Пример #1
void RPCHandlerIntermediary::down(MessageContext * context)
throw (IntermediaryException,ResponseException) {

    // Get Qualifier
    string qualifier = context->getMessage()->getQualifier();

    // No Qualifier -> fail
    if (qualifier.length()==0) {

        stringstream ss;
        ss << "The input message did not have a qualifier. This is required to find a handler factory";

        Logging::getLogger("wsb.libremote.intermediary.rpchandler")->errorStream() << ss.str();

        throw ss.str();

    // No Matching Factory -> fail
    else if (this->handlerFactories.count(qualifier)==0) {

        stringstream ss;
        ss << "The input qualifier has no registered Factory. This is required to handle the message";

        Logging::getLogger("wsb.libremote.intermediary.rpchandler")->errorStream() << ss.str();

        throw ss.str();


    // There is a Factory -> Proceed
    RPCHandlerFactory * factory = this->handlerFactories[qualifier];

    //-- Instanciate handler
    RPCHandler *  handler = factory->newInstance(context);

    Message * response = handler->handle(context);

    // If there is a response -> trigger
    if (response != NULL) {
        throw ResponseException(response);

// ==========================================================================
// METHOD RPCRequestHandler::run
// ==========================================================================
int RPCRequestHandler::run (string &uri, string &postbody, value &inhdr,
                 		    string &out, value &outhdr, value &env,
                		    tcpsocket &s)
		DEBUG.storeFile ("RPCRequestHandler","postbody", postbody, "run");
		CORE->log (log::debug, "RPC", "handle: %S %!" %format (uri, inhdr));
		value indata;
		value res;
		string origin = "rpc";
		uid_t uid = 0;
		RPCHandler hdl (sdb);
		indata.fromjson (postbody);
		if (inhdr.exists ("X-OpenCORE-Origin"))
			origin = inhdr["X-OpenCORE-Origin"];
		CORE->log (log::debug, "RPC", "body: %!" %format (indata));
		// Set up credentials if available
		CORE->log (log::debug, "RPC", "credentials: %d %d %d", s.peer_uid,
														s.peer_gid, s.peer_pid);
		if (s.peer_pid == 0)
			string peer_name = s.peer_name;
			if (peer_name == "")
				if (inhdr.exists ("X-Forwarded-For"))
					peer_name = inhdr["X-Forwarded-For"];
			if (origin.strchr ('/') >0) origin = origin.cutat ('/');
			if (! origin) origin = "RPC";

			origin.strcat ("/src=%s" %format (peer_name));
			env["ip"] = s.peer_name = peer_name;

		if (indata.exists ("header") && indata["header"].exists ("command"))
			uri.strcat ("/%s" %format (indata["header"]["command"]));
		res = hdl.handle (indata, s.peer_uid, origin);	
		out = res.tojson ();
		if (inhdr.exists ("Accept-Encoding"))
			string ae = inhdr["Accept-Encoding"];
			if (ae.strstr ("deflate") >= 0)
				unsigned long reslen = (out.strlen() * 1.05) + 12;
				char buf[reslen];
				if (compress2 ((Bytef*) buf, &reslen,
							   (const Bytef*) out.str(), out.strlen(), 4) == Z_OK)
					outhdr["Content-Encoding"] = "deflate";
					out.strcpy (buf+2, reslen-2);
					log::write (log::warning, "RPC", "Compress error");
		outhdr["Content-type"] = "application/json";
	catch (...)
		log::write (log::error, "RPC", "Exception caught");
	return HTTP_OK;