extern "C" int QSICamera_put_Position (int newVal) { QSI_func = __func__; try {Q.put_Position (newVal);} catch (...) {return 0;} return 1; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int x,y,z; std::string serial(""); std::string desc(""); std::string info = ""; std::string modelNumber(""); char filename[256]; const char *dir = "/tmp"; const char *extension = "tiff"; bool canSetTemp; bool hasFilters; short binX; short binY; long xsize; long ysize; long startX; long startY; int iNumFound; bool tiffoutput = false; bool fitsoutput = false; int c; while (EOF != (c = getopt(argc, argv, "tfd:"))) switch (c) { case 't': #if HAVE_TIFFIO_H tiffoutput = true; #else std::cerr << "no TIFF support" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); #endif break; case 'f': #if HAVE_FITSIO_H fitsoutput = true; #else std::cerr << "no FITS support" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); #endif break; case 'd': dir = optarg; break; } // for compatibility, of no option was present, and we have TIFF // support, then we use tiff output #if HAVE_TIFFIO_H if ((!tiffoutput) && (!fitsoutput)) { tiffoutput = true; } #endif if ((tiffoutput) && (fitsoutput)) { std::cerr << "you cannot request both TIFF and FITS." << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (fitsoutput) { extension = "fits"; } QSICamera cam; cam.put_UseStructuredExceptions(true); try { cam.get_DriverInfo(info); std::cout << "qsiapi version: " << info << "\n"; //Discover the connected cameras std::string camSerial[QSICamera::MAXCAMERAS]; std::string camDesc[QSICamera::MAXCAMERAS]; cam.get_AvailableCameras(camSerial, camDesc, iNumFound); if (iNumFound < 1) { std::cout << "No cameras found\n"; exit(1); } for (int i = 0; i < iNumFound; i++) { std::cout << camSerial[i] << ":" << camDesc[i] << "\n"; } cam.put_SelectCamera(camSerial[0]); cam.put_IsMainCamera(true); // Connect to the selected camera and retrieve camera parameters cam.put_Connected(true); std::cout << "Camera connected. \n"; // Get Model Number cam.get_ModelNumber(modelNumber); std::cout << modelNumber << "\n"; // Get Camera Description cam.get_Description(desc); std:: cout << desc << "\n"; // Enable the beeper cam.put_SoundEnabled(true); // Enable the indicator LED cam.put_LEDEnabled(true); // Set the fan mode cam.put_FanMode(QSICamera::fanQuiet); // Query the current flush mode setting cam.put_PreExposureFlush(QSICamera::FlushNormal); // Query if the camera can control the CCD temp cam.get_CanSetCCDTemperature(&canSetTemp); if (canSetTemp) { // Set the CCD temp setpoint to 10.0C cam.put_SetCCDTemperature(10.0); // Enable the cooler cam.put_CoolerOn(true); } if (modelNumber.substr(0,1) == "6") { cam.put_ReadoutSpeed(QSICamera::FastReadout); } // Does the camera have a filer wheel? cam.get_HasFilterWheel(&hasFilters); if ( hasFilters) { // Set the filter wheel to position 1 (0 based position) cam.put_Position(0); } if (modelNumber.substr(0,3) == "520" || modelNumber.substr(0,3) == "540") { cam.put_CameraGain(QSICamera::CameraGainHigh); cam.put_PreExposureFlush(QSICamera::FlushNormal); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set image size // cam.put_BinX(1); cam.put_BinY(1); // Get the dimensions of the CCD cam.get_CameraXSize(&xsize); cam.get_CameraYSize(&ysize); // Set the exposure to a full frame cam.put_StartX(0); cam.put_StartY(0); cam.put_NumX(xsize); cam.put_NumY(ysize); // take 10 test images for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { bool imageReady = false; // Start an exposure, 0 milliseconds long (bias frame), with shutter open cam.StartExposure(0.000, true); // Poll for image completed cam.get_ImageReady(&imageReady); while(!imageReady) { usleep(100); cam.get_ImageReady(&imageReady); } // Get the image dimensions to allocate an image array cam.get_ImageArraySize(x, y, z); unsigned short* image = new unsigned short[x * y]; // Retrieve the pending image from the camera cam.get_ImageArray(image); std::cout << "exposure #" << i; sprintf(filename, "%s/qsiimage%d.%s", dir, i, extension); if (tiffoutput) { #ifdef HAVE_TIFFIO_H WriteTIFF(image, x, y, filename); #endif } else if (fitsoutput) { #ifdef HAVE_FITSIO_H WriteFITS(image, x, y, filename); #endif } std::cout << "\n"; std::cout.flush(); delete [] image; } cam.put_Connected(false); std::cout << "Camera disconnected.\nTest complete.\n"; std::cout.flush(); return 0; } catch (std::runtime_error &err) { std::string text = err.what(); std::cout << text << "\n"; std::string last(""); cam.get_LastError(last); std::cout << last << "\n"; std::cout << "exiting with errors\n"; exit(1); } }