Пример #1
bool IniFile::WriteFile( const CString &sPath )
	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open( sPath, RageFile::WRITE ) )
		LOG->Trace( "Writing '%s' failed: %s", sPath.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() );
		m_sError = f.GetError();
		return false;

	for( keymap::const_iterator k = keys.begin(); k != keys.end(); ++k )
		if (k->second.empty())

		if( f.PutLine( ssprintf("[%s]", k->first.c_str()) ) < 0 )
			m_sError = f.GetError();
			return false;

		for( key::const_iterator i = k->second.begin(); i != k->second.end(); ++i )
			f.PutLine( ssprintf("%s=%s", i->first.c_str(), i->second.c_str()) );

		if( f.PutLine( "" ) < 0 )
			m_sError = f.GetError();
			return false;
	return true;
Пример #2
static bool WriteDWINotesTag( RageFile &f, const Steps &out )
	if( out.GetDifficulty() == Difficulty_Edit )
		return false;	// not supported by DWI

	LOG->Trace( "Steps::WriteDWINotesTag" );

	switch( out.m_StepsType )
	case StepsType_dance_single:	f.Write( "#SINGLE:" );	break;
	case StepsType_dance_couple:	f.Write( "#COUPLE:" );	break;
	case StepsType_dance_double:	f.Write( "#DOUBLE:" );	break;
	case StepsType_dance_solo:	f.Write( "#SOLO:" );	break;
	default:	return false;	// not a type supported by DWI

	switch( out.GetDifficulty() )
	case Difficulty_Beginner:	f.Write( "BEGINNER:" ); break;
	case Difficulty_Easy:		f.Write( "BASIC:" );	break;
	case Difficulty_Medium:		f.Write( "ANOTHER:" );	break;
	case Difficulty_Hard:		f.Write( "MANIAC:" );	break;
	case Difficulty_Challenge:	f.Write( "SMANIAC:" );	break;
	default:	ASSERT(0);	return false;

	f.PutLine( ssprintf("%d:", out.GetMeter()) );
	return true;
Пример #3
bool XNode::SaveToFile( CString sFile, DISP_OPT *opt )
	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open(sFile, RageFile::WRITE) )
		LOG->Warn("Couldn't open %s for writing: %s", sFile.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;
	f.PutLine( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" );
	if( !opt->stylesheet.empty() )
		f.PutLine( "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"" + opt->stylesheet + "\"?>" );
	if( !this->GetXML(f, opt) )
		return false;
	if( f.Flush() == -1 )
		return false;
	return true;
Пример #4
bool NotesWriterSM::Write(CString sPath, const Song &out, bool bSavingCache)
	/* Flush dir cache when writing steps, so the old size isn't cached. */
	FILEMAN->FlushDirCache( Dirname(sPath) );

	unsigned i;

	int flags = RageFile::WRITE;

	/* If we're not saving cache, we're saving real data, so enable SLOW_FLUSH
	 * to prevent data loss.  If we're saving cache, this will slow things down
	 * too much. */
	if( !bSavingCache )
		flags |= RageFile::SLOW_FLUSH;

	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open( sPath, flags ) )
		LOG->Warn( "Error opening song file '%s' for writing: %s", sPath.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	WriteGlobalTags( f, out );
	if( bSavingCache )
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "// cache tags:" ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#FIRSTBEAT:%.3f;", out.m_fFirstBeat ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#LASTBEAT:%.3f;", out.m_fLastBeat ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#SONGFILENAME:%s;", out.m_sSongFileName.c_str() ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#HASMUSIC:%i;", out.m_bHasMusic ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#HASBANNER:%i;", out.m_bHasBanner ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#MUSICLENGTH:%.3f;", out.m_fMusicLengthSeconds ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "// end cache tags" ) );

	// Save all Steps for this file
	const vector<Steps*>& vpSteps = out.GetAllSteps();
	for( i=0; i<vpSteps.size(); i++ ) 
		const Steps* pSteps = vpSteps[i];
		if( pSteps->IsAutogen() )
			continue; /* don't write autogen notes */

		/* Only save steps that weren't loaded from a profile. */
		if( pSteps->WasLoadedFromProfile() )

		WriteSMNotesTag( *pSteps, f, bSavingCache );

	return true;
Пример #5
void NotesWriterSM::WriteSMNotesTag( const Steps &in, RageFile &f, bool bSavingCache )
	f.PutLine( "" );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "//---------------%s - %s----------------",
		GameManager::StepsTypeToString(in.m_StepsType).c_str(), in.GetDescription().c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( "#NOTES:" );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "     %s:", GameManager::StepsTypeToString(in.m_StepsType).c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "     %s:", in.GetDescription().c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "     %s:", DifficultyToString(in.GetDifficulty()).c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "     %d:", in.GetMeter() ) );
	int MaxRadar = bSavingCache? NUM_RADAR_CATEGORIES:5;
	CStringArray asRadarValues;
	for( int r=0; r < MaxRadar; r++ )
		asRadarValues.push_back( ssprintf("%.3f", in.GetRadarValues()[r]) );
	/* Don't append a newline here; it's added in NoteDataUtil::GetSMNoteDataString.
	 * If we add it here, then every time we write unmodified data we'll add an extra
	 * newline and they'll accumulate. */
	f.Write( ssprintf( "     %s:", join(",",asRadarValues).c_str() ) );

	CString sNoteData;
	CString sAttackData;
	in.GetSMNoteData( sNoteData, sAttackData );

	vector<CString> lines;

	split( sNoteData, "\n", lines, false );
	WriteLineList( f, lines, true, true );

	if( sAttackData.empty() )
		f.PutLine( ";" );
		f.PutLine( ":" );

		split( sAttackData, "\n", lines, false );
		WriteLineList( f, lines, true, true );

		f.PutLine( ";" );
Пример #6
static void WriteLineList( RageFile &f, vector<CString> &lines, bool SkipLeadingBlankLines, bool OmitLastNewline )
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i )
		TrimRight( lines[i] );
		if( SkipLeadingBlankLines )
			if( lines.size() == 0 )
			SkipLeadingBlankLines = false;
		f.Write( lines[i] );

		if( !OmitLastNewline || i+1 < lines.size() )
			f.PutLine( "" ); /* newline */
Пример #7
bool NotesWriterDWI::Write( RString sPath, const Song &out )
	RageFile f;
	if( !f.Open( sPath, RageFile::WRITE ) )
		LOG->UserLog( "Song file", sPath, "couldn't be opened for writing: %s", f.GetError().c_str() );
		return false;

	/* Write transliterations, if we have them, since DWI doesn't support UTF-8. */
	f.PutLine( ssprintf("#TITLE:%s;", DwiEscape(out.GetTranslitFullTitle()).c_str()) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf("#ARTIST:%s;", DwiEscape(out.GetTranslitArtist()).c_str()) );
	ASSERT( out.m_Timing.m_BPMSegments[0].m_iStartRow == 0 );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf("#FILE:%s;", DwiEscape(out.m_sMusicFile).c_str()) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf("#BPM:%.3f;", out.m_Timing.m_BPMSegments[0].GetBPM()) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf("#GAP:%ld;", -lrintf( out.m_Timing.m_fBeat0OffsetInSeconds*1000 )) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf("#SAMPLESTART:%.3f;", out.m_fMusicSampleStartSeconds) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf("#SAMPLELENGTH:%.3f;", out.m_fMusicSampleLengthSeconds) );
	if( out.m_sCDTitleFile.size() )
		f.PutLine( ssprintf("#CDTITLE:%s;", DwiEscape(out.m_sCDTitleFile).c_str()) );
	switch( out.m_DisplayBPMType )
		// write nothing
		if( out.m_fSpecifiedBPMMin == out.m_fSpecifiedBPMMax )
			f.PutLine( ssprintf("#DISPLAYBPM:%i;\n", (int) out.m_fSpecifiedBPMMin) );
			f.PutLine( ssprintf("#DISPLAYBPM:%i..%i;\n", (int) out.m_fSpecifiedBPMMin, (int) out.m_fSpecifiedBPMMax) );
		f.PutLine( "#DISPLAYBPM:*" );

	if( !out.m_Timing.m_StopSegments.empty() )
		f.Write( "#FREEZE:" );

		for( unsigned i=0; i<out.m_Timing.m_StopSegments.size(); i++ )
			const StopSegment &fs = out.m_Timing.m_StopSegments[i];
			f.Write( ssprintf("%.3f=%.3f", fs.m_iStartRow * 4.0f / ROWS_PER_BEAT,
				roundf(fs.m_fStopSeconds*1000)) );
			if( i != out.m_Timing.m_StopSegments.size()-1 )
				f.Write( "," );
		f.PutLine( ";" );

	if( out.m_Timing.m_BPMSegments.size() > 1)
		f.Write( "#CHANGEBPM:" );
		for( unsigned i=1; i<out.m_Timing.m_BPMSegments.size(); i++ )
			const BPMSegment &bs = out.m_Timing.m_BPMSegments[i];
			f.Write( ssprintf("%.3f=%.3f", bs.m_iStartRow * 4.0f / ROWS_PER_BEAT, bs.GetBPM() ) );
			if( i != out.m_Timing.m_BPMSegments.size()-1 )
				f.Write( "," );
		f.PutLine( ";" );

	const vector<Steps*>& vpSteps = out.GetAllSteps();
	for( unsigned i=0; i<vpSteps.size(); i++ ) 
		const Steps* pSteps = vpSteps[i];
		if( pSteps->IsAutogen() )
			continue;	// don't save autogen notes

		if( !WriteDWINotesTag( f, *pSteps ))

		WriteDWINotesField( f, *pSteps, 0 );
		if( pSteps->m_StepsType==StepsType_dance_double ||
		    pSteps->m_StepsType==StepsType_dance_couple )
			f.PutLine( ":" );
			WriteDWINotesField( f, *pSteps, 4 );

		f.PutLine( ";" );
	return true;
Пример #8
static void WriteDWINotesField( RageFile &f, const Steps &out, int start )
	NoteData notedata;
	out.GetNoteData( notedata );
	NoteDataUtil::InsertHoldTails( notedata );

	const int iLastMeasure = int( notedata.GetLastBeat()/BEATS_PER_MEASURE );
	for( int m=0; m<=iLastMeasure; m++ )	// foreach measure
		NoteType nt = NoteDataUtil::GetSmallestNoteTypeForMeasure( notedata, m );

		double fCurrentIncrementer = 0;
		switch( nt )
		case NOTE_TYPE_4TH:
		case NOTE_TYPE_8TH:	
			fCurrentIncrementer = 1.0/8 * BEATS_PER_MEASURE;
		case NOTE_TYPE_12TH:
		case NOTE_TYPE_24TH:
			f.Write( "[" );
			fCurrentIncrementer = 1.0/24 * BEATS_PER_MEASURE;
		case NOTE_TYPE_16TH:
			f.Write( "(" );
			fCurrentIncrementer = 1.0/16 * BEATS_PER_MEASURE;
		case NOTE_TYPE_32ND:
		case NOTE_TYPE_64TH:
			f.Write( "{" );
			fCurrentIncrementer = 1.0/64 * BEATS_PER_MEASURE;
		case NOTE_TYPE_48TH:
		case NOTE_TYPE_192ND:
		case NoteType_Invalid:
			// since, for whatever reason, the only way to do
			// 48ths is through a block of 192nds...
			f.Write(  "`" );
			fCurrentIncrementer = 1.0/192 * BEATS_PER_MEASURE;
			ASSERT_M(0, ssprintf("nt = %d",nt) );

		double fFirstBeatInMeasure = m * BEATS_PER_MEASURE;
		double fLastBeatInMeasure = (m+1) * BEATS_PER_MEASURE;

		for( double b=fFirstBeatInMeasure; b<=fLastBeatInMeasure-1/64.0f; b+=fCurrentIncrementer )	// need the -0.0001 to account for rounding errors
			int row = BeatToNoteRow( (float)b );

			RString str;
			switch( out.m_StepsType )
			case StepsType_dance_single:
			case StepsType_dance_couple:
			case StepsType_dance_double:
				str = NotesToDWIString( 
					notedata.GetTapNote(start+0, row), 
					notedata.GetTapNote(start+1, row),
					notedata.GetTapNote(start+2, row),
					notedata.GetTapNote(start+3, row) );

				// Blank out the notes so we don't write them again if the incrementer is small
				notedata.SetTapNote(start+0, row, TAP_EMPTY);
				notedata.SetTapNote(start+1, row, TAP_EMPTY);
				notedata.SetTapNote(start+2, row, TAP_EMPTY);
				notedata.SetTapNote(start+3, row, TAP_EMPTY);
			case StepsType_dance_solo:
				str = NotesToDWIString( 
					notedata.GetTapNote(0, row),
					notedata.GetTapNote(1, row),
					notedata.GetTapNote(2, row),
					notedata.GetTapNote(3, row),
					notedata.GetTapNote(4, row),
					notedata.GetTapNote(5, row) );

				// Blank out the notes so we don't write them again if the incrementer is small
				notedata.SetTapNote(start+0, row, TAP_EMPTY);
				notedata.SetTapNote(start+1, row, TAP_EMPTY);
				notedata.SetTapNote(start+2, row, TAP_EMPTY);
				notedata.SetTapNote(start+3, row, TAP_EMPTY);
				notedata.SetTapNote(start+4, row, TAP_EMPTY);
				notedata.SetTapNote(start+5, row, TAP_EMPTY);
				ASSERT(0);	// not a type supported by DWI.  We shouldn't have called in here if that's the case
			f.Write( str );

		switch( nt )
		case NOTE_TYPE_4TH:
		case NOTE_TYPE_8TH:	
		case NOTE_TYPE_12TH:
		case NOTE_TYPE_24TH:
			f.Write( "]" );
		case NOTE_TYPE_16TH:
			f.Write( ")" );
		case NOTE_TYPE_32ND:
		case NOTE_TYPE_64TH:
			f.Write( "}" );
		case NOTE_TYPE_48TH:
		case NOTE_TYPE_192ND:
		case NoteType_Invalid:
			f.Write( "'" );
			// fall though
		f.PutLine( "" );
Пример #9
void NotesWriterSM::WriteGlobalTags( RageFile &f, const Song &out )
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#TITLE:%s;", out.m_sMainTitle.c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#SUBTITLE:%s;", out.m_sSubTitle.c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#ARTIST:%s;", out.m_sArtist.c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#TITLETRANSLIT:%s;", out.m_sMainTitleTranslit.c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#SUBTITLETRANSLIT:%s;", out.m_sSubTitleTranslit.c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#ARTISTTRANSLIT:%s;", out.m_sArtistTranslit.c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#CREDIT:%s;", out.m_sCredit.c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#BANNER:%s;", out.m_sBannerFile.c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#BACKGROUND:%s;", out.m_sBackgroundFile.c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#LYRICSPATH:%s;", out.m_sLyricsFile.c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#CDTITLE:%s;", out.m_sCDTitleFile.c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#MUSIC:%s;", out.m_sMusicFile.c_str() ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#OFFSET:%.3f;", out.m_Timing.m_fBeat0OffsetInSeconds ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#SAMPLESTART:%.3f;", out.m_fMusicSampleStartSeconds ) );
	f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#SAMPLELENGTH:%.3f;", out.m_fMusicSampleLengthSeconds ) );

	f.Write( "#SELECTABLE:" );
	switch(out.m_SelectionDisplay) {
	default: ASSERT(0);  /* fallthrough */
	case Song::SHOW_ALWAYS:
		f.Write( "YES" ); break;
	case Song::SHOW_NEVER:
		f.Write( "NO" ); break;
	case Song::SHOW_ROULETTE:
		f.Write( "ROULETTE" ); break;
	f.PutLine( ";" );

	switch( out.m_DisplayBPMType )
		// write nothing
		if( out.m_fSpecifiedBPMMin == out.m_fSpecifiedBPMMax )
			f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#DISPLAYBPM:%.3f;", out.m_fSpecifiedBPMMin ) );
			f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#DISPLAYBPM:%.3f:%.3f;", out.m_fSpecifiedBPMMin, out.m_fSpecifiedBPMMax ) );
		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "#DISPLAYBPM:*;" ) );

	f.Write( "#BPMS:" );
	unsigned i;
	for( i=0; i<out.m_Timing.m_BPMSegments.size(); i++ )
		const BPMSegment &bs = out.m_Timing.m_BPMSegments[i];

		f.Write( ssprintf( "%.3f=%.3f", bs.m_fStartBeat, bs.m_fBPM ) );
		if( i != out.m_Timing.m_BPMSegments.size()-1 )
			f.Write( "," );
	f.PutLine( ";" );

	f.Write( "#STOPS:" );
	for( i=0; i<out.m_Timing.m_StopSegments.size(); i++ )
		const StopSegment &fs = out.m_Timing.m_StopSegments[i];

		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "%.3f=%.3f", fs.m_fStartBeat, fs.m_fStopSeconds ) );
		if( i != out.m_Timing.m_StopSegments.size()-1 )
			f.Write( "," );
	f.PutLine( ";" );
	f.Write( "#BGCHANGES:" );
	for( i=0; i<out.m_BackgroundChanges.size(); i++ )
		const BackgroundChange &seg = out.m_BackgroundChanges[i];

		f.PutLine( ssprintf( "%.3f=%s=%.3f=%d=%d=%d,", seg.m_fStartBeat, seg.m_sBGName.c_str(), seg.m_fRate, seg.m_bFadeLast, seg.m_bRewindMovie, seg.m_bLoop ) );
	/* If there's an animation plan at all, add a dummy "-nosongbg-" tag to indicate that
	 * this file doesn't want a song BG entry added at the end.  See SMLoader::TidyUpData.
	 * This tag will be removed on load.  Add it at a very high beat, so it won't cause
	 * problems if loaded in older versions. */
	if( !out.m_BackgroundChanges.empty() )
		f.PutLine( "99999=-nosongbg-=1.000=0=0=0 // don't automatically add -songbackground-" );
	f.PutLine( ";" );

	if( out.m_ForegroundChanges.size() )
		f.Write( "#FGCHANGES:" );
		for( i=0; i<out.m_ForegroundChanges.size(); i++ )
			const BackgroundChange &seg = out.m_ForegroundChanges[i];

			f.PutLine( ssprintf( "%.3f=%s=%.3f=%d=%d=%d", seg.m_fStartBeat, seg.m_sBGName.c_str(), seg.m_fRate, seg.m_bFadeLast, seg.m_bRewindMovie, seg.m_bLoop ) );
			if( i != out.m_ForegroundChanges.size()-1 )
				f.Write( "," );
		f.PutLine( ";" );