Пример #1
// Use the class generation utils provided by the designer plugin
static inline bool generateFormClass(const GuiAppParameters &params,
                                     const Core::GeneratedFile &uiFile,
                                     Core::GeneratedFile *formSource,
                                     Core::GeneratedFile *formHeader,
                                     QString *errorMessage)
    // Retrieve parameters from settings
    Designer::FormClassWizardParameters fp;
    fp.uiTemplate = uiFile.contents();
    fp.uiFile = uiFile.path();
    fp.className = params.className;
    fp.sourceFile = params.sourceFileName;
    fp.headerFile = params.headerFileName;
    QString headerContents;
    QString sourceContents;
    // Invoke code generation service of Qt Designer plugin.
    if (QObject *codeGenerator = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance()->getObjectByClassName("Designer::QtDesignerFormClassCodeGenerator")) {
        const QVariant code =  ExtensionSystem::invoke<QVariant>(codeGenerator, "generateFormClassCode", fp);
        if (code.type() == QVariant::List) {
            const QVariantList vl = code.toList();
            if (vl.size() == 2) {
                headerContents = vl.front().toString();
                sourceContents = vl.back().toString();
    if (headerContents.isEmpty() || sourceContents.isEmpty()) {
        *errorMessage = QString::fromAscii("Failed to obtain Designer plugin code generation service.");
        return false;

    return true;