// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MakeSortingItemsL // Add/Make items to sorting item array and undefined items to // undefined item array // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void MakeSortingItemsL( RArray<TCLFSortingItem>& aSortingItemArray, RPointerArray<MCLFItem>& aUndefinedItemArray, const TArray<MCLFItem*>& aItemArray, const TArray<TCLFFieldId> aSortFields, TCLFItemDataType aSortingDataType ) { const TInt sortingFieldsCount( aSortFields.Count() ); const TInt count( aItemArray.Count() ); for( TInt i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i ) { MCLFItem* seItem = aItemArray[i]; TCLFSortingItem sortingItem; TInt fieldIdIndex( -1 ); TInt error( KErrNone ); do { ++fieldIdIndex; TCLFFieldId fieldId( aSortFields[fieldIdIndex] ); switch( aSortingDataType ) { case ECLFItemDataTypeDesC: { error = seItem->GetField( fieldId, sortingItem.iData ); break; } case ECLFItemDataTypeTInt32: { error = seItem->GetField( fieldId, sortingItem.iIntData ); break; } case ECLFItemDataTypeTTime: default: { error = seItem->GetField( fieldId, sortingItem.iTimeData ); break; } } } while( ( error != KErrNone ) && ( fieldIdIndex < ( sortingFieldsCount - 1 ) ) ); if( error == KErrNone ) { sortingItem.iItem = seItem; aSortingItemArray.AppendL( sortingItem ); } else { // field not found -> undefined item aUndefinedItemArray.AppendL( seItem ); } } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CPIMAgnListAdapter::FetchNativeEntryL // Fetches an entry according to a PIM item id. // Returns: A calendar entry. // The ownership of the item is transferred to the caller. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CCalEntry* CPIMAgnListAdapter::FetchNativeEntryL(TPIMItemID aItemId, CCalEntry::TType aEntryType) { JELOG2(EPim); EnsureOpenSessionL(); __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aItemId != KPIMNullItemID, User::Leave(KErrArgument)); RPointerArray<CCalEntry> entryArray; CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(entryArray); iCalEntryView->FetchL(aItemId, entryArray); // Only one entry should be returned. NOTE that if there is no items // in the fetched array it means that the item might have been removed // so, we MUST NOT panic here as we did previously... __ASSERT_ALWAYS(entryArray.Count() > 0 && entryArray[0]->EntryTypeL() == aEntryType, User::Leave(KErrNotFound)); CCalEntry* entry = entryArray[0]; // Take the ownership of the first item. Child instances are simply ignored entryArray.Remove(0); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&entryArray); return entry; }
EXPORT_C HBufC8* CEnvironment::ExternalizeLC() const { WaitLC(); LtkUtils::RLtkBuf8 buf; CleanupClosePushL(buf); TDesWrite desWrite(buf); RPointerArray<HBufC> keys; LtkUtils::CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(keys); GetKeysL(keys); desWrite.WriteL(keys.Count()); for (TInt i = 0; i < keys.Count(); i++) { desWrite.WriteL(*keys[i]); desWrite.WriteL(GetAsDes(*keys[i])); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&keys); CleanupStack::Pop(&buf); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Release lock HBufC8* res = buf.ToHBuf(); CleanupStack::PushL(res); return res; }
void CIdWsfDsQueryResponse::GetAllServicesL( RPointerArray<CIdWsfServiceInstance>& aDest ) { // Return all CIdWsfServiceInstance's for (TInt i = 0; i < iResourceOfferings.Count(); i++) { RPointerArray<CIdWsfServiceInstance>& services = iResourceOfferings[i]->ServicesL(); for (TInt j = 0; j < services.Count(); j++) { User::LeaveIfError(aDest.Append(services[j])); } } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TInt CEmailFolder::GetSubfoldersL( RFolderArray& aSubfolders ) const { User::LeaveIfNull( iFolder ); RPointerArray<CFSMailFolder> folders; CleanupResetAndDestroy<RPointerArray<CFSMailFolder> >::PushL( folders ); iFolder->GetSubFoldersL( folders ); TInt res( folders.Count() ); for ( TInt i = 0; i < res; i++ ) { const CFSMailFolder* fsfolder = folders[i]; const TEntryId id = fsfolder->GetFolderId().Id(); const TFolderId folderId( id, iFolderId.iMailboxId.iId ); MEmailFolder* folder = CEmailFolder::NewL( iPluginData, folderId, folders[i] ); aSubfolders.AppendL( folder ); } CleanupStack::Pop( &folders ); folders.Close(); return res; }
TInt CTestHistoryLog::AddNewPushMsgAndTaskEntryL( CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/ ) { TInt arrayCount = iHistoryArray->Count() + 1; CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg * entry = CSyncMLHistoryPushMsg::NewL(); CleanupStack::PushL(entry); CSmlAlertInfo* info = CSmlAlertInfo::NewLC(); info->TaskIds().Append(1); info->TaskIds().Append(KTwo); info->TaskSyncTypes().Append( (TSmlSyncType)0); info->TaskSyncTypes().Append( (TSmlSyncType)1); RPointerArray<CSmlAlertInfo> alertInfoArray; CleanupClosePushL(alertInfoArray); alertInfoArray.Append(info); entry->AddAlertsL(alertInfoArray); iHistoryArray->AppendEntryL(entry); //Given KOne constant in the below line just to pop one item //and not given 'alertInfoArray' as PushL doesnot take that CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(KOne); //alertInfoArray CleanupStack::Pop(info); TL(iHistoryArray->Count() == arrayCount); if (iOwnerShip) { CleanupStack::Pop(entry); } else { CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry); } return KErrNone; }
TInt CSenPropertiesElement::ValueTokensL(const TDesC8& aDelimiter, RPointerArray<TPtrC8>& aTokens) { TPtrC8 content = this->Content(); TInt delim = content.Find(aDelimiter); while ( delim != KErrNotFound ) { TPtrC8* piece = new (ELeave) TPtrC8(); piece->Set(content.Mid(0,delim)); aTokens.Append(piece); content.Set(content.Mid(delim+aDelimiter.Length(), content.Length()-(delim+aDelimiter.Length()))); delim = content.Find(aDelimiter); } if(!(this->Content()!=KNullDesC8 && content==KNullDesC8)) { // If this property does NOT zero-length content // and the "last" (or first) token is KNullDesC8 // it means that the string ends with delimiter; // Therefore, KNullDesC8 must NOT be added as a // result of "tailing delimiter". // Add all other tokens here; even KNullDesC8 // gets added, if it is eiher first or TPtrC8* token = new (ELeave) TPtrC8(); token->Set(content); aTokens.Append(token); } if (aTokens.Count() == 0) { return KErrNotFound; } return KErrNone; }
TCalLocalUid CDstIntUtils::ImportVCalL(RFs& aFs, CCalSession& aSession, CCalEntryView& aEntryView, const TDesC& aFileName) { RFileReadStream readStream; User::LeaveIfError(readStream.Open(aFs, aFileName, EFileRead)); CleanupClosePushL(readStream); // Create ptr array for new entries RPointerArray<CCalEntry> entryArray; CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(ResetAndDestroyArrayOfEntries, &entryArray)); CCalDataExchange* dataExchange = CCalDataExchange::NewL(aSession); CleanupStack::PushL(dataExchange); dataExchange->ImportL(KUidVCalendar, readStream, entryArray); TInt elements = entryArray.Count(); TCalLocalUid id = 0; if(elements > 0) { CCalEntry* entry = entryArray[0]; // add the first entry only while (entryArray.Count() > 1) { delete entryArray[1]; entryArray.Remove(1); } TInt success = 0; aEntryView.StoreL(entryArray, success); id = entryArray[0]->LocalUidL(); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(dataExchange); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ResetAndDestroyArrayOfEntries(entryArray) CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // readStream.Close() return id; }
/** list all the child part to this part /note This method leaves with KErrNotSupported if it is NOT multi-part. */ EXPORT_C void CMsgStoreMessagePart::ChildPartsL( RPointerArray<CMsgStoreMessagePart>& aParts ) { TPartsArray partsArray( iContext, iMailBoxId, aParts ); iContext.iSession.ChildrenPropertiesL( iId, // aId iParentId, // aParentId EMsgStorePartBits, // aContainerType EFalse, // aQuickProperties EFalse, // aRecursive partsArray ); // make sure body come before attachments TInt count = aParts.Count(); if ( count > 1 ) { for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < count; i++ ) { CMsgStoreMessagePart* part = aParts[i]; TUint index = 0; if ( part->FindProperty( KMsgStorePropertyContentType, index ) ) { const TDesC& contentType = part->PropertyValueDesL( index ); if ( contentType == KFSMailContentTypeMultipartAlternative ) { if( i > 0 ) { //body is not the first child, move it to the first place aParts.Remove(i); aParts.InsertL( part, 0 ); } break; } } } } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CMceSdpCodec::Direction // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TInt CMceSdpCodec::Direction( CSdpMediaField& aMedia, RPointerArray<CSdpAttributeField>& aSessionAttributes ) const { TInt direction = KErrNotFound; TInt index = 0; // look for the direction attribute, go through all attribute fields. while( direction == KErrNotFound && index < aSessionAttributes.Count() ) { RStringF attribute = aSessionAttributes[index++]->Attribute(); if ( attribute == SDP_STRING( SdpCodecStringConstants::EAttributeSendonly ) || attribute == SDP_STRING( SdpCodecStringConstants::EAttributeRecvonly ) || attribute == SDP_STRING( SdpCodecStringConstants::EAttributeInactive ) || attribute == SDP_STRING( SdpCodecStringConstants::EAttributeSendrecv ) ) { // downlink direction = attribute.Index( *iStringTable ); } } if ( direction == KErrNotFound ) { index = 0; RPointerArray<CSdpAttributeField>& attrfields = aMedia.AttributeFields(); // look for the direction attribute, go through all attribute fields. if not // found then use the default sendrcv while( direction == KErrNotFound && index < attrfields.Count() ) { RStringF attribute = attrfields[index++]->Attribute(); if ( attribute == SDP_STRING( SdpCodecStringConstants::EAttributeSendonly ) || attribute == SDP_STRING( SdpCodecStringConstants::EAttributeRecvonly ) || attribute == SDP_STRING( SdpCodecStringConstants::EAttributeInactive ) || attribute == SDP_STRING( SdpCodecStringConstants::EAttributeSendrecv ) ) { // downlink direction = attribute.Index( *iStringTable ); } } } return direction; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAccPolAudioUnitBase::GetAudioControlsL // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C TBool CAccPolAudioUnitBase::GetPreviousAudioUnitL( CAccPolAudioUnitBase*& aAudioUnit ) const { API_TRACE_( "[AccFW: ACCPOLAUDIODEVICETOPOLOGY] CAccPolAudioUnitBase::GetPreviousAudioUnitL() - Enter" ); TBool bFound = EFalse; RPointerArray<CAccPolAudioUnitBase> audioUnits; reinterpret_cast<CAccPolAudioTopologyObjectCon*> ( iObjectContainer )->GetAudioUnitsL( audioUnits ); TInt count = audioUnits.Count(); aAudioUnit = NULL; for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if( PreviousUnitId() == audioUnits.operator[]( i )->UnitId() ) { aAudioUnit = audioUnits.operator[]( i ); bFound = ETrue; break; } } API_TRACE_1( "[AccFW: ACCPOLAUDIODEVICETOPOLOGY] CAccPolAudioUnitBase::GetPreviousAudioUnitL() - Return=%d", bFound ); return bFound; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CSifUiTest::GetTestCasesL() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TInt CSifUiTest::GetTestCasesL( const TFileName& /*aConfig*/, RPointerArray<TTestCaseInfo>& aTestCases ) { for( TInt index = 0; Case( index ).iMethod != NULL; ++index ) { TTestCaseInfo* newCase = new( ELeave ) TTestCaseInfo(); CleanupStack::PushL( newCase ); newCase->iCaseNumber = index; newCase->iTitle.Copy( Case(index).iCaseName ); aTestCases.AppendL( newCase ); CleanupStack::Pop( newCase ); } return KErrNone; }
TBool CTzUserDataTest::CompareArray(const RPointerArray<CTzId>& aIds1, const RPointerArray<CTzId>& aIds2) { TInt count1 = aIds1.Count(); TInt count2 = aIds2.Count(); test(count1 == count2); TBool isEqual = ETrue; TInt ii=0; while(ii<count1 && isEqual) { isEqual = EFalse; for (TInt jj=0; jj<count2; ++jj) { if(aIds1[ii]==aIds2[jj]) { isEqual = ETrue; break; } } ++ii; } return isEqual; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TPresCondIdentityMany::GetIdentitiesFromManyExceptL() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C TInt TPresCondIdentityMany::GetIdentitiesFromManyExceptL(const TDesC& aRuleID, CDesCArray& aIds, const TDesC& aDomain) { OPENG_DP(D_OPENG_LIT( "TPresCondIdentityMany::GetIdentitiesFromManyExceptL()" ) ); OPENG_DP(D_OPENG_LIT( " aRuleID:%S,aDomain:%S"),&aRuleID, &aDomain); TInt ret(KErrNotFound); RPointerArray<CXdmDocumentNode> nodes; CXdmNodeAttribute* attrId(NULL); CXdmDocumentNode* manyNode = GetManyNodeL(aRuleID, EFalse, aDomain); if(manyNode!=NULL) { TInt err = manyNode->Find(KXdmExcept, nodes); TInt exceptNodeCount = nodes.Count(); // go through all 'except' nodes for(TInt i=0; i<exceptNodeCount; i++) { attrId = (nodes[i])->Attribute(KXdmId); // for now we are supposing that except has only 1 id if(attrId!=NULL) { aIds.AppendL(attrId->AttributeValue()); } attrId = NULL; } ret = KErrNone; } OPENG_DP(D_OPENG_LIT( " return: %d"),ret); nodes.Close(); return ret; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // CPreviouslyInstalledAppsCache::UpdateAllL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CPreviouslyInstalledAppsCache::UpdateAllL() { FLOG( _L("Daemon: CPreviouslyInstalledAppsCache::UpdateAllL ") ); RThread ourThread; // nb. Default constructor gives handle to current thread. if( !ourThread.HasCapability(ECapabilityReadUserData, 0) ) { // Have not got ReadUserData - if we try and enumerate package // UIDs the registry server will panic us! User::Leave(KErrAccessDenied); } ourThread.Close(); // Let's use SisRegistry in this case since in SCR there is no // simple way to retriev sisx pacakge UIDs in one call. RSisRegistrySession registrySession; User::LeaveIfError( registrySession.Connect() ); CleanupClosePushL( registrySession ); RPointerArray<CSisRegistryPackage> packages; registrySession.InstalledPackagesL( packages ); CleanupResetAndDestroy< RPointerArray<CSisRegistryPackage> >::PushL( packages ); for ( TInt i = 0; i < packages.Count(); ++i ) { (void)iPrevPkgUids.InsertInSignedKeyOrder( packages[i]->Uid() ); FLOG_1( _L("Daemon: UpdateAllL: Add UID = 0x%x"), packages[i]->Uid().iUid ); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &packages ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ®istrySession ); }
// ------------------------------------------------ // NotifyRelationPresent // ------------------------------------------------ // void CMdSNotifier::NotifyRelationPresent(TBool aPresent, const RArray<TItemId>& aRelationIds) { if (aRelationIds.Count() == 0) { return; } for( TInt i = iEntries.Count() - 1; i >=0; i-- ) { TEntry& e = iEntries[i]; // No condition matching, relation present changes // are always notified to relation present observers if( e.iType & ( ERelationNotifyPresent | ERelationNotifyNotPresent ) ) { const TMdSObserverNotificationType relationState = aPresent ? ERelationNotifyPresent : ERelationNotifyNotPresent; RPointerArray<HBufC> nullArray; // For when uris are not needed if( e.IsPending() ) { // match found. trigger notifier entry ! TRAPD( err, e.TriggerL( relationState, aRelationIds, nullArray ) ); if( err != KErrNone ) { e.TriggerError( err ); } } else { TRAP_IGNORE( e.CacheL( relationState, aRelationIds, nullArray ) ); } nullArray.Close(); } } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUpnpDevice::ConstructL // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CUpnpDevice::ConstructL( const TUpnpDevice* aDevice, const RPointerArray<TUpnpService>& aServices ) { Init(); if ( aDevice ) { iUUID = aDevice->iUUID.AllocL(); iDeviceType = aDevice->iDeviceType.AllocL(); iDescriptionURL = aDevice->iDescriptionURL.AllocL(); iDomain = aDevice->iDomain.AllocL(); iExpired = aDevice->iExpired; iAlive = aDevice->iAlive; if ( aDevice->iLocal ) { iNetworkType = ELocalDevice; } else if ( aDevice->iRemote ) { iNetworkType = ERemoteDevice; } else { iNetworkType = EHomeNetwork; } iServiceTypes = new (ELeave) CDesC8ArrayFlat( aServices.Count() == 0 ? 1 : aServices.Count() ); for ( TInt i = 0; i < aServices.Count(); i++ ) { iServiceTypes->AppendL( aServices[i]->iServiceType ); } } }
/* * Filter the results from ContactsMatchingCriteria/ContactsMatchingPrefix * removing contacts which are not in the current filtered view */ void CContactFilteredView::FilterResultsArray(RPointerArray<CViewContact>& aMatchedContacts) { TInt counter = 0; CViewContact* contactPtr; TContactIdWithMapping contactIdWithMapping; TInt max = aMatchedContacts.Count(); // for each returned CContactFilteredView, check to // make sure that it is a contact which exists in // our list. // our list : iFilteredIdArray // list to export is : aMatchedContacts while (counter < max) { contactPtr = aMatchedContacts[counter]; contactIdWithMapping.iId = contactPtr->Id(); // if the contact does not exist in our filtered list, then if ( iFilteredIdArray.Find(contactIdWithMapping, CompareMappings) == KErrNotFound ) { // remove it from our list aMatchedContacts.Remove(counter); // does not delete pointer delete contactPtr; // we've removed an item from the array // this means that the item above, will drop to fill the hole left by // the item we've deleted. // so there is no need to increment the counter, but we do need to // decrement the max number of contacts we're parsing. max--; } else { counter++; } } }
void CDrmFileContainer::ListAllContentL(RPointerArray <CDrmFileContent>& aContentArray) { TInt i; // add content from this container for(i = 0; i < iContents.Count(); i++) { User::LeaveIfError(aContentArray.Append(iContents[i])); } // traverse embedded containers for(i = 0; i < iContainers.Count(); i++) { iContainers[i]->ListAllContentL(aContentArray); } }
void TServerStartupManager_StateAccessor::SetStateAwareObjectsState (CServerStartupMgr& aServerStartupMgr, TInt32 aState) { int i; const RPointerArray<MStartupStateObserver> observerList = aServerStartupMgr.iObserverList; for(i=0; i<observerList.Count(); i++) { CStartupStateObserver* observerObject = static_cast<CStartupStateObserver*>(observerList[i]); observerObject->SetState((CStartupStateObserver::TSsoState)aState); } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CSIPSecTlsPlugin::ProcessSecurityVerifyL // After the framework has chosen security mechanism. it calls this function of // the selected mechanism for all outgoing requests using the security // agreement. // Check that both Security-Server and Security-Verify header exist for this // mechanism. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CSIPSecTlsPlugin::ProcessSecurityVerifyL( TSIPTransportParams& aTransportParams, CSIPRequest& /*aRequest*/, TInetAddr& aNextHop, const CUri8& /*aRemoteTarget*/, const TDesC8& /*aOutboundProxy*/, MSIPSecUser* aUser, TRegistrationId /*aRegistrationId*/, RPointerArray<CSIPSecurityServerHeader>& aSecurityServer, RPointerArray<CSIPSecurityVerifyHeader>& aSecurityVerify ) { __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aUser, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) ); TInt i = 0; CSIPSecurityServerHeader* secServer = NULL; for ( i = 0; i < aSecurityServer.Count() && !secServer; ++i ) { if ( aSecurityServer[i]->MechanismName().CompareF( Name() ) == 0 ) { secServer = aSecurityServer[i]; } } __ASSERT_ALWAYS( secServer, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) ); CSIPSecurityVerifyHeader* secVerify = NULL; for ( i = 0; i < aSecurityVerify.Count() && !secVerify; ++i ) { if ( aSecurityVerify[i]->MechanismName().CompareF( Name() ) == 0 ) { secVerify = aSecurityVerify[i]; } } __ASSERT_ALWAYS( secVerify, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) ); ProcessRequestL( aTransportParams, aNextHop, *aUser ); }
/** * This function manages the creation of uninstallation tree where each node * corresponds to a package which may be uninstalled. * * @param aRootNode Root package to be uninstalled. */ void CPlanner::CreateUninstallationTreeL(CUninstallationNode& aRootNode) { RPointerArray<CUninstallationNode> unprocessedTreeNodes; CleanupClosePushL(unprocessedTreeNodes); CUninstallationNode* currentNode = &aRootNode; // PlannedPackages is used to avoid duplicate node in the uninstallation // tree. RPointerArray<CSisRegistryPackage> plannedPackages; CleanupResetAndDestroy<RPointerArray<CSisRegistryPackage> >::PushL(plannedPackages); // Add the root node in the planned packages, so that it is not added again (as a node in the tree) // in case of a cyclic dependency. CSisRegistryPackage* rootPackage = CSisRegistryPackage::NewL(currentNode->PackageL()); plannedPackages.AppendL(rootPackage); while(ETrue) { // plannedPackages is used to avoid creation of duplicate nodes in the tree CreateChildNodesL(*currentNode, plannedPackages); // After processing currentNode its child nodes should be processed. // Therefore append child nodes of currentNode to unprocessedTreeNodes AppendArrayL(unprocessedTreeNodes, currentNode->ChildNodes()); TInt index = unprocessedTreeNodes.Count() - 1; if(index < 0) { break; } // Here we are processing the array from the end to make it a "Depth First Search" currentNode = unprocessedTreeNodes[index]; unprocessedTreeNodes.Remove(index); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&plannedPackages); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&unprocessedTreeNodes); }
void CMultiThreadTestApp::SynchEntryL(CCalEntryView& aView) { FetchEntryL(aView, iEntries); if(iEntries.Count()>0) { _LIT(KExportFile,"Multithread_export"); RFile outFile; TestRegister().CreateTempFileLC(outFile, KExportFile); RFileWriteStream writeStream(outFile); CleanupClosePushL(writeStream); DataExchangeL().ExportAsyncL(KUidVCalendar, writeStream, iEntries, *this); CActiveScheduler::Start(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &outFile); // outFile.Close(), writeStream.Close() } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAccPolAudioUnitBase::GetAudioControlsL // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C void CAccPolAudioUnitBase::GetAudioControlsL( TUint32 aChannel, RPointerArray<CAccPolAudioControlBase>& aAudioControls ) const { API_TRACE_1( "[AccFW: ACCPOLAUDIODEVICETOPOLOGY] CAccPolAudioUnitBase::GetAudioControlsL() - Channel number=%d", aChannel ); TInt count = iAudioControls.Count(); API_TRACE_1( "[AccFW: ACCPOLICY] CAccPolAudioUnitBase::GetAudioControlsL() - count=%d", count ); for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if( iAudioControls.operator[]( i )->Channel() == aChannel ) { aAudioControls.AppendL( iAudioControls.operator[]( i ) ); } } API_TRACE_( "[AccFW: ACCPOLAUDIODEVICETOPOLOGY] CAccPolAudioUnitBase::GetAudioControlL() Return" ); }
void CRhodesAppView::DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane) { if (iBrCtlInterface && aResourceId == R_MENUBAR ) { iBrCtlInterface->AddOptionMenuItemsL(*aMenuPane, aResourceId); RPointerArray<TBrCtlWmlServiceOption>* options; options = iBrCtlInterface->WMLOptionMenuItemsL(); TInt i; TInt count = options->Count(); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { TBrCtlWmlServiceOption* option = (*options)[i]; if (option != NULL) { CEikMenuPaneItem::SData item; item.iText.Copy(option->Text()); item.iCommandId = option->ElemID(); item.iFlags = 0; item.iCascadeId = 0; aMenuPane->InsertMenuItemL(item, 0); } } } }
void CmsUtils::AddCertificateL(RPointerArray<CCmsCertificateChoice>& aCertList, const CX509Certificate& aCert) { TInt found(EFalse); TInt count=aCertList.Count(); for (TInt i=0;i<count;i++) { if (aCertList[i]->CertificateType()==CCmsCertificateChoice::ECertificateX509 && aCert.IsEqualL(aCertList[i]->Certificate())) { found=ETrue; break; } } if (!found) { CCmsCertificateChoice* cert=CCmsCertificateChoice::NewL(aCert); CleanupStack::PushL(cert); aCertList.AppendL(cert); CleanupStack::Pop(cert); } }
void CCalAlarmAttachTest::TestDeleteAlarmWithAlarmContentL() { test.Printf(_L("Test deleting alarm from an entry \n")); _LIT8(KEntryUidDeleteAlarm, "DeleteAlarmUid"); CCalAlarm* alarm = StoreEntryWithAlarmContentLC(KEntryUidDeleteAlarm()); RPointerArray<CCalEntry> entries; CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(entries); //Update the entry by deleting its alarm iTestLib->SynCGetEntryViewL().FetchL(KEntryUidDeleteAlarm(), entries); CCalEntry* entry = entries[0]; entry->SetAlarmL(NULL); TInt entriesStored = 0; iTestLib->SynCGetEntryViewL().StoreL(entries, entriesStored); //Update the entry by adding an alarm but without alarm content entries.ResetAndDestroy(); iTestLib->SynCGetEntryViewL().FetchL(KEntryUidDeleteAlarm(), entries); alarm->SetAlarmAction(NULL); entry = entries[0]; entry->SetAlarmL(alarm); iTestLib->SynCGetEntryViewL().StoreL(entries, entriesStored); entries.ResetAndDestroy(); //Fetch the entry and test the entry has an alarm but not alarm content iTestLib->SynCGetEntryViewL().FetchL(KEntryUidDeleteAlarm(), entries); CCalAlarm* almEntry = entries[0]->AlarmL(); CleanupStack::PushL(almEntry); test( almEntry != NULL ); CCalContent* alarmcontent = almEntry->AlarmAction(); test( alarmcontent == NULL ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(almEntry); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&entries); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(alarm); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MceSip::FindHeadersL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void MceSip::FindHeadersL( const CSIPMessageElements& aMessage, RStringF aHeaderName, RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>& aHeaders ) { const RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>& headers = aMessage.UserHeaders(); CSIPHeaderBase* header = NULL; for ( TInt i=0; i < headers.Count(); i++ ) { header = headers[i]; if ( header->Name() == aHeaderName ) { aHeaders.AppendL( header ); } } }
// ========================================================================== // FUNCTION: FetchPropertiesL // ========================================================================== EXPORT_C void CMsgStoreMailBox::FetchPropertiesL( const RArray<TMsgStoreId>& aIds, const RPointerArray<TDesC8>& aPropertyNames, RPointerArray<CMsgStorePropertyContainer>& aProperties ) { if( aIds.Count() == 0 || aPropertyNames.Count() == 0 ) { __LOG_STATIC_ENTER( "MsgClient", "FetchPropertiesL" ) __LOG_WRITE_ERROR( "empty input array" ) __LOG_STATIC_EXIT User::Leave( KErrArgument ); } // end if TMsgStorePropertyContainersArray containersArray( aProperties ); iContext.iSession.PropertiesL( aIds, aPropertyNames, containersArray ); } // end FetchPropertiesL
/** Checks the start, end and time of an entry @param aFetchInstanceArray Array of instances @test */ void CTestCalInterimApiTZChange::CheckEntryTimesL(RPointerArray<CCalInstance>& aFetchInstanceArray) { CCalEntry& entry = aFetchInstanceArray[0]->Entry(); const TDesC8& entryUid = entry.UidL(); for ( TInt index = 0; index < aFetchInstanceArray.Count(); index++ ) { const TDesC8& entryUid1 = aFetchInstanceArray[index]->Entry().UidL(); TESTL(!entryUid.Compare(entryUid1)); } GetEntryDataFromIniFileL(); TDateTime startTime; TDateTime endTime; if (iIsFloating) { startTime = entry.StartTimeL().TimeLocalL().DateTime(); INFO_PRINTF7(_L("Entry Start Date Year: %d, Month: %d, Day: %d, Imported Time Hr: %d, Min: %d, Sec: %d "), startTime.Year(), startTime.Month(), startTime.Day(), startTime.Hour(), startTime.Minute(), startTime.Second()); TESTL(FormatDateTime(iPtrExpectedEntryStart) == entry.StartTimeL().TimeLocalL()); endTime = entry.EndTimeL().TimeLocalL().DateTime(); INFO_PRINTF7(_L("Entry End Date Year: %d, Month: %d, Day: %d, Imported Time Hr: %d, Min: %d, Sec: %d "), endTime.Year(), endTime.Month(), endTime.Day(), endTime.Hour(), endTime.Minute(), endTime.Second()); TESTL(FormatDateTime(iPtrExpectedEntryEnd) == entry.EndTimeL().TimeLocalL()); TESTL(entry.StartTimeL().TimeMode() == TCalTime::EFloating); TESTL(entry.EndTimeL().TimeMode() == TCalTime::EFloating); } else { startTime = entry.StartTimeL().TimeUtcL().DateTime(); INFO_PRINTF7(_L("Entry Start Date Year: %d, Month: %d, Day: %d, Imported Time Hr: %d, Min: %d, Sec: %d "), startTime.Year(), startTime.Month(), startTime.Day(), startTime.Hour(), startTime.Minute(), startTime.Second()); TESTL(FormatDateTime(iPtrExpectedEntryStart) == entry.StartTimeL().TimeUtcL()); endTime = entry.EndTimeL().TimeUtcL().DateTime(); INFO_PRINTF7(_L("Entry End Date Year: %d, Month: %d, Day: %d, Imported Time Hr: %d, Min: %d, Sec: %d "), endTime.Year(), endTime.Month(), endTime.Day(), endTime.Hour(), endTime.Minute(), endTime.Second()); TESTL(FormatDateTime(iPtrExpectedEntryEnd) == entry.EndTimeL().TimeUtcL()); TESTL(entry.StartTimeL().TimeMode() == TCalTime::EFixedUtc); TESTL(entry.EndTimeL().TimeMode() == TCalTime::EFixedUtc); } INFO_PRINTF1(KEntryTimesCorrect); CCalAlarm* alarm1 = entry.AlarmL(); TESTL(alarm1->TimeOffset().Int() == iIntAlarmOffset); delete alarm1; INFO_PRINTF1(KAlarmOffsetTZ); }