inline void AssimpScene::retrieveColor( const aiMaterial * mtl , const char * pKey , const unsigned int type , const unsigned int index , QVector4D & color , const float r , const float g , const float b , const float a) { aiColor4D acolor; if (AI_SUCCESS == aiGetMaterialColor(mtl, pKey, type, index, &acolor)) { color.setX(acolor.r); color.setY(acolor.g); color.setZ(acolor.b); color.setW(acolor.a); } else { color.setX(r); color.setY(g); color.setZ(b); color.setW(a); } }
void PropertyGroup::getValue(QVector4D & v) { v.setX(>getValue()); v.setY(>getValue()); v.setZ(>getValue()); v.setW(>getValue()); }
void GLWidget::_fromScreenToWorld(QVector3D *answer, const QVector4D &screenCoordinates, bool forcedHeight, double height) { QVector4D worldCoordinates; if(projection == PERSPECTIVE) { TwoDimArray a(; QVector4D screenCoordPersp; screenCoordinatesPerspective(&screenCoordPersp, a, height, screenCoordinates); if(!forcedHeight && screenCoordPersp.z() < 0) { height = int(camera[projection].position().z()) + 2 * (camera[projection].position().z() > 0) - 1; screenCoordinatesPerspective(&screenCoordPersp, a, height, screenCoordinates); } worldCoordinates = finalMatrixInverse * screenCoordPersp; worldCoordinates.setZ(height); } else worldCoordinates = finalMatrixInverse * screenCoordinates; *answer = QVector3D(worldCoordinates); }
bool PropertyMatrixModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &data, int role) { if (!index.isValid()) return false; if (role != Qt::EditRole) return false; bool ok = false; float floatData = data.toFloat(&ok); if (!ok) return false; switch (m_matrix.type()) { case QVariant::Vector2D: { QVector2D value = m_matrix.value<QVector2D>(); switch (index.row()) { case 0: value.setX(floatData); break; case 1: value.setY(floatData); break; } m_matrix = value; break; } case QVariant::Vector3D: { QVector3D value = m_matrix.value<QVector3D>(); switch (index.row()) { case 0: value.setX(floatData); break; case 1: value.setY(floatData); break; case 2: value.setZ(floatData); break; } m_matrix = value; break; } case QVariant::Vector4D: { QVector4D value = m_matrix.value<QVector4D>(); switch (index.row()) { case 0: value.setX(floatData); break; case 1: value.setY(floatData); break; case 2: value.setZ(floatData); break; case 3: value.setW(floatData); break; } m_matrix = value; break; } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 5, 0) case QVariant::Quaternion: { float pitch, yaw, roll; const QQuaternion value = m_matrix.value<QQuaternion>(); value.getEulerAngles(&pitch, &yaw, &roll); switch (index.row()) { case 0: pitch = floatData; break; case 1: yaw = floatData; break; case 2: roll = floatData; break; } m_matrix = QQuaternion::fromEulerAngles(pitch, yaw, roll); break; } #endif case QVariant::Matrix: { QMatrix value = m_matrix.value<QMatrix>(); switch (index.row() << 4 | index.column()) { case 0x00: value.setMatrix(floatData, value.m12(), value.m21(), value.m22(), value.dx(), value.dy()); break; case 0x01: value.setMatrix(value.m11(), floatData, value.m21(), value.m22(), value.dx(), value.dy()); break; case 0x10: value.setMatrix(value.m11(), value.m12(), floatData, value.m22(), value.dx(), value.dy()); break; case 0x11: value.setMatrix(value.m11(), value.m12(), value.m21(), floatData, value.dx(), value.dy()); break; case 0x20: value.setMatrix(value.m11(), value.m12(), value.m21(), value.m22(), floatData, value.dy()); break; case 0x21: value.setMatrix(value.m11(), value.m12(), value.m21(), value.m22(), value.dx(), floatData); break; } m_matrix = value; break; } case QVariant::Transform: { QTransform value = m_matrix.value<QTransform>(); switch (index.row() << 4 | index.column()) { case 0x00: value.setMatrix(floatData, value.m12(), value.m13(), value.m21(), value.m22(), value.m23(), value.m31(), value.m32(), value.m33()); break; case 0x01: value.setMatrix(value.m11(), floatData, value.m13(), value.m21(), value.m22(), value.m23(), value.m31(), value.m32(), value.m33()); break; case 0x02: value.setMatrix(value.m11(), value.m12(), floatData, value.m21(), value.m22(), value.m23(), value.m31(), value.m32(), value.m33()); break; case 0x10: value.setMatrix(value.m11(), value.m12(), value.m13(), floatData, value.m22(), value.m23(), value.m31(), value.m32(), value.m33()); break; case 0x11: value.setMatrix(value.m11(), value.m12(), value.m13(), value.m21(), floatData, value.m23(), value.m31(), value.m32(), value.m33()); break; case 0x12: value.setMatrix(value.m11(), value.m12(), value.m13(), value.m21(), value.m22(), floatData, value.m31(), value.m32(), value.m33()); break; case 0x20: value.setMatrix(value.m11(), value.m12(), value.m13(), value.m21(), value.m22(), value.m23(), floatData, value.m32(), value.m33()); break; case 0x21: value.setMatrix(value.m11(), value.m12(), value.m13(), value.m21(), value.m22(), value.m23(), value.m31(), floatData, value.m33()); break; case 0x22: value.setMatrix(value.m11(), value.m12(), value.m13(), value.m21(), value.m22(), value.m23(), value.m31(), value.m32(), floatData); break; } m_matrix = value; break; } case QVariant::Matrix4x4: { QMatrix4x4 value = m_matrix.value<QMatrix4x4>(); value(index.row(), index.column()) = floatData; m_matrix = value; break; } } emit dataChanged(index, index); return true; }
void CombinedNavRenderer::leftMouseDown( int x, int y ) { float xf = static_cast<float>( x ); float yf = static_cast<float>( m_height - y ); QVector4D test; test.setX( ( 2 * xf ) / m_width - 1 ); test.setY( ( 2 * yf ) / m_height - 1 ); test.setZ( 1 ); test.setW( 1 ); int xout; int yout; QVector4D out = m_mvpMatrix.inverted() * test; QModelIndex mi; if ( m_ratio > 1.5 ) { xout = out.x() / m_dx; if ( ( (float)out.x() / m_dx ) < m_nx ) { xout = qMax( 0, qMin( xout, static_cast<int>( m_nx - 1.0 ) ) ); yout = out.y() / m_dy; yout = qMax( 0, qMin( yout, static_cast<int>( m_ny - 1.0 ) ) ); mi = model()->index( (int)Fn::Global::SAGITTAL_CORONAL, 0 ); } else if ( ( (float)out.x() / m_dx ) < m_nx * 2 ) { xout = xout - m_nx; xout = qMax( 0, qMin( xout, static_cast<int>( m_nx - 1.0 ) ) ); yout = out.y() / m_dz; yout = qMax( 0, qMin( yout, static_cast<int>( m_nz - 1.0 ) ) ); mi = model()->index( (int)Fn::Global::SAGITTAL_AXIAL, 0 ); } else { xout = xout - ( 2 * m_nx ); xout = qMax( 0, qMin( m_ny - xout - 1, static_cast<int>( m_ny - 1.0 ) ) ); yout = out.y() / m_dz; yout = qMax( 0, qMin( yout, static_cast<int>( m_nz - 1.0 ) ) ); mi = model()->index( (int)Fn::Global::CORONAL_AXIAL, 0 ); } } else if ( m_ratio < 0.66 ) { yout = out.y() / m_dz; if ( ( (float)out.y() / m_dz ) < m_nz ) { xout = out.x() / m_dy; xout = qMax( 0, qMin( m_ny - xout - 1, static_cast<int>( m_ny - 1.0 ) ) ); yout = qMax( 0, qMin( yout, static_cast<int>( m_nz - 1.0 ) ) ); mi = model()->index( (int)Fn::Global::CORONAL_AXIAL, 0 ); } else if ( ( (float)out.y() / m_dz ) < m_nz * 2 ) { xout = out.x() / m_dx; xout = qMax( 0, qMin( xout, static_cast<int>( m_nx - 1.0 ) ) ); yout = yout - m_nz; yout = qMax( 0, qMin( yout, static_cast<int>( m_nz - 1.0 ) ) ); mi = model()->index( (int)Fn::Global::SAGITTAL_AXIAL, 0 ); } else { xout = out.x() / m_dx; xout = qMax( 0, qMin( xout, static_cast<int>( m_nx - 1.0 ) ) ); yout = yout - ( 2 * m_nz ); yout = qMax( 0, qMin( yout, static_cast<int>( m_ny - 1.0 ) ) ); mi = model()->index( (int)Fn::Global::SAGITTAL_CORONAL, 0 ); } } else { xout = out.x() / m_dx; yout = out.y() / m_dy; if ( ( (float)out.x() / m_dx ) < m_nx ) { if ( ( (float)out.y() / m_dy ) < m_nz ) { xout = qMax( 0, qMin( xout, static_cast<int>( m_nx - 1.0 ) ) ); yout = qMax( 0, qMin( yout, static_cast<int>( m_ny - 1.0 ) ) ); mi = model()->index( (int)Fn::Global::SAGITTAL_CORONAL, 0 ); } else { xout = qMax( 0, qMin( xout, static_cast<int>( m_nx - 1.0 ) ) ); yout = yout - m_ny; yout = qMax( 0, qMin( yout, static_cast<int>( m_nz - 1.0 ) ) ); mi = model()->index( (int)Fn::Global::SAGITTAL_AXIAL, 0 ); } } else { xout = xout - m_nx; xout = qMax( 0, qMin( m_ny - xout- 1, static_cast<int>( m_ny - 1.0 ) ) ); yout = yout - m_ny; yout = qMax( 0, qMin( yout, static_cast<int>( m_nz - 1.0 ) ) ); mi = model()->index( (int)Fn::Global::CORONAL_AXIAL, 0 ); } } QPoint p( xout, yout ); if ( mi.isValid() ) { model()->setData( mi, p ); } }
static MeshPtr importObject(QDataStream &stream) { using namespace Ogre; QVector4D bbMin, bbMax; stream >> bbMin >> bbMax; float distance, distanceSquared; // Here's a bug for you: writes "double"'s instead of floats stream >> distanceSquared >> distance; MeshPtr ogreMesh = MeshManager::getSingleton().createManual("conversion", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); int vertexCount, indexCount; stream >> vertexCount >> indexCount; VertexData *vertexData = new VertexData(); ogreMesh->sharedVertexData = vertexData; LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Reading geometry..."); VertexDeclaration* decl = vertexData->vertexDeclaration; VertexBufferBinding* bind = vertexData->vertexBufferBinding; unsigned short bufferId = 0; // Information for calculating bounds Vector3 min = Vector3::ZERO, max = Vector3::UNIT_SCALE, pos = Vector3::ZERO; Real maxSquaredRadius = -1; bool firstVertex = true; /* Create a vertex definition for our buffer */ size_t offset = 0; const VertexElement &positionElement = decl->addElement(bufferId, offset, VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT3); const VertexElement &normalElement = decl->addElement(bufferId, offset, VET_FLOAT3, VES_NORMAL); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT3); // calculate how many vertexes there actually are vertexData->vertexCount = vertexCount; // Now create the vertex buffer HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton(). createVertexBuffer(offset, vertexData->vertexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, false); // Bind it bind->setBinding(bufferId, vbuf); // Lock it unsigned char *pVert = static_cast<unsigned char*>(vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD)); unsigned char *pVertStart = pVert; QVector<float> positions; positions.reserve(vertexCount * 3); // Iterate over all children (vertexbuffer entries) for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i) { float *pFloat; QVector4D vertex; stream >> vertex; vertex.setZ(vertex.z() * -1); /* Copy over the position */ positionElement.baseVertexPointerToElement(pVert, &pFloat); *(pFloat++) = (float)vertex.x(); *(pFloat++) = (float)vertex.y(); *(pFloat++) = (float)vertex.z(); positions.append(vertex.x()); positions.append(vertex.y()); positions.append(vertex.z()); /* While we're at it, calculate the bounding sphere */ pos.x = vertex.x(); pos.y = vertex.y(); pos.z = vertex.z(); if (firstVertex) { min = max = pos; maxSquaredRadius = pos.squaredLength(); firstVertex = false; } else { min.makeFloor(pos); max.makeCeil(pos); maxSquaredRadius = qMax(pos.squaredLength(), maxSquaredRadius); } pVert += vbuf->getVertexSize(); } // Set bounds const AxisAlignedBox& currBox = ogreMesh->getBounds(); Real currRadius = ogreMesh->getBoundingSphereRadius(); if (currBox.isNull()) { //do not pad the bounding box ogreMesh->_setBounds(AxisAlignedBox(min, max), false); ogreMesh->_setBoundingSphereRadius(Math::Sqrt(maxSquaredRadius)); } else { AxisAlignedBox newBox(min, max); newBox.merge(currBox); //do not pad the bounding box ogreMesh->_setBounds(newBox, false); ogreMesh->_setBoundingSphereRadius(qMax(Math::Sqrt(maxSquaredRadius), currRadius)); } /* Create faces */ // All children should be submeshes SubMesh* sm = ogreMesh->createSubMesh(); sm->setMaterialName("clippingMaterial"); sm->operationType = RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST; sm->useSharedVertices = true; // tri list sm->indexData->indexCount = indexCount; // Allocate space HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr ibuf = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton(). createIndexBuffer( HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_16BIT, sm->indexData->indexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC, false); sm->indexData->indexBuffer = ibuf; unsigned short *pShort = static_cast<unsigned short*>(ibuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD)); QVector<EdgeData::Triangle> triangles(indexCount / 3); for (int i = 0; i < indexCount / 3; ++i) { quint16 i1, i2, i3; stream >> i1 >> i2 >> i3; *pShort++ = i1; *pShort++ = i2; *pShort++ = i3; triangles[i].vertIndex[0] = i1; triangles[i].vertIndex[1] = i2; triangles[i].vertIndex[2] = i3; } /* Recalculate the vertex normals */ Vector4 *faceNormals = (Vector4*)_aligned_malloc(sizeof(Vector4) * triangles.size(), 16); OptimisedUtil *util = OptimisedUtil::getImplementation(); util->calculateFaceNormals(positions.constData(),, faceNormals, indexCount / 3); // Iterate over all children (vertexbuffer entries) pVert = pVertStart; for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i) { float *pFloat; Vector3 normal = Vector3::ZERO; int count = 0; /* Search for all faces that use this vertex */ for (int j = 0; j < triangles.size(); ++j) { if (triangles[j].vertIndex[0] == i || triangles[j].vertIndex[1] == i || triangles[j].vertIndex[2] == i) { normal.x += faceNormals[j].x / faceNormals[j].w; normal.y += faceNormals[j].y / faceNormals[j].w; normal.z += faceNormals[j].z / faceNormals[j].w; count++; } } normal.normalise(); /* Copy over the position */ normalElement.baseVertexPointerToElement(pVert, &pFloat); *(pFloat++) = normal.x; *(pFloat++) = normal.y; *(pFloat++) = normal.z; pVert += vbuf->getVertexSize(); } _aligned_free(faceNormals); vbuf->unlock(); ibuf->unlock(); return ogreMesh; }