SearchProviderDialog::SearchProviderDialog(SearchProvider *provider, QList<SearchProvider*> &providers, QWidget *parent) : KDialog( parent ) , m_provider(provider) { setModal(true); setButtons( Ok | Cancel ); m_dlg.setupUi(mainWidget()); m_dlg.leQuery->setMinimumWidth(kapp->fontMetrics().averageCharWidth() * 50); connect(m_dlg.leName, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(slotChanged())); connect(m_dlg.leQuery, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(slotChanged())); connect(m_dlg.leShortcut, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(slotChanged())); connect(m_dlg.leShortcut, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(shortcutsChanged(QString))); connect(m_dlg.pbPaste, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(pastePlaceholder())); // Data init m_providers = providers; QStringList charsets = KGlobal::charsets()->availableEncodingNames(); charsets.prepend(i18nc("@item:inlistbox The default character set", "Default")); m_dlg.cbCharset->addItems(charsets); if (m_provider) { setPlainCaption(i18n("Modify Web Shortcut")); m_dlg.leName->setText(m_provider->name()); m_dlg.leQuery->setText(m_provider->query()); m_dlg.leShortcut->setText(m_provider->keys().join(",")); m_dlg.cbCharset->setCurrentIndex(m_provider->charset().isEmpty() ? 0 : charsets.indexOf(m_provider->charset())); m_dlg.leName->setEnabled(false); m_dlg.leQuery->setFocus(); } else { setPlainCaption(i18n("New Web Shortcut")); m_dlg.leName->setFocus(); //If the clipboard contains a url copy it to the query lineedit const QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); const QString url = clipboard->text(); if (!KUrl(url).host().isEmpty()) m_dlg.leQuery->setText(url); enableButton(Ok, false); } }
void MainWindow::setCurrentFile(const QString &fileName) { curFile = fileName; setWindowFilePath(curFile); QSettings settings; QStringList files = settings.value("recentFileList").toStringList(); files.removeAll(fileName); files.prepend(fileName); while (files.size() > MaxRecentFiles) files.removeLast(); settings.setValue("recentFileList", files); foreach (QWidget *widget, QApplication::topLevelWidgets()) { MainWindow *mainWin = qobject_cast<MainWindow *>(widget); if (mainWin) mainWin->updateRecentFileActions(); }
void Finder::find(const RangeList &selectionRanges, int currentIndex, const QString &text, bool findBackwards) { if(!m_subtitle || !m_subtitle->linesCount()) return; invalidate(); m_dialog->setOptions(findBackwards ? m_dialog->options() | KFind::FindBackwards : m_dialog->options() & ~KFind::FindBackwards); if(!text.isEmpty()) { QStringList history = m_dialog->findHistory(); history.removeAll(text); history.prepend(text); m_dialog->setFindHistory(history); } if(m_dialog->exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; m_find = new KFind(m_dialog->pattern(), m_dialog->options(), 0); m_find->closeFindNextDialog(); connect(m_find, SIGNAL(highlight(const QString &, int, int)), this, SLOT(onHighlight(const QString &, int, int))); m_iterator = new SubtitleIterator(*m_subtitle, m_dialog->options() & KFind::SelectedText ? selectionRanges : Range::full()); if(m_iterator->index() == SubtitleIterator::Invalid) { invalidate(); return; } m_iterator->setAutoSync(true); connect(m_iterator, SIGNAL(syncronized(int, int, bool)), this, SLOT(onIteratorSynchronized(int, int, bool))); if(m_dialog->options() & KFind::FromCursor) m_iterator->toIndex(currentIndex < 0 ? 0 : currentIndex); m_allSearchedIndex = m_iterator->index(); m_find->setPattern(m_dialog->pattern()); m_find->setOptions(m_dialog->options()); m_instancesFound = false; advance(); }
QStringList FLUtil::nombreCampos(const QString &tabla) { QStringList res; if (FLSqlConnections::database()->managerModules()->shaOfFile(tabla + ".mtd").isEmpty()) return res; FLSqlCursor c(tabla); FLTableMetaData *tmd = c.metadata(); if (!tmd) return res; res = QStringList::split(',', tmd->fieldsNames()); res.prepend(QString::number(res.size())); return res; }
void Window::openFile() { QString fileName = glWidget->openSheet(tr("")); if(fileName == "") return; QSettings settings("mallard.ini", QSettings::IniFormat, this); QStringList files = settings.value("recentFileList").toStringList(); files.removeAll(fileName); files.prepend(fileName); while (files.size() > MaxRecentFiles) files.removeLast(); settings.setValue("recentFileList", files); updateRecentFileActions(); }
// This is equivalent to line.split( QRegExp("\n(?!\n|$)") ) but much faster QStringList Quoter::splitLines(const QString &line) { QStringList result; int i = line.size(); while (true) { int j = i - 1; while (j >= 0 && == QLatin1Char('\n')) --j; while (j >= 0 && != QLatin1Char('\n')) --j; result.prepend(line.mid(j + 1, i - j - 1)); if (j < 0) break; i = j; } return result; }
const QList<audioDevice> CoreAudioSystem::getDeviceChoices(bool input) { QHash<QString, QString> qhDevices = CoreAudioSystem::getDevices(input); QList<audioDevice> qlReturn; QStringList qlDevices; qhDevices.insert(QString(), tr("Default Device")); qlDevices = qhDevices.keys(); const QString &qsDev = input ? g.s.qsCoreAudioInput : g.s.qsCoreAudioOutput; if (qlDevices.contains(qsDev)) { qlDevices.removeAll(qsDev); qlDevices.prepend(qsDev); } foreach(const QString &qsIdentifier, qlDevices) { qlReturn << audioDevice(qhDevices.value(qsIdentifier), qsIdentifier); }
void ccRecentFiles::addFilePath( const QString &filePath ) { QStringList list = m_settings.value( s_settingKey ).toStringList(); list.removeAll( filePath ); list.prepend( filePath ); // only save the last ten files if ( list.count() > 10 ) { list = list.mid( 0, 10 ); } m_settings.setValue( s_settingKey, list ); updateMenu(); }
QString QgsApplication::relativePathToAbsolutePath( QString rpath, QString targetPath ) { // relative path should always start with ./ or ../ if ( !rpath.startsWith( "./" ) && !rpath.startsWith( "../" ) ) { return rpath; } #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) rpath.replace( "\\", "/" ); targetPath.replace( "\\", "/" ); bool uncPath = targetPath.startsWith( "//" ); #endif QStringList srcElems = rpath.split( "/", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); QStringList targetElems = targetPath.split( "/", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) if ( uncPath ) { targetElems.insert( 0, "" ); targetElems.insert( 0, "" ); } #endif // append source path elements targetElems << srcElems; targetElems.removeAll( "." ); // resolve .. int pos; while (( pos = targetElems.indexOf( ".." ) ) > 0 ) { // remove preceding element and .. targetElems.removeAt( pos - 1 ); targetElems.removeAt( pos - 1 ); } #if !defined(Q_OS_WIN) // make path absolute targetElems.prepend( "" ); #endif return targetElems.join( "/" ); }
QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /* This function looks at two file names and returns the name of the infile with a path relative to outfile. Examples: /tmp/abc, /tmp/bcd -> abc xyz/a/bc, xyz/b/ac -> ../a/bc /tmp/abc, xyz/klm -> /tmp/abc */ static QByteArray combinePath(const char *infile, const char *outfile) { QFileInfo inFileInfo(QDir::current(), QFile::decodeName(infile)); QFileInfo outFileInfo(QDir::current(), QFile::decodeName(outfile)); int numCommonComponents = 0; QStringList inSplitted = inFileInfo.dir().canonicalPath().split(QLatin1Char('/')); QStringList outSplitted = outFileInfo.dir().canonicalPath().split(QLatin1Char('/')); while (!inSplitted.isEmpty() && !outSplitted.isEmpty() && inSplitted.first() == outSplitted.first()) { inSplitted.removeFirst(); outSplitted.removeFirst(); numCommonComponents++; } if (numCommonComponents < 2) /* The paths don't have the same drive, or they don't have the same root directory. Use an absolute path. */ return QFile::encodeName(inFileInfo.absoluteFilePath()); /* The paths have something in common. Use a path relative to the output file. */ while (!outSplitted.isEmpty()) { outSplitted.removeFirst(); inSplitted.prepend(QLatin1String("..")); } inSplitted.append(inFileInfo.fileName()); return QFile::encodeName(inSplitted.join(QLatin1String("/"))); }
QStringList qc_pathlist() { QStringList list; QString path = qc_getenv("PATH"); if(!path.isEmpty()) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN list = path.split(';', QString::SkipEmptyParts); #else list = path.split(':', QString::SkipEmptyParts); #endif } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN list.prepend("."); #endif return list; }
QStringList DecoderRegistry::getSupportedTypes(void) { QStringList types; types << GET_FILETYPES(WaveDecoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(MP3Decoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(VorbisDecoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(AACDecoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(AC3Decoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(FLACDecoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(WavPackDecoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(MusepackDecoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(ShortenDecoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(MACDecoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(TTADecoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(SpeexDecoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(ALACDecoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(WMADecoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(ADPCMDecoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(OpusDecoder); types << GET_FILETYPES(AvisynthDecoder); QStringList extensions; extensions << QString(PlaylistImporter::supportedExtensions).split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); QRegExp regExp("\\((.+)\\)", Qt::CaseInsensitive); for(int i = 0; i < types.count(); i++) { if(regExp.lastIndexIn( >= 0) { extensions << regExp.cap(1).split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); } } if(!extensions.empty()) { extensions.removeDuplicates(); extensions.sort(); types.prepend(QString("%1 (%2)").arg(tr("All supported types"), extensions.join(" "))); } types << QString("%1 (%2)").arg(tr("Playlists"), PlaylistImporter::supportedExtensions); types << QString("%1 (*.*)").arg(tr("All files")); return types; }
void MainWindow::addChild(const QString& imageFileName) { if (!imageFileName.isEmpty()) { QString canonicalImageFileName = QFileInfo(imageFileName).canonicalFilePath(); for (int i = 0; i < tabWidget->count(); ++i) { ChildWidget* child = qobject_cast<ChildWidget*> (tabWidget->widget(i)); if (canonicalImageFileName == child->canonicalImageFileName()) { tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(i); return; } } ChildWidget* child = new ChildWidget(this); if (child->loadImage(imageFileName)) { statusBar()->showMessage(tr("File loaded"), 2000); tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(tabWidget->addTab(child, child->userFriendlyCurrentFile())); tabWidget->setTabToolTip(tabWidget->currentIndex(), imageFileName); connect(child, SIGNAL(boxChanged()), this, SLOT(updateCommandActions())); connect(child, SIGNAL(modifiedChanged()), this, SLOT(updateTabTitle())); connect(child, SIGNAL(modifiedChanged()), this, SLOT(updateSaveAction())); connect(child, SIGNAL(zoomRatioChanged(qreal)), this, SLOT(zoomRatioChanged(qreal))); connect(child, SIGNAL(statusBarMessage(QString)), this, SLOT(statusBarMessage(QString))); connect(child, SIGNAL(drawRectangleChoosen()), this, SLOT(updateCommandActions())); child->setZoomStatus(); // save path of open image file QSettings settings(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, SETTING_ORGANIZATION, SETTING_APPLICATION); QString filePath = QFileInfo(imageFileName).absolutePath(); settings.setValue("last_path", filePath); QStringList files = settings.value("recentFileList").toStringList(); files.removeAll(imageFileName); files.prepend(imageFileName); while (files.size() > MaxRecentFiles) files.removeLast(); settings.setValue("recentFileList", files); foreach(QWidget * widget, QApplication::topLevelWidgets()) { MainWindow* mainWin = qobject_cast<MainWindow*>(widget); if (mainWin) mainWin->updateRecentFileActions(); }
QFileInfoList Zerberus::sfzFiles() { QFileInfoList l; QStringList pl = Ms::preferences.getString(PREF_APP_PATHS_MYSOUNDFONTS).split(";"); pl.prepend(QFileInfo(QString("%1%2").arg(Ms::mscoreGlobalShare).arg("sound")).absoluteFilePath()); // append extensions directory QStringList extensionsDir = Ms::Extension::getDirectoriesByType(Ms::Extension::sfzsDir); pl.append(extensionsDir); foreach (const QString& s, pl) { QString ss(s); if (!s.isEmpty() && s[0] == '~') ss = QDir::homePath() + s.mid(1); collectFiles(&l, ss); }
QStringList Nicookie::firefoxGetProfileList(const QString &profile_ini) { QStringList list; QFile profile_file(profile_ini); if (!profile_file.exists()) { setError(Nicookie::FailedParseProfileError); return list; } QTemporaryFile profile_temp; QString profile_temp_path = profile_temp.fileTemplate(); if (profile_file.copy(profile_temp_path)) { setError(Nicookie::FailedParseProfileError); return list; } QSettings profile_settings(profile_temp_path, QSettings::IniFormat); if (profile_settings.status() != QSettings::NoError) { setError(Nicookie::FailedParseProfileError); return list; } for (auto &group: profile_settings.childGroups()) { if (group.startsWith("Profile")) { profile_settings.beginGroup(group); QString path; if (profile_settings.value("IsRelative", 1).toInt() == 1) { path = QFileInfo(profile_file).dir().filePath( profile_settings.value("Path").toString()); } else { path = profile_settings.value("Path").toString(); } if (profile_settings.value("Default", 0).toInt() == 1) { list.prepend(path); } else { list.append(path); } profile_settings.endGroup(); } } if (list.isEmpty()) { setError(Nicookie::FailedParseProfileError); } return list; }
void MatcherModel::matchExpression() { beginResetModel(); m_matches.clear(); endResetModel(); QStringList matches; for (const QString &entry: m_items) { if (entry == m_expression) { matches.prepend(entry); } else if (entry.startsWith(m_expression)) { matches.append(entry); } } beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, matches.count()); m_matches = matches; endInsertRows(); }
const QStringList & ScriptsManager::mimeTypes() { static QStringList mimeTypes; if(mimeTypes.isEmpty()) { QHash<QString, Kross::InterpreterInfo *> infos = Kross::Manager::self().interpreterInfos(); for(QHash<QString, Kross::InterpreterInfo *>::ConstIterator it = infos.begin(), end = infos.end(); it != end; ++it) { QStringList intMimeTypes = it.value()->mimeTypes(); for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = intMimeTypes.begin(), end = intMimeTypes.end(); it != end; ++it) mimeTypes << *it; } if(!mimeTypes.contains("application/javascript") && !mimeTypes.contains("text/javascript") && !mimeTypes.contains("application/x-javascript")) mimeTypes.prepend("application/javascript"); } return mimeTypes; }
x509v3ext NewX509::getEkeyUsage() { QStringList cont; x509v3ext ext; int rows = ekeyUsage->count(); for (int i=0; i<rows; i++) { //QListWidgetItem *li = ekeyUsage->item(i); //printf("rows = %d, ekeyUsage = %d, %p\n", rows, i, li); if (ekeyUsage->isItemSelected(ekeyUsage->item(i))) { cont << QString(OBJ_nid2sn(eku_nid[i])); } } if (ekuCritical->isChecked() && cont.count() > 0) cont.prepend("critical"); ext.create(NID_ext_key_usage, cont.join(", "), &ext_ctx); return ext; }
QStringList Configuration::getFileOpenFilters( FileType firstType ) { QStringList exts = getFileExtension(); QStringList filterList; for ( int i = 0; i < FileTypeNum && i < exts.length(); i++ ) { QString filter = QString::fromLatin1( "%1 (%2)" ).arg( fileTypeToString( i ) ).arg( exts.value( i ).split( "|" ).join( " " ) ); if ( firstType == i ) { filterList.prepend( filter ); } else { filterList.append( filter ); } } return filterList; }
void HistoryWindow::addHistory(const QString &str) { QStringList l = CorePlugin::instance()->value("HistorySearch").toString().split(';'); l.removeAll(str); l.prepend(str); QString res; unsigned i = 0; Q_FOREACH(const QString &str, l) { if (i++ > MAX_HISTORY) break; if (!res.isEmpty()) res += ';'; res += quoteChars(str, ";"); } CorePlugin::instance()->setValue("HistorySearch", res); }
void TIGLViewerWindow::setCurrentFile(const QString &fileName) { setWindowFilePath(fileName); currentFile = fileName; QSettings settings("DLR SC-VK","TIGLViewer"); QStringList files = settings.value("recentFileList").toStringList(); files.removeAll(fileName); files.prepend(fileName); while (files.size() > MaxRecentFiles) { files.removeLast(); } settings.setValue("recentFileList", files); settings.setValue("lastFolder", myLastFolder); updateRecentFileActions(); }
inline void FileBrowser::urlChanged( const KURL &u ) { //the DirOperator's URL has changed QString url = u.isLocalFile() ? u.path() : u.prettyURL(); if( m_medium ){ //remove the leading mountPoint value url.remove( 0, m_medium->mountPoint().length() ); } QStringList urls = m_combo->urls(); urls.remove( url ); urls.prepend( url ); m_combo->setURLs( urls, KURLComboBox::RemoveBottom ); }
// Helper to return the icon theme paths from XDG. QStringList QGenericUnixTheme::xdgIconThemePaths() { QStringList paths; // Add home directory first in search path const QFileInfo homeIconDir(QDir::homePath() + QStringLiteral("/.icons")); if (homeIconDir.isDir()) paths.prepend(homeIconDir.absoluteFilePath()); QString xdgDirString = QFile::decodeName(qgetenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS")); if (xdgDirString.isEmpty()) xdgDirString = QLatin1String("/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/"); foreach (const QString &xdgDir, xdgDirString.split(QLatin1Char(':'))) { const QFileInfo xdgIconsDir(xdgDir + QStringLiteral("/icons")); if (xdgIconsDir.isDir()) paths.append(xdgIconsDir.absoluteFilePath()); } return paths; }
QStringList KoDocumentInfo::pages() const { QStringList ret; const QObjectList *list = children(); if ( list ) { QObjectListIt it( *list ); QObject *obj; while ( ( obj = it.current() ) ) { ret.prepend( obj->name() ); ++it; } } return ret; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //单文档实现。 void CMainWindow::setCurrentFile(const QString& fileName) { curFile = QFileInfo(fileName).canonicalFilePath(); isUntitled = false; setWindowTitle(curFile + "[*]"); textEdit->document()->setModified(false); setWindowModified(false); QSettings settings("709", "SDI example"); QStringList files = settings.value("recentFiles").toStringList(); files.removeAll(fileName); files.prepend(fileName); while (files.size() > MaxRecentFiles) files.removeLast(); settings.setValue("recentFiles", files); updateRecentFiles(); }
QStringList QStandardPaths::standardLocations(StandardLocation type) { QStringList dirs; // type-specific handling goes here #ifndef Q_OS_WINCE { wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]; switch (type) { case ConfigLocation: // same as AppLocalDataLocation, on Windows (oversight, but too late to fix it) case GenericConfigLocation: // same as GenericDataLocation, on Windows case AppDataLocation: case AppLocalDataLocation: case GenericDataLocation: if (SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0, path, clsidForAppDataLocation(type), FALSE)) { QString result = convertCharArray(path); if (type != GenericDataLocation && type != GenericConfigLocation) { #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED if (!QCoreApplication::organizationName().isEmpty()) result += QLatin1Char('/') + QCoreApplication::organizationName(); if (!QCoreApplication::applicationName().isEmpty()) result += QLatin1Char('/') + QCoreApplication::applicationName(); #endif } dirs.append(result); #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED if (type != GenericDataLocation) { dirs.append(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()); dirs.append(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/data")); } #endif } break; default: break; } } #endif const QString localDir = writableLocation(type); dirs.prepend(localDir); return dirs; }
void Replacer::replace(const RangeList &selectionRanges, int currentIndex, const QString &text) { invalidate(); if(!m_subtitle || !m_subtitle->linesCount()) return; if(!text.isEmpty()) { QStringList history = m_dialog->findHistory(); history.removeAll(text); history.prepend(text); m_dialog->setFindHistory(history); } if(m_dialog->exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; m_replace = new KReplace(m_dialog->pattern(), m_dialog->replacement(), m_dialog->options(), 0); // Connect findNext signal - called when pressing the button in the dialog connect(m_replace, SIGNAL(findNext()), this, SLOT(advance())); // Connect signals to code which handles highlighting of found text, and on-the-fly replacement. connect(m_replace, SIGNAL(highlight(const QString &, int, int)), this, SLOT(onHighlight(const QString &, int, int))); // Connect replace signal - called when doing a replacement connect(m_replace, SIGNAL(replace(const QString &, int, int, int)), this, SLOT(onReplace(const QString &, int, int, int))); if(m_dialog->options() & KFind::SelectedText) { m_iterator = new SubtitleIterator(*m_subtitle, selectionRanges); if(m_iterator->index() < 0) // Invalid index means no lines in selectionRanges return; } else m_iterator = new SubtitleIterator(*m_subtitle); if(m_dialog->options() & KFind::FromCursor) m_iterator->toIndex(currentIndex < 0 ? 0 : currentIndex); m_firstIndex = m_iterator->index(); m_instancesFound = false; advance(); }
void LPMain::restoreFiles(){ QString filePath = fsModel->filePath( ui->treeView->currentIndex() ); qDebug() << " Restore file(s):" << filePath; QFileInfo info(filePath); QString destDir = filePath; destDir.remove("/.zfs/snapshot/"+ui->label_snapshot->text()); destDir.chop( filePath.section("/",-1).size()+1 ); //get rid of the filename at the end while(!QFile::exists(destDir)){ destDir.chop( destDir.section("/",-1).size() +1); } QString newFilePath = destDir+"/"+LPGUtils::generateReversionFileName(filePath, destDir); //qDebug() << "Destination:" << newFilePath; //Perform the reversion(s) QStringList errors; if( info.isDir() ){ //Is a directory showWaitBox( QString(tr("Restoring Directory: %1")).arg(newFilePath) ); errors = LPGUtils::revertDir(filePath, newFilePath); hideWaitBox(); if(!errors.isEmpty()){ qDebug() << "Failed Reversions:" << errors; errors.prepend(tr("File destination(s) that could not be restored:")+"\n"); showErrorDialog(tr("Reversion Error"), tr("Some files could not be restored from the snapshot."), errors.join("\n") ); }else{ qDebug() << "Reversion successful"; QMessageBox::information(this,tr("Restore Successful"),QString(tr("The following directory was succesfully restored: %1")).arg(newFilePath) ); } }else{ //Just a single file showWaitBox( QString(tr("Restoring file: %1")).arg(newFilePath) ); bool ok = LPGUtils::revertFile(filePath, newFilePath); hideWaitBox(); if( !ok ){ qDebug() << "Failed Reversion:" << newFilePath; errors << QString(tr("Snapshot file: %1")).arg(filePath); errors << QString(tr("Destination: %1")).arg(newFilePath); errors << tr("Please check that the destination directory exists and is writable"); showErrorDialog(tr("Reversion Error"), tr("The file could not be restored from the snapshot."), errors.join("\n") ); }else{ qDebug() << "Reversion successful"; QMessageBox::information(this,tr("Restore Successful"),QString(tr("The following file was succesfully restored: %1")).arg(newFilePath) ); } } }
void AnalyseForm::blacklistSelected(QAction * action) { ExceptionBundle * bundle = page->exceptionBundleById(action->data().toInt()); ExceptionGroup * group; if (current_sf->isDir()) group = bundle->groupByType(ExceptionGroup::FolderBlacklist); else group = bundle->groupByType(ExceptionGroup::FileBlacklist); QStringList path = relativePath(current_sf); path.prepend(page->foldersObject()->first()->path()); group->addItem(path.join("/")); if (page->exceptionBundleChecked(bundle->index())) { delete current_sf; delete ui->tree->selectedItems().first(); } }
/** * Program entry point. * * @param argc amount of command line arguments * @param argv command line arguments * @return @c 0 on successful exit */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { QApplication app(argc, argv); app.setApplicationName("Peg-E"); app.setApplicationVersion(VERSIONSTR); app.setApplicationDisplayName(Window::tr("Peg-E")); app.setOrganizationDomain(""); app.setOrganizationName("GottCode"); #if !defined(Q_OS_WIN) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC) app.setWindowIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("peg-e", QIcon(":/peg-e.png"))); #endif app.setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontShowIconsInMenus, true); app.setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, true); LocaleDialog::loadTranslator("pege_"); // Set location of fallback icons { QString appdir = app.applicationDirPath(); QString datadir; #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) datadir = appdir + "/../Resources"; #elif defined(Q_OS_UNIX) datadir = appdir + "/../share/peg-e"; #else datadir = appdir; #endif QStringList paths = QIcon::themeSearchPaths(); paths.prepend(datadir + "/icons"); QIcon::setThemeSearchPaths(paths); } // Set up icons if (QIcon::themeName().isEmpty()) { QIcon::setThemeName("hicolor"); } Window window;; return app.exec(); }