name());
    colors.insert("window_text", palette.windowText().color().name());
    colors.insert("base", palette.base().color().name());
    colors.insert("alternate_base", palette.alternateBase().color().name());
    colors.insert("text", palette.text().color().name());
    colors.insert("button", palette.buttonText().color().name());
    colors.insert("bright_text", palette.brightText().color().name());
    colors.insert("light", palette.light().color().name());
    colors.insert("midlight", palette.midlight().color().name());
    colors.insert("dark", palette.dark().color().name());
    colors.insert("mid", palette.mid().color().name());
    colors.insert("shadow", palette.shadow().color().name());
    colors.insert("highlight", palette.highlight().color().name());
    colors.insert("highlight_text", palette.highlightedText().color().name());
    colors.insert("link", palette.link().color().name());
    colors.insert("link_visited", palette.linkVisited().color().name());
    return colors;
Пример #6
void qDrawShadePanel(QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h,
                      const QPalette &pal, bool sunken,
                      int lineWidth, const QBrush *fill)
    if (w == 0 || h == 0)
    if (!(w > 0 && h > 0 && lineWidth >= 0)) {
        qWarning("qDrawShadePanel: Invalid parameters");
    QColor shade = pal.dark().color();
    QColor light = pal.light().color();
    if (fill) {
        if (fill->color() == shade)
            shade = pal.shadow().color();
        if (fill->color() == light)
            light = pal.midlight().color();
    QPen oldPen = p->pen();                        // save pen
    QVector<QLineF> lines;

    if (sunken)
    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
    int i;
    x1 = x;
    y1 = y2 = y;
    x2 = x+w-2;
    for (i=0; i<lineWidth; i++) {                // top shadow
        lines << QLineF(x1, y1++, x2--, y2++);
    x2 = x1;
    y1 = y+h-2;
    for (i=0; i<lineWidth; i++) {                // left shado
        lines << QLineF(x1++, y1, x2++, y2--);
    if (sunken)
    x1 = x;
    y1 = y2 = y+h-1;
    x2 = x+w-1;
    for (i=0; i<lineWidth; i++) {                // bottom shadow
        lines << QLineF(x1++, y1--, x2, y2--);
    x1 = x2;
    y1 = y;
    y2 = y+h-lineWidth-1;
    for (i=0; i<lineWidth; i++) {                // right shadow
        lines << QLineF(x1--, y1++, x2--, y2);
    if (fill)                                // fill with fill color
        p->fillRect(x+lineWidth, y+lineWidth, w-lineWidth*2, h-lineWidth*2, *fill);
    p->setPen(oldPen);                        // restore pen
Пример #7
SeekSlider::SeekSlider( Qt::Orientation q, QWidget *_parent, bool _static )
          : QSlider( q, _parent ), b_classic( _static )
    isSliding = false;
    f_buffering = 1.0;
    mHandleOpacity = 1.0;
    chapters = NULL;
    mHandleLength = -1;

    // prepare some static colors
    QPalette p = palette();
    QColor background = p.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Background );
    tickpointForeground = p.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText );
    tickpointForeground.setHsv( tickpointForeground.hue(),
            ( background.saturation() + tickpointForeground.saturation() ) / 2,
            ( background.value() + tickpointForeground.value() ) / 2 );

    // set the background color and gradient
    QColor backgroundBase( p.window().color() );
    backgroundGradient.setColorAt( 0.0, backgroundBase.darker( 140 ) );
    backgroundGradient.setColorAt( 1.0, backgroundBase );

    // set the foreground color and gradient
    QColor foregroundBase( 50, 156, 255 );
    foregroundGradient.setColorAt( 0.0,  foregroundBase );
    foregroundGradient.setColorAt( 1.0,  foregroundBase.darker( 140 ) );

    // prepare the handle's gradient
    handleGradient.setColorAt( 0.0, p.window().color().lighter( 120 ) );
    handleGradient.setColorAt( 0.9, p.window().color().darker( 120 ) );

    // prepare the handle's shadow gradient
    QColor shadowBase = p.shadow().color();
    if( shadowBase.lightness() > 100 )
        shadowBase = QColor( 60, 60, 60 ); // Palette's shadow is too bright
    shadowDark = shadowBase.darker( 150 );
    shadowLight = shadowBase.lighter( 180 );
    shadowLight.setAlpha( 50 );

    /* Timer used to fire intermediate updatePos() when sliding */
    seekLimitTimer = new QTimer( this );
    seekLimitTimer->setSingleShot( true );

    /* Tooltip bubble */
    mTimeTooltip = new TimeTooltip( this );
    mTimeTooltip->setMouseTracking( true );

    /* Properties */
    setRange( MINIMUM, MAXIMUM );
    setSingleStep( 2 );
    setPageStep( 10 );
    setMouseTracking( true );
    setTracking( true );
    setFocusPolicy( Qt::NoFocus );

    /* Use the new/classic style */
    if( !b_classic )
        setStyle( new SeekStyle );

    /* Init to 0 */
    setPosition( -1.0, 0, 0 );
    secstotimestr( psz_length, 0 );

    animHandle = new QPropertyAnimation( this, "handleOpacity", this );
    animHandle->setDuration( FADEDURATION );
    animHandle->setStartValue( 0.0 );
    animHandle->setEndValue( 1.0 );

    hideHandleTimer = new QTimer( this );
    hideHandleTimer->setSingleShot( true );
    hideHandleTimer->setInterval( FADEOUTDELAY );

    CONNECT( this, sliderMoved( int ), this, startSeekTimer() );
    CONNECT( seekLimitTimer, timeout(), this, updatePos() );
    CONNECT( hideHandleTimer, timeout(), this, hideHandle() );
    mTimeTooltip->installEventFilter( this );
Пример #8
void FormStyle::quickSetColor()
	QFont globalFont = SystemFont;

	if ( ui.ccB->isChecked() && !ResetColor )
		qApp->setPalette( applicationPalette );

		QPalette qSliderPalette;
		qSliderPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, sliderButtonColor );
		qApp->setPalette( qSliderPalette, "QSlider" );

		if ( ui.use2->isChecked() )
			QPalette tmpPalette = qApp->palette();

			if ( !mainWindowPixmap.isNull() )
				QBrush brushW( mainWindowPixmap.scaled( f1.size(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ) );
				tmpPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Window, brushW );

			QColor colorA;

			colorA = tmpPalette.button().color();
			colorA.setAlphaF( ui.bP2_1->value() );
			tmpPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, colorA );

			colorA = tmpPalette.base().color();
			colorA.setAlphaF( ui.bP2_1->value() );
			tmpPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Base, colorA );

			if ( ui.bHt2->isChecked() )
				colorA = tmpPalette.highlight().color();
				colorA.setAlphaF( ui.bP2_1->value() );
				tmpPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Highlight, colorA );

			if ( ui.bSt2->isChecked() )
				colorA = tmpPalette.shadow().color();
				colorA.setAlphaF( ui.bP2_1->value() );
				tmpPalette.setBrush( QPalette::Shadow, colorA );

			f1.setPalette( tmpPalette );
			f1.setPalette( qApp->palette() );

		globalFont = ui.bF1->currentFont();
		globalFont.setPointSize( ui.bFSize1->value() );
		qApp->setPalette( systemPalette );
		f1.setPalette( qApp->palette() );
		sliderButtonColor = qApp->palette().brush( QPalette::Button ).color();

	if ( ResetColor )
		ResetColor = false;
		applicationPalette = systemPalette;
		ui.bF1->setCurrentFont( SystemFont.toString() );
		ui.bFSize1->setValue( SystemFont.pointSize() );

	QColor col = qApp->palette().window().color();
	col.setAlphaF( ui.bP2_1->value() );
	fsl.SetColor( col );

	f1.ui.pbL->setPalette( qApp->palette() );
	f1.ui.pbR->setPalette( qApp->palette() );

	globalFont.setBold( false );
	globalFont.setItalic( false );
	globalFont.setUnderline( false );
	if ( globalFont.pointSize() > 14 )
		globalFont.setPointSize( 14 );
	else if ( globalFont.pointSize() < 6 )
		globalFont.setPointSize( 6 );
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
	qApp->setFont( globalFont );