Пример #1
void TransformTest::testTransformCombined()
	QFETCH(int, type);
	QFETCH(double, rotation);
	qint32 dx = -3000;
	qint32 dy = 16000;
	qreal scale_x = 4.5;
	qreal scale_y = 2.5;
	QTransform qt;
	// Template::applyTemplateTransform order: translate, rotate, scale
	qt.translate(dx / 1000.0, dy / 1000.0);
	qt.scale(scale_x, scale_y);
	QCOMPARE(int(qt.type()), type);
	auto t = TemplateTransform::fromQTransform(qt);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_x, dx);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_y, dy);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_scale_x, scale_x);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_scale_y, scale_y);
	if (rotation <= 180.0)
		QCOMPARE(t.template_rotation, -qDegreesToRadians(qreal(rotation)));
		QCOMPARE(t.template_rotation, -qDegreesToRadians(qreal(rotation - 360.0)));
Пример #2
static inline void qwtDrawPixmapSymbols( QPainter *painter,
    const QPointF *points, int numPoints, const QwtSymbol &symbol )
    QSize size = symbol.size();
    if ( size.isEmpty() )
        size = symbol.pixmap().size();

    const QTransform transform = painter->transform();
    if ( transform.isScaling() )
        const QRect r( 0, 0, size.width(), size.height() );
        size = transform.mapRect( r ).size();

    QPixmap pm = symbol.pixmap();
    if ( pm.size() != size )
        pm = pm.scaled( size );
    QPointF pinPoint( 0.5 * size.width(), 0.5 * size.height() );
    if ( symbol.isPinPointEnabled() )
        pinPoint = symbol.pinPoint();


    for ( int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ )
        const QPointF pos = transform.map( points[i] ) - pinPoint;

        QwtPainter::drawPixmap( painter, 
            QRect( pos.toPoint(), pm.size() ), pm );
Пример #3
void TransformTest::testEstimateNonIsometric()
	// Scaling and translation
	PassPointList passpoints;
	passpoints[0].src_coords  = MapCoordF { 128.0, 0.0 };
	passpoints[0].dest_coords = MapCoordF { 64.0, 64.0 };
	passpoints[1].src_coords  = MapCoordF { 256.0, 0.0 };
	passpoints[1].dest_coords = MapCoordF { 96.0, 64.0 };
	passpoints[2].src_coords  = MapCoordF { 128.0, 128.0 };
	passpoints[2].dest_coords = MapCoordF { 64.0, 96.0 };
	QTransform qt;
	QCOMPARE(int(qt.type()), int(QTransform::TxScale));
	QCOMPARE(qt.map(passpoints[0].src_coords), QPointF{passpoints[0].dest_coords});
	QCOMPARE(qt.map(passpoints[1].src_coords), QPointF{passpoints[1].dest_coords});
	QCOMPARE(qt.map(passpoints[2].src_coords), QPointF{passpoints[2].dest_coords});
	auto t = TemplateTransform::fromQTransform(qt);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_x, MapCoord(32,64).nativeX());
	QCOMPARE(t.template_y, MapCoord(32,64).nativeY());
	QCOMPARE(t.template_scale_x, 0.25);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_scale_y, 0.25);
	QVERIFY(qAbs(t.template_rotation) < 0.000001);
	// Rotation
	passpoints[0].src_coords  = MapCoordF { 0.0, 0.0 };
	passpoints[0].dest_coords = MapCoordF { 0.0, 0.0 };
	passpoints[1].src_coords  = MapCoordF { 5.0, 0.0 };
	passpoints[1].dest_coords = MapCoordF { 4.0, -3.0 };
	passpoints[2].src_coords  = MapCoordF { 0.0, 5.0 };
	passpoints[2].dest_coords = MapCoordF { 3.0, 4.0 };
	QCOMPARE(int(qt.type()), int(QTransform::TxRotate));
	QCOMPARE(qt.map(passpoints[0].src_coords), QPointF{passpoints[0].dest_coords});
	QCOMPARE(qt.map(passpoints[1].src_coords), QPointF{passpoints[1].dest_coords});
	QCOMPARE(qt.map(passpoints[2].src_coords), QPointF{passpoints[2].dest_coords});
	t = TemplateTransform::fromQTransform(qt);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_x, 0);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_y, 0);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_scale_x, 1.0);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_scale_y, 1.0);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_rotation, qAcos(passpoints[1].dest_coords.x() / passpoints[1].src_coords.x()));
Пример #4
void TransformTest::testTransformProject()
	qreal scale_x = 4.5;
	qreal scale_y = 2.5;
	QTransform qt;
	qt.scale(scale_x, scale_y);
	QCOMPARE(int(qt.type()), int(QTransform::TxScale));
	auto t = TemplateTransform::fromQTransform(qt);

	QCOMPARE(t.template_x, 0);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_y, 0);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_scale_x, scale_x);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_scale_y, scale_y);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_rotation, 0.0);
void KPrShapeManagerAnimationStrategy::paint( KoShape * shape, QPainter &painter, const KoViewConverter &converter, bool forPrint )
    if ( ! dynamic_cast<KPrPlaceholderShape *>( shape ) && m_strategy->page()->displayShape( shape ) ) {
        if ( m_animationCache->value(shape, "visibility", true).toBool() ) {
            QTransform animationTransform = m_animationCache->value(shape, "transform", QTransform()).value<QTransform>();;
            QTransform transform(painter.transform() * shape->absoluteTransformation(&converter));
            if (animationTransform.isScaling()) {
                transform = animationTransform * transform;
            } else {
                transform = transform * animationTransform;

            // paint shape
            shapeManager()->paintShape( shape, painter, converter, forPrint );
            painter.restore();  // for the transform
Пример #6
  Check if the painter is using a paint engine, that aligns
  coordinates to integers. Today these are all paint engines
  beside QPaintEngine::Pdf and QPaintEngine::SVG.

  If we have an integer based paint engine it is also
  checked if the painter has a transformation matrix,
  that rotates or scales.

  \param  painter Painter
  \return true, when the painter is aligning

  \sa setRoundingAlignment()
bool QwtPainter::isAligning( QPainter *painter )
    if ( painter && painter->isActive() )
        switch ( painter->paintEngine()->type() )
            case QPaintEngine::Pdf:
            case QPaintEngine::SVG:
                return false;


        const QTransform tr = painter->transform();
        if ( tr.isRotating() || tr.isScaling() )
            // we might have to check translations too
            return false;

    return true;
Пример #7
void TransformTest::testTransformIdentity()
	// Default QTransform: identity
	QTransform qt;
	QCOMPARE(int(qt.type()), int(QTransform::TxNone));
	// Default TemplateTransform: identity
	TemplateTransform t;
	// TemplateTransform list initialization, and assignment
	t = { 12, -3, 0.1, 2.0, 3.0 };
	QCOMPARE(t.template_x, 12);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_y, -3);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_scale_x, 2.0);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_scale_y, 3.0);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_rotation, 0.1);
	// Now transfer the identity QTransform to the TemplateTransform
	t = TemplateTransform::fromQTransform(qt);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_x, 0);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_y, 0);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_scale_x, 1.0);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_scale_y, 1.0);
	QCOMPARE(t.template_rotation, 0.0);
	// Put something different in the QTransform
	qt.translate(4, 8);
	qt.scale(2.0, 1.5);
Пример #8
void RenderImage::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int _tx, int _ty)
    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintActionOutline && style()->outlineWidth() && style()->visibility() == VISIBLE)
        paintOutline(paintInfo.p, _tx + m_x, _ty + m_y, width(), height(), style());

    if (paintInfo.phase != PaintActionForeground && paintInfo.phase != PaintActionSelection)

    // not visible or not even once layouted?
    if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE || m_y <=  -500000)  return;

    _tx += m_x;
    _ty += m_y;

    if((_ty > paintInfo.r.bottom()) || (_ty + m_height <= paintInfo.r.top())) return;

        paintBoxDecorations(paintInfo, _tx, _ty);

    if (!canvas()->printImages())

    int cWidth = contentWidth();
    int cHeight = contentHeight();
    int leftBorder = borderLeft();
    int topBorder = borderTop();
    int leftPad = paddingLeft();
    int topPad = paddingTop();

    // paint frame around image and loading icon as long as it is not completely loaded from web.
    if (bUnfinishedImageFrame && paintInfo.phase == PaintActionForeground && cWidth > 2 && cHeight > 2 && !complete()) {
        static QPixmap *loadingIcon;
        QColor bg = khtml::retrieveBackgroundColor(this);
        QColor fg = khtml::hasSufficientContrast(Qt::gray, bg) ? Qt::gray :
                    (hasSufficientContrast(Qt::white, bg) ? Qt::white : Qt::black);
        paintInfo.p->setPen(QPen(fg, 1));
        paintInfo.p->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
        const int offsetX = _tx + leftBorder + leftPad;
        const int offsetY = _ty + topBorder + topPad;
        paintInfo.p->drawRect(offsetX, offsetY, cWidth - 1, cHeight - 1);
        if (!(m_width <= 5 || m_height <= 5)) {
            if (!loadingIcon) {
                loadingIcon = new QPixmap();
                loadingIcon->loadFromData(loading_icon_data, loading_icon_len);
            paintInfo.p->drawPixmap(offsetX + 4, offsetY + 4, *loadingIcon, 0, 0, cWidth - 5, cHeight - 5);


    CachedImage* i = m_cachedImage;

    //kDebug( 6040 ) << "    contents (" << contentWidth << "/" << contentHeight << ") border=" << borderLeft() << " padding=" << paddingLeft();
    if ( !i || berrorPic)
        if(cWidth > 2 && cHeight > 2)
            if ( !berrorPic ) {
                //qDebug("qDrawShadePanel %d/%d/%d/%d", _tx + leftBorder, _ty + topBorder, cWidth, cHeight);
                qDrawShadePanel( paintInfo.p, _tx + leftBorder + leftPad, _ty + topBorder + topPad, cWidth, cHeight,
                                 QApplication::palette(), true, 1 );

            QPixmap pix = *Cache::brokenPixmap;
            if(berrorPic && (cWidth >= pix.width()+4) && (cHeight >= pix.height()+4) )
                QRect r(pix.rect());
                r = r.intersect(QRect(0, 0, cWidth-4, cHeight-4));
                paintInfo.p->drawPixmap( QPoint( _tx + leftBorder + leftPad+2, _ty + topBorder + topPad+2), pix, r );

            if(!alt.isEmpty()) {
                QString text = alt.string();
                paintInfo.p->setPen( style()->color() );
                int ax = _tx + leftBorder + leftPad + 2;
                int ay = _ty + topBorder + topPad + 2;
                const QFontMetrics &fm = style()->fontMetrics();

#ifdef __GNUC__
  #warning "KDE4: hack for testregression, remove when main branch"
                ax     += qMax(-fm.minLeftBearing(), 0);
                cWidth -= qMax(-fm.minLeftBearing(), 0);

                if (cWidth>5 && cHeight>=fm.height())
                    paintInfo.p->drawText(ax, ay+1, cWidth - 4, cHeight - 4, Qt::TextWordWrap, text );
    else if (i && !i->isTransparent() &&
             i->image()->size().width() && i->image()->size().height())
        paintInfo.p->setPen( Qt::black ); // used for bitmaps
        //const QPixmap& pix = i->pixmap();
        if (!m_imagePainter)
            m_imagePainter = new ImagePainter(i->image());

       // If we have a scaled  painter we want to handle the resizing ourselves, so figure out the scaled size,
       QTransform painterTransform = paintInfo.p->transform();

       bool scaled = painterTransform.isScaling() && !painterTransform.isRotating();

       QRect scaledRect; // bounding box of the whole thing, transformed, so we also know where the origin goes.
       if (scaled) {
           scaledRect = painterTransform.mapRect(QRect(0, 0, contentWidth(), contentHeight()));
           m_imagePainter->setSize(QSize(scaledRect.width(), scaledRect.height()));
       } else {
           m_imagePainter->setSize(QSize(contentWidth(), contentHeight()));

        // Now, figure out the rectangle to paint (in painter coordinates), by interesting us with the painting clip rectangle.
        int x = _tx + leftBorder + leftPad;
        int y = _ty + topBorder + topPad;
        QRect imageGeom   = QRect(0, 0, contentWidth(), contentHeight());

        QRect clipPortion = paintInfo.r.translated(-x, -y);
        imageGeom &= clipPortion;

       QPoint destPos = QPoint(x + imageGeom.x(), y + imageGeom.y());

       // If we're scaling, reset the painters transform, and apply it ourselves; though
       // being careful not apply the translation to the source rect.
       if (scaled) {
           destPos   = painterTransform.map(destPos);
           imageGeom = painterTransform.mapRect(imageGeom).translated(-scaledRect.topLeft());

        m_imagePainter->paint(destPos.x(), destPos.y(), paintInfo.p,
                                    imageGeom.x(),     imageGeom.y(),
                                    imageGeom.width(), imageGeom.height());

       if (scaled)

    if (m_selectionState != SelectionNone) {
//    kDebug(6040) << "_tx " << _tx << " _ty " << _ty << " _x " << _x << " _y " << _y;
        // Draw in any case if inside selection. For selection borders, the
	// offset will decide whether to draw selection or not
	bool draw = true;
	if (m_selectionState != SelectionInside) {
	    int startPos, endPos;
            selectionStartEnd(startPos, endPos);
            if(selectionState() == SelectionStart)
                endPos = 1;
            else if(selectionState() == SelectionEnd)
                startPos = 0;
	    draw = endPos - startPos > 0;
	if (draw) {
    	    // setting the brush origin is important for compatibility,
	    // don't touch it unless you know what you're doing
    	    paintInfo.p->setBrushOrigin(_tx, _ty - paintInfo.r.y());
            paintInfo.p->fillRect(_tx, _ty, width(), height(),
		    QBrush(style()->palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight ),