bool AMDatamanAppControllerForActions2::startupCreateUserInterface() { AMErrorMon::information(this, AMDATAMANAPPCONTROLLER_STARTUP_MESSAGES, "Acquaman Startup: Populating User Interface"); qApp->processEvents(); settingsMasterView_ = 0; issueSubmissionView_ = 0; bottomBar_ = new AMBottomBar(); // These buttons are never used. Hiding them. bottomBar_->fullScreenButton->hide(); bottomBar_->adjustScanFinishButton->hide(); bottomBar_->restartScanButton->hide(); mw_->addBottomWidget(bottomBar_); connect(bottomBar_, SIGNAL(addButtonClicked()), this, SLOT(onAddButtonClicked())); connect(bottomBar_, SIGNAL(pauseScanIssued()), this, SIGNAL(pauseScanIssued())); connect(bottomBar_, SIGNAL(resumeScanIssued()), this, SIGNAL(resumeScanIssued())); connect(bottomBar_, SIGNAL(stopScanIssued()), this, SIGNAL(stopScanIssued())); // Create panes in the main window: //////////////////////////////////// // A heading for the scan editors scanEditorsParentItem_ = mw_->windowPaneModel()->headingItem("Open Scans"); // Make a dataview widget and add it under two links/headings: "Runs" and "Experiments". See AMMainWindowModel for more information. //////////////////////////////////// dataView_ = new AMDataViewWithActionButtons(); dataView_->setWindowTitle("Data"); QStandardItem* dataViewItem = new QStandardItem(); dataViewItem->setData(qVariantFromValue((QWidget*)dataView_), AM::WidgetRole); dataViewItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled); // enabled, but should not be selectable QFont font = QFont("Lucida Grande", 10, QFont::Bold); font.setCapitalization(QFont::AllUppercase); dataViewItem->setFont(font); dataViewItem->setData(QBrush(QColor::fromRgb(100, 109, 125)), Qt::ForegroundRole); dataViewItem->setData(true, AMWindowPaneModel::DockStateRole); mw_->windowPaneModel()->appendRow(dataViewItem); runsParentItem_ = new QStandardItem(QIcon(":/22x22/view_calendar_upcoming_days.png"), "Runs"); mw_->windowPaneModel()->initAliasItem(runsParentItem_, dataViewItem, "Runs", -1); dataViewItem->appendRow(runsParentItem_); experimentsParentItem_ = new QStandardItem(QIcon(":/applications-science.png"), "Experiments"); mw_->windowPaneModel()->initAliasItem(experimentsParentItem_, dataViewItem, "Experiments", -1); dataViewItem->appendRow(experimentsParentItem_); // Hook into the sidebar and add Run and Experiment links below these headings. runExperimentInsert_ = new AMRunExperimentInsert(AMDatabase::database("user"), runsParentItem_, experimentsParentItem_, this); connect(runExperimentInsert_, SIGNAL(newExperimentAdded(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(onNewExperimentAdded(QModelIndex))); // connect the activated signal from the dataview to our own slot connect(dataView_, SIGNAL(selectionActivated(QList<QUrl>)), this, SLOT(onDataViewItemsActivated(QList<QUrl>))); connect(dataView_, SIGNAL(selectionActivatedSeparateWindows(QList<QUrl>)), this, SLOT(onDataViewItemsActivatedSeparateWindows(QList<QUrl>))); connect(dataView_, SIGNAL(selectionExported(QList<QUrl>)), this, SLOT(onDataViewItemsExported(QList<QUrl>))); connect(dataView_, SIGNAL(launchScanConfigurationsFromDb(QList<QUrl>)), this, SLOT(onLaunchScanConfigurationsFromDb(QList<QUrl>))); connect(dataView_, SIGNAL(fixCDF(QUrl)), this, SLOT(fixCDF(QUrl))); // When 'alias' links are clicked in the main window sidebar, we might need to notify some widgets of the details connect(mw_, SIGNAL(aliasItemActivated(QWidget*,QString,QVariant)), this, SLOT(onMainWindowAliasItemActivated(QWidget*,QString,QVariant))); ///////////////////////// // Make connections: ////////////////////////////// connect(mw_, SIGNAL(currentPaneChanged(QWidget*)), this, SLOT(onCurrentPaneChanged(QWidget*))); // show main window mw_->show(); return true; }
void AnalysisThread::addUdpNode(int protoInd) { struct udphdr* pudp_header = (struct udphdr *)this->>pProtocal; QStandardItem* udpitem = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(struct udphdr); setUserRoleData(udpitem); QStandardItem* item = new QStandardItem(); uint16_t src_port = ntohs(pudp_header->source); this->len = sizeof(src_port); item->setText(QString("Source port: %1").arg(src_port)); setUserRoleData(item); udpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); uint16_t dst_port = ntohs(pudp_header->dest); this->len = sizeof(dst_port); item->setText(QString("Destination port: %1").arg(dst_port)); setUserRoleData(item); udpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); u_int16_t len = ntohs(pudp_header->len); this->len = sizeof(len); item->setText(QString("Length: %1").arg(len)); setUserRoleData(item); udpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); u_int16_t check = ntohs(pudp_header->check); this->len = sizeof(check); item->setText(QString("Checksum: 0x%1 [validation disabled]") .arg(check,0,16)); setUserRoleData(item); udpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; udpitem->setText(QString("User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: %1, Dst Port: %2") .arg(src_port) .arg(dst_port)); this->model->setItem(this->irow++, 0, udpitem); // Add the application data, we just analysis ssdp ApplicationData* pad = NULL; try{ pad = static_cast<ApplicationData*>(this->snifferData.>pProtocal); } catch(std::exception) { return; } if (pad == NULL) { return; } if (pad->strProtocal == SnifferType::SSDP_PROTOCAL) { addHttpNode(pad); } }
void AnalysisThread::addEtherNode(int protoInd) { SnifferProtocal* psp = this->; struct ether_header* pether_header = (struct ether_header *)psp->pProtocal; QStandardItem* etheritem = new QStandardItem(); this->offset = 0; this->len = sizeof(struct ether_header); setUserRoleData(etheritem); QString tmpmacDst = SnifferUtil::macToHost(pether_header->ether_dhost); QString tmpmacSrc = SnifferUtil::macToHost(pether_header->ether_shost); etheritem->setText(QString("Ethernet V2, Src: %1, Dst: %2") .arg(tmpmacSrc) .arg(tmpmacDst)); // Destination QStandardItem* item = new QStandardItem(); item->setText("Destination: " + tmpmacDst); this->len = sizeof(pether_header->ether_dhost); setUserRoleData(item); QStandardItem* childitem = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(pether_header->ether_dhost); setUserRoleData(childitem); childitem->setText("Address: " + tmpmacDst); item->appendRow(childitem); childitem = new QStandardItem(); if (SnifferUtil::getBit(pether_header->ether_dhost[1], 6)) { childitem->setText(QString(".... ..1. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Locally administered address (this is NOT the factory default)")); } else { childitem->setText(QString(".... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default)")); } this->len = 3; setUserRoleData(childitem); item->appendRow(childitem); childitem = new QStandardItem(); if (SnifferUtil::getBit(pether_header->ether_dhost[1], 7)) { childitem->setText(QString(".... ...1 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Group address (multicast/broadcast)")); } else { childitem->setText(QString(".... ...0 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Individual address (unicast)")); } setUserRoleData(childitem); item->appendRow(childitem); etheritem->appendRow(item); this->offset += sizeof(pether_header->ether_dhost); // Source item = new QStandardItem(); item->setText("Source: " + tmpmacSrc); this->len = sizeof(pether_header->ether_shost); setUserRoleData(item); childitem = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(pether_header->ether_shost); setUserRoleData(childitem); childitem->setText("Address: " + tmpmacSrc); item->appendRow(childitem); childitem = new QStandardItem(); if (SnifferUtil::getBit(pether_header->ether_shost[1], 6)) { childitem->setText(QString(".... ..1. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Locally administered address (this is NOT the factory default)")); } else { childitem->setText(QString(".... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default)")); } this->len = 3; setUserRoleData(childitem); item->appendRow(childitem); childitem = new QStandardItem(); if (SnifferUtil::getBit(pether_header->ether_shost[1], 7)) { childitem->setText(QString(".... ...1 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Group address (multicast/broadcast)")); } else { childitem->setText(QString(".... ...0 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Individual address (unicast)")); } setUserRoleData(childitem); item->appendRow(childitem); etheritem->appendRow(item); this->offset += sizeof(pether_header->ether_shost); // Get the protocal type int type = ntohs(pether_header->ether_type); this->len = sizeof(pether_header->ether_type); switch(type) { case ETHERTYPE_IP: { item = new QStandardItem(); item->setText(QString("Type: IP (0x%1)").arg(type,4, 16,QLatin1Char('0'))); setUserRoleData(item); etheritem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; this->model->setItem(this->irow++, 0, etheritem); addIpNode(protoInd+1); break; } case ETHERTYPE_IPV6: { item = new QStandardItem(); item->setText(QString("Type: IPV6 (0x%1)").arg(type,4, 16,QLatin1Char('0'))); etheritem->appendRow(item); this->model->setItem(this->irow++, 0, etheritem); setUserRoleData(item); this->offset += this->len; addIpV6Node(protoInd+1); break; } case ETHERTYPE_ARP: { item = new QStandardItem(); item->setText(QString("Type: ARP (0x%1)").arg(type,4, 16,QLatin1Char('0'))); setUserRoleData(item); etheritem->appendRow(item); this->model->setItem(this->irow++, 0, etheritem); this->offset += this->len; addArpNode(protoInd+1); break; } default: { qDebug("Current the sniffer can not analysis the ethernet type:%0x", type); break; } } }
/** \brief Add an ICD association \e asso to the model. This member will firstly check if the association can be added to the model. */ bool IcdCollectionModel::addAssociation(const Internal::IcdAssociation &asso) { // Can add this association ? if (!canAddThisAssociation(asso)) { Utils::Log::addError(this, tr("Can not add this Association: %1-%2") .arg(icdBase()->getIcdCode(asso.mainSid()).toString()) .arg(icdBase()->getIcdCode(asso.associatedSid()).toString())); return false; } // add Code to model d->m_SIDs.append(asso.mainSid().toInt()); d->m_SIDs.append(asso.associatedSid().toInt()); // Find root item (mainItem) based on the SID QStandardItem *parentItem = 0; QStandardItem *main = 0; QList<QStandardItem *> list; if (asso.mainIsDag()) { list = findItems(asso.mainCodeWithDagStar(), Qt::MatchExactly, 0); } else { list = findItems(asso.associatedCodeWithDagStar(), Qt::MatchExactly, 0); } if (list.count()==0) { parentItem = invisibleRootItem(); if (asso.mainIsDag()) { main = new QStandardItem(asso.mainCodeWithDagStar()); list << main << new QStandardItem(asso.mainLabel()) << new QStandardItem(asso.mainCode()) // Code without daget << new QStandardItem(asso.mainDaget()) // Human readable daget << new QStandardItem(asso.dagCode()) // DagCode << new QStandardItem(asso.mainSid().toString()) ; } else { main = new QStandardItem(asso.associatedCodeWithDagStar()); list << main << new QStandardItem(asso.associatedLabel()) << new QStandardItem(asso.associatedCode()) // Code without daget << new QStandardItem(asso.associatedDaget()) // Human readable daget << new QStandardItem(icdBase()->invertDagCode(asso.dagCode())) << new QStandardItem(asso.associatedSid().toString()) ; } parentItem->appendRow(list); parentItem = main; } else { parentItem =; } list.clear(); if (asso.mainIsDag()) { list << new QStandardItem(asso.associatedCodeWithDagStar()) << new QStandardItem(asso.associatedLabel()) << new QStandardItem(asso.associatedCode()) // Code without daget << new QStandardItem(asso.associatedDaget()) // Human readable daget << new QStandardItem(icdBase()->invertDagCode(asso.dagCode())) << new QStandardItem(asso.associatedSid().toString()) ; } else { list << new QStandardItem(asso.mainCodeWithDagStar()) << new QStandardItem(asso.mainLabel()) << new QStandardItem(asso.mainCode()) // Code without daget << new QStandardItem(asso.mainDaget()) // Human readable daget << new QStandardItem(asso.dagCode()) // DagCode << new QStandardItem(asso.mainSid().toString()) ; } parentItem->appendRow(list); // get all exclusions if (asso.mainIsDag()) { d->m_ExcludedSIDs << icdBase()->getExclusions(asso.mainSid()); } else { d->m_ExcludedSIDs << icdBase()->getExclusions(asso.associatedSid()); } return true; }
void AnalysisThread::addArpNode(int protoInd) { struct ether_arp* parp_header = (struct ether_arp *)this->>pProtocal; QStandardItem* arpitem = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(struct ether_arp); unsigned short int op = ntohs(parp_header->ea_hdr.ar_op); if (op == 0x01) { arpitem->setText("Address Resolution Protocol (request)"); } else if (op == 0x02) { arpitem->setText("Address Resolution Protocol (response)"); } setUserRoleData(arpitem); // Hardware type, here we just analysis the Ether type QStandardItem* item = new QStandardItem(); if (ntohs(parp_header->ea_hdr.ar_hrd) == 0x01) { item->setText("Hardware type: Ethernet (1)"); } else { item->setText(QString("Hardware type: 1%").arg(ntohs(parp_header->ea_hdr.ar_hrd))); } this->len = sizeof(parp_header->ea_hdr.ar_hrd); setUserRoleData(item); arpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; // Protocal type, here we just analysis the ip type item = new QStandardItem(); if (ntohs(parp_header->ea_hdr.ar_pro) == 0x0800) { item->setText("Protocol type: IP (0x0800)"); } else { item->setText(QString("Protocol type: %1").arg(ntohs(parp_header->ea_hdr.ar_pro))); } this->len = sizeof(parp_header->ea_hdr.ar_pro); setUserRoleData(item); arpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; // hardware size and protocal size item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(parp_header->ea_hdr.ar_hln); item->setText(QString("Hardware size: %1").arg(parp_header->ea_hdr.ar_hln)); setUserRoleData(item); arpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(parp_header->ea_hdr.ar_pln); item->setText(QString("Protocal size: %1").arg(parp_header->ea_hdr.ar_pln)); setUserRoleData(item); arpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(op); if (op == 0x01) { item->setText("Opcode: request (1)"); } else if (op == 0x02) { item->setText("Opcode: response (1)"); } else { qDebug("Error arp op code: %0x", op); } setUserRoleData(item); arpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; // Add address item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(parp_header->arp_sha); item->setText(QString("Sender MAC address: %1") .arg(SnifferUtil::macToHost(parp_header->arp_sha))); setUserRoleData(item); arpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(parp_header->arp_spa); item->setText(QString("Sender IP address: %1") .arg(SnifferUtil::netToIp(parp_header->arp_spa))); setUserRoleData(item); arpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(parp_header->arp_tha); item->setText(QString("Target MAC address: %1") .arg(SnifferUtil::macToHost(parp_header->arp_tha))); setUserRoleData(item); arpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(parp_header->arp_tpa); item->setText(QString("Target IP address: %1") .arg(SnifferUtil::netToIp(parp_header->arp_tpa))); setUserRoleData(item); arpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; this->model->setItem(this->irow++, 0, arpitem); }
ConfigurationContentsWidget::ConfigurationContentsWidget(Window *window) : ContentsWidget(window), m_model(new QStandardItemModel(this)), m_ui(new Ui::ConfigurationContentsWidget) { m_ui->setupUi(this); QSettings defaults(QLatin1String(":/schemas/options.ini"), QSettings::IniFormat, this); const QStringList groups = defaults.childGroups(); for (int i = 0; i < groups.count(); ++i) { QStandardItem *groupItem = new QStandardItem(Utils::getIcon(QLatin1String("inode-directory")),; defaults.beginGroup(; const QStringList keys = defaults.childGroups(); for (int j = 0; j < keys.count(); ++j) { const QString key = QStringLiteral("%1/%2").arg(; const QString type = defaults.value(QStringLiteral("%1/type").arg(; const QVariant defaultValue = SettingsManager::getDefaultValue(key); const QVariant value = SettingsManager::getValue(key); QList<QStandardItem*> optionItems; optionItems.append(new QStandardItem(; optionItems.append(new QStandardItem(type)); optionItems.append(new QStandardItem(value.toString())); optionItems[2]->setData(QSize(-1, 30), Qt::SizeHintRole); optionItems[2]->setData(key, Qt::UserRole); optionItems[2]->setData(type, (Qt::UserRole + 1)); optionItems[2]->setData(((type == "enumeration") ? defaults.value(QStringLiteral("%1/choices").arg( : QVariant()), (Qt::UserRole + 2)); if (value != defaultValue) { QFont font = optionItems[0]->font(); font.setBold(true); optionItems[0]->setFont(font); } groupItem->appendRow(optionItems); } defaults.endGroup(); m_model->appendRow(groupItem); } QStringList labels; labels << tr("Name") << tr("Type") << tr("Value"); m_model->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(labels); m_model->sort(0); m_ui->configurationView->setModel(m_model); m_ui->configurationView->setItemDelegate(new ItemDelegate(this)); m_ui->configurationView->setItemDelegateForColumn(2, new OptionDelegate(false, this)); m_ui->configurationView->header()->setTextElideMode(Qt::ElideRight); connect(SettingsManager::getInstance(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(QString,QVariant)), this, SLOT(optionChanged(QString,QVariant))); connect(m_ui->configurationView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex))); connect(m_ui->filterLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(filterConfiguration(QString))); }
void QgsDb2TableModel::addTableEntry( const QgsDb2LayerProperty &layerProperty ) { QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( " DB2 **** %1.%2.%3 type=%4 srid=%5 pk=%6 sql=%7" ) .arg( layerProperty.schemaName ) .arg( layerProperty.tableName ) .arg( layerProperty.geometryColName ) .arg( layerProperty.type ) .arg( layerProperty.srid ) .arg( layerProperty.pkCols.join( ',' ) ) .arg( layerProperty.sql ) ); // is there already a root item with the given scheme Name? QStandardItem *schemaItem = nullptr; QList<QStandardItem *> schemaItems = findItems( layerProperty.schemaName, Qt::MatchExactly, DbtmSchema ); // there is already an item for this schema if ( schemaItems.size() > 0 ) { schemaItem = DbtmSchema ); } else { // create a new toplevel item for this schema schemaItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.schemaName ); schemaItem->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEnabled ); invisibleRootItem()->setChild( invisibleRootItem()->rowCount(), schemaItem ); } QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType = QgsDb2TableModel::wkbTypeFromDb2( layerProperty.type ); if ( wkbType == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown && layerProperty.geometryColName.isEmpty() ) { wkbType = QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry; } bool needToDetect = wkbType == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown && layerProperty.type != QLatin1String( "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION" ); QList<QStandardItem *> childItemList; QStandardItem *schemaNameItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.schemaName ); schemaNameItem->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable ); QStandardItem *typeItem = new QStandardItem( iconForWkbType( wkbType ), needToDetect ? tr( "Detecting…" ) : QgsWkbTypes::displayString( wkbType ) ); typeItem->setData( needToDetect, Qt::UserRole + 1 ); typeItem->setData( wkbType, Qt::UserRole + 2 ); QStandardItem *tableItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.tableName ); QStandardItem *geomItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.geometryColName ); QStandardItem *sridItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.srid ); sridItem->setEditable( false ); QString pkText; QString pkCol; switch ( layerProperty.pkCols.size() ) { case 0: break; case 1: pkText = layerProperty.pkCols[0]; pkCol = pkText; break; default: pkText = tr( "Select…" ); break; } QStandardItem *pkItem = new QStandardItem( pkText ); if ( pkText == tr( "Select…" ) ) pkItem->setFlags( pkItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable ); pkItem->setData( layerProperty.pkCols, Qt::UserRole + 1 ); pkItem->setData( pkCol, Qt::UserRole + 2 ); QStandardItem *selItem = new QStandardItem( QLatin1String( "" ) ); selItem->setFlags( selItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ); selItem->setCheckState( Qt::Checked ); selItem->setToolTip( tr( "Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views)." ) ); QStandardItem *sqlItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.sql ); childItemList << schemaNameItem; childItemList << tableItem; childItemList << typeItem; childItemList << geomItem; childItemList << sridItem; childItemList << pkItem; childItemList << selItem; childItemList << sqlItem; bool detailsFromThread = needToDetect || ( wkbType != QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry && layerProperty.srid.isEmpty() ); if ( detailsFromThread || pkText == tr( "Select…" ) ) { Qt::ItemFlags flags = Qt::ItemIsSelectable; if ( detailsFromThread ) flags |= Qt::ItemIsEnabled; for ( QStandardItem *item : qgis::as_const( childItemList ) ) { item->setFlags( item->flags() & ~flags ); } } schemaItem->appendRow( childItemList ); ++mTableCount; }
/*! \brief TreeModel::setObject */ void TreeModel::setObject( QObject* object ) { // Clean up workspace if necessary. if ( mp_object && mp_object != object ) { // Remove connections. for ( int i = 0 ; i < mp_object->metaObject()->propertyCount(); ++i ) { if ( mp_object->metaObject()->property( i ).hasNotifySignal() ) { QMetaMethod signal = mp_object->metaObject()->property( i ).notifySignal(); bool res = disconnect( mp_object, signal, this, m_updateSlot ); Q_ASSERT( res ); } } // Delete items. deleteAllItems(); // Clear the mapping. m_propertyIndexToItemMap.clear(); } mp_object = object; if ( !object ) { // No object is passed, nothing needs to be done. return; } // A valdid object is passed, fill the QTreeView with it's properties. int propertyCount = object->metaObject()->propertyCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < propertyCount; ++i ) { QMetaProperty metaProperty = object->metaObject()->property( i ); QString typeName =; QVariant value = object->property( ); QList<QStandardItem*> itemRow; QStandardItem* first = createItem( metaProperty, typeName, false ); itemRow.append( first ); // if ( metaProperty.isEnumType() ) // { // qDebug() << metaProperty.type(); // qDebug() << metaProperty.typeName(); // QString name = metaProperty.typeName(); // if ( name == "SkeletonData::Joints" ) // { // qDebug() << "GOT IT"; // } // } // Unwrap special QVariant types. if ( value.canConvert<QVector3D>() ) { // Case: QVector3D QVector3D vec = qvariant_cast<QVector3D>( value ); QList<QStandardItem*> nextRow; // Extract values from QVector3D QStandardItem* tmp = nullptr; // x-coordinate tmp= createItem( metaProperty, "x", false ); nextRow.append( tmp ); tmp = createItem( metaProperty, vec.x(), true ); nextRow.append( tmp ); tmp = createItem( metaProperty, "float", false ); nextRow.append( tmp ); first->appendRow( nextRow ); nextRow.clear(); // y-coordinate tmp= createItem( metaProperty, "y", false ); nextRow.append( tmp ); tmp = createItem( metaProperty, vec.y(), true ); nextRow.append( tmp ); tmp = createItem( metaProperty, "float", false ); nextRow.append( tmp ); first->appendRow( nextRow ); nextRow.clear(); // z-coordinte tmp= createItem( metaProperty, "z", false ); nextRow.append( tmp ); tmp = createItem( metaProperty, vec.z(), true ); nextRow.append( tmp ); tmp = createItem( metaProperty, "float", false ); nextRow.append( tmp ); first->appendRow( nextRow ); // Append second and third item on the top level. tmp = createItem( metaProperty, value, false ); itemRow.append( tmp ); tmp = createItem( metaProperty, "QVector3D", false ); itemRow.append( tmp ); } else if ( value.canConvert<cv::Size>() ) { // Case: cv::Size cv::Size size = qvariant_cast<cv::Size>( value ); QList<QStandardItem*> nextRow; // Extract values from cv::Size QStandardItem* tmp = nullptr; // Width tmp= createItem( metaProperty, tr( "width" ), false ); nextRow.append( tmp ); tmp = createItem( metaProperty, size.width, true ); nextRow.append( tmp ); tmp = createItem( metaProperty, "uchar", false ); nextRow.append( tmp ); first->appendRow( nextRow ); nextRow.clear(); // Height tmp= createItem( metaProperty, tr( "height" ), false ); nextRow.append( tmp ); tmp = createItem( metaProperty, size.height, true ); nextRow.append( tmp ); tmp = createItem( metaProperty, "uchar", false ); nextRow.append( tmp ); first->appendRow( nextRow ); nextRow.clear(); // Append editable data. tmp = createItem( metaProperty, value, false ); connectProperty( mp_object, metaProperty, tmp ); itemRow.append( tmp ); } else if ( value.canConvert<FixedPropertyVector>() ) { // Case: FixedPropertyVector FixedPropertyVector vec = qvariant_cast<FixedPropertyVector>( value ); QList<QStandardItem*> nextRow; QStandardItem* tmp; for ( int i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i ) { nextRow.clear(); // Append name. tmp = createItem( metaProperty, QString::number( i ), false ); nextRow.append( tmp ); // Append data. tmp = createItem( metaProperty, i ), true ); nextRow.append( tmp ); // Append type informations. tmp = createItem( metaProperty, "float", false ); nextRow.append( tmp ); first->appendRow( nextRow ); } // Append editable data. tmp = createItem( metaProperty, value, false ); connectProperty( mp_object, metaProperty, tmp ); itemRow.append( tmp ); } else { // Append editable data. QStandardItem* tmp = createItem( metaProperty, value, true ); connectProperty( mp_object, metaProperty, tmp ); itemRow.append( tmp ); } // Append type informations. QStandardItem* tmp = createItem( metaProperty, value.typeName(), false ); itemRow.append( tmp ); // Append the row to the invisible root item. appendRow( itemRow ); } }
void FlatProxyModelTester::test() { qDebug()<<"set 1 row, 1 column"; m_standardmodel.setColumnCount( 1 ); m_standardmodel.setRowCount( 1 ); m_standardmodel.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( QStringList() << "Column 1" ); m_flatmodel.setSourceModel( &m_standardmodel ); QCOMPARE( m_flatmodel.columnCount(), 2 ); // it adds an extra column QCOMPARE( m_flatmodel.rowCount(), 1 ); QCOMPARE( m_flatmodel.headerData( 0, Qt::Horizontal ), QVariant( "Column 1" ) ); m_standardmodel.setData( m_standardmodel.index( 0, 0 ), "Index 0,0" ); QModelIndex idx = m_flatmodel.index( 0, 0 ); QVERIFY( idx.isValid() ); qDebug()<<"Index 0,0:"<<; QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Index 0,0" ) ); qDebug()<<"1 row, set 2 columns"; m_standardmodel.setColumnCount( 2 ); QCOMPARE( m_flatmodel.columnCount(), 3 ); // it adds an extra column m_flatmodel.setHeaderData( 1, Qt::Horizontal, "Column 2" ); QCOMPARE( m_flatmodel.headerData( 1, Qt::Horizontal ), QVariant( "Column 2" ) ); m_standardmodel.setData( m_standardmodel.index( 0, 1 ), "Index 0,1" ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 0, 1 ); QVERIFY( idx.isValid() ); qDebug()<<"Index 0,1:"<<; QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Index 0,1" ) ); qDebug()<<"Set 2 rows, 2 columns"; m_standardmodel.setRowCount( 2 ); QCOMPARE( m_flatmodel.rowCount(), 2 ); m_standardmodel.setData( m_standardmodel.index( 1, 0 ), "Index 1,0" ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 1, 0 ); QVERIFY( idx.isValid() ); qDebug()<<"Index 1,0:"<<; QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Index 1,0" ) ); m_standardmodel.setData( m_standardmodel.index( 1, 1 ), "Index 1,1" ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 1, 1 ); QVERIFY( idx.isValid() ); qDebug()<<"Index 1,1:"<<; QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Index 1,1" ) ); qDebug()<<"Add child on last index, adds a new row 1 in the flat model"; // NOTE: m_standardmodel.insertRow( 0, m_standardmodel.index( 1, 0 ) ); // does not work as there will be no columns and thus no valid indexes for this row QStandardItem *item = m_standardmodel.itemFromIndex( m_standardmodel.index( 1, 0 ) ); QList<QStandardItem*> items; items << new QStandardItem( "Child last column 1" ) << new QStandardItem( "Child last column 2" ); item->appendRow( items ); QCOMPARE( m_flatmodel.rowCount(), 3 ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 2, 0 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Child last column 1" ) ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 2, 1 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Child last column 2" ) ); qDebug()<<"add child on first index"; item = m_standardmodel.itemFromIndex( m_standardmodel.index( 0, 0 ) ); items.clear(); items << new QStandardItem( "Child first column 1" ) << new QStandardItem( "Child first column 2" ); item->appendRow( items ); QCOMPARE( m_flatmodel.rowCount(), 4 ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 1, 0 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Child first column 1" ) ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 1, 1 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Child first column 2" ) ); qDebug()<<"add row (2) on top level between first and last"; item = m_standardmodel.invisibleRootItem(); items.clear(); items << new QStandardItem( "New index 1,0" ) << new QStandardItem( "New index 1,1" ); item->insertRow( 1, items ); QCOMPARE( m_flatmodel.rowCount(), 5 ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 2, 0 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "New index 1,0" ) ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 2, 1 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "New index 1,1" ) ); qDebug()<<"Add child on middle index, adds row 3 to flat model"; item = m_standardmodel.itemFromIndex( m_standardmodel.index( 1, 0 ) ); items.clear(); items << new QStandardItem( "Child middle column 1" ) << new QStandardItem( "Child middle column 2" ); item->appendRow( items ); QCOMPARE( m_flatmodel.rowCount(), 6 ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 3, 0 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Child middle column 1" ).toString() ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 3, 1 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Child middle column 2" ) ); qDebug()<<"Add child on middle index's child, adds row 4 to flat model"; QModelIndex parent = m_standardmodel.index( 1, 0 ); QCOMPARE(, QString( "New index 1,0" ) ); idx = m_standardmodel.index( 0, 0, parent ); QCOMPARE(, QString( "Child middle column 1" ) ); item = m_standardmodel.itemFromIndex( idx ); items.clear(); items << new QStandardItem( "Child of middle child column 1" ) << new QStandardItem( "Child of middle child column 2" ); item->appendRow( items ); QCOMPARE( m_flatmodel.rowCount(), 7 ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 4, 0 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Child of middle child column 1" ).toString() ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 4, 1 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Child of middle child column 2" ) ); qDebug()<<"Add child on middle index at row 0, adds row 3 to flat model"; idx = m_standardmodel.index( 1, 0 ); QCOMPARE(, QString( "New index 1,0" ) ); item = m_standardmodel.itemFromIndex( idx ); items.clear(); items << new QStandardItem( "Index 1,0 -> Index 0,0" ) << new QStandardItem( "Index 1,0 -> Index 0,1" ); item->insertRow( 0, items ); QCOMPARE( m_flatmodel.rowCount(), 8 ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 3, 0 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Index 1,0 -> Index 0,0" ).toString() ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 3, 1 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Index 1,0 -> Index 0,1" ) ); qDebug()<<"Add child on middle index at row 1, adds row 4 to flat model"; idx = m_standardmodel.index( 1, 0 ); QCOMPARE(, QString( "New index 1,0" ) ); item = m_standardmodel.itemFromIndex( idx ); items.clear(); items << new QStandardItem( "Index 1,0 -> Index 1,0" ) << new QStandardItem( "Index 1,0 -> Index 1,1" ); item->insertRow( 1, items ); QCOMPARE( m_flatmodel.rowCount(), 9 ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 4, 0 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Index 1,0 -> Index 1,0" ).toString() ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 4, 1 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Index 1,0 -> Index 1,1" ) ); qDebug()<<"Add child on middle index at last row (4), adds row 8 to flat model"; idx = m_standardmodel.index( 1, 0 ); QCOMPARE(, QString( "New index 1,0" ) ); item = m_standardmodel.itemFromIndex( idx ); items.clear(); items << new QStandardItem( "Index 1,0 -> Index 4,0" ) << new QStandardItem( "Index 1,0 -> Index 4,1" ); item->insertRow( 3, items ); QCOMPARE( m_standardmodel.rowCount( m_standardmodel.index( 1, 0 ) ), 4 ); QCOMPARE( m_flatmodel.rowCount(), 10 ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 7, 0 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Index 1,0 -> Index 4,0" ).toString() ); idx = m_flatmodel.index( 7, 1 ); QCOMPARE(, QVariant( "Index 1,0 -> Index 4,1" ) ); }
void ClassifierTrainer::updatePositivesGroup() { project->load(); // get the latest from the file system // remove existing model if it exists if (positivesModel) delete positivesModel; // create column headers for the model positivesModel = new QStandardItemModel(); positivesModel->setColumnCount(5); positivesModel->setHeaderData(0, Qt::Horizontal, "Image", Qt::DisplayRole); positivesModel->setHeaderData(1, Qt::Horizontal, "X", Qt::DisplayRole); positivesModel->setHeaderData(2, Qt::Horizontal, "Y", Qt::DisplayRole); positivesModel->setHeaderData(3, Qt::Horizontal, "Width", Qt::DisplayRole); positivesModel->setHeaderData(4, Qt::Horizontal, "Height", Qt::DisplayRole); QStandardItem *invisibleRootNode = positivesModel->invisibleRootItem(); QList<QString> *keys = project->positives(); qDebug() << "Number of positives loaded: " << keys->length(); for(int i=0; i < keys->length(); i++) { QString path = keys->at(i); QStandardItem *imageRowItem = new QStandardItem(path); imageRowItem->setEditable(false); imageRowItem->setIcon(QIcon(":/assets/img/image.png")); QList<Section> sections = project->positive_sections()->values(path); for(int j=0; j < sections.length(); j++) { Section s =; // first column QString firstColumn = path; QStandardItem *firstColumnItem = new QStandardItem(firstColumn); firstColumnItem->setIcon(QIcon(":/assets/img/shading.png")); firstColumnItem->setEditable(false); // second column QStandardItem *secondColumnItem = new QStandardItem(QString::number(s.x())); secondColumnItem->setEditable(false); // third column QStandardItem *thirdColumnItem = new QStandardItem(QString::number(s.y())); thirdColumnItem->setEditable(false); // fourth column QStandardItem *fourthColumnItem = new QStandardItem(QString::number(s.width())); fourthColumnItem->setEditable(false); // fifth column QStandardItem *fifthColumnItem = new QStandardItem(QString::number(s.height())); fifthColumnItem->setEditable(false); QList<QStandardItem *> sectionRowItems; sectionRowItems.append(firstColumnItem); sectionRowItems.append(secondColumnItem); sectionRowItems.append(thirdColumnItem); sectionRowItems.append(fourthColumnItem); sectionRowItems.append(fifthColumnItem); imageRowItem->appendRow(sectionRowItems); } invisibleRootNode->appendRow(imageRowItem); } positivesTreeView->setModel(positivesModel); positivesTreeView->setColumnWidth(0, 350); positivesTreeView->resizeColumnToContents(1); positivesTreeView->resizeColumnToContents(2); positivesTreeView->resizeColumnToContents(3); positivesTreeView->resizeColumnToContents(4); positivesTreeView->expandAll(); }
void Workspace::AddProject(QString& projectFullPath, bool load) { QFileInfo projectFileInfo(projectFullPath); // Extract project name from path. QString projectNameQ = projectFileInfo.fileName().remove(".ndtr"); std::string projectName = Utils::StringQ2W(projectNameQ); // If not exists, create dir to store images. QDir projectDir = projectFileInfo.absoluteDir(); // Create dir if not exist. if (!projectDir.exists(projectNameQ)) { projectDir.mkdir(projectNameQ); }; // There can't be more projects with same name. if (m_Projects.count(projectName)) { // "Project with the same name is already loaded." throw std::exception(); } // Initialize project. m_Projects[projectName] = unique_ptr<Project>(new Project()); m_ProjectsPersistentState[projectName] = true; // loaded or saved Project* project = m_Projects[projectName].get(); project->Init(projectName, projectFullPath.toStdString(), projectDir.absolutePath().toStdString()); // Load/Save project. if (load) { // If exists load project from file. if(!ProjectParser::Load(project)) { // "Failed to load project file." throw std::exception(); } } else { // Save project file. Serialize as XML. if (!ProjectParser::Save(project)) { // "Failed to save project file." throw std::exception(); } } // TODO: Move to method. Add images to view. // Add project to project model view. QStandardItem* rootItem = m_ProjectsModel.invisibleRootItem(); ProjectItem* projectItem = new ProjectItem(projectName); QList<QStandardItem*> projectItems; projectItems << projectItem; rootItem->appendRow(projectItems); for (Document* doc : project->GetDocuments()) { auto projRowItem = m_ProjectsModel.findItems(Utils::StringW2Q(projectName)); ProjectItem* projectItem = (ProjectItem*) projRowItem.first(); ProjectItem* docItem = new ProjectItem(doc->GetName(), true); QList<QStandardItem*> docRowItem; docRowItem << docItem; projectItem->appendRow(docItem); } // Set new project as current project. SetCurrent(projectName); }
// Insert a queue content to the model bool packCreationQueueToItem(const PackCreationQueue &queue) { // Already inserted? if (isPackCreationQueueAlreadyInserted(queue)) return true; QFont bold; bold.setBold(true); // Create the root item for this queue QStandardItem *rootItem = 0; if (_format == PackCreationModel::ShowByServer) { // nothing to do } else if (_format == PackCreationModel::ShowByQueue) { rootItem = new QStandardItem(tkTr(Trans::Constants::_1_COLON_2) .arg(tkTr(Trans::Constants::QUEUE)) .arg(queue.sourceAbsolutePathFile())); rootItem->setToolTip(queue.sourceAbsolutePathFile()); rootItem->setFont(bold); rootItem->setCheckable(true); rootItem->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); q->invisibleRootItem()->appendRow(rootItem); insertPackCreationQueueInCache(queue, rootItem); } else { LOG_ERROR_FOR(q, "Format not supported"); return false; } // Get the content of the queue and create the tree for each pack QHash<QString, QStandardItem *> serversUidToItem; foreach(const RequestedPackCreation &request, queue.queue()) { if (_packDescriptionFilesIncluded.contains(request.descriptionFilePath)) continue; _packDescriptionFilesIncluded.append(request.descriptionFilePath); // Get the serverUid root item QStandardItem *server = 0; if (_format == PackCreationModel::ShowByQueue) { server = serversUidToItem.value(request.serverUid, 0); } else if (_format == PackCreationModel::ShowByServer) { server = serverItem(request.serverUid); } // If the server is not available yet: create it if (!server) { server = new QStandardItem(tkTr(Trans::Constants::_1_COLON_2) .arg(tkTr(Trans::Constants::SERVER)) .arg(request.serverUid)); if (_format == PackCreationModel::ShowByQueue) { // In this format // append the server item in the cache and the queueItem serversUidToItem.insert(request.serverUid, server); server->setCheckable(true); server->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); server->setFont(bold); rootItem->appendRow(server); } else if (_format == PackCreationModel::ShowByServer) { // In this format // append the server item in the central cache and the rootItem addServerItem(request.serverUid, server); rootItem = server; rootItem->setFont(bold); rootItem->setCheckable(true); rootItem->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); q->invisibleRootItem()->appendRow(rootItem); } } // Include datapack to the server item server->appendRow(packToItem(request.descriptionFilePath, queue)); } return true; }
void AccountsSettings::addAccount (QObjectList accObjects) { IBookmarksService *ibs = qobject_cast<IBookmarksService*> (sender ()); if (!ibs) { qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO << sender () << "ins't IBookmarksService"; return; } QObjectList accounts; Q_FOREACH (QObject *accObj, accObjects) { IAccount *account = qobject_cast<IAccount*> (accObj); if (Id2Account_.contains (account->GetAccountID ())) continue; if (!account->GetPassword ().isEmpty ()) Core::Instance ().SavePassword (accObj); else account->SetPassword (Core::Instance ().GetPassword (accObj)); Id2Account_ [account->GetAccountID ()] = accObj; accounts << accObj; const QModelIndex& index = GetServiceIndex (ibs->GetObject ()); QStandardItem *parentItem = 0; if (!index.isValid ()) { parentItem = new QStandardItem (ibs->GetServiceIcon (), ibs->GetServiceName ()); parentItem->setEditable (false); Item2Service_ [parentItem] = ibs; AccountsModel_->appendRow (parentItem); } else parentItem = AccountsModel_->itemFromIndex (index); QList<QStandardItem*> record; QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem (account->GetLogin ()); item->setEditable (false); item->setCheckable (true); item->setCheckState (account->IsSyncing () ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); if (account->IsSyncing ()) { Core::Instance ().AddActiveAccount (accObj); IBookmarksService *ibs = qobject_cast<IBookmarksService*> (account->GetParentService ()); ibs->DownloadBookmarks (account->GetObject (), account->GetLastDownloadDateTime ()); ibs->UploadBookmarks (account->GetObject (), Core::Instance ().GetAllBookmarks ()); } Item2Account_ [item] = account; QStandardItem *uploaditem = new QStandardItem (account->GetLastUploadDateTime () .toString (Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate)); uploaditem->setEditable (false); QStandardItem *downloaditem = new QStandardItem (account->GetLastDownloadDateTime () .toString (Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate)); uploaditem->setEditable (false); record << item << uploaditem << downloaditem; parentItem->appendRow (record); if (account->IsSyncing ()) Core::Instance ().AddActiveAccount (accObj); Ui_.AccountsView_->expandAll (); Scheduled_ = false; ScheduleResize (); }
void RxDev::fillItemModel_availableNodes(QString nodeFile, Specfile &node){ QBrush b; QStandardItem *group = new QStandardItem(QString("%1").arg(QString::fromStdString(node.type))); QStandardItem *child; QStandardItem *item; QStandardItem *item2; child = new QStandardItem(QString("path")); item = new QStandardItem(QString("%1").arg(nodeFile)); b.setColor(Qt::blue); child->setForeground(b); b.setColor(Qt::black); item->setForeground(b); child->appendRow(item); // the appendRow function appends the child as new row group->appendRow(child); child = new QStandardItem(QString("type")); item = new QStandardItem(QString("%1").arg(QString::fromStdString(node.type))); child->appendRow(item); child = new QStandardItem(QString("package")); item = new QStandardItem(QString("%1").arg(QString::fromStdString(node.package))); b.setColor(Qt::blue); child->setForeground(b); child->appendRow(item); group->appendRow(child); child = new QStandardItem(QString("subscriptions")); for(std::list<Topic_Type>::iterator iter=node.subscriptions.begin();iter != node.subscriptions.end();iter++ ) { item = new QStandardItem(QString::fromStdString(Topic_Type(*iter).topic)); item2 = new QStandardItem(QString::fromStdString(Topic_Type(*iter).topictype)); b.setColor(Qt::red); item->setForeground(b); b.setColor(Qt::gray); item2->setForeground(b); item->appendRow(item2); child->appendRow(item); } b.setColor(Qt::blue); child->setForeground(b); group->appendRow(child); child = new QStandardItem(QString("publications")); for(std::list<Topic_Type>::iterator iter=node.publications.begin();iter != node.publications.end();iter++ ) { item = new QStandardItem(QString::fromStdString(Topic_Type(*iter).topic)); item2 = new QStandardItem(QString::fromStdString(Topic_Type(*iter).topictype)); b.setColor(Qt::red); item->setForeground(b); b.setColor(Qt::gray); item2->setForeground(b); item->appendRow(item2); child->appendRow(item); } b.setColor(Qt::blue); child->setForeground(b); group->appendRow(child); child = new QStandardItem(QString("services")); for(std::list<Topic_Type>::iterator;iter !=;iter++ ) { item = new QStandardItem(QString::fromStdString(Topic_Type(*iter).topic)); item2 = new QStandardItem(QString::fromStdString(Topic_Type(*iter).topictype)); b.setColor(Qt::red); item->setForeground(b); b.setColor(Qt::gray); item2->setForeground(b); item->appendRow(item2); child->appendRow(item); } b.setColor(Qt::blue); child->setForeground(b); group->appendRow(child); child = new QStandardItem(QString("parameters")); for(std::list<Name_Type_Default>::iterator iter=node.parameters.begin();iter != node.parameters.end();iter++ ) { item = new QStandardItem(QString::fromStdString(Name_Type_Default(*iter).paramName)); item2 = new QStandardItem("type: "+QString::fromStdString(Name_Type_Default(*iter).paramType)); b.setColor(Qt::red); item->setForeground(b); b.setColor(Qt::gray); item2->setForeground(b); item->appendRow(item2); item2 = new QStandardItem("default: "+QString::fromStdString(Name_Type_Default(*iter).paramDefault)); b.setColor(Qt::black); item2->setForeground(b); item->appendRow(item2); item2 = new QStandardItem("range: "+QString::fromStdString(Name_Type_Default(*iter).paramRange)); b.setColor(Qt::gray); item2->setForeground(b); item->appendRow(item2); child->appendRow(item); } b.setColor(Qt::blue); child->setForeground(b); group->appendRow(child); b.setColor(Qt::darkBlue); QFont font; font.setBold(true); group->setFont(font); group->setForeground(b); // append group as new row to the model. model takes the ownership of the item if (!(node.type.length()==0) && !(node.package.length()==0)) model_availableNodes->appendRow(group); ui->treeView_availableNodes->setAutoFillBackground(true); }
void NotifyOptionsWidget::createTreeModel() { static const struct { ushort kind; QString name; } KindsList[] = { { INotification::PopupWindow, tr("Display a notification in popup window") }, { INotification::SoundPlay, tr("Play sound at the notification") }, { INotification::ShowMinimized, tr("Show the corresponding window minimized in the taskbar") }, { INotification::AlertWidget, tr("Highlight the corresponding window in the taskbar") }, { INotification::TabPageNotify, tr("Display a notification in tab") }, { INotification::RosterNotify, tr("Display a notification in your roster") }, { INotification::TrayNotify, tr("Display a notification in tray") }, { INotification::TrayAction, tr("Display a notification in tray context menu") }, { INotification::AutoActivate, tr("Immediately activate the notification") }, { 0, QString::null } }; FModel.clear(); FModel.setColumnCount(2); INotificationType globalType; globalType.order = 0; globalType.kindMask = 0xFFFF; globalType.title = tr("Allowed types of notifications"); globalType.icon = IconStorage::staticStorage(RSR_STORAGE_MENUICONS)->getIcon(MNI_NOTIFICATIONS); QMap<QString,INotificationType> notifyTypes; notifyTypes.insert(QString::null,globalType); foreach(const QString &typeId, FNotifications->notificationTypes()) notifyTypes.insert(typeId,FNotifications->notificationType(typeId)); for(QMap<QString,INotificationType>::const_iterator it=notifyTypes.constBegin(); it!=notifyTypes.constEnd(); ++it) { if (!it->title.isEmpty() && it->kindMask>0) { QStandardItem *typeNameItem = new QStandardItem(it->title); typeNameItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled); typeNameItem->setData(it.key(),MDR_TYPE); typeNameItem->setData(it->order,MDR_SORT); typeNameItem->setIcon(it->icon); setItemBold(typeNameItem,true); QStandardItem *typeEnableItem = new QStandardItem; typeEnableItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled); FTypeItems.insert(it.key(),typeNameItem); FModel.invisibleRootItem()->appendRow(QList<QStandardItem *>() << typeNameItem << typeEnableItem); for (int index =0; KindsList[index].kind!=0; index++) { if ((it->kindMask & KindsList[index].kind)>0) { QStandardItem *kindNameItem = new QStandardItem(KindsList[index].name); kindNameItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled); kindNameItem->setData(index,MDR_SORT); QStandardItem *kindEnableItem = new QStandardItem(); kindEnableItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled); kindEnableItem->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); kindEnableItem->setCheckable(true); kindEnableItem->setCheckState(Qt::PartiallyChecked); kindEnableItem->setData(it.key(),MDR_TYPE); kindEnableItem->setData(KindsList[index].kind,MDR_KIND); typeNameItem->appendRow(QList<QStandardItem *>() << kindNameItem << kindEnableItem); } } } } }
NetworkActivityWidget::NetworkActivityWidget( QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) , d_ptr( new NetworkActivityWidgetPrivate ( this ) ) { Q_D( NetworkActivityWidget ); QWidget* widget = new QWidget(); d->ui->setupUi( widget ); d->crumbModelLeft = new QStandardItemModel( this ); d->sortedProxy = new QSortFilterProxyModel( this ); // d_func()->ui->breadCrumbLeft->setRootIcon( TomahawkUtils::defaultPixmap( TomahawkUtils::NetworkActivity, TomahawkUtils::Original ) ); connect( d->ui->breadCrumbLeft, SIGNAL( activateIndex( QModelIndex ) ), SLOT( leftCrumbIndexChanged( QModelIndex ) ) ); // Build up breadcrumb QStandardItem* rootItem = d->crumbModelLeft->invisibleRootItem(); // Breadcumps for Charts { QStandardItem* chartItem = new QStandardItem( tr( "Charts" ) ); rootItem->appendRow( chartItem ); QStandardItem* overallItem = new QStandardItem( tr( "Overall" ) ); overallItem->setData( OverallChart, Breadcrumb::DefaultRole ); chartItem->appendRow( overallItem ); QStandardItem* yearItem = new QStandardItem( tr( "Last Year" ) ); yearItem->setData( YearChart, Breadcrumb::DefaultRole ); chartItem->appendRow( yearItem ); QStandardItem* monthItem = new QStandardItem( tr( "Last Month" ) ); monthItem->setData( MonthChart, Breadcrumb::DefaultRole ); chartItem->appendRow( monthItem ); QStandardItem* weekItem = new QStandardItem( tr( "Last Week" ) ); weekItem->setData( WeekChart, Breadcrumb::DefaultRole ); chartItem->appendRow( weekItem ); } // Breadcrumbs for Loved Tracks { QStandardItem* lovedItem = new QStandardItem( tr( "Loved Tracks" ) ); rootItem->appendRow( lovedItem ); QStandardItem* topItem = new QStandardItem( tr( "Top Loved" ) ); topItem->setData( TopLoved, Breadcrumb::DefaultRole ); lovedItem->appendRow( topItem ); QStandardItem* recentlyItem = new QStandardItem( tr( "Recently Loved" ) ); recentlyItem->setData( RecentlyLoved, Breadcrumb::DefaultRole ); lovedItem->appendRow( recentlyItem ); } d->sortedProxy->setSourceModel( d->crumbModelLeft ); d->ui->breadCrumbLeft->setModel( d->sortedProxy ); d->ui->breadCrumbLeft->setVisible( true ); { TrackItemDelegate* del = new TrackItemDelegate( d->ui->tracksViewLeft, d->ui->tracksViewLeft->proxyModel(), true ); d->ui->tracksViewLeft->setPlaylistItemDelegate( del ); d->ui->tracksViewLeft->proxyModel()->setStyle( PlayableProxyModel::Short ); d->ui->tracksViewLeft->setAutoResize( true ); d->ui->tracksViewLeft->setAlternatingRowColors( false ); d->ui->tracksViewLeft->setSortingEnabled( false ); d->ui->tracksViewLeft->setEmptyTip( tr( "Sorry, we are still loading the charts." ) ); QPalette p = d->ui->tracksViewLeft->palette(); p.setColor( QPalette::Text, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_TRACKLIST_TRACK_SOLVED ); p.setColor( QPalette::BrightText, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_TRACKLIST_TRACK_UNRESOLVED ); p.setColor( QPalette::Foreground, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_TRACKLIST_NUMBER ); p.setColor( QPalette::Highlight, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_TRACKLIST_HIGHLIGHT ); p.setColor( QPalette::HighlightedText, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_TRACKLIST_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT ); d->ui->tracksViewLeft->setPalette( p ); TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( d->ui->tracksViewLeft ); TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( d->ui->chartsFrame ); } // Trending Tracks { d->trendingTracksModel = new PlaylistModel( d->ui->trendingTracksView ); d->ui->trendingTracksView->proxyModel()->setStyle( PlayableProxyModel::Short ); d->ui->trendingTracksView->overlay()->setEnabled( true ); d->ui->trendingTracksView->setPlaylistModel( d->trendingTracksModel ); d->ui->trendingTracksView->setAutoResize( true ); d->ui->trendingTracksView->setAlternatingRowColors( false ); d->ui->trendingTracksView->setEmptyTip( tr( "Sorry, we couldn't find any trending tracks." ) ); d->trendingTracksModel->startLoading(); QPalette p = d->ui->trendingTracksView->palette(); p.setColor( QPalette::Text, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_TRACKLIST_TRACK_SOLVED ); p.setColor( QPalette::BrightText, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_TRACKLIST_TRACK_UNRESOLVED ); p.setColor( QPalette::Foreground, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_TRACKLIST_NUMBER ); p.setColor( QPalette::Highlight, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_TRACKLIST_HIGHLIGHT ); p.setColor( QPalette::HighlightedText, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_TRACKLIST_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT ); d->ui->trendingTracksView->setPalette( p ); TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( d->ui->trendingTracksView ); TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( d->ui->trendingTracksFrame ); } { QFont f = d->ui->trendingTracksLabel->font(); f.setFamily( "Roboto" ); QPalette p = d->ui->trendingTracksLabel->palette(); p.setColor( QPalette::Foreground, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_CAPTION ); d->ui->trendingTracksLabel->setFont( f ); d->ui->trendingTracksLabel->setPalette( p ); } // Hot Playlists { TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( d->ui->playlistsFrame ); QFont f = d->ui->hotPlaylistsLabel->font(); f.setFamily( "Roboto" ); QPalette p = d->ui->hotPlaylistsLabel->palette(); p.setColor( QPalette::Foreground, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_CAPTION ); d->ui->hotPlaylistsLabel->setFont( f ); d->ui->hotPlaylistsLabel->setPalette( p ); } { d->ui->playlistView->setItemDelegate( new PlaylistDelegate() ); d->ui->playlistView->setVerticalScrollMode( QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerPixel ); QPalette p = d->ui->playlistView->palette(); p.setColor( QPalette::Text, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_FOREGROUND ); p.setColor( QPalette::BrightText, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_FOREGROUND ); p.setColor( QPalette::Foreground, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_FOREGROUND ); p.setColor( QPalette::Highlight, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_FOREGROUND ); p.setColor( QPalette::HighlightedText, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_BACKGROUND ); d->ui->playlistView->setPalette( p ); d->ui->playlistView->overlay()->setPalette( p ); TomahawkStyle::styleScrollBar( d->ui->playlistView->verticalScrollBar() ); TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( d->ui->playlistView ); TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( d->ui->playlistsFrame ); connect( d->ui->playlistView, SIGNAL( activated( QModelIndex ) ), SLOT( onPlaylistActivated( QModelIndex ) ) ); } // Trending artists { d->artistsModel = new PlayableModel( d->ui->trendingArtistsView ); d->ui->trendingArtistsView->setPlayableModel( d->artistsModel ); d->artistsModel->startLoading(); } { d->ui->trendingArtistsView->proxyModel()->sort( -1 ); d->ui->trendingArtistsView->proxyModel()->setHideDupeItems( true ); d->ui->trendingArtistsView->setAutoResize( true ); d->ui->trendingArtistsView->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff ); TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( d->ui->trendingArtistsView ); TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( d->ui->trendingArtistsFrame ); } { QFont f = d->ui->trendingArtistsLabel->font(); f.setFamily( "Roboto" ); QPalette p = d->ui->trendingArtistsLabel->palette(); p.setColor( QPalette::Foreground, TomahawkStyle::PAGE_CAPTION ); d->ui->trendingArtistsLabel->setFont( f ); d->ui->trendingArtistsLabel->setPalette( p ); } { QScrollArea* area = new QScrollArea(); area->setWidgetResizable( true ); area->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn ); area->setWidget( widget ); QPalette pal = palette(); pal.setBrush( backgroundRole(), TomahawkStyle::PAGE_BACKGROUND ); area->setPalette( pal ); area->setAutoFillBackground( true ); area->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame ); area->setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0 ); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(); layout->addWidget( area ); setLayout( layout ); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( layout ); } MetaPlaylistInterface* mpl = new MetaPlaylistInterface(); mpl->addChildInterface( d->ui->trendingTracksView->playlistInterface() ); mpl->addChildInterface( d->ui->tracksViewLeft->playlistInterface() ); d->playlistInterface = playlistinterface_ptr( mpl ); // Load data in separate thread d->workerThread = new QThread(); d->workerThread->start(); d->worker = new NetworkActivityWorker(); d->worker->moveToThread( d->workerThread ); connect( d->worker, SIGNAL( trendingTracks( QList<Tomahawk::track_ptr> ) ), SLOT( trendingTracks( QList<Tomahawk::track_ptr> ) ), Qt::QueuedConnection ); connect( d->worker, SIGNAL( hotPlaylists(QList<Tomahawk::playlist_ptr>) ), SLOT(hotPlaylists(QList<Tomahawk::playlist_ptr>)), Qt::QueuedConnection ); connect( d->worker, SIGNAL( trendingArtists( QList< Tomahawk::artist_ptr > ) ), SLOT( trendingArtists( QList< Tomahawk::artist_ptr > ) ), Qt::QueuedConnection ); connect( d->worker, SIGNAL( finished() ), d->workerThread, SLOT( quit() ), Qt::QueuedConnection ); // connect( d->workerThread, SIGNAL( finished() ), d->workerThread, SLOT( deleteLater() ), Qt::QueuedConnection ); // connect( d->workerThread, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), d->worker, SLOT( deleteLater() ), Qt::QueuedConnection ); QMetaObject::invokeMethod( d->worker, "run", Qt::QueuedConnection ); }
void QgsPgTableModel::addTableEntry( const QgsPostgresLayerProperty &layerProperty ) { QgsDebugMsg( layerProperty.toString() ); // is there already a root item with the given scheme Name? QStandardItem *schemaItem = nullptr; for ( int i = 0; i < layerProperty.size(); i++ ) { QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType = layerProperty.types[ i ]; int srid = layerProperty.srids[ i ]; if ( wkbType == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown && layerProperty.geometryColName.isEmpty() ) { wkbType = QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry; } QString tip; bool withTipButSelectable = false; if ( wkbType == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown ) { tip = tr( "Specify a geometry type in the '%1' column" ).arg( tr( "Data Type" ) ); } else if ( wkbType != QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry && srid == std::numeric_limits<int>::min() ) { tip = tr( "Enter a SRID into the '%1' column" ).arg( tr( "SRID" ) ); } else if ( !layerProperty.pkCols.isEmpty() ) { tip = tr( "Select columns in the '%1' column that uniquely identify features of this layer" ).arg( tr( "Feature id" ) ); withTipButSelectable = true; } QStandardItem *schemaNameItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.schemaName ); QStandardItem *typeItem = new QStandardItem( iconForWkbType( wkbType ), wkbType == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown ? tr( "Select…" ) : QgsPostgresConn::displayStringForWkbType( wkbType ) ); typeItem->setData( wkbType == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown, Qt::UserRole + 1 ); typeItem->setData( wkbType, Qt::UserRole + 2 ); if ( wkbType == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown ) typeItem->setFlags( typeItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable ); QStandardItem *geomTypeItem = new QStandardItem( QgsPostgresConn::displayStringForGeomType( layerProperty.geometryColType ) ); QStandardItem *tableItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.tableName ); QStandardItem *commentItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.tableComment ); QStandardItem *geomItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.geometryColName ); QStandardItem *sridItem = new QStandardItem( wkbType != QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry ? QString::number( srid ) : QString() ); sridItem->setEditable( wkbType != QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry && srid == std::numeric_limits<int>::min() ); if ( sridItem->isEditable() ) { sridItem->setText( tr( "Enter…" ) ); sridItem->setFlags( sridItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable ); } QStandardItem *pkItem = new QStandardItem( QString() ); if ( !layerProperty.pkCols.isEmpty() ) { pkItem->setText( tr( "Select…" ) ); pkItem->setFlags( pkItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable ); } else pkItem->setFlags( pkItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable ); pkItem->setData( layerProperty.pkCols, Qt::UserRole + 1 ); QStringList defPk( QgsSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "/PostgreSQL/connections/%1/keys/%2/%3" ).arg( mConnName, layerProperty.schemaName, layerProperty.tableName ), QStringList() ).toStringList() ); if ( !layerProperty.pkCols.isEmpty() && defPk.isEmpty() ) { // If we have a view with multiple possible columns to be used as the primary key, for convenience // let's select the first one - this is what the browser dock already does. We risk that a wrong column // will be used, but most of the time we should be fine. defPk = QStringList( layerProperty.pkCols[0] ); } pkItem->setData( defPk, Qt::UserRole + 2 ); if ( !defPk.isEmpty() ) pkItem->setText( defPk.join( ',' ) ); QStandardItem *selItem = new QStandardItem( QString() ); selItem->setFlags( selItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ); selItem->setCheckState( Qt::Checked ); selItem->setToolTip( headerData( Columns::DbtmSelectAtId, Qt::Orientation::Horizontal, Qt::ToolTipRole ).toString() ); QStandardItem *checkPkUnicityItem = new QStandardItem( QString() ); checkPkUnicityItem->setFlags( checkPkUnicityItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ); // Legacy: default value is determined by project option to trust layer's metadata // TODO: remove this default from QGIS 4 and leave default value to false? // checkPkUnicity has only effect on views and materialized views, so we can safely disable it if ( layerProperty.isView || layerProperty.isMaterializedView ) { checkPkUnicityItem->setCheckState( QgsProject::instance( )->trustLayerMetadata() ? Qt::CheckState::Unchecked : Qt::CheckState::Checked ); checkPkUnicityItem->setToolTip( headerData( Columns::DbtmCheckPkUnicity, Qt::Orientation::Horizontal, Qt::ToolTipRole ).toString() ); } else { checkPkUnicityItem->setCheckState( Qt::CheckState::Unchecked ); checkPkUnicityItem->setFlags( checkPkUnicityItem->flags() & ~ Qt::ItemIsEnabled ); checkPkUnicityItem->setToolTip( tr( "This option is only available for views and materialized views." ) ); } QStandardItem *sqlItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.sql ); QList<QStandardItem *> childItemList; childItemList << schemaNameItem; childItemList << tableItem; childItemList << commentItem; childItemList << geomItem; childItemList << geomTypeItem; childItemList << typeItem; childItemList << sridItem; childItemList << pkItem; childItemList << selItem; childItemList << checkPkUnicityItem; childItemList << sqlItem; const auto constChildItemList = childItemList; for ( QStandardItem *item : constChildItemList ) { if ( tip.isEmpty() || withTipButSelectable ) item->setFlags( item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsSelectable ); else item->setFlags( item->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsSelectable ); if ( tip.isEmpty() && item != checkPkUnicityItem && item != selItem ) { item->setToolTip( QString() ); } else { if ( item == schemaNameItem ) item->setData( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIconWarning.svg" ) ), Qt::DecorationRole ); if ( item == schemaNameItem || item == tableItem || item == geomItem ) { item->setToolTip( tip ); } } } if ( !schemaItem ) { QList<QStandardItem *> schemaItems = findItems( layerProperty.schemaName, Qt::MatchExactly, DbtmSchema ); // there is already an item for this schema if ( !schemaItems.isEmpty() ) { schemaItem = DbtmSchema ); } else { // create a new toplevel item for this schema schemaItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.schemaName ); schemaItem->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEnabled ); invisibleRootItem()->setChild( invisibleRootItem()->rowCount(), schemaItem ); } } schemaItem->appendRow( childItemList ); ++mTableCount; } }
void QgsPgTableModel::addTableEntry( const QgsPostgresLayerProperty& layerProperty ) { QgsDebugMsg( layerProperty.toString() ); // is there already a root item with the given scheme Name? QStandardItem *schemaItem = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < layerProperty.size(); i++ ) { QGis::WkbType wkbType = layerProperty.types[ i ]; int srid = layerProperty.srids[ i ]; if ( wkbType == QGis::WKBUnknown && layerProperty.geometryColName.isEmpty() ) { wkbType = QGis::WKBNoGeometry; } bool selectable = wkbType == QGis::WKBNoGeometry || ( wkbType != QGis::WKBUnknown && srid != INT_MIN ); QStandardItem *schemaNameItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.schemaName ); QStandardItem *typeItem = new QStandardItem( iconForWkbType( wkbType ), wkbType == QGis::WKBUnknown ? tr( "Select..." ) : QgsPostgresConn::displayStringForWkbType( wkbType ) ); typeItem->setData( wkbType == QGis::WKBUnknown, Qt::UserRole + 1 ); typeItem->setData( wkbType, Qt::UserRole + 2 ); if ( wkbType == QGis::WKBUnknown ) typeItem->setFlags( typeItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable ); QStandardItem *geomTypeItem = new QStandardItem( QgsPostgresConn::displayStringForGeomType( layerProperty.geometryColType ) ); QStandardItem *tableItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.tableName ); QStandardItem *geomItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.geometryColName ); QStandardItem *sridItem = new QStandardItem( wkbType != QGis::WKBNoGeometry ? QString::number( srid ) : "" ); sridItem->setEditable( wkbType != QGis::WKBNoGeometry && srid == INT_MIN ); if ( sridItem->isEditable() ) { sridItem->setText( tr( "Enter..." ) ); sridItem->setFlags( sridItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable ); } QString pkCol = ""; if ( layerProperty.pkCols.size() > 0 ) { pkCol = layerProperty.pkCols[0]; } QStandardItem *pkItem = new QStandardItem( pkCol ); if ( layerProperty.pkCols.size() > 1 ) pkItem->setFlags( pkItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable ); else pkItem->setFlags( pkItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable ); pkItem->setData( layerProperty.pkCols, Qt::UserRole + 1 ); pkItem->setData( pkCol, Qt::UserRole + 2 ); QStandardItem *selItem = new QStandardItem( "" ); selItem->setFlags( selItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ); selItem->setCheckState( Qt::Checked ); selItem->setToolTip( tr( "Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views)." ) ); QStandardItem* sqlItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.sql ); QList<QStandardItem*> childItemList; childItemList << schemaNameItem; childItemList << tableItem; childItemList << geomItem; childItemList << geomTypeItem; childItemList << typeItem; childItemList << sridItem; childItemList << pkItem; childItemList << selItem; childItemList << sqlItem; foreach ( QStandardItem *item, childItemList ) { if ( selectable ) { item->setFlags( item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsSelectable ); } else { item->setFlags( item->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsSelectable ); } } if ( !schemaItem ) { QList<QStandardItem*> schemaItems = findItems( layerProperty.schemaName, Qt::MatchExactly, dbtmSchema ); // there is already an item for this schema if ( schemaItems.size() > 0 ) { schemaItem = dbtmSchema ); } else { // create a new toplevel item for this schema schemaItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.schemaName ); schemaItem->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEnabled ); invisibleRootItem()->setChild( invisibleRootItem()->rowCount(), schemaItem ); } } schemaItem->appendRow( childItemList ); ++mTableCount; } }
void ArgumentsEditor::setupCall() { m_model->clear(); QStringList headers; headers.append(tr("Argument")); headers.append(tr("Value")); m_model->setColumnCount(2); m_model->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(headers); m_ui.argsTabWidget->removeTab( m_ui.argsTabWidget->indexOf(m_ui.shaderTab)); if (!m_call) return; m_ui.callLabel->setText(m_call->name()); QStandardItem *rootItem = m_model->invisibleRootItem(); for (int i = 0; i < m_call->argNames().count(); ++i) { QString argName = m_call->argNames()[i]; QVariant val = m_call->arguments()[i]; QStandardItem *nameItem = new QStandardItem(argName); nameItem->setFlags(nameItem->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable); QList<QStandardItem*> topRow; topRow.append(nameItem); if (val.canConvert<ApiArray>()) { ApiArray array = val.value<ApiArray>(); QVector<QVariant> vals = array.values(); QVariant firstVal = vals.value(0); if (firstVal.userType() == QVariant::String) { m_ui.argsTabWidget->addTab( m_ui.shaderTab, argName); setupShaderEditor(vals); delete nameItem; continue; } else if (isVariantEditable(firstVal)) { for (int i = 0; i < vals.count(); ++i) { QList<QStandardItem*> row; QStandardItem *idx = new QStandardItem(); idx->setFlags(idx->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable); idx->setText(tr("%1)").arg(i)); QStandardItem *col = new QStandardItem(); col->setFlags(col->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable); col->setData(vals[i], Qt::EditRole); row.append(idx); row.append(col); nameItem->appendRow(row); } } else { qDebug()<<"\tUnsupported array = "<<firstVal; delete nameItem; continue; } } else if (val.canConvert<ApiPointer>()) { ApiPointer ptr = val.value<ApiPointer>(); QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(); item->setFlags(item->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable); item->setText(ptr.toString()); QIcon icon(":/resources/emblem-locked.png"); item->setIcon(icon); item->setToolTip(tr("Argument is read-only")); topRow.append(item); } else if (val.canConvert<ApiEnum>()) { ApiEnum en = val.value<ApiEnum>(); QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(); item->setFlags(item->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable); item->setText(en.toString()); QIcon icon(":/resources/emblem-locked.png"); item->setIcon(icon); item->setToolTip(tr("Argument is read-only")); topRow.append(item); } else if (val.canConvert<ApiBitmask>()) { ApiBitmask mask = val.value<ApiBitmask>(); QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(); item->setFlags(item->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable); item->setText(mask.toString()); QIcon icon(":/resources/emblem-locked.png"); item->setIcon(icon); item->setToolTip(tr("Argument is read-only")); topRow.append(item); } else if (val.canConvert<ApiStruct>()) { ApiStruct str = val.value<ApiStruct>(); QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(); item->setFlags(item->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable); item->setText(str.toString()); QIcon icon(":/resources/emblem-locked.png"); item->setIcon(icon); item->setToolTip(tr("Argument is read-only")); topRow.append(item); } else if (val.userType() == QVariant::ByteArray) { QByteArray ba = val.value<QByteArray>(); QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(); item->setFlags(item->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable); item->setText( tr("<binary data, size = %1 bytes>").arg(ba.size())); QIcon icon(":/resources/emblem-locked.png"); item->setIcon(icon); item->setToolTip(tr("Argument is read-only")); topRow.append(item); } else { QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(); if (isVariantEditable(val)) { item->setFlags(item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable); } else { QIcon icon(":/resources/emblem-locked.png"); item->setIcon(icon); item->setFlags(item->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable); item->setToolTip(tr("Argument is read-only")); } item->setData(val, Qt::EditRole); topRow.append(item); } rootItem->appendRow(topRow); } }
void QgsOracleTableModel::addTableEntry( const QgsOracleLayerProperty &layerProperty ) { QgsDebugMsg( layerProperty.toString() ); if ( layerProperty.isView && layerProperty.pkCols.isEmpty() ) { QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "View without pk skipped." ) ); return; } // is there already a root item with the given scheme Name? QStandardItem *ownerItem = nullptr; for ( int i = 0; i < layerProperty.size(); i++ ) { QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType = layerProperty.types[ i ]; int srid = layerProperty.srids[ i ]; QString tip; if ( wkbType == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown ) { tip = tr( "Specify a geometry type" ); } else if ( wkbType != QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry && srid == 0 ) { tip = tr( "Enter a SRID" ); } if ( tip.isEmpty() && layerProperty.isView ) { tip = tr( "Select a primary key" ); } QStandardItem *ownerNameItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.ownerName ); QStandardItem *typeItem = new QStandardItem( iconForWkbType( wkbType ), wkbType == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown ? tr( "Select…" ) : QgsOracleConn::displayStringForWkbType( wkbType ) ); typeItem->setData( wkbType == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown, Qt::UserRole + 1 ); typeItem->setData( wkbType, Qt::UserRole + 2 ); if ( wkbType == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown ) typeItem->setFlags( typeItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable ); QStandardItem *tableItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.tableName ); QStandardItem *geomItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.geometryColName ); QStandardItem *sridItem = new QStandardItem( wkbType != QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry ? QString::number( srid ) : "" ); sridItem->setEditable( wkbType != QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry && srid == 0 ); if ( sridItem->isEditable() ) { sridItem->setText( tr( "Enter…" ) ); sridItem->setFlags( sridItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable ); } QStandardItem *pkItem = new QStandardItem( "" ); if ( layerProperty.isView ) { pkItem->setText( tr( "Select…" ) ); pkItem->setFlags( pkItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable ); } else pkItem->setFlags( pkItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable ); pkItem->setData( layerProperty.isView, Qt::UserRole + 1 ); pkItem->setData( false, Qt::UserRole + 2 ); // not selected QStandardItem *selItem = new QStandardItem( "" ); selItem->setFlags( selItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ); selItem->setCheckState( Qt::Checked ); selItem->setToolTip( tr( "Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views)." ) ); QStandardItem *sqlItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.sql ); QList<QStandardItem *> childItemList; childItemList << ownerNameItem; childItemList << tableItem; childItemList << typeItem; childItemList << geomItem; childItemList << sridItem; childItemList << pkItem; childItemList << selItem; childItemList << sqlItem; Q_FOREACH ( QStandardItem *item, childItemList ) { if ( tip.isEmpty() ) { item->setFlags( item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled ); item->setToolTip( "" ); } else { item->setFlags( item->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsSelectable ); if ( item == ownerNameItem || item == tableItem || item == geomItem ) { item->setFlags( item->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled ); item->setToolTip( tip ); } } } if ( !ownerItem ) { QList<QStandardItem *> ownerItems = findItems( layerProperty.ownerName, Qt::MatchExactly, DbtmOwner ); // there is already an item for this schema if ( ownerItems.size() > 0 ) { ownerItem = DbtmOwner ); } else { // create a new toplevel item for this schema ownerItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.ownerName ); ownerItem->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEnabled ); invisibleRootItem()->setChild( invisibleRootItem()->rowCount(), ownerItem ); } } ownerItem->appendRow( childItemList ); ++mTableCount; } }
void NewReleasesWidget::infoSystemInfo( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoRequestData requestData, QVariant output ) { if ( requestData.caller != s_newReleasesIdentifier ) return; if ( !output.canConvert< QVariantMap >() ) { tDebug( LOGVERBOSE ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Could not parse output"; return; } QVariantMap returnedData = output.toMap(); switch ( requestData.type ) { case InfoSystem::InfoNewReleaseCapabilities: { tDebug( LOGVERBOSE ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Got InfoNewReleaseCapabilities"; QStandardItem *rootItem = m_crumbModelLeft->invisibleRootItem(); foreach ( const QString label, returnedData.keys() ) { QStandardItem *childItem = parseNode( rootItem, label, returnedData[label] ); rootItem->appendRow(childItem); tDebug( LOGVERBOSE ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "NewReleases:" << label; } break; } case InfoSystem::InfoNewRelease: { if ( !returnedData.contains("type") ) break; const QString type = returnedData["type"].toString(); if ( !returnedData.contains(type) ) break; const QString releaseId = requestData.input.value< Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash >().value( "nr_id" ); m_queuedFetches.remove( releaseId ); ChartDataLoader* loader = new ChartDataLoader(); loader->setProperty( "nrid", releaseId ); loader->moveToThread( m_workerThread ); if ( type == "albums" ) { loader->setType( ChartDataLoader::Album ); loader->setData( returnedData[ "albums" ].value< QList< Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash > >() ); connect( loader, SIGNAL( albums( Tomahawk::ChartDataLoader*, QList< Tomahawk::album_ptr > ) ), this, SLOT( newReleasesLoaded( Tomahawk::ChartDataLoader*, QList<Tomahawk::album_ptr> ) ) ); PlayableModel* albumModel = new PlayableModel( ui->albumsView ); m_albumModels[ releaseId ] = albumModel; if ( m_queueItemToShow == releaseId ) setLeftViewAlbums( albumModel ); } else { // intentionally unhandled } QMetaObject::invokeMethod( loader, "go", Qt::QueuedConnection ); break; }
void QgsPgTableModel::addTableEntry( const QgsPostgresLayerProperty& layerProperty ) { QgsDebugMsg( layerProperty.toString() ); // is there already a root item with the given scheme Name? QStandardItem *schemaItem = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < layerProperty.size(); i++ ) { QGis::WkbType wkbType = layerProperty.types[ i ]; int srid = layerProperty.srids[ i ]; if ( wkbType == QGis::WKBUnknown && layerProperty.geometryColName.isEmpty() ) { wkbType = QGis::WKBNoGeometry; } QString tip; if ( wkbType == QGis::WKBUnknown ) { tip = tr( "Specify a geometry type in the '%1' column" ).arg( tr( "Data Type" ) ); } else if ( wkbType != QGis::WKBNoGeometry && srid == INT_MIN ) { tip = tr( "Enter a SRID into the '%1' column" ).arg( tr( "SRID" ) ); } else if ( !layerProperty.pkCols.isEmpty() ) { tip = tr( "Select columns in the '%1' column that uniquely identify features of this layer" ).arg( tr( "Feature id" ) ); } QStandardItem *schemaNameItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.schemaName ); QStandardItem *typeItem = new QStandardItem( iconForWkbType( wkbType ), wkbType == QGis::WKBUnknown ? tr( "Select..." ) : QgsPostgresConn::displayStringForWkbType( wkbType ) ); typeItem->setData( wkbType == QGis::WKBUnknown, Qt::UserRole + 1 ); typeItem->setData( wkbType, Qt::UserRole + 2 ); if ( wkbType == QGis::WKBUnknown ) typeItem->setFlags( typeItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable ); QStandardItem *geomTypeItem = new QStandardItem( QgsPostgresConn::displayStringForGeomType( layerProperty.geometryColType ) ); QStandardItem *tableItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.tableName ); QStandardItem *commentItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.tableComment ); QStandardItem *geomItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.geometryColName ); QStandardItem *sridItem = new QStandardItem( wkbType != QGis::WKBNoGeometry ? QString::number( srid ) : "" ); sridItem->setEditable( wkbType != QGis::WKBNoGeometry && srid == INT_MIN ); if ( sridItem->isEditable() ) { sridItem->setText( tr( "Enter..." ) ); sridItem->setFlags( sridItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable ); } QStandardItem *pkItem = new QStandardItem( "" ); if ( !layerProperty.pkCols.isEmpty() ) { pkItem->setText( tr( "Select..." ) ); pkItem->setFlags( pkItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable ); } else pkItem->setFlags( pkItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable ); pkItem->setData( layerProperty.pkCols, Qt::UserRole + 1 ); pkItem->setData( "", Qt::UserRole + 2 ); QStandardItem *selItem = new QStandardItem( "" ); selItem->setFlags( selItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable ); selItem->setCheckState( Qt::Checked ); selItem->setToolTip( tr( "Disable 'Fast Access to Features at ID' capability to force keeping the attribute table in memory (e.g. in case of expensive views)." ) ); QStandardItem* sqlItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.sql ); QList<QStandardItem*> childItemList; childItemList << schemaNameItem; childItemList << tableItem; childItemList << commentItem; childItemList << geomItem; childItemList << geomTypeItem; childItemList << typeItem; childItemList << sridItem; childItemList << pkItem; childItemList << selItem; childItemList << sqlItem; Q_FOREACH ( QStandardItem *item, childItemList ) { if ( tip.isEmpty() ) { item->setFlags( item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsSelectable ); item->setToolTip( "" ); } else { item->setFlags( item->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsSelectable ); if ( item == schemaNameItem ) item->setData( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mIconWarn.png" ), Qt::DecorationRole ); if ( item == schemaNameItem || item == tableItem || item == geomItem ) { item->setToolTip( tip ); } } } if ( !schemaItem ) { QList<QStandardItem*> schemaItems = findItems( layerProperty.schemaName, Qt::MatchExactly, dbtmSchema ); // there is already an item for this schema if ( !schemaItems.isEmpty() ) { schemaItem = dbtmSchema ); } else { // create a new toplevel item for this schema schemaItem = new QStandardItem( layerProperty.schemaName ); schemaItem->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEnabled ); invisibleRootItem()->setChild( invisibleRootItem()->rowCount(), schemaItem ); } } schemaItem->appendRow( childItemList ); ++mTableCount; } }
void AnalysisThread::addIpNode(int protoInd) { struct ip* pip_header = (struct ip *)this->>pProtocal; int orignalOffset = this->offset; QStandardItem* ipitem = new QStandardItem(); this->len = pip_header->ip_hl * 4; setUserRoleData(ipitem); ipitem->setText(QString("Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: %1, Dst: %2") .arg(inet_ntoa(pip_header->ip_src)) .arg(inet_ntoa(pip_header->ip_dst))); QStandardItem* item = new QStandardItem(); item->setText("Version: 4"); this->len = 1; setUserRoleData(item); ipitem->appendRow(item); item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = 1; item->setText(QString("Header length: %1 bytes").arg(pip_header->ip_hl * 4)); setUserRoleData(item); ipitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; // ECN(last 2 bits) and DSCP(first 6 bits) type item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(pip_header->ip_tos); item->setText(QString("Differentiated Services Field: 0x%1 (DSCP 0x%2: %3; ECN: 0x%4: %5)") .arg(SnifferUtil::byteToHexStr(pip_header->ip_tos,16)) .arg(SnifferUtil::byteToHexStr(IPTOS_DSCP(pip_header->ip_tos),16)) .arg(SnifferUtil::getDSCPDesc(pip_header->ip_tos)) .arg(SnifferUtil::byteToHexStr(IPTOS_ECN(pip_header->ip_tos),16)) .arg(SnifferUtil::getECNDesc(pip_header->ip_tos))); setUserRoleData(item); // DSCP QStandardItem* childitem = new QStandardItem(); childitem->setText(QString("%1.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: %2 (0x%3)") .arg(SnifferUtil::byteToHexStr(pip_header->ip_tos,2).left(6)) .arg(SnifferUtil::getDSCPDesc(pip_header->ip_tos)) .arg(SnifferUtil::byteToHexStr(IPTOS_DSCP(pip_header->ip_tos),16))); setUserRoleData(childitem); item->appendRow(childitem); // ECN childitem = new QStandardItem(); childitem->setText(QString(".... ..%1 = Explicit Congestion Notification: %2 (0x%3)") .arg(SnifferUtil::byteToHexStr(pip_header->ip_tos,2).right(2)) .arg(SnifferUtil::getECNDesc(pip_header->ip_tos)) .arg(SnifferUtil::byteToHexStr(IPTOS_ECN(pip_header->ip_tos),16))); setUserRoleData(childitem); item->appendRow(childitem); ipitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; // Total length and Indentification item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(pip_header->ip_len); item->setText(QString("Total Length: %1").arg(ntohs(pip_header->ip_len))); setUserRoleData(item); ipitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(pip_header->ip_id); item->setText(QString("Identification: 0x%1 (%2)") .arg(ntohs(pip_header->ip_id),0,16) .arg(ntohs(pip_header->ip_id))); setUserRoleData(item); ipitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; // ip Flag item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(pip_header->ip_off); short flag = pip_header->ip_off & (0xffff - IP_OFFMASK); item->setText(QString("Flag: 0x%1") .arg(flag)); flag = flag>>8; // Get the higher 8 bit of the flag setUserRoleData(item); childitem = new QStandardItem(); if (SnifferUtil::getBit(flag,0)) { childitem->setText("1... .... = Reserved bit: Set"); } else { childitem->setText("0... .... = Reserved bit: Not set"); } setUserRoleData(childitem); item->appendRow(childitem); childitem = new QStandardItem(); if (SnifferUtil::getBit(flag,1)) { childitem->setText(".1.. .... = Don't Fragment: Set"); } else { childitem->setText(".0.. .... = Don't Fragment: Not set"); } setUserRoleData(childitem); item->appendRow(childitem); childitem = new QStandardItem(); if (SnifferUtil::getBit(flag,2)) { childitem->setText("..1. .... = More Fragments: Set"); } else { childitem->setText("..0. .... = More Fragments: Not set"); } setUserRoleData(childitem); item->appendRow(childitem); ipitem->appendRow(item); // ip offset and time to live item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(pip_header->ip_off); item->setText(QString("Fragment offset: %1").arg(ntohs(pip_header->ip_off))); setUserRoleData(item); ipitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(pip_header->ip_ttl); item->setText(QString("Time to live: %1").arg(pip_header->ip_ttl)); setUserRoleData(item); ipitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; QStandardItem* protoitem = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(pip_header->ip_p); setUserRoleData(protoitem); ipitem->appendRow(protoitem); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(pip_header->ip_sum); item->setText(QString("Header checksum: 0x%1").arg(ntohs(pip_header->ip_sum),0,16)); setUserRoleData(item); ipitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; // ip Source and destionation item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(pip_header->ip_src); item->setText(QString("Source: %1").arg(inet_ntoa(pip_header->ip_src))); setUserRoleData(item); ipitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(pip_header->ip_dst); item->setText(QString("Destination: %1").arg(inet_ntoa(pip_header->ip_dst))); setUserRoleData(item); ipitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; this->offset = orignalOffset + pip_header->ip_hl * 4; int type = pip_header->ip_p; switch(type) { case IPPROTO_TCP: protoitem->setText(QString("Type: TCP (0x%1)").arg(type,2,16,QLatin1Char('0'))); this->model->setItem(this->irow++, 0, ipitem); addTcpNode(protoInd+1); break; case IPPROTO_UDP: protoitem->setText(QString("Type: UDP (0x%1)").arg(type,2, 16,QLatin1Char('0'))); this->model->setItem(this->irow++, 0, ipitem); addUdpNode(protoInd+1); break; case IPPROTO_ICMP: protoitem->setText(QString("Type: ICMP (0x%1)").arg(type,2, 16,QLatin1Char('0'))); this->model->setItem(this->irow++, 0, ipitem); addIcmpNode(protoInd+1); break; case IPPROTO_IGMP: protoitem->setText(QString("Type: IGMP (0x%1)").arg(type,2, 16,QLatin1Char('0'))); this->model->setItem(this->irow++, 0, ipitem); addIgmpNode(protoInd+1); break; default: qDebug("Current the sniffer can not analysis the ethernet type:%0x", type); break; } }
void Project::addFile(QTreeView* treeView, QSortFilterProxyModel* sort, const QString &fileName) { if (_files.contains(fileName)) return; QFileInfo fi(fileName); QString absFileName = fi.absoluteFilePath(); QString relFileName; if (!projectRoot.isEmpty()) { QDir projectDir(QFileInfo(projectRoot).absoluteDir()); relFileName = projectDir.relativeFilePath(absFileName); } else { relFileName = absFileName; } QStringList path = relFileName.split(QDir::separator()); while (path.first().isEmpty()) { path.pop_front(); } QStandardItem* curItem; bool isMiniZinc = true; bool isCoursera = false; //if (fi.suffix()=="mzn") { // curItem = mzn; if (fi.suffix()=="zinc") { curItem = zinc; } else if (fi.suffix()=="dzn") { curItem = dzn; } else if (fi.suffix()=="fzn") { return; } else { curItem = other; isMiniZinc = false; isCoursera = fi.completeBaseName()=="_coursera"; } if (isCoursera) { if (_courseraProject) { QMessageBox::warning(treeView,"Zinc IDE", "Cannot add second Coursera options file", QMessageBox::Ok); return; } QFile metadata(absFileName); if (! { QMessageBox::warning(treeView,"Zinc IDE", "Cannot open Coursera options file", QMessageBox::Ok); return; } QTextStream in(&metadata); CourseraProject* cp = new CourseraProject; if (in.status() != QTextStream::Ok) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } cp->course = in.readLine(); if (in.status() != QTextStream::Ok) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } cp->checkpwdSid= in.readLine(); if (in.status() != QTextStream::Ok) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } cp->name = in.readLine(); QString nSolutions_s = in.readLine(); int nSolutions = nSolutions_s.toInt(); for (int i=0; i<nSolutions; i++) { if (in.status() != QTextStream::Ok) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } QString line = in.readLine(); QStringList tokens = line.split(", "); if (tokens.size() < 5) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } CourseraItem item(tokens[0].trimmed(),tokens[1].trimmed(),tokens[2].trimmed(), tokens[3].trimmed(),tokens[4].trimmed()); cp->problems.append(item); } if (in.status() != QTextStream::Ok) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } nSolutions_s = in.readLine(); nSolutions = nSolutions_s.toInt(); for (int i=0; i<nSolutions; i++) { if (in.status() != QTextStream::Ok) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } QString line = in.readLine(); QStringList tokens = line.split(", "); if (tokens.size() < 3) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } CourseraItem item(tokens[0].trimmed(),tokens[1].trimmed(),tokens[2].trimmed()); cp->models.append(item); } _courseraProject = cp; ui->actionSubmit_to_Coursera->setVisible(true); } coursera_done: setModified(true, true); QStandardItem* prevItem = curItem; treeView->expand(sort->mapFromSource(curItem->index())); curItem = curItem->child(0); int i=0; while (curItem != NULL) { if (curItem->text() == path.first()) { path.pop_front(); treeView->expand(sort->mapFromSource(curItem->index())); prevItem = curItem; curItem = curItem->child(0); i = 0; } else { i += 1; curItem = curItem->parent()->child(i); } } for (int i=0; i<path.size(); i++) { QStandardItem* newItem = new QStandardItem(path[i]); prevItem->appendRow(newItem); if (i<path.size()-1) { newItem->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/images/folder.png")); } else { _files.insert(absFileName,newItem->index()); if (isMiniZinc) { newItem->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/mznicon.png")); } } treeView->expand(sort->mapFromSource(newItem->index())); prevItem = newItem; } }
void AnalysisThread::addTcpNode(int protoInd) { struct tcphdr* ptcp_header = (struct tcphdr *)this->>pProtocal; QStandardItem* tcpitem = new QStandardItem(); this->len = ptcp_header->doff * 4; setUserRoleData(tcpitem); // For the bottom manage the tcp header int tcpoffset = this->offset + ptcp_header->doff * 4; QStandardItem* item = new QStandardItem(); u_int16_t src_port = ntohs(ptcp_header->source); this->len = sizeof(src_port); item->setText(QString("Source port: %1").arg(src_port)); setUserRoleData(item); tcpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); u_int16_t dst_port = ntohs(ptcp_header->dest); this->len = sizeof(dst_port); item->setText(QString("Destination port: %1").arg(dst_port)); setUserRoleData(item); tcpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); u_int32_t seq = ntohl(ptcp_header->seq); this->len = sizeof(seq); item->setText(QString("Sequence number: %1 (absolute sequence number)") .arg(seq)); setUserRoleData(item); tcpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); u_int32_t ack_seq = ntohl(ptcp_header->ack_seq); this->len = sizeof(ack_seq); item->setText(QString("Acknowledgment number: %1 (absolute ack number)") .arg(ack_seq)); setUserRoleData(item); tcpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = 1; // The header length item->setText(QString("Header length: %1 bytes") .arg(ptcp_header->doff * 4)); // The four bit multi 4 is the bytes setUserRoleData(item); tcpitem->appendRow(item); // The flag item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = 2; setUserRoleData(item); QStringList flag; // The flag such as ack fin QStandardItem* childitem = new QStandardItem(); this->len = 1; setUserRoleData(childitem); childitem->setText(QString("0000 00.. .... = Reserved: Not set")); item->appendRow(childitem); this->offset += this->len; childitem = new QStandardItem(); setUserRoleData(childitem); if (ptcp_header->urg) { childitem->setText(".... ..1. .... = Urgent: Set"); flag << "urg"; } else { childitem->setText(".... ..0. .... = Urgent: Set"); } item->appendRow(childitem); childitem = new QStandardItem(); setUserRoleData(childitem); if (ptcp_header->ack) { childitem->setText(".... ...1 .... = Acknowledgment: Set"); flag << "ack"; } else { childitem->setText(".... ...0 .... = Acknowledgment: Not set"); } item->appendRow(childitem); childitem = new QStandardItem(); setUserRoleData(childitem); if (ptcp_header->psh) { childitem->setText(".... .... 1... = Push: Set"); flag << "push"; } else { childitem->setText(".... .... 0... = Push: Not set"); } item->appendRow(childitem); childitem = new QStandardItem(); setUserRoleData(childitem); if (ptcp_header->rst) { childitem->setText(".... .... .1.. = Reset: Set"); flag << "reset"; } else { childitem->setText(".... .... .0.. = Reset: Not set"); } item->appendRow(childitem); childitem = new QStandardItem(); setUserRoleData(childitem); if (ptcp_header->syn) { childitem->setText(".... .... .1.. = Reset: Set"); flag << "syn"; } else { childitem->setText(".... .... .0.. = Reset: Not set"); } item->appendRow(childitem); childitem = new QStandardItem(); setUserRoleData(childitem); if (ptcp_header->fin) { childitem->setText(".... .... ...1 = Fin: Set"); flag << "fin"; } else { childitem->setText(".... .... ...0 = Fin: Not set"); } item->appendRow(childitem); item->setText(QString("Flags: %1") .arg(flag.join("/"))); tcpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; // The flag end item = new QStandardItem(); u_int16_t window = ntohs(ptcp_header->window); this->len = sizeof(window); item->setText(QString("Window size value: %1").arg(window)); setUserRoleData(item); tcpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(ptcp_header->check); item->setText(QString("Checksum: 0x%1 [validation disabled]") .arg(ntohs(ptcp_header->check),4, 16)); setUserRoleData(item); tcpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; tcpitem->setText(QString("Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: %1, Dst Port: %2, Seq: %3, Ack: %4") .arg(src_port) .arg(dst_port) .arg(seq) .arg(ack_seq)); this->model->setItem(this->irow++, 0, tcpitem); // Analysis the application data // this->offset = tcpoffset; ApplicationData* pad = NULL; try{ pad = static_cast<ApplicationData*>(this->snifferData.>pProtocal); } catch(std::exception) { return; } if (pad == NULL) { return; } if (pad->strProtocal == SnifferType::HTTP_PROTOCAL) { addHttpNode(pad); } }
void MidiInstrument::populatePatchModel(QStandardItemModel* model, int chan, MidiType songType) { model->clear(); int mask = 0; bool drumchan = chan == 9; switch (songType) { case MIDI_TYPE_XG: mask = 4; break; case MIDI_TYPE_GS: mask = 2; break; case MIDI_TYPE_GM: if (drumchan) return; mask = 1; break; case MIDI_TYPE_NULL: mask = 7; break; } if (pg.size() > 1) { for (ciPatchGroup i = pg.begin(); i != pg.end(); ++i) { PatchGroup* pgp = *i; QList<QStandardItem*> folder; QStandardItem* noop = new QStandardItem(""); QStandardItem *dir = new QStandardItem(pgp->name); QFont f = dir->font(); f.setBold(true); dir->setFont(f); const PatchList& pl = pgp->patches; for (ciPatch ipl = pl.begin(); ipl != pl.end(); ++ipl) { const Patch* mp = *ipl; if (mp->typ & mask) { int id = ((mp->hbank & 0xff) << 16) + ((mp->lbank & 0xff) << 8) + (mp->prog & 0xff); QList<QStandardItem*> row; QString strId = QString::number(id); QStandardItem* idItem = new QStandardItem(strId); QStandardItem* nItem = new QStandardItem(mp->name); nItem->setToolTip(QString(pgp->name+":\n "+mp->name)); row.append(nItem); row.append(idItem); dir->appendRow(row); } } folder.append(dir); folder.append(noop); model->appendRow(folder); } } else if (pg.size() == 1) { // no groups const PatchList& pl = pg.front()->patches; QStandardItem* root = model->invisibleRootItem(); for (ciPatch ipl = pl.begin(); ipl != pl.end(); ++ipl) { const Patch* mp = *ipl; if (mp->typ & mask) { int id = ((mp->hbank & 0xff) << 16) + ((mp->lbank & 0xff) << 8) + (mp->prog & 0xff); QList<QStandardItem*> row; QString strId = QString::number(id); QStandardItem* idItem = new QStandardItem(strId); QStandardItem* nItem = new QStandardItem(mp->name); nItem->setToolTip(QString(mp->name)); row.append(nItem); row.append(idItem); root->appendRow(row); } } } }
void AnalysisThread::addIgmpNode(int protoInd) { struct igmp* pigmp_header = (struct igmp *)this->>pProtocal; int version = 1; QString type = "membership report"; QString maxrestime = ""; switch (pigmp_header->igmp_type) { case IGMP_MEMBERSHIP_QUERY: { type = "membership query"; break; } case IGMP_V1_MEMBERSHIP_REPORT: { break; } case IGMP_V2_MEMBERSHIP_REPORT: { version = 2; maxrestime = QString("Max Response Time: %1 sec (0x%2)") .arg(pigmp_header->igmp_code / 10.0) .arg(pigmp_header->igmp_code,2,16,QLatin1Char('0')); break; } case IGMP_V2_LEAVE_GROUP: { type = "Leave-group message"; break; } case 0x22: { version = 3; break; } default: { break; } } QStandardItem* igmpitem = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(struct igmp); setUserRoleData(igmpitem); igmpitem->setText("Internet Group Management Protocol"); QStandardItem* item = new QStandardItem(); item->setText(QString("IGMP Version: %1").arg(version)); igmpitem->appendRow(item); item = new QStandardItem(); item->setText(QString("Type: %1 (0x%2)") .arg(type) .arg(pigmp_header->igmp_type,2,16)); this->len = sizeof(pigmp_header->igmp_type); setUserRoleData(item); igmpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; if (maxrestime != "") { item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = 1; item->setText(maxrestime); setUserRoleData(item); igmpitem->appendRow(item); } this->offset += 1; item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(pigmp_header->igmp_cksum); item->setText(QString("Header checksum: 0x%1") .arg(ntohs(pigmp_header->igmp_cksum),4,16)); setUserRoleData(item); igmpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; item = new QStandardItem(); this->len = sizeof(pigmp_header->igmp_group); item->setText(QString("Multicast Address: %1") .arg(SnifferUtil::netToIp(pigmp_header->igmp_group))); setUserRoleData(item); igmpitem->appendRow(item); this->offset += this->len; this->model->setItem(this->irow++, 0, igmpitem); }
//创建目录树 void MainWindow::createMenuTree() { QSqlQuery fstMenuQuery;//对firstmenus搜索 QSqlQuery secMenuQuery;//对secondmenus搜索 QSqlQuery thdMenuQuery;//对thirdmenus搜索 if(fstMenuQuery.exec("SELECT menuitem, id FROM firstmenus;"))//判断搜索数据库中一级目录 { int fstNumRows = 0;//定义搜索返回的行数 if(db.driver()->hasFeature(QSqlDriver::QuerySize))//判断驱动是否包含QuerySize { fstNumRows = fstMenuQuery.size();//将返回的行数赋于fstNumRows } else { fstMenuQuery.last();//移至最后一行 fstNumRows =;//将返回的行数赋于fstNumRows;//返回第一行 } if(fstNumRows>0)//判断搜索得到的结果是否大于0 { menuTree = new QTreeView();//建立目录树 treeModel = new QStandardItemModel(fstNumRows,1);//设置目录的大小 treeModel->setHeaderData(0,Qt::Horizontal,tr("目录"));//设置目录头 int fstInt = 0; while(加载一级目录 { QStandardItem *fstItem = new QStandardItem(fstMenuQuery.value(0).toString());//新建一级目录各子项 fstItem->setData(1,Qt::UserRole);//设置目录阶数 treeModel->setItem(fstInt,fstItem);//将一级目录加载到目录树中 fstInt++;//fstInt自加 if(secMenuQuery.exec("SELECT menuitem, id FROM secondmenus WHERE parentid = "+ fstMenuQuery.value(1).toString()))//判断是否有二级目录 { int secNumRows = 0;//定义搜索返回的行数 if(db.driver()->hasFeature(QSqlDriver::QuerySize)) { secNumRows = secMenuQuery.size(); } else { secMenuQuery.last(); secNumRows =;; } if(secNumRows>0)//判断搜索得到的结果是否大于0 { while(加载二级目录 { QStandardItem *secItem = new QStandardItem(secMenuQuery.value(0).toString());//新建二级目录各子项 secItem->setData(2,Qt::UserRole);//设置目录阶数为2 fstItem->appendRow(secItem);//加载二级目录 if(thdMenuQuery.exec("SELECT menuitem, id FROM thirdmenus WHERE parentid = "+ secMenuQuery.value(1).toString())) { int thdNumRows = 0; if(db.driver()->hasFeature(QSqlDriver::QuerySize)) { thdNumRows = thdMenuQuery.size(); } else { thdMenuQuery.last(); thdNumRows =;; } if(thdNumRows>0) { while(加载三级目录 { QStandardItem *thdItem = new QStandardItem(thdMenuQuery.value(0).toString());//新建三级目录各子项 thdItem->setData(3,Qt::UserRole);//设置目录阶数为3 secItem->appendRow(thdItem);//加载三级目录 } } } } } } } menuTree->setModel(treeModel);//设置目录树的MODEL menuTree->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers);//设置为不可编辑 menuTree->resizeColumnToContents(0);//设置树的宽度 mainSplitter->addWidget(menuTree);//将目录加载到主面板中 connect(menuTree,SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)),this,SLOT(menuTreeClick(QModelIndex)));//当用户点击树目录时,启动menuTreeClick函数 } } }
int Schedule::init(QFile *file) { QString line; int basicBlock = 0; int beginState = 0; int endState = 0; int insnCount = 0; QString insn; if(!file) return 0; QTextStream in(file); Function * function = NULL; clear(); m_functions.clear(); Block * block = NULL; while (!in.atEnd()) { int pos = 0; int posEqual; line = in.readLine(); QRegExp rxStartFunc("^Start Function: (\\w+)"); QRegExp rxEndFunc("^End Function: (\\w+)"); QRegExp rxFunctionCall("call.*@(\\w+)\\("); QRegExp rxLoad("load"); QRegExp rxStateBegin("^state.*BB_?(\\d+)_(\\d+)$"); QRegExp rxStateEnd("^(.*)\\(endState.*_(\\d+)\\)"); QRegExp rxRegisters("%([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)"); QRegExp rxEqual("="); QRegExp rxBr("br label %(\\d+)"); if (rxStartFunc.indexIn(line, 0) != -1) { QString functionName = rxStartFunc.cap(1); function = new Function(functionName); m_functions.push_back(function); //qDebug() << functionName << endl; } else if (rxStateBegin.indexIn(line, 0) != -1) { //assert(function!=NULL); if(function == NULL){ continue; } basicBlock = rxStateBegin.cap(1).toInt(); beginState = rxStateBegin.cap(2).toInt(); block = function->findBlock(basicBlock); if (block == NULL) { block = new Block(basicBlock); function->insertBlock(block); } } else if (rxStateEnd.indexIn(line, 0) != -1) { //assert(block != NULL); if(block == NULL){ continue; } insn = rxStateEnd.cap(1).trimmed(); //int BBNum = rxStateEnd.cap(2).toInt(); //assert(BBNum == basicBlock); endState = rxStateEnd.cap(2).toInt(); if (rxLoad.indexIn(line, 0) != -1) { //special case for load instruction endState -- ; } if (!insn.isEmpty()) { insnCount ++; Task *task = new Task(insn, basicBlock, beginState, endState); block->insertTask(task); if (rxFunctionCall.indexIn(line, 0) != -1) { /*function calls*/ //qDebug << "function " << function->m_name<< " is calling " // << rxFunctionCall.cap(1)<< endl; task->m_type = CALL; function->m_callee.push_back(rxFunctionCall.cap(1)); } else if (rxBr.indexIn(line, 0) != -1) { /*branch instructions*/ //qDebug() << "branch destination of instruction " << function->m_name << line<< " is " << rxBr.cap(1) << endl; task->m_type = BR; block->m_branch = rxBr.cap(1).toInt(); } posEqual = rxEqual.indexIn(line, 0); /*checking dependencies*/ while ((pos = rxRegisters.indexIn(line, pos)) != -1) { if (pos < posEqual){ //qDebug() << "output " << rxRegisters.cap(1) << endl; QString destination = rxRegisters.cap(1); task->m_destination = destination; } else{ //case where a register appear on the right side of //an equal size: this is a source operand //qDebug() << "input for instruction" // << line << " is " //<< rxRegisters.cap(1)<< endl; QString source = rxRegisters.cap(1); task->m_sources.push_back(source); } pos += rxRegisters.matchedLength(); } } } else if (rxEndFunc.indexIn(line, 0) != -1) { } else { //qDebug() << line << endl; } } /*construct control flow graph*/ for (int k = 0; k < m_functions.size(); k++) { Function * function = m_functions[k]; for(int j = 0; j < (int)function->m_blocks.size(); j++) { Block * block = function->m_blocks[j]; assert(block); for(int i = 0; i < (int)function->m_blocks.size(); i++) { if(i == j || function->m_blocks[i]->m_tasks.empty()) continue; //printf("trying to match branch %d to register %d\n",function->m_blocks[j]->m_branch, // function->m_blocks[i]->m_tasks[0]->m_destination); bool ok; if(function->m_blocks[i]->m_tasks[0]->m_destination.toInt(&ok) == block->m_branch+1 && ok){ //TODO get rid of this hack after branch destination //block is available block->m_targetBlock = function->m_blocks[i]; //printf("destination match: from BB %d to BB %d for function %s", block->m_index, //function->m_blocks[i]->m_index, function->m_name.toStdString().c_str()); //printf("because the branch destination is %d, and the output register of the current BB is %d\n", //block->m_branch, function->m_blocks[i]->m_tasks[0]->m_destination); } } } } /*construct data model*/ /* now, ScheduleItem inherts QStandardItem. * Function, Block both inherts ScheduleItem, * so we do not need to create new object for these items, * just use them */ QStandardItem *rootItem = invisibleRootItem(); for (int k = 0; k < m_functions.size(); k++) { Function * function = m_functions[k]; //QStandardItem *functionItem = new ScheduleItem(function->getName()); QStandardItem *functionItem = function; functionItem->setFlags(functionItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable); rootItem->appendRow(functionItem); //QStandardItem *parentItem = item; for (int i = 0; i < (int)function->m_blocks.size(); i++) { Block *block = function->m_blocks[i]; QStandardItem *blockItem; //blockItem= new ScheduleItem(block->text()); blockItem= block; blockItem->setFlags(blockItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable); functionItem->appendRow(blockItem); //cout << "Basic Block: " << block->getIndex() << endl; /* we don't need to create child task item anymore since * 1. we don't need to display them in the explorer * 2. tasks can be accessed through the m_tasks member variable */ /*for (int j = 0; j < block->getNumTasks(); j++) { QStandardItem *taskItem_insn = new ScheduleItem( block->getTask(j)->m_insn); QStandardItem *taskItem_begin = new ScheduleItem( QString::number(block->getTask(j)->m_beginState)); QStandardItem *taskItem_end = new ScheduleItem( QString::number(block->getTask(j)->m_endState)); QList<QStandardItem *> list; list << taskItem_insn << taskItem_begin << taskItem_end; blockItem->appendRow(list); //taskItem->setFlags(taskItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable); //qDebug() << "\tInstruction: " // << block->getTask(j)->m_insn //<< "column count" << blockItem->columnCount() << endl; } */ } } //process instruction dependencies for (int k = 0; k < m_functions.size(); k++) { Function * function = m_functions[k]; for(int j = 0; j < (int)function->m_blocks.size(); j++) { Block * block = function->m_blocks[j]; for(int k = 0; k < (int)block->m_tasks.size(); k++){ for(int m = 0; m < (int)block->m_tasks.size(); m++){ if(k == m) continue; if(block->m_tasks[m]->m_sources.contains(block->m_tasks[k]->m_destination)){ block->m_tasks[k]->m_dependent.push_back(block->m_tasks[m]); block->m_tasks[m]->m_depending.push_back(block->m_tasks[k]); } } } } } setHeaderData(0, Qt::Horizontal, "Explorer"); return 0; }
void ParseTreeLablerForm::readTree(char * treeFile) { std::ifstream fileI; std::string line; standardModel = new QStandardItemModel ; rootNode = standardModel->invisibleRootItem(); set<int> segsWithLabel;; getline(fileI, line); assert(line.substr(0,7)=="digraph"); if (fileI.is_open()) { while (fileI.good()) { getline(fileI, line); if ( == '}') break; vector<string> toks; getTokens(line, toks,"\t ->;"); // for(vector<string>::iterator it=toks.begin();it!=toks.end();it++) // { // if((*it).size()!=0) // cout<<*it<<",,"; // } // cout<<endl; if (toks.size() == 1) { //orphan string name =; updateTypeCounts(name); QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(; nameToTreeNode[name] = item; rootNode->appendRow(item); } else if (toks.size() == 2) { // with a parent string name =; updateTypeCounts(name); QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(; nameToTreeNode[name] = item; QStandardItem *parent = nameToTreeNode[]; assert(parent != NULL); parent->appendRow(item); } else { assert(false); } } widget.treeView->setModel(standardModel); } else { cout << "could not open the gt LabelMap file you specified ..exiting\n"; exit(-1); } }