Пример #1
QRegion::QRegion( const QRect &r, RegionType t )
    data = new QRegionData;
    Q_CHECK_PTR( data );
    data->hgt = 0;
    data->is_null = FALSE;
    if ( r.isEmpty() ) {
	data->rgn = 0;
    } else {
        HPS hps = qt_display_ps();
	if ( t == Rectangle ) {			// rectangular region
            RECTL rcl = { r.left(), -(r.bottom()+1), r.right()+1, -r.top() };
            data->rgn = GpiCreateRegion( hps, 1, &rcl );
	} else if ( t == Ellipse ) {		// elliptic region
            // if the width or height of the ellipse is odd, GPI always
            // converts it to a nearest even value, which is obviously stupid
            // (see also QPainter::drawArcInternal()). So, we don't use
            // GpiCreateEllipticRegion(), but create an array of points to
            // call GpiCreatePolygonRegion() instead.
            QPointArray a;
            a.makeArc( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), 0, 360 * 16 );
            for ( uint i = 0; i < a.size(); ++ i )
                a[i].ry() = -(a[i].y() + 1);
            // GpiCreatePolygonRegion() is bogus and always starts a poligon from
            // the current position. Make the last point the current one and reduce
            // the number of points by one.
            GpiMove( hps, (PPOINTL) &a[ a.size() - 1 ] );
            POLYGON poly = { a.size() - 1, (PPOINTL) a.data() };
            data->rgn = GpiCreatePolygonRegion( hps, 1, &poly, POLYGON_ALTERNATE );
Пример #2
  Internal method that draws one of the pies in a pie chart.

  \param painter the QPainter to draw in
  \param dataset the dataset to draw the pie for
  \param pie the pie to draw
  \param the chart to draw the pie in
  \param regions a pointer to a list of regions that will be filled
  with regions representing the data segments, if not null
void KDChartPiePainter::drawOnePie( QPainter* painter,
        KDChartTableDataBase* /*data*/,
        uint dataset, uint pie, uint chart,
        uint threeDPieHeight,
        KDChartDataRegionList* regions )
    // Is there anything to draw at all?
    int angleLen = _angleLens[ ( int ) pie ];
    if ( angleLen ) {
        int startAngle = _startAngles[ ( int ) pie ];

        KDChartDataRegion* datReg = 0;
        QRegion* region = 0;
        bool mustDeleteRegion = false;
        if ( regions ){
            region = new QRegion();
            mustDeleteRegion = true;

        QRect drawPosition = _position;
        if ( params()->explode() ) {
            // need to compute a new position for each or some of the pie
            QValueList<int> explodeList = params()->explodeValues();
            if( explodeList.count() == 0 || // nothing on list, explode all
                    explodeList.find( pie ) != explodeList.end() ) {
                double explodeAngle = ( startAngle + angleLen / 2 ) / 16;
                double explodeAngleRad = DEGTORAD( explodeAngle );
                double cosAngle = cos( explodeAngleRad );
                double sinAngle = -sin( explodeAngleRad );

                // find the explode factor for this particular pie
                double explodeFactor = 0.0;
                QMap<int,double> explodeFactors = params()->explodeFactors();
                if( !explodeFactors.contains( pie ) ) // not on factors list, use default
                    explodeFactor = params()->explodeFactor();
                else // on factors list, use segment-specific value
                    explodeFactor = explodeFactors[pie];

                double explodeX = explodeFactor * _size * cosAngle;
                double explodeY = explodeFactor * _size * sinAngle;
                drawPosition.moveBy( static_cast<int>( explodeX ), static_cast<int>( explodeY ) );
            } else
                drawPosition = _position;
        } else
            drawPosition = _position;

        // The 3D effect needs to be drawn first because it could
        // otherwise partly hide the pie itself.
        if ( params()->threeDPies() ) {
            draw3DEffect( painter, drawPosition, dataset, pie, chart,
                          params()->explode(), region );

        painter->setBrush( params()->dataColor( pie ) );
        if ( angleLen == 5760 ) {
            // full circle, avoid nasty line in the middle
            painter->drawEllipse( drawPosition );
            if ( regions ) {
                QPointArray hitregion;
                hitregion.makeEllipse( drawPosition.x(), drawPosition.y(),
                                       drawPosition.height() );
                datReg = new KDChartDataRegion( region->unite( QRegion( hitregion ) ),
                                                chart );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosCenter ]
                    = drawPosition.center();
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosCenterRight ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition,    0 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopRight ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition,  720 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopCenter ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, 1440 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopLeft ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, 2160 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosCenterLeft ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, 2880 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomLeft ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, 3600 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomCenter ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, 4320 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomRight ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, 5040 );
                datReg->startAngle = 2880;
                datReg->angleLen   = 5760;
                regions->append( datReg );
        } else {
            // draw the top of this piece
            // Start with getting the points for the arc.
            const int arcPoints = angleLen;
            QPointArray collect(arcPoints+2);
            int i=0;
            for ( ; i<=angleLen; ++i){
                collect.setPoint(i, pointOnCircle( drawPosition, startAngle+i ));
            // Adding the center point of the piece.
            collect.setPoint(i, drawPosition.center() );

            painter->drawPolygon( collect );

//if( bHelp ){
//              painter->drawPolyline( collect );

            if ( regions ) {
                QPointArray hitregion;
                hitregion.makeArc( drawPosition.x(), drawPosition.y(),
                        ( int ) startAngle, ( int ) angleLen );
                hitregion.resize( hitregion.size() + 1 );
                hitregion.setPoint( hitregion.size() - 1,
                        drawPosition.center() );
                datReg = new KDChartDataRegion( region->unite( QRegion( hitregion ) ),
                                                chart );

                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopLeft ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, startAngle + angleLen );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopCenter ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, startAngle + angleLen / 2 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopRight ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, startAngle );

                datReg->points[   KDChartEnums::PosBottomLeft   ] = drawPosition.center();
                datReg->points[   KDChartEnums::PosBottomCenter ]
                    = datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomLeft   ];
                datReg->points[   KDChartEnums::PosBottomRight  ]
                    = datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomLeft   ];

                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosCenterLeft ]
                    = QPoint( (   datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopLeft      ].x()
                                + datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomLeft   ].x() ) / 2,
                            (   datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopLeft      ].y()
                                + datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomLeft   ].y() ) / 2 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosCenter ]
                    = QPoint( (   datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopCenter    ].x()
                                + datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomCenter ].x() ) / 2,
                            (   datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopCenter    ].y()
                                + datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomCenter ].y() ) / 2 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosCenterRight ]
                    = QPoint( (   datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopRight     ].x()
                                + datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomRight  ].x() ) / 2,
                            (   datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopRight     ].y()
                                + datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomRight  ].y() ) / 2 );

                datReg->startAngle = startAngle;
                datReg->angleLen   = angleLen;
                regions->append( datReg );
        if( mustDeleteRegion )
            delete region;