Пример #1
void testCosineHalfSphere()
    Plot2D plot_down_z( output_path + "/cosine_half_sphere__down_z.png", plot_size, plot_size );
    Plot2D plot_down_y( output_path + "/cosine_half_sphere__down_y.png", plot_size, plot_size );
    Plot2D plot_rot( output_path + "/cosine_half_sphere__rot.png", plot_size, plot_size );
    Transform xform = makeRotation( 0.5, Vector4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
    Vector4 v, rot;

    for( auto i = 0; i < points_per_plot; i++ ) {
        rng.cosineUnitHalfSphere( v );
        plot_down_z.addPoint( v.x, v.y );
        plot_down_y.addPoint( v.x, v.z );
        rot = mult( xform.fwd, v );
        plot_rot.addPoint( rot.x, rot.y );

Пример #2
DistributionSample Material::sampleCosineLobe( RandomNumberGenerator & rng,
                                               const RayIntersection & intersection ) const
    DistributionSample sample;

    // FIXME: There must be a faster way

    // Generate an arbitrary direction to help us make a basis for tangent space.
    // The likelyhood that this is pointing in the same direction as the normal is very low.
    Vector4 elsewhere; rng.uniformVolumeUnitCube(elsewhere);
    Vector4 tangent = cross(elsewhere, intersection.normal).normalized();
    Vector4 bitangent = cross(intersection.normal, tangent).normalized();

    // Randomly generate a direction from a cosine-weighted pdf centered about the normal
    Vector4 R; rng.cosineUnitHalfSphere(R);
    sample.direction = R.x * tangent + R.y * bitangent + R.z * intersection.normal;
    sample.pdf_sample = dot(sample.direction, intersection.normal) / M_PI;

    //sample.pdf_sample *= M_PI; // TEMP - FIXME - this shouldn't be here
    sample.pdf_sample *= 2.0 * M_PI; // TEMP - FIXME - this shouldn't be here

    return sample;