 *	Q P r o b l e m _ h o t s t a r t
int_t QProblem_hotstart(	int_t handle,
							const real_t* const g,
							const real_t* const lb, const real_t* const ub,
							const real_t* const lbA, const real_t* const ubA,
							int_t nWSRin, real_t maxCpuTimeIn,
							Options* options,
							int_t nOutputs, mxArray* plhs[]
	int_t nWSRout = nWSRin;
	real_t maxCpuTimeOut = (maxCpuTimeIn >= 0.0) ? maxCpuTimeIn : INFTY;

	QProblem* globalSQP = getQPInstance(handle)->sqp;

	if ( globalSQP == 0 )
		myMexErrMsgTxt( "ERROR (qpOASES): QP needs to be initialised first!" );
		return -1;

	int_t nV = globalSQP->getNV();
	int_t nC = globalSQP->getNC();

	/* 1) Solve QP with given options. */
	globalSQP->setOptions( *options );
	returnValue returnvalue = globalSQP->hotstart( g,lb,ub,lbA,ubA, nWSRout,&maxCpuTimeOut );

	/* 2) Assign lhs arguments. */
	obtainOutputs(	0,globalSQP,returnvalue,nWSRout,maxCpuTimeOut,
					nOutputs,plhs,nV,nC );

	return 0;
Пример #2
 *	o b t a i n O u t p u t s
returnValue obtainOutputs(	int_t k, QProblemB* qp, returnValue returnvalue, int_t _nWSRout, double _cpuTime,
							int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int_t nV, int_t nC = 0, int_t handle = -1
	/* Create output vectors and assign pointers to them. */
	int_t curIdx = 0;

	/* handle */
	if ( handle >= 0 )
		plhs[curIdx++] = mxCreateDoubleScalar( handle );

	/* x */
	double* x = mxGetPr( plhs[curIdx++] );
	qp->getPrimalSolution( &(x[k*nV]) );

	if ( nlhs > curIdx )
		/* fval */
		double* obj = mxGetPr( plhs[curIdx++] );
		obj[k] = qp->getObjVal( );

		if ( nlhs > curIdx )
			/* exitflag */
			double* status = mxGetPr( plhs[curIdx++] );
			status[k] = (double)getSimpleStatus( returnvalue );

			if ( nlhs > curIdx )
				/* iter */
				double* nWSRout = mxGetPr( plhs[curIdx++] );
				nWSRout[k] = (double) _nWSRout;

				if ( nlhs > curIdx )
					/* lambda */
					double* y = mxGetPr( plhs[curIdx++] );
					qp->getDualSolution( &(y[k*(nV+nC)]) );

					/* auxOutput */
					if ( nlhs > curIdx )
						QProblem* problemPointer;
						problemPointer = dynamic_cast<QProblem*>(qp);

						mxArray* auxOutput = plhs[curIdx];
						mxArray* curField = 0;

						/* working set bounds */
						if ( nV > 0 )
							curField = mxGetField( auxOutput,0,"workingSetB" );
							double* workingSetB = mxGetPr(curField);

							/* cast successful? */
							if (problemPointer != NULL) {
								problemPointer->getWorkingSetBounds( &(workingSetB[k*nV]) );
							} else {
								qp->getWorkingSetBounds( &(workingSetB[k*nV]) );

						/* working set constraints */
						if ( nC > 0 )
							curField = mxGetField( auxOutput,0,"workingSetC" );
							double* workingSetC = mxGetPr(curField);

							/* cast successful? */
							if (problemPointer != NULL) {
								problemPointer->getWorkingSetConstraints( &(workingSetC[k*nC]) );
							} else {
								qp->getWorkingSetConstraints( &(workingSetC[k*nC]) );

						/* cpu time */
						curField = mxGetField( auxOutput,0,"cpuTime" );
						double* cpuTime = mxGetPr(curField);
						cpuTime[0] = (double) _cpuTime;
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
	#ifndef __DSPACE__
	using namespace qpOASES;

	int i;
	int nV, nC, status;

	int nWSR = NWSR;

	InputRealPtrsType in_H, in_g, in_A, in_lb, in_ub, in_lbA, in_ubA;

	QProblem* problem;
	double *H, *g, *A, *lb, *ub, *lbA, *ubA, *count;

	double *xOpt;

	real_T *out_objVal, *out_xOpt, *out_status, *out_nWSR;

	/* get pointers to block inputs ... */
	in_H   = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S, 0);
	in_g   = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S, 1);
	in_A   = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S, 2);
	in_lb  = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S, 3);
	in_ub  = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S, 4);
	in_lbA = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S, 5);
	in_ubA = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S, 6);

	/* ... and to the QP data */
	problem = (QProblem *) ssGetPWork(S)[0];

	H = (double *) ssGetPWork(S)[1];
	g = (double *) ssGetPWork(S)[2];
	A = (double *) ssGetPWork(S)[3];
	lb = (double *) ssGetPWork(S)[4];
	ub = (double *) ssGetPWork(S)[5];
	lbA = (double *) ssGetPWork(S)[6];
	ubA = (double *) ssGetPWork(S)[7];

	count = (double *) ssGetPWork(S)[8];

	/* setup QP data */
	nV = ssGetInputPortWidth(S, 1); /* nV = size_g */
	nC = (int) ( ((double) ssGetInputPortWidth(S, 2)) / ((double) nV) ); /* nC = size_A / size_g */

	for ( i=0; i<nV*nV; ++i )
		H[i] = (*in_H)[i];

	for ( i=0; i<nC*nV; ++i )
		A[i] = (*in_A)[i];

	for ( i=0; i<nV; ++i )
		g[i] = (*in_g)[i];
		lb[i] = (*in_lb)[i];
		ub[i] = (*in_ub)[i];

	for ( i=0; i<nC; ++i )
		lbA[i] = (*in_lbA)[i];
		ubA[i] = (*in_ubA)[i];

	xOpt = new double[nV];

	if ( count[0] == 0 )
		/* initialise and solve first QP */
		status = problem->init( H,g,A,lb,ub,lbA,ubA, nWSR,0 );
		ssGetPWork(S)[0] = ( void* ) problem;
		status = problem->getPrimalSolution( xOpt );
		problem->reset( );
		problem->init( H,g,A,lb,ub,lbA,ubA, nWSR,0 );
		/* solve neighbouring QP using hotstart technique */
		//status = problem->hotstart( g,lb,ub,lbA,ubA, nWSR,0 );
		//if ( ( status != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN ) && ( status != RET_MAX_NWSR_REACHED ) )
			/* if an error occurs, reset problem data structures and initialise again */
		//	problem->reset( );
		//	problem->init( H,g,A,lb,ub,lbA,ubA, nWSR,0 );
	        /* otherwise obtain optimal solution */
	        status = problem->getPrimalSolution( xOpt );

	/* generate block output: status information ... */
	out_objVal = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S, 0);
	out_xOpt   = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S, 1);
	out_status = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S, 2);
	out_nWSR   = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S, 3);

	out_objVal[0] = ((real_T) problem->getObjVal( ));

	for ( i=0; i<nV; ++i )
		out_xOpt[i] = ((real_T) xOpt[i]);

	switch ( status )
			out_status[0] = 0.0;

			out_status[0] = 1.0;

			out_status[0] = -1.0;

	out_nWSR[0] = ((real_T) nWSR);

	/* increase counter */
	count[0] = count[0] + 1;

	delete[] xOpt;
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
	#ifndef __DSPACE__
	using namespace qpOASES;

	int size_H, size_g, size_A, size_lb, size_ub, size_lbA, size_ubA;
	int nV, nC;

	QProblem* problem;
	double* count;

	/* get block inputs dimensions */
	size_H   = ssGetInputPortWidth(S, 0);
	size_g   = ssGetInputPortWidth(S, 1);
	size_A   = ssGetInputPortWidth(S, 2);
	size_lb  = ssGetInputPortWidth(S, 3);
	size_ub  = ssGetInputPortWidth(S, 4);
	size_lbA = ssGetInputPortWidth(S, 5);
	size_ubA = ssGetInputPortWidth(S, 6);

	/* dimension checks */
	nV = size_g;
	nC = (int) ( ((double) size_A) / ((double) nV) );

	if ( nV == 0 )
		#ifndef __DSPACE__
		printf( "ERROR (qpOASES): Dimension mismatch!" );

	if ( size_H != nV*nV )
		#ifndef __DSPACE__
		printf( "ERROR (qpOASES): Dimension mismatch!" );

	//if ( nU > nV )
//		#ifndef __DSPACE__
//		printf( "ERROR (qpOASES): Dimension mismatch!" );
//		#endif
//		return;
//	}

	if ( size_lb != nV )
		#ifndef __DSPACE__
		printf( "ERROR (qpOASES): Dimension mismatch!" );

	if ( size_ub != nV )
		#ifndef __DSPACE__
		printf( "ERROR (qpOASES): Dimension mismatch!" );

	if ( size_lbA != nC )
		#ifndef __DSPACE__
		printf( "ERROR (qpOASES): Dimension mismatch!" );

	if ( size_ubA != nC )
		#ifndef __DSPACE__
		printf( "ERROR (qpOASES): Dimension mismatch!" );

	/* allocate QProblem object */
	problem = new QProblem( nV,nC );
	if ( problem == 0 )
		#ifndef __DSPACE__
		printf( "ERROR (qpOASES): Unable to create QProblem object!" );

	#ifndef __DEBUG__
	problem->setPrintLevel( PL_LOW );
	problem->setPrintLevel( PL_NONE );
	#ifdef __DSPACE__
	problem->setPrintLevel( PL_NONE );

	ssGetPWork(S)[0] = (void *) problem;

	/* allocate memory for QP data ... */
	ssGetPWork(S)[1] = (void *) calloc( size_H, sizeof(double) );	/* H */
	ssGetPWork(S)[2] = (void *) calloc( size_g, sizeof(double) );	/* g */
	ssGetPWork(S)[3] = (void *) calloc( size_A, sizeof(double) );	/* A */
	ssGetPWork(S)[4] = (void *) calloc( size_lb, sizeof(double) );	/* lb */
	ssGetPWork(S)[5] = (void *) calloc( size_ub, sizeof(double) );	/* ub */
	ssGetPWork(S)[6] = (void *) calloc( size_lbA, sizeof(double) );	/* lbA */
	ssGetPWork(S)[7] = (void *) calloc( size_ubA, sizeof(double) );	/* ubA */
	ssGetPWork(S)[8] = (void *) calloc( 1, sizeof(double) ); /* count */

	/* reset counter */
	count = (double *) ssGetPWork(S)[8];
	count[0] = 0.0;