Пример #1
//load the ecom style data recognizer
void CApaScanningDataRecognizer::LoadEcomRecognizerL(TDriveUnit& aDrive,TUid aUid)
	//Get implementation information of the recognizer with UID aUid
	RImplInfoPtrArray implementationInfoArray;
	TCleanupItem cleanup(CleanUpEComInfoArray, &implementationInfoArray);
	const TInt availCount = implementationInfoArray.Count();
	CImplementationInformation* info=NULL;
	TInt ii;
	for (ii=0;ii<availCount;++ii)
		info = implementationInfoArray[ii];
		TUid uid = info->ImplementationUid();
		if(uid.iUid == aUid.iUid )

	//If the implementation not found just return
	//Get the version of implementation
	TInt version=info->Version();
	// check we haven't loaded this one already
	TInt count=iRecognizerLib.Count();
	TInt i;
	CApaRecognizerDll* lib=NULL; // the previous one in the list
	for (i=0; i<count; i++)
		if (lib->iId.iUid==aUid)
			{// we may have to override one
			if (lib->iPresent!=CApaRecognizerDll::ENotPresent)
				return; // already found
				if (lib->iVersion < version)
					//Upgrade a plugin if a plugin with higher version than loaded plugin is installed.  
					lib->iPresent = CApaRecognizerDll::ESuperseded;
					lib->iPresent = CApaRecognizerDll::EIsPresent;
	//Remove the old version and let it continue to load new version
	if ((i<count)&&(lib->iPresent==CApaRecognizerDll::ESuperseded))

	// load the library
	HBufC* recogName=info->DisplayName().AllocL();
	lib = new(ELeave) CApaRecognizerDll(recogName);
	TRAPD(error,lib->iRec = CApaDataRecognizerType::CreateDataRecognizerL(aUid));
	if(!error && lib->iRec)
		lib->iPresent = CApaRecognizerDll::EIsPresent;
		lib->iId.iUid = aUid;
		lib->iId.iDrive = aDrive;
		iExtra->iObserver->SetUpdateCounter(iExtra->iObserver->UpdateCounter() + 1);
		// add lib to the library list
		CleanupStack::Pop(lib); // lib
		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(lib); // lib
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CNSmlDsProvisioningAdapter::StoreAttributesL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CNSmlDsProvisioningAdapter::StoreAttributesL( const TDesC& aType )
    _DBG_FILE("CNSmlDsProvisioningAdapter::StoreAttributesL(): begin");
    TInt iDataProvElementCount = iProfiles[iProfiles.Count()-1]->iDataProvElement.Count()-1;
	// Leave if aType cannot be assigned
    if( ( aType.Length() > 0 ) &&
        ( iProfiles[iProfiles.Count()-1]->iDataProvElement[iDataProvElementCount]->iRemoteDBUri ) )
        TBool dataProvIdFoundInZ = FALSE;
        TSmlDataProviderId firstDataProvIdFound = 0;
        TSmlDataProviderId uidFound = 0;

        TBool doSearch = ETrue;
        if ( aType.FindF( KXVcardMimeType ) != KErrNotFound )
            if ( IsOperatorProfile( *iProfiles[iProfiles.Count()-1] ) )
                const CNSmlDsProfileElement& profile = *iProfiles[iProfiles.Count()-1];
                StoreOperatorUrlL( *profile.iHostAddress );
                // Do not make a search through adapter implementations
                doSearch = EFalse;
                uidFound = OperatorAdapterUid();
                if ( !uidFound )
                    // If OperatorAdapterUid returns 0, do a search
                    doSearch = ETrue;
		// look through every implementation adapter until one found
		// which supports MIME type in question
		// The first one located in ROM is chosen. If none found in ROM then
		// the first adapter found is chosen.

		HBufC8 *type = HBufC8::NewLC(aType.Size());
		TPtr8 typePtr = type->Des();
		CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( typePtr, aType);

		// get list of dataproviderIds
		RImplInfoPtrArray implArray;
		CleanupStack::PushL( PtrArrCleanupItemRArr( CImplementationInformation, &implArray ) );
		TUid ifUid = { KNSmlDSInterfaceUid };
		REComSession::ListImplementationsL( ifUid, implArray );
        if ( doSearch )
            TInt countProviders = implArray.Count();
            for( TInt i = 0; i < countProviders; i++ )
                CImplementationInformation* implInfo = implArray[i];

                RSyncMLDataProvider dataProvider;
                dataProvider.OpenL( iSession, implInfo->ImplementationUid().iUid );
                CleanupClosePushL( dataProvider );

                TInt mimeTypeCount = dataProvider.MimeTypeCount();
                for( TInt j = 0; j < mimeTypeCount; j++ )
                    HBufC* mimeType = dataProvider.MimeType( j ).AllocLC();
                    TPtrC8 convMimeType = ConvertTo8LC( *mimeType );
                    if( typePtr.Find( convMimeType ) == 0)
                        // MIME type in question was found
                        uidFound = implInfo->ImplementationUid().iUid;

                        if( firstDataProvIdFound == 0 )
                            // save the first in case of none found from ROM
                            firstDataProvIdFound = uidFound;
                        // check whether the provider is located in ROM (drive Z)
                        if( implInfo->Drive() == EDriveZ )
                            dataProvIdFoundInZ = TRUE;
                    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // mimetype, ConvertTo8LC

                    if( uidFound )
                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // dataProvider
                if ( dataProvIdFoundInZ )
                    uidFound = firstDataProvIdFound;
		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // type, implArray

		if( uidFound )
			iProfiles[iProfiles.Count()-1]->iDataProvElement[iDataProvElementCount]->iUid = uidFound;
	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDsProvisioningAdapter::StoreAttributesL(): end");
Пример #3
TInt CLayoutLibrary::SetLayout(TInt aId)
    TInt err = KErrNone;
    TBool foundLayout = EFalse;

    // Implementation info array
    RImplInfoPtrArray implInfoArray;

    TRACE_INFO( (_L("[HID]\tCLayoutLibrary::SetLayout: id=%d"), aId));

    if( aId == iId )
        TRACE_INFO( (_L("[HID]\tCLayoutLibrary::SetLayout: Same layout id=%d, don't load twice"), aId));
        return KErrNone;

    // Plain ignore is enough. If listing leaves, the array is just empty.
    TRAP_IGNORE( REComSession::ListImplementationsL( KHidLayoutPluginInterfaceUid, implInfoArray ) );

    TRACE_INFO( (_L("[HID]\tCLayoutLibrary::SetLayout: %d plugins listed"),implInfoArray.Count() ));

    if ( 0 == implInfoArray.Count())
        TRACE_INFO( (_L("[HID]\tCLayoutLibrary::SetLayout: No Drivers found")));
        err = KErrNotFound;
        for (TInt i=0; i<implInfoArray.Count() && !foundLayout; i++)
            // parse implementation UID
            CImplementationInformation* info = implInfoArray[ i ];
            TUid implUid = info->ImplementationUid();
            TRACE_INFO( (_L("[HID]\tCLayoutLibrary::SetLayout: load plugin 0x%08x"),implUid ));
            // load driver
            // Trap so other drivers will be enumerated even if
            // this fails:
            CHidLayoutPluginInterface* plugin = NULL;
            TRAPD( err,
                   plugin = CHidLayoutPluginInterface::NewL( implUid );
                   TRACE_INFO( (_L("[HID]\tCLayoutLibrary::SetLayout: plugin loaded")));

            if( err == KErrNone)
                CKeyboardLayout* layout = reinterpret_cast<CKeyboardLayout*>(plugin);
                if (aId == layout->LayoutId())
                    TRACE_INFO( (_L("[HID]\tCLayoutLibrary::SetLayout: Found layout %d!"), aId));
                    foundLayout = ETrue;
                    // Swap the current layout object:
                    CKeyboardLayout* tmpLayout = iLayout;
                    iLayout = layout;
                    iId = aId;
                    iLoaded = ETrue;
                    TRACE_INFO( (_L("[HID]\tCLayoutLibrary::SetLayout: delete old layout")));
                    delete tmpLayout;
                    TRACE_INFO( (_L("[HID]\tCLayoutLibrary::SetLayout: wrong layout, delete plugin")));
                    delete plugin;
                TRACE_INFO( (_L("[HID]\tCLayoutLibrary::SetLayout: plugin creation failed")));
            }// end of for loop
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CContextEnginePluginTest::LoadPluginL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CContextEnginePluginTest::LoadPluginL( CStifItemParser& /* aItem */ )
    _LIT( KMsg1, "Enter LoadPlugins" );
    iLog->Log( KMsg1 );
    RDebug::Print( KMsg1 );
    iInitTarget = 2;
    TUid calendarContextUID = { 0x102823CB }; // calendar context plugin uid
    TUid locationContextUID = { 0x200071D0 }; // location context plugin uid
    RImplInfoPtrArray infoArray;
	TCleanupItem cleanupItem( MdsUtils::CleanupEComArray, &infoArray );
	CleanupStack::PushL( cleanupItem );
	CContextPlugin::ListImplementationsL( infoArray );
	TInt count( 0 );
	count = infoArray.Count();
	TBool locationPluginFound( EFalse );
	TBool calendarPluginFound( EFalse );
	for ( TInt i=0; i < count; i++ )
		TUid uid = infoArray[i]->ImplementationUid();
		// context plugin found
		if( uid == locationContextUID )
			iLocationPlugin = CContextPlugin::NewL( uid );
			locationPluginFound = ETrue;
			iPlugin = iLocationPlugin;
			iPluginSet = ETrue;
		else if( uid == calendarContextUID )
	        iCalendarPlugin = CContextPlugin::NewL( uid );
	        calendarPluginFound = ETrue;
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &infoArray ); // infoArray, results in a call to CleanupEComArray
	if( !locationPluginFound )
	    _LIT( KLocation, "Location context plugin not found" );
	    iLog->Log( KLocation );
	    RDebug::Print( KLocation );
	    return KErrNotFound;
    if( !calendarPluginFound )
        _LIT( KCalendar, "Calendar context plugin not found" );
        iLog->Log( KCalendar );
        RDebug::Print( KCalendar );
        return KErrNotFound;
    _LIT( KMsg2, "Exit LoadPlugins" );
    iLog->Log( KMsg2 );
    RDebug::Print( KMsg2 );
    return KErrNone;
Пример #5
Test rogue plugin trying to override a ROM based plugin by
duplicating the legitimate DLL's implementation UID (different
interface UID so that ECOM not treat it as an update).

@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Copy a rogue plugin to C drive. This plugin duplicates the
						implementation UID of a built-in dll. Test if the rogue
						plugin will over shadow the built-in dll.
@SYMTestPriority		High
@SYMTestActions			1. copy the rsc and dll of the rogue plugin to C:
						2. Use the CreateImplementation API which does not specify
						   the i/f UID to instantiate the built-in implementation.
						   Test the instance works normally.
						3. Repeat 2 but instantiate the pointer as the rogue plugin
						   class. Pass NULL as the initialising param in the call
						   to CreateImplementationL. Because the actual plugin returned by
						   ECOM needs this initParam, KERN-EXEC 3 panic occurs.
@SYMTestExpectedResults	The test must not fail.
@SYMDEF					DEF094656
LOCAL_C void DEF094656_TestCaseL()
	// DuplicateImplUidTestL SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-3157 is similar to this testcase.
	// CT-3157 tests higher driver letter > lower driver letter,
	// and lower i/f UID > higher i/f UID.

	// Note that this function is expected to panic. Hence not bother
	// with __UHEAP_MARK.

	//Check if the rogue plugin is in the registry.
	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-CIT-3161 "));
	RImplInfoPtrArray ifArray;
	REComSession::ListImplementationsL(KRogueInterfaceUid, ifArray);

	TInt count = ifArray.Count();
	TheTest.Printf(_L("Found %d implementations of I/f 0x%X"), count, KRogueInterfaceUid.iUid);

	TheTest(count == 1);
	TheTest(KRogueImplUid == ifArray[0]->ImplementationUid());


	TUid dtor_key;
	// Initialisation parameter needed by CImplementationClassOne
	CExampleInterface::TExampleInterfaceInitParams initParams;
	initParams.integer		= 0;
	initParams.descriptor	= NULL;

	// First test creating the correct class.
	CExampleInterface* correctDll = reinterpret_cast<CExampleInterface*>(
											&initParams) );
	TheTest(correctDll != NULL);

	TUid testUid = correctDll->ImplId();
	// the example plugins should return the value 10009DC3.
	TheTest(testUid == KRogueImplUid);

	delete correctDll;

	// Indicate to thread creator that first stage test passed.
	correctTypeCastPassed = ETrue;

	// This create should crash because the plugin returned by
	// ECOM is really CImplementationClassOne which needs a properly
	// constructed initParam.
	CRoguePlugin* wrongDll = reinterpret_cast<CRoguePlugin*>(
											NULL) );

	// If gets here then someone has changed CImplementationClassOne::NewL
	// or 10009DC3 has been updated by another implementation.
	if (wrongDll)
		delete wrongDll;

