Пример #1
void QgsCameraController::onPositionChanged( Qt3DInput::QMouseEvent *mouse )
  int dx = mouse->x() - mMousePos.x();
  int dy = mouse->y() - mMousePos.y();

  bool hasShift = ( mouse->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier );
  bool hasCtrl = ( mouse->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier );
  bool hasLeftButton = ( mouse->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton );
  bool hasMiddleButton = ( mouse->buttons() & Qt::MiddleButton );
  bool hasRightButton = ( mouse->buttons() & Qt::RightButton );

  if ( ( hasLeftButton && hasShift && !hasCtrl ) || ( hasMiddleButton && !hasShift && !hasCtrl ) )
    // rotate/tilt using mouse (camera moves as it rotates around its view center)
    float pitch = mCameraPose.pitchAngle();
    float yaw = mCameraPose.headingAngle();
    pitch += dy;
    yaw -= dx / 2;
    mCameraPose.setPitchAngle( pitch );
    mCameraPose.setHeadingAngle( yaw );
  else if ( hasLeftButton && hasCtrl && !hasShift )
    // rotate/tilt using mouse (camera stays at one position as it rotates)
    float diffPitch = 0.2f * dy;
    float diffYaw = 0.2f * -dx / 2;
    rotateCamera( diffPitch, diffYaw );
    updateCameraFromPose( true );
  else if ( hasLeftButton && !hasShift && !hasCtrl )
    // translation works as if one grabbed a point on the plane and dragged it
    // i.e. find out x,z of the previous mouse point, find out x,z of the current mouse point
    // and use the difference

    float z = mLastPressedHeight;
    QPointF p1 = screen_point_to_point_on_plane( QPointF( mMousePos.x(), mMousePos.y() ), mViewport, mCamera, z );
    QPointF p2 = screen_point_to_point_on_plane( QPointF( mouse->x(), mouse->y() ), mViewport, mCamera, z );

    QgsVector3D center = mCameraPose.centerPoint();
    center.set( center.x() - ( p2.x() - p1.x() ), center.y(), center.z() - ( p2.y() - p1.y() ) );
    mCameraPose.setCenterPoint( center );
    updateCameraFromPose( true );
  else if ( hasRightButton && !hasShift && !hasCtrl )
    // zoom in/out
    float dist = mCameraPose.distanceFromCenterPoint();
    dist -= dist * dy * 0.01f;
    mCameraPose.setDistanceFromCenterPoint( dist );

  mMousePos = QPoint( mouse->x(), mouse->y() );
Пример #2
QgsVector3D Qgs3DUtils::mapToWorldCoordinates( const QgsVector3D &mapCoords, const QgsVector3D &origin )
  return QgsVector3D( mapCoords.x() - origin.x(),
                      mapCoords.z() - origin.z(),
                      -( mapCoords.y() - origin.y() ) );

Пример #3
void QgsCameraController::onKeyPressed( Qt3DInput::QKeyEvent *event )
  bool hasShift = ( event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier );
  bool hasCtrl = ( event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier );

  int tx = 0, ty = 0, tElev = 0;
  switch ( event->key() )
    case Qt::Key_Left:
      tx -= 1;
    case Qt::Key_Right:
      tx += 1;

    case Qt::Key_Up:
      ty += 1;
    case Qt::Key_Down:
      ty -= 1;

    case Qt::Key_PageDown:
      tElev -= 1;
    case Qt::Key_PageUp:
      tElev += 1;

  if ( tx || ty )
    if ( !hasShift && !hasCtrl )
      float yaw = mCameraPose.headingAngle();
      float dist = mCameraPose.distanceFromCenterPoint();
      float x = tx * dist * 0.02f;
      float y = -ty * dist * 0.02f;

      // moving with keyboard - take into account yaw of camera
      float t = sqrt( x * x + y * y );
      float a = atan2( y, x ) - yaw * M_PI / 180;
      float dx = cos( a ) * t;
      float dy = sin( a ) * t;

      QgsVector3D center = mCameraPose.centerPoint();
      center.set( center.x() + dx, center.y(), center.z() + dy );
      mCameraPose.setCenterPoint( center );
      updateCameraFromPose( true );
    else if ( hasShift && !hasCtrl )
      // rotate/tilt using keyboard (camera moves as it rotates around its view center)
      float pitch = mCameraPose.pitchAngle();
      float yaw = mCameraPose.headingAngle();
      pitch -= ty;   // down key = moving camera toward terrain
      yaw -= tx;     // right key = moving camera clockwise
      mCameraPose.setPitchAngle( pitch );
      mCameraPose.setHeadingAngle( yaw );
    else if ( hasCtrl && !hasShift )
      // rotate/tilt using keyboard (camera stays at one position as it rotates)
      float diffPitch = ty;   // down key = rotating camera down
      float diffYaw = -tx;    // right key = rotating camera to the right
      rotateCamera( diffPitch, diffYaw );
      updateCameraFromPose( true );

  if ( tElev )
    QgsVector3D center = mCameraPose.centerPoint();
    center.set( center.x(), center.y() + tElev * 10, center.z() );
    mCameraPose.setCenterPoint( center );
    updateCameraFromPose( true );
Пример #4
QgsVector3D Qgs3DUtils::worldToMapCoordinates( const QgsVector3D &worldCoords, const QgsVector3D &origin )
  return QgsVector3D( worldCoords.x() + origin.x(),
                      -worldCoords.z() + origin.y(),
                      worldCoords.y() + origin.z() );