Пример #1
  Creates a new \c{Object} and calls this QScriptValue as a
  constructor, using the created object as the `this' object and
  passing \a args as arguments. If the return value from the
  constructor call is an object, then that object is returned;
  otherwise the default constructed object is returned.

  If this QScriptValue is not a function, construct() does nothing
  and returns an invalid QScriptValue.

  Calling construct() can cause an exception to occur in the script
  engine; in that case, construct() returns the value that was thrown
  (typically an \c{Error} object). You can call
  QScriptEngine::hasUncaughtException() to determine if an exception

  \sa call(), QScriptEngine::newObject()
QScriptValue QScriptValue::construct(const QScriptValueList &args)
    if (!d || !d->value.isObject())
        return QScriptValue();
    QScriptEnginePrivate *eng = QScriptEnginePrivate::get(engine());
    return eng->toPublic(d->value.construct(eng->toImplList(args)));
Пример #2
  Calls this QScriptValue as a function, using \a thisObject as
  the `this' object in the function call, and passing \a args
  as arguments to the function. Returns the value returned from
  the function.

  If this QScriptValue is not a function, call() does nothing
  and returns an invalid QScriptValue.

  Note that if \a thisObject is not an object, the global object
  (see \l{QScriptEngine::globalObject()}) will be used as the
  `this' object.

  Calling call() can cause an exception to occur in the script engine;
  in that case, call() returns the value that was thrown (typically an
  \c{Error} object). You can call
  QScriptEngine::hasUncaughtException() to determine if an exception

  \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_script_qscriptvalue.cpp 2

  \sa construct()
QScriptValue QScriptValue::call(const QScriptValue &thisObject,
                                const QScriptValueList &args)
    if (!d || !d->value.isObject())
        return QScriptValue();
    if (isFunction() && thisObject.isValid() && thisObject.engine() &&
        engine() && (thisObject.engine() != engine())) {
        qWarning("QScriptValue::call() failed: "
                 "cannot call function with thisObject created in "
                 "a different engine");
        return QScriptValue();
    QScriptEnginePrivate *eng = QScriptEnginePrivate::get(engine());
    return eng->toPublic(d->value.call(eng->toImpl(thisObject),