static void SaveSliceOrImageAsPNG(mitk::Image::Pointer image, mitk::Image::Pointer mask, std::string path, int index) { // Create a Standalone Datastorage for the single purpose of saving screenshots.. mitk::StandaloneDataStorage::Pointer ds = mitk::StandaloneDataStorage::New(); QmitkRenderWindow renderWindow; renderWindow.GetRenderer()->SetDataStorage(ds); auto nodeI = mitk::DataNode::New(); nodeI->SetData(image); auto nodeM = mitk::DataNode::New(); nodeM->SetData(mask); ds->Add(nodeI); ds->Add(nodeM); auto geo = ds->ComputeBoundingGeometry3D(ds->GetAll()); mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->InitializeViews(geo); mitk::SliceNavigationController::Pointer sliceNaviController = renderWindow.GetSliceNavigationController(); unsigned int numberOfSteps = 1; if (sliceNaviController) { numberOfSteps = sliceNaviController->GetSlice()->GetSteps(); sliceNaviController->GetSlice()->SetPos(0); }; renderWindow.resize(256, 256); for (unsigned int currentStep = 0; currentStep < numberOfSteps; ++currentStep) { if (sliceNaviController) { sliceNaviController->GetSlice()->SetPos(currentStep); } renderWindow.GetRenderer()->PrepareRender(); vtkRenderWindow* renderWindow2 = renderWindow.GetVtkRenderWindow(); mitk::BaseRenderer* baserenderer = mitk::BaseRenderer::GetInstance(renderWindow2); auto vtkRender = baserenderer->GetVtkRenderer(); vtkRender->GetRenderWindow()->WaitForCompletion(); vtkRenderLargeImage* magnifier = vtkRenderLargeImage::New(); magnifier->SetInput(vtkRender); magnifier->SetMagnification(3.0); std::stringstream ss; ss << path << "_Idx-" << index << "_Step-"<<currentStep<<".png"; std::string tmpImageName; ss >> tmpImageName; auto fileWriter = vtkPNGWriter::New(); fileWriter->SetInputConnection(magnifier->GetOutputPort()); fileWriter->SetFileName(tmpImageName.c_str()); fileWriter->Write(); fileWriter->Delete(); } }
//##Documentation //## @brief Load image (nrrd format) and display it in a 2D view int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication qtapplication(argc, argv); if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [filename] \n\n", itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(argv[0]).c_str()); return 1; } // Register Qmitk-dependent global instances QmitkRegisterClasses(); mitk::StandaloneDataStorage::Pointer ds = mitk::StandaloneDataStorage::New(); // Load datanode (eg. many image formats, surface formats, etc.) mitk::IOUtil::Load(argv[1], *ds); // Create a RenderWindow QmitkRenderWindow renderWindow; // Tell the RenderWindow which (part of) the datastorage to render renderWindow.GetRenderer()->SetDataStorage(ds); // Initialize the RenderWindow auto geo = ds->ComputeBoundingGeometry3D(ds->GetAll()); mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->InitializeViews(geo); // mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->InitializeViews(); // Add Overlays //![TextAnnotation2D] // Create a textAnnotation2D mitk::TextAnnotation2D::Pointer textAnnotation = mitk::TextAnnotation2D::New(); textAnnotation->SetText("Test!"); // set UTF-8 encoded text to render textAnnotation->SetFontSize(40); textAnnotation->SetColor(1, 0, 0); // Set text color to red textAnnotation->SetOpacity(1); // The position of the Annotation can be set to a fixed coordinate on the display. mitk::Point2D pos; pos[0] = 10; pos[1] = 20; textAnnotation->SetPosition2D(pos); std::string rendererID = renderWindow.GetRenderer()->GetName(); // The LayoutAnnotationRenderer can place the TextAnnotation2D at some defined corner positions mitk::LayoutAnnotationRenderer::AddAnnotation( textAnnotation, rendererID, mitk::LayoutAnnotationRenderer::TopLeft, 5, 5, 1); //![TextAnnotation2D] //![TextAnnotation3D] mitk::PointSet::Pointer pointset = mitk::PointSet::New(); // This vector is used to define an offset for the annotations, in order to show them with a margin to the actual // coordinate. mitk::Point3D offset; offset[0] = .5; offset[1] = .5; offset[2] = .5; // save references to Annotations so that they do not get deregistered std::vector<mitk::TextAnnotation3D::Pointer> annotationReferences; // Just a loop to create some points for (unsigned long i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // To each point, a TextAnnotation3D is created mitk::TextAnnotation3D::Pointer textAnnotation3D = mitk::TextAnnotation3D::New(); mitk::Point3D point; point[0] = i * 20; point[1] = i * 30; point[2] = i * -50; pointset->InsertPoint(i, point); textAnnotation3D->SetText("A Point"); // The Position is set to the point coordinate to create an annotation to the point in the PointSet. textAnnotation3D->SetPosition3D(point); // move the annotation away from the actual point textAnnotation3D->SetOffsetVector(offset); annotationReferences.push_back(textAnnotation3D); mitk::ManualPlacementAnnotationRenderer::AddAnnotation(textAnnotation3D, rendererID); } // Get the MicroserviceID of the registered textAnnotation std::string serviceID = textAnnotation->GetMicroserviceID(); // The AnnotationUtils can retrieve any registered annotations by their microservice ID mitk::Annotation *annotation = mitk::AnnotationUtils::GetAnnotation(serviceID); // This way, it is possible to change the properties of Annotations without knowing their implementation annotation->SetText("changed text!"); // also show the created pointset mitk::DataNode::Pointer datanode = mitk::DataNode::New(); datanode->SetData(pointset); datanode->SetName("pointSet"); ds->Add(datanode); //! [TextAnnotation3D]; renderWindow.resize(256, 256);; renderWindow.resize(256, 256); // cleanup: Remove References to DataStorage. This will delete the object ds = nullptr; }
//##Documentation //## @brief Load image (nrrd format) and display it in a 2D view int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication qtapplication( argc, argv ); if (argc < 2) { fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s [filename] \n\n", itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(argv[0]).c_str() ); return 1; } // Register Qmitk-dependent global instances QmitkRegisterClasses(); //************************************************************************* // Part I: Basic initialization //************************************************************************* // Create a DataStorage // The DataStorage manages all data objects. It is used by the // rendering mechanism to render all data objects // We use the standard implementation mitk::StandaloneDataStorage. mitk::StandaloneDataStorage::Pointer ds = mitk::StandaloneDataStorage::New(); //************************************************************************* // Part II: Create some data by reading a file //************************************************************************* // Create a DataNodeFactory to read a data format supported // by the DataNodeFactory (many image formats, surface formats, etc.) mitk::DataNodeFactory::Pointer reader=mitk::DataNodeFactory::New(); const char * filename = argv[1]; try { reader->SetFileName(filename); reader->Update(); //************************************************************************* // Part III: Put the data into the datastorage //************************************************************************* // Add the node to the DataStorage ds->Add(reader->GetOutput()); } catch(...) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not open file %s \n\n", filename ); exit(2); } //************************************************************************* // Part IV: Create window and pass the datastorage to it //************************************************************************* // Create a RenderWindow QmitkRenderWindow renderWindow; // Tell the RenderWindow which (part of) the datastorage to render renderWindow.GetRenderer()->SetDataStorage(ds); // Initialize the RenderWindow mitk::TimeGeometry::Pointer geo = ds->ComputeBoundingGeometry3D(ds->GetAll()); mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->InitializeViews( geo ); //mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->InitializeViews(); // Select a slice mitk::SliceNavigationController::Pointer sliceNaviController = renderWindow.GetSliceNavigationController(); if (sliceNaviController) sliceNaviController->GetSlice()->SetPos( 0 ); //************************************************************************* // Part V: Qt-specific initialization //*************************************************************************; renderWindow.resize( 256, 256 ); // for testing #include "QtTesting.h" if (strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-testing") != 0) return qtapplication.exec(); else return QtTesting(); // cleanup: Remove References to DataStorage. This will delete the object ds = NULL; }
//##Documentation //## @brief Change the type of display to 3D //## //## As in Step2, load one or more data sets (many image, surface //## and other formats), but display it in a 3D view. //## The QmitkRenderWindow is now used for displaying a 3D view, by //## setting the used mapper-slot to Standard3D. //## Since volume-rendering is a (rather) slow procedure, the default //## is that images are not displayed in the 3D view. For this example, //## we want volume-rendering, thus we switch it on by setting //## the Boolean-property "volumerendering" to "true". int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication qtapplication( argc, argv ); if(argc<2) { fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s [filename1] [filename2] ...\n\n", itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(argv[0]).c_str() ); return 1; } // Register Qmitk-dependent global instances QmitkRegisterClasses(); //************************************************************************* // Part I: Basic initialization //************************************************************************* // Create a DataStorage mitk::StandaloneDataStorage::Pointer ds = mitk::StandaloneDataStorage::New(); //************************************************************************* // Part II: Create some data by reading files //************************************************************************* int i; for(i=1; i<argc; ++i) { // For testing if(strcmp(argv[i], "-testing")==0) continue; // Create a DataNodeFactory to read a data format supported // by the DataNodeFactory (many image formats, surface formats, etc.) mitk::DataNodeFactory::Pointer nodeReader=mitk::DataNodeFactory::New(); const char * filename = argv[i]; try { nodeReader->SetFileName(filename); nodeReader->Update(); //********************************************************************* // Part III: Put the data into the datastorage //********************************************************************* // Since the DataNodeFactory directly creates a node, // use the datastorage to add the read node mitk::DataNode::Pointer node = nodeReader->GetOutput(); ds->Add(node); // ********************************************************* // ****************** START OF NEW PART 1 ****************** // ********************************************************* //********************************************************************* // Part IV: We want all images to be volume-rendered //********************************************************************* // Check if the data is an image by dynamic_cast-ing the data // contained in the node. Warning: dynamic_cast's are rather slow, // do not use it too often! mitk::Image::Pointer image = dynamic_cast<mitk::Image*>(node->GetData()); if(image.IsNotNull()) { // Set the property "volumerendering" to the Boolean value "true" node->SetProperty("volumerendering", mitk::BoolProperty::New(true)); // Create a transfer function to assign optical properties (color and opacity) to grey-values of the data mitk::TransferFunction::Pointer tf = mitk::TransferFunction::New(); tf->InitializeByMitkImage ( image ); // Set the color transfer function AddRGBPoint(double x, double r, double g, double b) tf->GetColorTransferFunction()->AddRGBPoint ( tf->GetColorTransferFunction()->GetRange() [0], 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); tf->GetColorTransferFunction()->AddRGBPoint ( tf->GetColorTransferFunction()->GetRange() [1], 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); // Set the piecewise opacity transfer function AddPoint(double x, double y) tf->GetScalarOpacityFunction()->AddPoint ( 0, 0 ); tf->GetScalarOpacityFunction()->AddPoint ( tf->GetColorTransferFunction()->GetRange() [1], 1 ); node->SetProperty ( "TransferFunction", mitk::TransferFunctionProperty::New ( tf.GetPointer() ) ); } // ********************************************************* // ******************* END OF NEW PART 1 ******************* // ********************************************************* } catch(...) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not open file %s \n\n", filename ); exit(2); } } //************************************************************************* // Part V: Create window and pass the tree to it //************************************************************************* // Create a renderwindow QmitkRenderWindow renderWindow; // Tell the renderwindow which (part of) the datastorage to render renderWindow.GetRenderer()->SetDataStorage(ds); // ********************************************************* // ****************** START OF NEW PART 2 ****************** // ********************************************************* // Use it as a 3D view! renderWindow.GetRenderer()->SetMapperID(mitk::BaseRenderer::Standard3D); // ********************************************************* // ******************* END OF NEW PART 2 ******************* // ********************************************************* //************************************************************************* // Part VI: Qt-specific initialization //*************************************************************************; renderWindow.resize( 256, 256 ); mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); // for testing #include "QtTesting.h" if(strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-testing")!=0) return qtapplication.exec(); else return QtTesting(); }
//##Documentation //## @brief Load one or more data sets (many image, surface //## and other formats) and display it in a 2D view int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication qtapplication( argc, argv ); if(argc<2) { fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s [filename1] [filename2] ...\n\n", itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(argv[0]).c_str() ); return 1; } // Register Qmitk-dependent global instances QmitkRegisterClasses(); //************************************************************************* // Part I: Basic initialization //************************************************************************* // Create a data storage object. We will use it as a singleton mitk::StandaloneDataStorage::Pointer storage = mitk::StandaloneDataStorage::New(); //************************************************************************* // Part II: Create some data by reading files //************************************************************************* int i; for(i=1; i<argc; ++i) { // For testing if(strcmp(argv[i], "-testing")==0) continue; // Create a DataNodeFactory to read a data format supported // by the DataNodeFactory (many image formats, surface formats, etc.) mitk::DataNodeFactory::Pointer nodeReader=mitk::DataNodeFactory::New(); const char * filename = argv[i]; try { nodeReader->SetFileName(filename); nodeReader->Update(); //********************************************************************* // Part III: Put the data into the datastorage //********************************************************************* // Since the DataNodeFactory directly creates a node, // use the datastorage to add the read node storage->Add(nodeReader->GetOutput()); } catch(...) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not open file %s \n\n", filename ); exit(2); } } //************************************************************************* // Part IV: Create window and pass the datastorage to it //************************************************************************* // Create a RenderWindow QmitkRenderWindow renderWindow; // Tell the RenderWindow which (part of) the datastorage to render renderWindow.GetRenderer()->SetDataStorage(storage); // Initialize the RenderWindow mitk::TimeGeometry::Pointer geo = storage->ComputeBoundingGeometry3D(storage->GetAll()); mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->InitializeViews( geo ); // Select a slice mitk::SliceNavigationController::Pointer sliceNaviController = renderWindow.GetSliceNavigationController(); if (sliceNaviController) sliceNaviController->GetSlice()->SetPos( 2 ); //************************************************************************* // Part V: Qt-specific initialization //*************************************************************************; renderWindow.resize( 256, 256 ); // for testing #include "QtTesting.h" if(strcmp(argv[argc-1], "-testing")!=0) return qtapplication.exec(); else return QtTesting(); }
//##Documentation //## @brief Load image (nrrd format) and display it in a 2D view int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication qtapplication( argc, argv ); if (argc < 2) { fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s [filename] \n\n", itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(argv[0]).c_str() ); return 1; } // Register Qmitk-dependent global instances QmitkRegisterClasses(); //************************************************************************* // Part I: Basic initialization //************************************************************************* // Create a DataStorage // The DataStorage manages all data objects. It is used by the // rendering mechanism to render all data objects // We use the standard implementation mitk::StandaloneDataStorage. mitk::StandaloneDataStorage::Pointer dataStorage = mitk::StandaloneDataStorage::New(); //************************************************************************* // Part II: Create some data by reading a file //************************************************************************* // Create a DataNodeFactory to read a data format supported // by the DataNodeFactory (many image formats, surface formats, etc.) mitk::DataNodeFactory::Pointer reader=mitk::DataNodeFactory::New(); const char * filename = argv[1]; try { reader->SetFileName(filename); reader->Update(); //************************************************************************* // Part III: Put the data into the datastorage //************************************************************************* // Add the node to the DataStorage dataStorage->Add(reader->GetOutput()); } catch(...) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not open file %s \n\n", filename ); exit(2); } //************************************************************************* // Part IV: Create window and pass the datastorage to it //************************************************************************* // Create a RenderWindow QmitkRenderWindow renderWindow; // Tell the RenderWindow which (part of) the datastorage to render renderWindow.GetRenderer()->SetDataStorage(dataStorage); // Initialize the RenderWindow mitk::TimeSlicedGeometry::Pointer geo = dataStorage->ComputeBoundingGeometry3D(dataStorage->GetAll()); mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->InitializeViews( geo ); //mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->InitializeViews(); // Select a slice mitk::SliceNavigationController::Pointer sliceNaviController = renderWindow.GetSliceNavigationController(); if (sliceNaviController) sliceNaviController->GetSlice()->SetPos( 0 ); //************************************************************************* // Part V: Qt-specific initialization //************************************************************************* //! [CreateOverlayManager] mitk::OverlayManager::Pointer OverlayManagerInstance = mitk::OverlayManager::New(); mitk::BaseRenderer* renderer = mitk::BaseRenderer::GetInstance(renderWindow.GetVtkRenderWindow()); renderer->SetOverlayManager(OverlayManagerInstance); //! [CreateOverlayManager] //! [GetOverlayManagerInstance] //The id that is passed identifies the correct mitk::OverlayManager and is '0' by default. mitk::BaseRenderer* renderer2D = mitk::BaseRenderer::GetInstance(renderWindow.GetVtkRenderWindow()); mitk::OverlayManager::Pointer overlayManager = renderer2D->GetOverlayManager(); //! [GetOverlayManagerInstance] //! [AddLayouter] //This creates a 2DLayouter that is only active for the recently fetched axialRenderer and positione mitk::Overlay2DLayouter::Pointer topleftLayouter = mitk::Overlay2DLayouter::CreateLayouter(mitk::Overlay2DLayouter::STANDARD_2D_TOPLEFT(), renderer2D); //Now, the created Layouter is added to the OverlayManager and can be referred to by its identification string. overlayManager->AddLayouter(topleftLayouter.GetPointer()); //Several other Layouters can be added to the overlayManager mitk::Overlay2DLayouter::Pointer bottomLayouter = mitk::Overlay2DLayouter::CreateLayouter(mitk::Overlay2DLayouter::STANDARD_2D_BOTTOM(), renderer2D); overlayManager->AddLayouter(bottomLayouter.GetPointer()); //! [AddLayouter] //! [TextOverlay2D] //Create a textOverlay2D mitk::TextOverlay2D::Pointer textOverlay = mitk::TextOverlay2D::New(); textOverlay->SetText("Test!"); //set UTF-8 encoded text to render textOverlay->SetFontSize(40); textOverlay->SetColor(1,0,0); //Set text color to red textOverlay->SetOpacity(1); //The position of the Overlay can be set to a fixed coordinate on the display. mitk::Point2D pos; pos[0] = 10,pos[1] = 20; textOverlay->SetPosition2D(pos); //Add the overlay to the overlayManager. It is added to all registered renderers automaticly overlayManager->AddOverlay(textOverlay.GetPointer()); //Alternatively, a layouter can be used to manage the position of the overlay. If a layouter is set, the absolute position of the overlay is not used anymore //The Standard TopLeft Layouter has to be registered to the OverlayManager first overlayManager->AddLayouter(mitk::Overlay2DLayouter::CreateLayouter(mitk::Overlay2DLayouter::STANDARD_2D_TOPLEFT(), renderer2D).GetPointer()); //! [TextOverlay2D] //! [SetLayouterToOverlay] //Because a Layouter is specified by the identification string AND the Renderer, both have to be passed to the call. overlayManager->SetLayouter(textOverlay.GetPointer(),mitk::Overlay2DLayouter::STANDARD_2D_TOPLEFT(),renderer2D); //! [SetLayouterToOverlay] //! [TextOverlay3D] mitk::PointSet::Pointer pointset = mitk::PointSet::New(); // This vector is used to define an offset for the annotations, in order to show them with a margin to the actual coordinate. mitk::Point3D offset; offset[0] = .5; offset[1] = .5; offset[2] = .5; //Just a loop to create some points for(int i=0 ; i < 10 ; i++){ //To each point, a TextOverlay3D is created mitk::TextOverlay3D::Pointer textOverlay3D = mitk::TextOverlay3D::New(); mitk::Point3D point; point[0] = i*20; point[1] = i*30; point[2] = -i*50; pointset->InsertPoint(i, point); textOverlay3D->SetText("A Point"); // The Position is set to the point coordinate to create an annotation to the point in the PointSet. textOverlay3D->SetPosition3D(point); // move the annotation away from the actual point textOverlay3D->SetOffsetVector(offset); overlayManager->AddOverlay(textOverlay3D.GetPointer()); } // also show the created pointset mitk::DataNode::Pointer datanode = mitk::DataNode::New(); datanode->SetData(pointset); datanode->SetName("pointSet"); dataStorage->Add(datanode); //! [TextOverlay3D]; renderWindow.resize( 256, 256 ); return qtapplication.exec(); // cleanup: Remove References to DataStorage. This will delete the object dataStorage = NULL; }