void ScriptEngine::importProgram(const QScriptProgram &program, const QScriptValue &scope, QScriptValue &targetObject) { QSet<QString> globalPropertyNames; { QScriptValueIterator it(globalObject()); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); globalPropertyNames += it.name(); } } pushContext(); if (scope.isObject()) currentContext()->pushScope(scope); QScriptValue result = evaluate(program); QScriptValue activationObject = currentContext()->activationObject(); if (scope.isObject()) currentContext()->popScope(); popContext(); if (Q_UNLIKELY(hasErrorOrException(result))) throw ErrorInfo(tr("Error when importing '%1': %2").arg(program.fileName(), result.toString())); // If targetObject is already an object, it doesn't get overwritten but enhanced by the // contents of the .js file. // This is necessary for library imports that consist of multiple js files. if (!targetObject.isObject()) targetObject = newObject(); // Copy every property of the activation object to the target object. // We do not just save a reference to the activation object, because QScriptEngine contains // special magic for activation objects that leads to unanticipated results. { QScriptValueIterator it(activationObject); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if (debugJSImports) qDebug() << "[ENGINE] Copying property " << it.name(); targetObject.setProperty(it.name(), it.value()); } } // Copy new global properties to the target object and remove them from // the global object. This is to support direct variable assignments // without the 'var' keyword in JavaScript files. QScriptValueIterator it(globalObject()); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if (globalPropertyNames.contains(it.name())) continue; if (debugJSImports) { qDebug() << "[ENGINE] inserting global property " << it.name() << " " << it.value().toString(); } targetObject.setProperty(it.name(), it.value()); it.remove(); } }
/*! Returns true if this QScriptProgram is equal to \a other; otherwise returns false. */ bool QScriptProgram::operator==(const QScriptProgram &other) const { Q_D(const QScriptProgram); if (d == other.d_func()) return true; return (sourceCode() == other.sourceCode()) && (fileName() == other.fileName()) && (firstLineNumber() == other.firstLineNumber()); }
// Copied from ScriptEngine.cpp. We should make this a class method for reuse. // Note: I've deliberately stopped short of using ScriptEngine instead of QScriptEngine, as that is out of project scope at this point. static bool hasCorrectSyntax(const QScriptProgram& program) { const auto syntaxCheck = QScriptEngine::checkSyntax(program.sourceCode()); if (syntaxCheck.state() != QScriptSyntaxCheckResult::Valid) { const auto error = syntaxCheck.errorMessage(); const auto line = QString::number(syntaxCheck.errorLineNumber()); const auto column = QString::number(syntaxCheck.errorColumnNumber()); const auto message = QString("[SyntaxError] %1 in %2:%3(%4)").arg(error, program.fileName(), line, column); qCritical() << qPrintable(message); return false; } return true; }
bool ScriptManager::_Evaluate(QScriptProgram program) { mLastReturnValue = mScriptEngine->evaluate(program); return HandleErrors(program.fileName()); }