void XYZTextEditor::cursorPositionChanged() {

    QTextBlockFormat blockFmt = m_ui->textEdit->textCursor().blockFormat();
    if (blockFmt.layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft)
Пример #2
    \fn QString QTextList::itemText(const QTextBlock &block) const

    Returns the text of the list item that corresponds to the given \a block.
QString QTextList::itemText(const QTextBlock &blockIt) const
    Q_D(const QTextList);
    int item = d->blocks.indexOf(blockIt) + 1;
    if (item <= 0)
        return QString();

    QTextBlock block = d->blocks.at(item-1);
    QTextBlockFormat blockFormat = block.blockFormat();

    QString result;

    const int style = format().style();

    switch (style) {
        case QTextListFormat::ListDecimal:
            result = QString::number(item);
            // from the old richtext
        case QTextListFormat::ListLowerAlpha:
        case QTextListFormat::ListUpperAlpha:
                const char baseChar = style == QTextListFormat::ListUpperAlpha ? 'A' : 'a';

                int c = item;
                while (c > 0) {
                    result.prepend(QChar(baseChar + (c % 26)));
                    c /= 26;
    if (blockFormat.layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft)
        return result.prepend(QLatin1Char('.'));
    return result + QLatin1Char('.');
Пример #3
bool OdtWriter::writeParagraphStyle(const QTextBlockFormat& format, const QString& name)
	QXmlStreamAttributes attributes;
	bool rtl = format.layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft;
	if (rtl) {
		attributes.append(QString::fromLatin1("style:writing-mode"), QString::fromLatin1("rl"));

	Qt::Alignment align = format.alignment();
	if (rtl && (align & Qt::AlignLeft)) {
		attributes.append(QString::fromLatin1("fo:text-align"), QString::fromLatin1("left"));
	} else if (align & Qt::AlignRight) {
		attributes.append(QString::fromLatin1("fo:text-align"), QString::fromLatin1("right"));
	} else if (align & Qt::AlignCenter) {
		attributes.append(QString::fromLatin1("fo:text-align"), QString::fromLatin1("center"));
	} else if (align & Qt::AlignJustify) {
		attributes.append(QString::fromLatin1("fo:text-align"), QString::fromLatin1("justify"));

	if (format.indent() > 0) {
		attributes.append(QString::fromLatin1("fo:margin-left"), QString::number(format.indent() * 0.5) + QString::fromLatin1("in"));

	if (attributes.isEmpty()) {
		return false;

	m_xml.writeAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("style:name"), name);
	m_xml.writeAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("style:family"), QString::fromLatin1("paragraph"));
	m_xml.writeAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("style:parent-style-name"), QString::fromLatin1("Normal"));


	return true;
    \fn QString QTextList::itemText(const QTextBlock &block) const

    Returns the text of the list item that corresponds to the given \a block.
QString QTextList::itemText(const QTextBlock &blockIt) const
    Q_D(const QTextList);
    int item = d->blocks.indexOf(blockIt) + 1;
    if (item <= 0)
        return QString();

    QTextBlock block = d->blocks.at(item-1);
    QTextBlockFormat blockFormat = block.blockFormat();

    QString result;

    const int style = format().style();

    switch (style) {
        case QTextListFormat::ListDecimal:
            result = QString::number(item);
            // from the old richtext
        case QTextListFormat::ListLowerAlpha:
        case QTextListFormat::ListUpperAlpha:
                const char baseChar = style == QTextListFormat::ListUpperAlpha ? 'A' : 'a';

                int c = item;
                while (c > 0) {
                    result.prepend(QChar(baseChar + (c % 26)));
                    c /= 26;
        case QTextListFormat::ListLowerRoman:
        case QTextListFormat::ListUpperRoman:
                if (item < 5000) {
                    QByteArray romanNumeral;

                    // works for up to 4999 items
                    static const char romanSymbolsLower[] = "iiivixxxlxcccdcmmmm";
                    static const char romanSymbolsUpper[] = "IIIVIXXXLXCCCDCMMMM";
                    QByteArray romanSymbols; // wrap to have "mid"
                    if (style == QTextListFormat::ListLowerRoman)
                        romanSymbols = QByteArray::fromRawData(romanSymbolsLower, sizeof(romanSymbolsLower));
                        romanSymbols = QByteArray::fromRawData(romanSymbolsUpper, sizeof(romanSymbolsUpper));

                    int c[] = { 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 40, 50, 90, 100, 400, 500, 900, 1000 };
                    int n = item;
                    for (int i = 12; i >= 0; n %= c[i], i--) {
                        int q = n / c[i];
                        if (q > 0) {
                            int startDigit = i + (i+3)/4;
                            int numDigits;
                            if (i % 4) { 
                                // c[i] == 4|5|9|40|50|90|400|500|900
                                if ((i-2) % 4) {
                                    // c[i] == 4|9|40|90|400|900 => with substraction (IV, IX, XL, XC, ...)
                                    numDigits = 2;
                                else {
                                    // c[i] == 5|50|500 (V, L, D)
                                    numDigits = 1;
                            else {
                                // c[i] == 1|10|100|1000 (I, II, III, X, XX, ...)
                                numDigits = q;

                            romanNumeral.append(romanSymbols.mid(startDigit, numDigits));
                    result = QString::fromLatin1(romanNumeral);
                else {
                    result = QLatin1String("?");

    if (blockFormat.layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft)
        return result.prepend(QLatin1Char('.'));
    return result + QLatin1Char('.');
Пример #5
void HtmlExporter::emitBlockAttributes( const QTextBlock &block )
//     kDebug() << "html" << html;
    QTextBlockFormat format = block.blockFormat();

    if (format.hasProperty( QTextFormat::LayoutDirection ) ) {
    Qt::LayoutDirection dir = format.layoutDirection();
//  if (dir == Qt::LeftToRight) {
//   mDefaultBlockFormat.setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft);
//  } else {
//   mDefaultBlockFormat.setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight);
//  }

//     if ( dir != mDefaultBlockFormat.layoutDirection() ) {
        // assume default to not bloat the html too much
        if ( dir == Qt::LeftToRight ) {
            html += QLatin1String( " dir=\"ltr\"" );
//    mDefaultBlockFormat.setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft);
        } else {
            html += QLatin1String( " dir=\"rtl\"" );
//    mDefaultBlockFormat.setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight);

    if ( format.hasProperty( QTextFormat::BlockAlignment ) ) {
        emitAlignment( format.alignment() );

    bool attributesEmitted = false;
    QLatin1String style( " style=\"" );
    //html += style;

//     if (block.begin().atEnd()) {
//         html += QLatin1String("-qt-paragraph-type:empty;");
//     }

    if ( format.hasProperty( QTextBlockFormat::FrameMargin ) ) {
        if ( !attributesEmitted ) {
            html += style;
            attributesEmitted = true;
        emitMargins( QString::number( format.topMargin() ),
                     QString::number( format.bottomMargin() ),
                     QString::number( format.leftMargin() ),
                     QString::number( format.rightMargin() ) );

    if ( format.hasProperty( QTextBlockFormat::BlockIndent ) ) {
//  if (format.indent() == 0) {
        if ( format.indent() == mDefaultBlockFormat.indent() ) {
            // assume default not to bloat the html too much
        } else {
            if ( !attributesEmitted ) {
                html += style;
                attributesEmitted = true;
            html += QLatin1String( " -qt-block-indent:" );
            html += QString::number( format.indent() );
            html += QLatin1Char( ';' );

    if ( format.hasProperty( QTextBlockFormat::TextIndent ) ) {
//  if (format.textIndent() == 0) {
        if ( format.textIndent() == mDefaultBlockFormat.textIndent() ) {
            // assume default not to bloat the html too much
        } else {
            if ( !attributesEmitted ) {
                html += style;
                attributesEmitted = true;
            html += QLatin1String( " text-indent:" );
            html += QString::number( format.textIndent() );
            html += QLatin1String( "px;" );

    //QTextCharFormat diff = formatDifference(defaultCharFormat, block.charFormat()).toCharFormat();
    //if (!diff.properties().isEmpty())

    if ( attributesEmitted ) {
        html += QLatin1Char( '"' );

//     QBrush bg = format.background();
//     if (bg != Qt::NoBrush)
//         emitAttribute("bgcolor", bg.color().name());