Пример #1
QString RGBMatrix::property(QString propName)
    QMutexLocker algoLocker(&m_algorithmMutex);

    /** If the property is cached, then return it right away */
    if (m_properties.contains(propName))
        return m_properties[propName];

    /** Otherwise, let's retrieve it from the Script */
    if (m_algorithm != NULL && m_algorithm->type() == RGBAlgorithm::Script)
        RGBScript *script = static_cast<RGBScript*> (m_algorithm);
        return script->property(propName);

    return QString();
Пример #2
void RGBScript_Test::rgbMap()
    RGBScript s = m_doc->rgbScriptsCache()->script("Stripes");
    QVERIFY(s.rgbMap(QSize(3, 4), 0, 0).isEmpty() == false);

    s.setProperty("orientation", "Vertical");
    QVERIFY(s.property("orientation") == "Vertical");

    for (int z = 0; z < 5; z++)
        RGBMap map = s.rgbMap(QSize(5, 5), QColor(Qt::red).rgb(), z);
        for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                if (y == z)
                    QCOMPARE(map[y][x], QColor(Qt::red).rgb());
                    QCOMPARE(map[y][x], uint(0));