static void mouseWheel(QWindow* window, QObject* item, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers stateKey, QPointF _pos, int xDelta, int yDelta, int delay = -1) { QTEST_ASSERT(window); QTEST_ASSERT(item); if (delay == -1 || delay < QTest::defaultMouseDelay()) delay = QTest::defaultMouseDelay(); if (delay > 0) QTest::qWait(delay); QPoint pos; QQuickItem *sgitem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(item); if (sgitem) pos = sgitem->mapToScene(_pos).toPoint(); QTEST_ASSERT(buttons == Qt::NoButton || buttons & Qt::MouseButtonMask); QTEST_ASSERT(stateKey == 0 || stateKey & Qt::KeyboardModifierMask); stateKey &= static_cast<unsigned int>(Qt::KeyboardModifierMask); QWheelEvent we(pos, window->mapToGlobal(pos), QPoint(0, 0), QPoint(xDelta, yDelta), 0, Qt::Vertical, buttons, stateKey); QSpontaneKeyEvent::setSpontaneous(&we); // hmmmm if (!qApp->notify(window, &we)) QTest::qWarn("Wheel event not accepted by receiving window"); }
static void mouseEvent(MouseAction _action, QWindow* _window, QObject* _item, Qt::MouseButton _button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers _stateKey, QPointF _pos, int _delay = -1) { if (_delay == -1 || _delay < 30) _delay = 30; if (_delay > 0) QTest::qWait(_delay); if (_action == MouseClick) { mouseEvent(MousePress, _window, _item, _button, _stateKey, _pos); mouseEvent(MouseRelease, _window, _item, _button, _stateKey, _pos); return; } QPoint pos = _pos.toPoint(); QQuickItem* sgitem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(_item); if (sgitem) pos = sgitem->mapToScene(_pos).toPoint(); _stateKey &= static_cast<unsigned int>(Qt::KeyboardModifierMask); QMouseEvent me(QEvent::User, QPoint(), Qt::LeftButton, _button, _stateKey); switch (_action) { case MousePress: me = QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, pos, _window->mapToGlobal(pos), _button, _button, _stateKey); break; case MouseRelease: me = QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, _window->mapToGlobal(pos), _button, 0, _stateKey); break; case MouseDoubleClick: me = QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick, pos, _window->mapToGlobal(pos), _button, _button, _stateKey); break; case MouseMove: // with move event the _button is NoButton, but 'buttons' holds the currently pressed buttons me = QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseMove, pos, _window->mapToGlobal(pos), Qt::NoButton, _button, _stateKey); break; default: break; } QSpontaneKeyEvent::setSpontaneous(&me); if (!qApp->notify(_window, &me)) { static const char* mouseActionNames[] = { "MousePress", "MouseRelease", "MouseClick", "MouseDoubleClick", "MouseMove" }; QString warning = QString::fromLatin1("Mouse event \"%1\" not accepted by receiving window"); QWARN(warning.arg(QString::fromLatin1(mouseActionNames[static_cast<int>(_action)])).toLatin1().data()); } }
/*! Traverse QObject based items. */ void SceneGraphTraverse::traverseObject(TasObject* objectInfo, QObject* object, TasCommand* command) { Q_UNUSED(command); QQuickItem* item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(object); if (item) { QQmlContext* context = QQmlEngine::contextForObject(object); if (context) { QString name = context->nameForObject(object); objectInfo->addAttribute("QML_ID", name); } #ifdef USE_QTQML_PRIVATE_HEADERS addTypeInfo(item, objectInfo); #endif mTraverseUtils->addObjectDetails(objectInfo, object); objectInfo->addAttribute("objectType", TYPE_QSCENEGRAPH); QPointF point = item->mapToScene(QPoint()); // needed for visualizer objectInfo->addAttribute("x", (int)point.x()); objectInfo->addAttribute("y", (int)point.y()); objectInfo->addAttribute("x_absolute", (int)point.x()); objectInfo->addAttribute("y_absolute", (int)point.y()); objectInfo->addAttribute("x_relative", item->x()); objectInfo->addAttribute("y_relative", item->y()); // TODO already included? objectInfo->addAttribute("width", item->width()); objectInfo->addAttribute("height", item->height()); } }
static void mouseEvent(MouseAction action, QWindow *window, QObject *item, Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers stateKey, QPointF _pos, int delay=-1) { QTEST_ASSERT(window); QTEST_ASSERT(item); if (delay == -1 || delay < QTest::defaultMouseDelay()) delay = QTest::defaultMouseDelay(); if (delay > 0) QTest::qWait(delay); if (action == MouseClick) { mouseEvent(MousePress, window, item, button, stateKey, _pos); mouseEvent(MouseRelease, window, item, button, stateKey, _pos); return; } if (action == MouseDoubleClickSequence) { mouseEvent(MousePress, window, item, button, stateKey, _pos); mouseEvent(MouseRelease, window, item, button, stateKey, _pos); mouseEvent(MousePress, window, item, button, stateKey, _pos); mouseEvent(MouseDoubleClick, window, item, button, stateKey, _pos); mouseEvent(MouseRelease, window, item, button, stateKey, _pos); return; } QPoint pos; QQuickItem *sgitem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(item); if (sgitem) pos = sgitem->mapToScene(_pos).toPoint(); QTEST_ASSERT(button == Qt::NoButton || button & Qt::MouseButtonMask); QTEST_ASSERT(stateKey == 0 || stateKey & Qt::KeyboardModifierMask); stateKey &= static_cast<unsigned int>(Qt::KeyboardModifierMask); QMouseEvent me(QEvent::User, QPoint(), Qt::LeftButton, button, stateKey); switch (action) { case MousePress: me = QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, pos, window->mapToGlobal(pos), button, button, stateKey); break; case MouseRelease: me = QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, window->mapToGlobal(pos), button, 0, stateKey); break; case MouseDoubleClick: me = QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick, pos, window->mapToGlobal(pos), button, button, stateKey); break; case MouseMove: // with move event the button is NoButton, but 'buttons' holds the currently pressed buttons me = QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseMove, pos, window->mapToGlobal(pos), Qt::NoButton, button, stateKey); break; default: QTEST_ASSERT(false); } QSpontaneKeyEvent::setSpontaneous(&me); if (!qApp->notify(window, &me)) { static const char *mouseActionNames[] = { "MousePress", "MouseRelease", "MouseClick", "MouseDoubleClick", "MouseMove", "MouseDoubleClickSequence" }; QString warning = QString::fromLatin1("Mouse event \"%1\" not accepted by receiving window"); QWARN(warning.arg(QString::fromLatin1(mouseActionNames[static_cast<int>(action)])).toLatin1().data()); } }
void ScreenshotService::getScreenshot(TasCommandModel& model, TasResponse& response) { QListIterator<TasTarget*> i(model.targetList()); QString errorMsg = PARSE_ERROR; QImage screenshot; QString pictureFormat = "PNG"; while (i.hasNext()) { TasTarget* commandTarget =; QString targetId = commandTarget->id(); QString targetType = commandTarget->type(); TasCommand* command = commandTarget->findCommand("Screenshot"); // are required for command completion if (targetId.isEmpty() || targetType.isEmpty() || !command) { continue; } if (!command->parameter("format").isEmpty()) { pictureFormat = command->parameter("format"); } if (!isFormatSupported(pictureFormat)) { errorMsg = "Given format " + pictureFormat + "is not supported. Supported formats are: PNG, JPEG and BMP."; break; } bool draw = (command->parameter("draw") == "true"); QWidget* widget = 0; QQuickWindow* qtQuickWindow = 0; WId winId = 0; QRect rect(0,0,-1,-1); errorMsg = "Taking screenshot failed!"; if (targetType == TYPE_GRAPHICS_VIEW) { //TasLogger::logger()->debug("TYPE_GRAPHICS_VIEW Target id:" + targetId); QGraphicsItem* item = findGraphicsItem(targetId); if (item) { QGraphicsView* view = getViewForItem(item); if(view) { ItemLocationDetails locationDetails = TestabilityUtils::getItemLocationDetails(item); rect = QRect(locationDetails.windowPoint.x(), locationDetails.windowPoint.y(), locationDetails.width, locationDetails.height); if (draw) { widget = view->window(); } else { winId = view->window()->winId(); } } else { errorMsg = "Could not find a GraphicsView for the GraphicsItem!"; } } else { errorMsg = "Could not find the GraphicsItem!"; } } else if (targetType == TYPE_STANDARD_VIEW) { //TasLogger::logger()->debug("TYPE_STANDARD_VIEW about to find widget Target id:" + targetId); widget = findWidget(targetId); if (widget) { if ((widget->isWindow() && !draw) || widget->inherits("QDesktopWidget")) { winId = widget->winId(); widget = 0; } else if (!draw) { QPoint point = widget->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)); QPoint windowPoint = widget->window()->mapFromGlobal(point); rect = QRect(windowPoint.x(), windowPoint.y(), widget->rect().width(), widget->rect().width()); winId = widget->window()->winId(); widget = 0; } } else { TasLogger::logger()->debug("ScreenshotService::executeService application has no visible ui!"); errorMsg = "Application has no visible ui!"; } } else if (targetType == TYPE_QSCENEGRAPH) { QQuickItem* item = TestabilityUtils::findQuickItem(targetId); if (item) { QPointF offset = item->mapToScene(QPointF(0,0)); rect = QRect(-offset.x(), -offset.y(), item->width(), item->height()); qtQuickWindow = item->window(); } } else { //TasLogger::logger()->debug("TYPE_APPLICATION_VIEW about to find application window Target id:" + targetId); widget = getApplicationWidget(); if (!widget) { QWindow *window = getApplicationWindow(); //in case no window false, return the desktop qtQuickWindow = qobject_cast<QQuickWindow *>(window); if (!window) { widget = qApp->desktop(); } } } if (widget) { screenshot = widget->grab(rect).toImage(); if (!screenshot.isNull()) { screenshot.setText("tas_id", objectId(widget)); } } else if (qtQuickWindow) { screenshot = qtQuickWindow->grabWindow(); if (!screenshot.isNull()) { screenshot.setText("tas_id", objectId(qtQuickWindow)); } } else if (winId) { screenshot = QPixmap::grabWindow(winId, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()).toImage(); if (!screenshot.isNull()) { screenshot.setText("tas_id", QString::number(winId)); } } break; } if (!screenshot.isNull()) { QByteArray bytes; QBuffer buffer(&bytes);;, pictureFormat.toLatin1()); response.setData(bytes); buffer.close(); } else { response.setErrorMessage(errorMsg); } }