Пример #1
QVariantMap convertToVariant(const QStringMap &val)
  QVariantMap ret;
  for(const QString &k : val.keys())
    ret[k] = val[k];
  return ret;
Пример #2
QVariant MethodInfo::Invoke( Service *pService, const QStringMap &reqParams )
    HttpRedirectException exception;
    bool                  bExceptionThrown = false;
    QStringMap            lowerParams;

    if (!pService)

     // Change params to lower case for case-insensitive comparison
    QStringMap::const_iterator it = reqParams.begin();
    for (; it != reqParams.end(); ++it)
        lowerParams[it.key().toLower()] = *it;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    // Provide actual parameters received to method
    // --------------------------------------------------------------

    pService->m_parsedParams = lowerParams.keys();

    QList<QByteArray> paramNames = m_oMethod.parameterNames();
    QList<QByteArray> paramTypes = m_oMethod.parameterTypes();

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Create Parameter array (Can't have more than _MAX_PARAMS parameters)....
    // switched to static array for performance.
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    void *param[ _MAX_PARAMS ];
    int   types[ _MAX_PARAMS ];

    memset( param, 0, _MAX_PARAMS * sizeof(void *));
    memset( types, 0, _MAX_PARAMS * sizeof(int));

        // --------------------------------------------------------------
        // Add a place for the Return value
        // --------------------------------------------------------------

        int nRetIdx = QMetaType::type( m_oMethod.typeName() ); 

        if (nRetIdx != 0)
            param[ 0 ] = QMetaType::create( nRetIdx );
            types[ 0 ] = nRetIdx;
            param[ 0 ] = nullptr;
            types[ 0 ] = 0;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------
        // Fill in parameters from request values
        // --------------------------------------------------------------

        for( int nIdx = 0; nIdx < paramNames.length(); nIdx++ )
            QString sValue     = lowerParams[ paramNames[ nIdx ].toLower() ];
            QString sParamType = paramTypes[ nIdx ];

            int     nId        = QMetaType::type( paramTypes[ nIdx ] );
            void   *pParam     = nullptr;

            if (nId != 0)
                pParam = QMetaType::create( nId );
                LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR,
                    QString("MethodInfo::Invoke - Type unknown '%1'")

            types[nIdx+1] = nId;
            param[nIdx+1] = pService->ConvertToParameterPtr( nId, sParamType,
                                                             pParam, sValue );

#if 0
        QThread *currentThread = QThread::currentThread();
        QThread *objectThread  = pService->thread();

        if (currentThread == objectThread)
            LOG(VB_HTTP, LOG_DEBUG, "*** Threads are same ***");
            LOG(VB_HTTP, LOG_DEBUG, "*** Threads are Different!!! ***");

        pService->qt_metacall( QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 
                               param );

        // --------------------------------------------------------------
        // Delete param array, skip return parameter since not dynamically
        // created.
        // --------------------------------------------------------------

        for (int nIdx=1; nIdx < paramNames.length()+1; nIdx++)
            if ((types[ nIdx ] != 0) && (param[ nIdx ] != nullptr))
                QMetaType::destroy( types[ nIdx ], param[ nIdx ] );
    catch (QString &sMsg)
            QString("MethodInfo::Invoke - An Exception Occurred: %1")

        if  ((types[ 0 ] != 0) && (param[ 0 ] != nullptr ))
            QMetaType::destroy( types[ 0 ], param[ 0 ] );

    catch (HttpRedirectException &ex)
        bExceptionThrown = true;
        exception = ex;
    catch (...)
            "MethodInfo::Invoke - An Exception Occurred" );

    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    // return the result after converting to a QVariant
    // --------------------------------------------------------------

    QVariant vReturn;
    if ( param[ 0 ] != nullptr)
        vReturn = pService->ConvertToVariant( types[ 0 ], param[ 0 ] );

        if  (types[ 0 ] != 0)
            QMetaType::destroy( types[ 0 ], param[ 0 ] );

    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    // Re-throw exception if needed.
    // --------------------------------------------------------------

    if (bExceptionThrown)
        throw exception;

    return vReturn;