Пример #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	KAboutData aboutData( "rkward", I18N_NOOP ("RKWard"), version, description, KAboutData::License_GPL, "(c) 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006", 0, "http://rkward.sf.net", "*****@*****.**");
	aboutData.addAuthor ("Thomas Friedrichsmeier", I18N_NOOP ("Project leader / main developer"), 0);
	aboutData.addAuthor ("Pierre Ecochard",  I18N_NOOP ("C++ coder since 0.2.9"), 0);
	aboutData.addCredit ("Contributors in alphabetical order", 0, 0);
	aboutData.addCredit ("Philippe Grosjean", I18N_NOOP ("Several helpful comments and discussions"), 0);
	aboutData.addCredit ("Adrien d'Hardemare", I18N_NOOP ("Plugins and patches"), 0);
	aboutData.addCredit ("Yves Jacolin", I18N_NOOP ("New website"), 0);
	aboutData.addCredit ("Prasenjit Kapat", I18N_NOOP ("Several plugins"), 0);
	aboutData.addCredit ("Marco Martin", I18N_NOOP ("A cool icon"), 0);
	aboutData.addCredit ("Daniele Medri", I18N_NOOP ("RKWard logo, many suggestions, help on wording"), 0);
	aboutData.addCredit ("Stefan Roediger", I18N_NOOP ("Many plugins, suggestions, marketing, translations"), 0);
	aboutData.addCredit ("David Sibai", I18N_NOOP ("Several valuable comments, hints and patches"), 0);
	aboutData.addCredit ("Ilias Soumpasis", I18N_NOOP ("Translation, Suggestions, plugins"), 0);
	aboutData.addCredit ("Ralf Tautenhahn", I18N_NOOP ("Many comments, useful suggestions, and bug reports"), 0);
	aboutData.addCredit ("Roland Vollgraf", I18N_NOOP ("Some patches"), 0);
	aboutData.addCredit (I18N_NOOP ("Many more people on [email protected]"), I18N_NOOP ("Sorry, if we forgot to list you. Please contact us to get added"), 0);

	// before initializing the commandline args, remove the ".bin" from "rkward.bin".
	// This is so it prints "Usage rkward..." instead of "Usage rkward.bin...", etc.
	// it seems safest to keep a copy, since the shell still owns argv[0]
	char *argv_zero_copy = argv[0];
	argv[0] = qstrdup (QString (argv_zero_copy).remove (".bin").local8Bit ());
	KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData );
	KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options ); // Add our own options.
	RKWardApplication app;
	if (app.isRestored ()) {
		RESTORE(RKWardMainWindow);	// well, whatever this is supposed to do -> TODO
	} else {
		KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
		RK_Debug_Level = 5 - QString (args->getOption ("debug-level")).toInt ();
		RK_Debug_Flags = QString (args->getOption ("debug-flags")).toInt (0, 2);
		qDebug ("Debug-flags as decimal: %d", RK_Debug_Flags);
		KURL *open_url = 0;
		if (args->count ()) {
			open_url = new KURL (args->makeURL (args->arg (0)));
		new RKWardMainWindow(open_url);

	// do it!
	int status = app.exec ();
	// restore old argv[0] so the shell is happy
	argv[0] = argv_zero_copy;
	return status;
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	options.add ("evaluate <Rcode>", ki18n ("After starting (and after loading the specified workspace, if applicable), evaluate the given R code."), 0);
	options.add ("debug-level <level>", ki18n ("Verbosity of debug messages (0-5)"), "2");
	options.add ("debug-flags <flags>", ki18n ("Mask for components to debug (see debug.h)"), QString::number (DEBUG_ALL).toLocal8Bit ());
	options.add ("debugger <command and arguments>", ki18n ("Debugger for the frontend. Specify last, or add '--' after all debugger arguments"), "");
	options.add ("backend-debugger <command>", ki18n ("Debugger for the backend. (Enclose any debugger arguments in single quotes ('') together with the command. Make sure to re-direct stdout!)"), "");
	options.add ("r-executable <command>", ki18n ("Use specified R installation, instead of the one configured at compile time (note: rkward R library must be installed to that installation of R)"), "");
	options.add ("reuse", ki18n ("Reuse a running RKWard instance (if available). If a running instance is reused, only the file arguments will be interpreted, all other options will be ignored."), 0);
	options.add ("nowarn-external", ki18n ("When used in conjunction with rkward://runplugin/-URLs specified on the command line, suppresses the warning about application-external (untrusted) links."));
	options.add ("+[Files]", ki18n ("File or files to open, typically a workspace, or an R script file. When loading several things, you should specify the workspace, first."), 0);

	KAboutData aboutData("rkward", QByteArray (), ki18n ("RKWard"), RKWARD_VERSION, ki18n ("Frontend to the R statistics language"), KAboutData::License_GPL, ki18n ("(c) 2002, 2004 - 2016"), KLocalizedString (), "http://rkward.kde.org", "*****@*****.**");
	aboutData.addAuthor (ki18n ("Thomas Friedrichsmeier"), ki18n ("Project leader / main developer"));
	aboutData.addAuthor (ki18n ("Pierre Ecochard"), ki18n ("C++ developer between 2004 and 2007"));
	aboutData.addAuthor (ki18n ("Prasenjit Kapat"), ki18n ("Many plugins, suggestions, plot history feature"));
	aboutData.addAuthor (ki18n ("Meik Michalke"), ki18n ("Many plugins, suggestions, rkwarddev package"));
	aboutData.addAuthor (ki18n ("Stefan Roediger"), ki18n ("Many plugins, suggestions, marketing, translations"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Contributors in alphabetical order"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Björn Balazs"), ki18n ("Extensive usability feedback"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Aaron Batty"), ki18n ("Whealth of feedback, hardware donations"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Jan Dittrich"), ki18n ("Extensive usability feedback"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Philippe Grosjean"), ki18n ("Several helpful comments and discussions"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Adrien d'Hardemare"), ki18n ("Plugins and patches"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Yves Jacolin"), ki18n ("New website"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Germán Márquez Mejía"), ki18n ("HP filter plugin, spanish translation"), 0);
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Marco Martin"), ki18n ("A cool icon"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Daniele Medri"), ki18n ("RKWard logo, many suggestions, help on wording"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("David Sibai"), ki18n ("Several valuable comments, hints and patches"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Ilias Soumpasis"), ki18n ("Translation, Suggestions, plugins"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Ralf Tautenhahn"), ki18n ("Many comments, useful suggestions, and bug reports"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Jannis Vajen"), ki18n ("German Translation, bug reports"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Roland Vollgraf"), ki18n ("Some patches"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Roy Qu"), ki18n ("patches and helpful comments"));
	aboutData.addCredit (ki18n ("Many more people on [email protected]"), ki18n ("Sorry, if we forgot to list you. Please contact us to get added"));

	// before initializing the commandline args, remove the ".bin" from "rkward.bin".
	// This is so it prints "Usage rkward..." instead of "Usage rkward.bin...", etc.
	// it seems safest to keep a copy, since the shell still owns argv
	char *argv_copy[argc];
	argv_copy[0] = qstrdup (QString (argv[0]).remove (".frontend").replace (".exe", ".bat").toLocal8Bit ());
	for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
		argv_copy[i] = argv[i];
	KCmdLineArgs::init (argc, argv_copy, &aboutData);
	KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options ); // Add our own options.

	KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
	RK_Debug_Level = DL_FATAL - QString (args->getOption ("debug-level")).toInt ();
	RK_Debug_Flags = QString (args->getOption ("debug-flags")).toInt ();
	if (!args->getOption ("debugger").isEmpty ()) {
		RK_DEBUG (DEBUG_ALL, DL_ERROR, "--debugger option should have been handled by wrapper script. Ignoring.");

	if (args->count ()) {
		QStringList urls_to_open;
		for (int i = 0; i < args->count (); ++i) {
			urls_to_open.append (KCmdLineArgs::makeURL (decodeArgument (args->arg (i)).toUtf8 ()).url ());
		RKGlobals::startup_options["initial_urls"] = urls_to_open;
		RKGlobals::startup_options["warn_external"] = args->isSet ("warn-external");
	RKGlobals::startup_options["evaluate"] = decodeArgument (args->getOption ("evaluate"));
	RKGlobals::startup_options["backend-debugger"] = decodeArgument (args->getOption ("backend-debugger"));

	RKWardApplication app;
	// No, I do not really understand the point of separating KDE_LANG from LANGUAGE. We do honor it in so far as not
	// forcing LANGUAGE on the backend, though. Having language as LANGUAGE makes code in RKMessageCatalog much easier compared to KCatalog.
	qputenv ("LANGUAGE", QFile::encodeName (KGlobal::locale ()->language ()));
	// install message handler *after* the componentData has been initialized
	RKSettingsModuleDebug::debug_file = new QTemporaryFile (QDir::tempPath () + "/rkward.frontend");
	RKSettingsModuleDebug::debug_file->setAutoRemove (false);
	if (RKSettingsModuleDebug::debug_file->open ()) {
		RK_DEBUG (APP, DL_INFO, "Full debug output is at %s", qPrintable (RKSettingsModuleDebug::debug_file->fileName ()));
		qInstallMsgHandler (RKDebugMessageOutput);

	if (app.isSessionRestored ()) {
		RESTORE(RKWardMainWindow);	// well, whatever this is supposed to do -> TODO
	} else {
		new RKWardMainWindow ();

	// Usually, KDE always adds the current directory to the list of prefixes.
	// However, since RKWard 0.5.6, the main binary is in KDE's libexec dir, which defies this mechanism. Therefore, RKWARD_ENSURE_PREFIX is set from the wrapper script.
	char *add_path = getenv ("RKWARD_ENSURE_PREFIX");
	if (add_path) KGlobal::dirs ()->addPrefix (QString::fromLocal8Bit (add_path));

	// do it!
	int status = app.exec ();

	qInstallMsgHandler (0);
	RKSettingsModuleDebug::debug_file->close ();

	return status;