Пример #1
KPImagePage::KPImagePage(DrMain *driver, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KPrintDialogPage(parent, name)
    // WhatsThis strings.... (added by [email protected])
    QString whatsThisBrightnessImagePage = i18n(
        " <qt> "
        " <p><b>Brightness:</b> Slider to control the brightness value of all colors used.</p>"
        " <p> The brightness value can range from 0 to 200. Values greater than 100 will "
        " lighten the print. Values less than 100 will darken the print. </p> "
        " <br> "
        " <hr> "
        " <p><em><b>Additional hint for power users:</b> This KDEPrint GUI element matches "
        " with the CUPS commandline job option parameter:</em> "
        " <pre>"
        "    -o brightness=...      # use range from \"0\" to \"200\" "
        " </pre> "
        " </p> "
        " </qt>");

    QString whatsThisHueImagePage = i18n(
        " <qt> "
        " <p><b>Hue (Tint):</b> Slider to control the hue value for color rotation.</p>"
        " <p> The hue value is a number from -360 to 360 and represents the color hue rotation. "
        " The following table summarizes the change you will see for the base colors: "
        " <center> "
        " <table border=\"1\" width=\"70%\"> "
        " <tr><th><b>Original</b></th> <th><b>hue=-45</b></th> <th><b>hue=45</b></th>   </tr> "
        " <tr><td>Red</td>             <td>Purple</td>         <td>Yellow-orange</td>   </tr> "
        " <tr><td>Green</td>           <td>Yellow-green</td>   <td>Blue-green</td>      </tr> "
        " <tr><td>Yellow</td>          <td>Orange</td>         <td>Green-yellow</td>    </tr> "
        " <tr><td>Blue</td>            <td>Sky-blue</td>       <td>Purple</td>          </tr> "
        " <tr><td>Magenta</td>         <td>Indigo</td>         <td>Crimson</td>         </tr> "
        " <tr><td>Cyan</td>            <td>Blue-green</td>     <td>Light-navy-blue</td> </tr> "
        " </table> "
        " </center> "
        " <br> "
        " <hr> "
        " <p><em><b>Additional hint for power users:</b> This KDEPrint GUI element matches "
        " with the CUPS commandline job option parameter:</em> "
        " <pre>"
        "    -o hue=...     # use range from \"-360\" to \"360\" "
        " </pre>"
        " </p> "
        " </qt>");

    QString whatsThisSaturationImagePage = i18n(
        " <qt> "
        " <p><b>Saturation:</b> Slider to control the saturation value for all colors used.</p>"
        " <p> The saturation value adjusts the saturation of the colors in an image, similar to "
        " the color knob on your television. The color saturation value.can range from 0 to 200."
        " On inkjet printers, a higher saturation value uses more ink. On laserjet printers, a "
        " higher saturation uses more toner. "
        " A color saturation of 0 produces a black-and-white print, while a value of 200 will "
        " make the colors extremely intense. </p>"
        " <br> "
        " <hr> "
        " <p><em><b>Additional hint for power users:</b> This KDEPrint GUI element matches "
        " with the CUPS commandline job option parameter:</em> "
        " <pre>"
        "    -o saturation=...      # use range from \"0\" to \"200\" "
        " </pre>"
        " </p> "
        " </qt>");

    QString whatsThisGammaImagePage = i18n(
        " <qt> "
        " <p><b>Gamma:</b> Slider to control the gamma value for color correction.</p>"
        " <p> The gamma value can range from 1 to 3000. "
        " A gamma values greater than 1000 lightens the print. A gamma value less than 1000 "
        " darken the print. The default gamma is 1000. </p>"
        " <p><b>Note:</b></p> the gamma value adjustment is not visible in the thumbnail "
        " preview. </p> "
        " <br> "
        " <hr> "
        " <p><em><b>Additional hint for power users:</b> This KDEPrint GUI element matches "
        " with the CUPS commandline job option parameter:</em> "
        " <pre>"
        "    -o gamma=...      # use range from \"1\" to \"3000\" "
        " </pre>"
        " </p> "
        " </qt>");

    QString whatsThisImagePage = i18n(
        " <qt> "
        " <p><b>Image Printing Options</b></p> "
        " <p>All options controlled on this page only apply to printing images. "
        " Most image file formats are supported. To name a few: JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, "
        " PNM (PBM/PGM/PNM/PPM), Sun Raster, SGI RGB, Windows BMP."
        " Options to influence color output of image printouts are: "
        " <ul> "
        " <li> Brightness  </li>"
        " <li> Hue         </li>"
        " <li> Saturation  </li>"
        " <li> Gamma       </li>"
        " </ul> "
        " <p>For a more detailed explanation about Brightness, Hue, Saturation and Gamma settings, please "
        " look at the 'WhatsThis' items provided for these controls. "
        " </p> "
        " </p> "
        " </qt>");

    QString whatsThisColorationPreviewImagePage = i18n(
        " <qt> "
        " <p><b>Coloration Preview Thumbnail</b></p> "
        " <p>The coloration preview thumbnail indicates change of image coloration by different settings. "
        " Options to influence output are: "
        " <ul> "
        " <li> Brightness  </li>"
        " <li> Hue (Tint)  </li>"
        " <li> Saturation  </li>"
        " <li> Gamma       </li>"
        " </ul> "
        " </p> "
        " <p>For a more detailed explanation about Brightness, Hue, Saturation and Gamma settings, please "
        " look at the 'WhatsThis' items provided for these controls. "
        " </p> "
        " </qt>");

    QString whatsThisSizeImagePage = i18n(
        " <qt> "
        " <p><b>Image Size:</b> Dropdown menu to control the image size on the printed paper. Dropdown "
        " works in conjunction with slider below. Dropdown options are:.</p>"
        " <ul> "
        " <li> <b>Natural Image Size:</b> Image prints in its natural image size. If it does not fit onto "
        " one sheet, the printout will be spread across multiple sheets. Note, that the slider is disabled "
        " when selecting 'natural image size' in the dropdown menu. </li>"
        " <li> <b>Resolution (ppi):</b> The resolution value slider covers a number range from 1 to 1200. "
        " It specifies the resolution of the image in Pixels Per Inch (PPI). An image that is 3000x2400 pixels "
        " will print 10x8 inches at 300 pixels per inch, for example, but 5x4 inches at 600 pixels per inch."
        " If the specified resolution makes the image larger than the page, multiple pages will be printed. "
        " Resolution defaults to 72 ppi. "
        " </li>"
        " <li> <b>% of Page Size:</b> The percent value slider covers numbers from 1 to 800. It specifies the size "
        " in relation to the page (not the image). A scaling of 100 percent will fill the page as completely "
        " as the image aspect ratio allows (doing auto-rotation of the image as needed). "
        " A scaling of more than 100 will print the image across multiple "
        " sheets. A scaling of 200 percent will print on up to 4 pages. </li>"
        " Scaling in % of page size defaults to 100 %. "
        " <li> <b>% of Natural Image Size:</b> The percent value slider moves from 1 to 800. It specifies "
        " the printout size in relation "
        " to the natural image size. A scaling of 100 percent will print the image at its natural size, while a "
        " scaling of 50 percent will print the image at half its natural size. If the specified scaling makes "
        " the image larger than the page, multiple pages will be printed. "
        " Scaling in % of natural image size defaults to 100 %. "
        " </ul> "
        " <br> "
        " <hr> "
        " <p><em><b>Additional hint for power users:</b> This KDEPrint GUI element matches "
        " with the CUPS commandline job option parameter:</em> "
        " <pre>"
        "     -o natural-scaling=...     # range in  %  is 1....800 "
        " <br> "
        "    -o scaling=...             # range in  %  is 1....800 "
        " <br> "
        "    -o ppi=...                 # range in ppi is 1...1200 "
        " </pre>"
        " </p> "
        " </qt>");

    QString whatsThisPreviewPositionImagePage = i18n(
        " <qt> "
        " <p><b>Position Preview Thumbnail</b></p> "
        " <p>This position preview thumbnail indicates the position of the image on the paper sheet. "
        " <p>Click on horizontal and vertical radio buttons to move image alignment on paper around. Options are: "
        " <ul> "
        " <li> center      </li>"
        " <li> top         </li>"
        " <li> top-left    </li>"
        " <li> left        </li>"
        " <li> bottom-left </li>"
        " <li> bottom      </li>"
        " <li> bottom-right</li>"
        " <li> right       </li>"
        " <li> top-right   </li>"
        " </ul> "
        " </p> "
        " </qt>");

    QString whatsThisResetButtonImagePage = i18n(
        " <qt> "
        " <p><b>Reset to Default Values</b> </p> "
        " <p> Reset all coloration settings to default values. Default values are: "
        " <ul> "
        " <li> Brightness: 100 </li>"
        " <li> Hue (Tint).   0 </li>"
        " <li> Saturation: 100 </li>"
        " <li> Gamma:     1000 </li>"
        " </ul> "
        " </p> "
        " </qt>");

    QString whatsThisPositionImagePage = i18n(
        " <qt> "
        " <p><b>Image Positioning:</b></p> "
        " <p>Select a pair of radiobuttons to "
        " move image to the position you want on the paper printout. Default "
        " is 'center'. </p> "
        " <br> "
        " <hr> "
        " <p><em><b>Additional hint for power users:</b> This KDEPrint GUI element matches "
        " with the CUPS commandline job option parameter:</em> "
        " <pre>"
        "    -o position=...       # examples: \"top-left\" or \"bottom\" "
        " </pre>"
        " </p> "
        " </qt>");


    QGroupBox *colorbox = new QGroupBox(0, Qt::Vertical, i18n("Color Settings"), this);
    QWhatsThis::add(this, whatsThisImagePage);
    QGroupBox *sizebox = new QGroupBox(0, Qt::Vertical, i18n("Image Size"), this);
    QWhatsThis::add(sizebox, whatsThisSizeImagePage);
    QGroupBox *positionbox = new QGroupBox(0, Qt::Vertical, i18n("Image Position"), this);
    QWhatsThis::add(positionbox, whatsThisPositionImagePage);

    m_brightness = new KIntNumInput(100, colorbox);
    m_brightness->setRange(0, 200, 20, true);
    QWhatsThis::add(m_brightness, whatsThisBrightnessImagePage);

    m_hue = new KIntNumInput(m_brightness, 0, colorbox);
    m_hue->setLabel(i18n("&Hue (Color rotation):"));
    m_hue->setRange(-360, 360, 36, true);
    QWhatsThis::add(m_hue, whatsThisHueImagePage);

    m_saturation = new KIntNumInput(m_brightness, 100, colorbox);
    m_saturation->setRange(0, 200, 20, true);
    QWhatsThis::add(m_saturation, whatsThisSaturationImagePage);

    m_gamma = new KIntNumInput(m_saturation, 1000, colorbox);
    m_gamma->setLabel(i18n("&Gamma (Color correction):"));
    m_gamma->setRange(1, 3000, 100, true);
    QWhatsThis::add(m_gamma, whatsThisGammaImagePage);

    connect(m_brightness, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotImageSettingsChanged()));
    connect(m_hue, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotImageSettingsChanged()));
    connect(m_saturation, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotImageSettingsChanged()));
    // connect(m_gamma, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotImageSettingsChanged()));

    m_preview = new ImagePreview(colorbox);
    bool useColor = (driver ? driver->get("colordevice") == "1" : true);
    QWhatsThis::add(m_preview, whatsThisColorationPreviewImagePage);

    QImage img(locate("data", "kdeprint/preview.png"));

    KSeparator *sep = new KSeparator(Qt::Horizontal, colorbox);

    QPushButton *defbtn = new QPushButton(i18n("&Default Settings"), colorbox);
    QWhatsThis::add(defbtn, whatsThisResetButtonImagePage);
    connect(defbtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotDefaultClicked()));

    m_sizetype = new QComboBox(sizebox);
    m_sizetype->insertItem(i18n("Natural Image Size"));
    m_sizetype->insertItem(i18n("Resolution (ppi)"));
    // xgettext:no-c-format
    m_sizetype->insertItem(i18n("% of Page"));
    // xgettext:no-c-format
    m_sizetype->insertItem(i18n("% of Natural Image Size"));

    m_size = new KIntNumInput(sizebox);
    m_size->setRange(1, 1200, 20, true);

    connect(m_sizetype, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotSizeTypeChanged(int)));

    QLabel *lab = new QLabel(i18n("&Image size type:"), sizebox);

    m_position = new ImagePosition(positionbox);
    QWhatsThis::add(m_position, whatsThisPreviewPositionImagePage);

    QRadioButton *bottom = new QRadioButton(positionbox);
    QRadioButton *top = new QRadioButton(positionbox);
    QRadioButton *vcenter = new QRadioButton(positionbox);
    QRadioButton *left = new QRadioButton(positionbox);
    QRadioButton *right = new QRadioButton(positionbox);
    QRadioButton *hcenter = new QRadioButton(positionbox);
    QSize sz = bottom->sizeHint();

    m_vertgrp = new QButtonGroup(positionbox);

    m_horizgrp = new QButtonGroup(positionbox);

    m_vertgrp->insert(top, 0);
    m_vertgrp->insert(vcenter, 1);
    m_vertgrp->insert(bottom, 2);
        m_horizgrp->insert(left, 2);
        m_horizgrp->insert(hcenter, 1);
        m_horizgrp->insert(right, 0);
        m_horizgrp->insert(left, 0);
        m_horizgrp->insert(hcenter, 1);
        m_horizgrp->insert(right, 2);
    connect(m_vertgrp, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), SLOT(slotPositionChanged()));
    connect(m_horizgrp, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), SLOT(slotPositionChanged()));

    QGridLayout *l0 = new QGridLayout(this, 2, 2, 0, 10);
    l0->addMultiCellWidget(colorbox, 0, 0, 0, 1);
    l0->addWidget(sizebox, 1, 0);
    l0->addWidget(positionbox, 1, 1);
    l0->setColStretch(0, 1);
    QGridLayout *l1 = new QGridLayout(colorbox->layout(), 5, 2, 10);
    l1->addWidget(m_brightness, 0, 0);
    l1->addWidget(m_hue, 1, 0);
    l1->addWidget(m_saturation, 2, 0);
    l1->addWidget(sep, 3, 0);
    l1->addWidget(m_gamma, 4, 0);
    l1->addMultiCellWidget(m_preview, 0, 3, 1, 1);
    l1->addWidget(defbtn, 4, 1);
    QVBoxLayout *l2 = new QVBoxLayout(sizebox->layout(), 3);
    QGridLayout *l3 = new QGridLayout(positionbox->layout(), 2, 2, 10);
    QHBoxLayout *l4 = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 10);
    QVBoxLayout *l5 = new QVBoxLayout(0, 0, 10);
    l3->addLayout(l4, 0, 1);
    l3->addLayout(l5, 1, 0);
    l3->addWidget(m_position, 1, 1);
    l4->addWidget(left, Qt::AlignLeft);
    l4->addWidget(hcenter, Qt::AlignCenter);
    l4->addWidget(right, Qt::AlignRight);
    l5->addWidget(top, Qt::AlignTop);
    l5->addWidget(vcenter, Qt::AlignVCenter);
    l5->addWidget(bottom, Qt::AlignBottom);
Пример #2
void PathStrokeControls::createCommonControls(QWidget* parent)
    m_capGroup = new QGroupBox(parent);
    m_capGroup->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
    QRadioButton *flatCap = new QRadioButton(m_capGroup);
    QRadioButton *squareCap = new QRadioButton(m_capGroup);
    QRadioButton *roundCap = new QRadioButton(m_capGroup);
    m_capGroup->setTitle(tr("Cap Style"));
    flatCap->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
    squareCap->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
    roundCap->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);

    m_joinGroup = new QGroupBox(parent);
    m_joinGroup->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
    QRadioButton *bevelJoin = new QRadioButton(m_joinGroup);
    QRadioButton *miterJoin = new QRadioButton(m_joinGroup);
    QRadioButton *roundJoin = new QRadioButton(m_joinGroup);
    m_joinGroup->setTitle(tr("Join Style"));

    m_styleGroup = new QGroupBox(parent);
    m_styleGroup->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
    QRadioButton *solidLine = new QRadioButton(m_styleGroup);
    QRadioButton *dashLine = new QRadioButton(m_styleGroup);
    QRadioButton *dotLine = new QRadioButton(m_styleGroup);
    QRadioButton *dashDotLine = new QRadioButton(m_styleGroup);
    QRadioButton *dashDotDotLine = new QRadioButton(m_styleGroup);
    QRadioButton *customDashLine = new QRadioButton(m_styleGroup);
    m_styleGroup->setTitle(tr("Pen Style"));

    QPixmap line_solid(":res/images/line_solid.png");
    QPixmap line_dashed(":res/images/line_dashed.png");
    QPixmap line_dotted(":res/images/line_dotted.png");
    QPixmap line_dash_dot(":res/images/line_dash_dot.png");
    QPixmap line_dash_dot_dot(":res/images/line_dash_dot_dot.png");

    int fixedHeight = bevelJoin->sizeHint().height();

    m_pathModeGroup = new QGroupBox(parent);
    m_pathModeGroup->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
    QRadioButton *curveMode = new QRadioButton(m_pathModeGroup);
    QRadioButton *lineMode = new QRadioButton(m_pathModeGroup);
    m_pathModeGroup->setTitle(tr("Line Style"));

    // Layouts
    QVBoxLayout *capGroupLayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_capGroup);

    QVBoxLayout *joinGroupLayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_joinGroup);

    QVBoxLayout *styleGroupLayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_styleGroup);

    QVBoxLayout *pathModeGroupLayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_pathModeGroup);

    // Connections
    connect(flatCap, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_renderer, SLOT(setFlatCap()));
    connect(squareCap, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_renderer, SLOT(setSquareCap()));
    connect(roundCap, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_renderer, SLOT(setRoundCap()));

    connect(bevelJoin, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_renderer, SLOT(setBevelJoin()));
    connect(miterJoin, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_renderer, SLOT(setMiterJoin()));
    connect(roundJoin, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_renderer, SLOT(setRoundJoin()));

    connect(curveMode, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_renderer, SLOT(setCurveMode()));
    connect(lineMode, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_renderer, SLOT(setLineMode()));

    connect(solidLine, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_renderer, SLOT(setSolidLine()));
    connect(dashLine, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_renderer, SLOT(setDashLine()));
    connect(dotLine, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_renderer, SLOT(setDotLine()));
    connect(dashDotLine, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_renderer, SLOT(setDashDotLine()));
    connect(dashDotDotLine, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_renderer, SLOT(setDashDotDotLine()));
    connect(customDashLine, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_renderer, SLOT(setCustomDashLine()));

    // Set the defaults:
Пример #3
PrintDialog::PrintDialog( QWidget *parent, const char *name, int maxPages,
							bool marked )		
	: QDialog( parent, name, TRUE )
	pgMode = All;
	printerName.sprintf( "" ); // default printer will be chosen.
	spoolerCommand.sprintf( "lpr" );
	printerVariable.sprintf( "PRINTER" );

	KConfig *config = KApplication::getKApplication()->getConfig();
	/* Read in the default options. */
	config->setGroup( "Print" );
	printerName=config->readEntry ("Name","");
	spoolerCommand=config->readEntry ("Spool","lpr");
	printerVariable=config->readEntry ("Variable","PRINTER");

	pgMax = maxPages;
	pgStart=0; pgEnd=0;
	int border = 10;
	QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, border );
	cbFile = new QCheckBox( i18n("Print to file"), this );
	cbFile->setFixedHeight( cbFile->sizeHint().height() );
	topLayout->addWidget( cbFile );
	QGroupBox *group = new QGroupBox( i18n( "Pages" ), this );
	topLayout->addWidget( group, 10 );
	QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout( group, 5, 7, 5 );
	grid->setRowStretch( 0, 10 );
	grid->setRowStretch( 1, 100 );
	grid->setRowStretch( 2, 0 );
	grid->setRowStretch( 3, 100 );
	grid->setRowStretch( 4, 10 );
	grid->setColStretch( 0, 0 );
	grid->setColStretch( 1, 100 );
	grid->setColStretch( 2, 100 );
	grid->setColStretch( 3, 100 );
	grid->setColStretch( 4, 0 );
	grid->setColStretch( 5, 100 );
	grid->setColStretch( 6, 0 );
	pgGroup = new QButtonGroup( group );
	pgGroup->setExclusive( true );
	connect( pgGroup, SIGNAL( clicked( int ) ), SLOT( slotPageMode( int ) ) );
	int widest = 0;
	QRadioButton *arb = new QRadioButton( i18n("&All"), group );
	arb->setFixedHeight( arb->sizeHint().height()+6 );
	arb->setChecked( true );
	pgGroup->insert( arb, All );
	grid->addWidget( arb, 1, 1 );
	if ( arb->sizeHint().width() > widest )
	  widest = arb->sizeHint().width();
	QRadioButton *rb = new QRadioButton( i18n("&Current"), group );
	rb->setFixedHeight( rb->sizeHint().height()+6 );
	pgGroup->insert( rb, Current );
	grid->addWidget( rb, 1, 2 );
	if ( rb->sizeHint().width() > widest ) widest = rb->sizeHint().width();
	rb = new QRadioButton( i18n("&Marked"), group );
	rb->setFixedHeight( rb->sizeHint().height()+6 );
	if ( !marked )
	  rb->setEnabled( false );
	    arb->setChecked ( false );
	    rb->setChecked ( true );

	pgGroup->insert( rb, Marked );
	grid->addWidget( rb, 3, 1 );
	if ( rb->sizeHint().width() > widest ) widest = rb->sizeHint().width();
	rb = new QRadioButton( i18n("&Range"), group );
	rb->setFixedHeight( rb->sizeHint().height()+6 );
	pgGroup->insert( rb, Range );
	grid->addWidget( rb, 3, 2 );
	if ( rb->sizeHint().width() > widest ) widest = rb->sizeHint().width();
	leStart = new QLineEdit( group );
	leStart->setFixedHeight( rb->sizeHint().height()+6 );
	grid->addWidget( leStart, 3, 3 );
	lTo = new QLabel( group );
	lTo->setText( i18n("to") );
	lTo->setAlignment( AlignCenter );
	lTo->setMinimumSize( lTo->sizeHint() );
	grid->addWidget( lTo, 3, 4 );
	leEnd = new QLineEdit( group );
	leEnd->setFixedHeight( rb->sizeHint().height()+6 );
	grid->addWidget( leEnd, 3, 5 );
	group->setMinimumSize( QSize( 4*widest+25, 4*(rb->sizeHint().height()+6) ) );
	cbOrder = new QCheckBox( i18n("Print document in re&verse order"), this );
	cbOrder->setFixedHeight( cbOrder->sizeHint().height() );
	topLayout->addWidget( cbOrder );
	QFrame* tmpQFrame;
	tmpQFrame = new QFrame( this );
	tmpQFrame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken );
	tmpQFrame->setMinimumHeight( tmpQFrame->sizeHint().height() );
	topLayout->addWidget( tmpQFrame );
	KButtonBox *bbox = new KButtonBox( this );
	QPushButton* setup = bbox->addButton( i18n("&Setup ...") );
	connect( setup, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT( setup()) );
	bbox->addStretch( 10 );

	QPushButton* ok = bbox->addButton( i18n("&OK") );
	connect( ok, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT( checkRange() ) );

	QPushButton* cancel = bbox->addButton( i18n("&Cancel") );
	connect( cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(reject()) );

	topLayout->addWidget( bbox );
	if ( marked )
	  slotPageMode( Marked );
	  slotPageMode( All );

	resize( 250, 0 );