Пример #1
    /** @return number of skipped (invalid) documents */
    unsigned compactExtent(const char *ns, NamespaceDetails *d, const DiskLoc diskloc, int n,
                const scoped_array<IndexSpec> &indexSpecs,
                scoped_array<SortPhaseOne>& phase1, int nidx, bool validate, 
                double pf, int pb)
        log() << "compact begin extent #" << n << " for namespace " << ns << endl;
        unsigned oldObjSize = 0; // we'll report what the old padding was
        unsigned oldObjSizeWithPadding = 0;

        Extent *e = diskloc.ext();
        verify( e->validates(diskloc) );
        unsigned skipped = 0;

            // the next/prev pointers within the extent might not be in order so we first page the whole thing in 
            // sequentially
            log() << "compact paging in len=" << e->length/1000000.0 << "MB" << endl;
            Timer t;
            MongoDataFile* mdf = cc().database()->getFile( diskloc.a() );
            HANDLE fd = mdf->getFd();
            int offset = diskloc.getOfs();
            Extent* ext = diskloc.ext();
            size_t length = ext->length;
            touch_pages(fd, offset, length, ext);
            int ms = t.millis();
            if( ms > 1000 ) 
                log() << "compact end paging in " << ms << "ms " << e->length/1000000.0/ms << "MB/sec" << endl;

            log() << "compact copying records" << endl;
            long long datasize = 0;
            long long nrecords = 0;
            DiskLoc L = e->firstRecord;
            if( !L.isNull() ) {
                while( 1 ) {
                    Record *recOld = L.rec();
                    L = recOld->nextInExtent(L);
                    BSONObj objOld = BSONObj::make(recOld);

                    if( !validate || objOld.valid() ) {
                        unsigned sz = objOld.objsize();

                        oldObjSize += sz;
                        oldObjSizeWithPadding += recOld->netLength();

                        unsigned lenWHdr = sz + Record::HeaderSize;
                        unsigned lenWPadding = lenWHdr;
                            lenWPadding = static_cast<unsigned>(pf*lenWPadding);
                            lenWPadding += pb;
                            lenWPadding = lenWPadding & quantizeMask(lenWPadding);
                            if( lenWPadding < lenWHdr || lenWPadding > BSONObjMaxUserSize / 2 ) { 
                                lenWPadding = lenWHdr;
                        DiskLoc loc = allocateSpaceForANewRecord(ns, d, lenWPadding, false);
                        uassert(14024, "compact error out of space during compaction", !loc.isNull());
                        Record *recNew = loc.rec();
                        datasize += recNew->netLength();
                        recNew = (Record *) getDur().writingPtr(recNew, lenWHdr);
                        addRecordToRecListInExtent(recNew, loc);
                        memcpy(recNew->data(), objOld.objdata(), sz);

                            // extract keys for all indexes we will be rebuilding
                            for( int x = 0; x < nidx; x++ ) { 
                                phase1[x].addKeys(indexSpecs[x], objOld, loc);
                    else { 
                        if( ++skipped <= 10 )
                            log() << "compact skipping invalid object" << endl;

                    if( L.isNull() ) { 
                        // we just did the very last record from the old extent.  it's still pointed to 
                        // by the old extent ext, but that will be fixed below after this loop

                    // remove the old records (orphan them) periodically so our commit block doesn't get too large
                    bool stopping = false;
                    RARELY stopping = *killCurrentOp.checkForInterruptNoAssert() != 0;
                    if( stopping || getDur().aCommitIsNeeded() ) {
                        e->firstRecord.writing() = L;
                        Record *r = L.rec();
                        getDur().writingInt(r->prevOfs()) = DiskLoc::NullOfs;
            } // if !L.isNull()

            verify( d->firstExtent == diskloc );
            verify( d->lastExtent != diskloc );
            DiskLoc newFirst = e->xnext;
            d->firstExtent.writing() = newFirst;
            freeExtents( diskloc, diskloc );
            // update datasize/record count for this namespace's extent
                NamespaceDetails::Stats *s = getDur().writing(&d->stats);
                s->datasize += datasize;
                s->nrecords += nrecords;


                double op = 1.0;
                if( oldObjSize ) 
                    op = static_cast<double>(oldObjSizeWithPadding)/oldObjSize;
                log() << "compact finished extent #" << n << " containing " << nrecords << " documents (" << datasize/1000000.0 << "MB)"
                    << " oldPadding: " << op << ' ' << static_cast<unsigned>(op*100.0)/100
                    << endl;                    

        return skipped;
Пример #2
void RecordStoreV1Base::deleteRecord( OperationContext* txn, const DiskLoc& dl ) {

    Record* todelete = recordFor( dl );
    invariant( todelete->netLength() >= 4 ); // this is required for defensive code

    /* remove ourself from the record next/prev chain */
        if ( todelete->prevOfs() != DiskLoc::NullOfs ) {
            DiskLoc prev = getPrevRecordInExtent( dl );
            Record* prevRecord = recordFor( prev );
            txn->recoveryUnit()->writingInt( prevRecord->nextOfs() ) = todelete->nextOfs();

        if ( todelete->nextOfs() != DiskLoc::NullOfs ) {
            DiskLoc next = getNextRecord( dl );
            Record* nextRecord = recordFor( next );
            txn->recoveryUnit()->writingInt( nextRecord->prevOfs() ) = todelete->prevOfs();

    /* remove ourself from extent pointers */
        Extent *e =  _getExtent( todelete->myExtentLoc(dl) );
        if ( e->firstRecord == dl ) {
            if ( todelete->nextOfs() == DiskLoc::NullOfs )
                e->firstRecord.set(dl.a(), todelete->nextOfs() );
        if ( e->lastRecord == dl ) {
            if ( todelete->prevOfs() == DiskLoc::NullOfs )
                e->lastRecord.set(dl.a(), todelete->prevOfs() );

    /* add to the free list */
        _details->incrementStats( txn, -1 * todelete->netLength(), -1 );

        if ( _isSystemIndexes ) {
            /* temp: if in system.indexes, don't reuse, and zero out: we want to be
               careful until validated more, as IndexDetails has pointers
               to this disk location.  so an incorrectly done remove would cause
               a lot of problems.
            memset( txn->recoveryUnit()->writingPtr(todelete, todelete->lengthWithHeaders() ),
                    0, todelete->lengthWithHeaders() );
        else {
            // this is defensive so we can detect if we are still using a location
            // that was deleted
            memset(txn->recoveryUnit()->writingPtr(todelete->data(), 4), 0xee, 4);
            addDeletedRec(txn, dl);

Пример #3
void IntrinsicEmitter::EmitVerifier(const std::vector<CodeGenIntrinsic> &Ints, 
                                    raw_ostream &OS) {
  OS << "// Verifier::visitIntrinsicFunctionCall code.\n";
  OS << "  switch (ID) {\n";
  OS << "  default: llvm_unreachable(\"Invalid intrinsic!\");\n";
  // This checking can emit a lot of very common code.  To reduce the amount of
  // code that we emit, batch up cases that have identical types.  This avoids
  // problems where GCC can run out of memory compiling Verifier.cpp.
  typedef std::map<RecPair, std::vector<unsigned>, RecordListComparator> MapTy;
  MapTy UniqueArgInfos;
  // Compute the unique argument type info.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Ints.size(); i != e; ++i)

  // Loop through the array, emitting one comparison for each batch.
  for (MapTy::iterator I = UniqueArgInfos.begin(),
       E = UniqueArgInfos.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = I->second.size(); i != e; ++i)
      OS << "  case Intrinsic::" << Ints[I->second[i]].EnumName << ":\t\t// "
         << Ints[I->second[i]].Name << "\n";
    const RecPair &ArgTypes = I->first;
    const std::vector<Record*> &RetTys = ArgTypes.first;
    const std::vector<Record*> &ParamTys = ArgTypes.second;
    std::vector<unsigned> OverloadedTypeIndices;

    OS << "    VerifyIntrinsicPrototype(ID, IF, " << RetTys.size() << ", "
       << ParamTys.size();

    // Emit return types.
    for (unsigned j = 0, je = RetTys.size(); j != je; ++j) {
      Record *ArgType = RetTys[j];
      OS << ", ";

      if (ArgType->isSubClassOf("LLVMMatchType")) {
        unsigned Number = ArgType->getValueAsInt("Number");
        assert(Number < OverloadedTypeIndices.size() &&
               "Invalid matching number!");
        Number = OverloadedTypeIndices[Number];
        if (ArgType->isSubClassOf("LLVMExtendedElementVectorType"))
          OS << "~(ExtendedElementVectorType | " << Number << ")";
        else if (ArgType->isSubClassOf("LLVMTruncatedElementVectorType"))
          OS << "~(TruncatedElementVectorType | " << Number << ")";
          OS << "~" << Number;
      } else {
        MVT::SimpleValueType VT = getValueType(ArgType->getValueAsDef("VT"));
        OS << getEnumName(VT);

        if (EVT(VT).isOverloaded())

        if (VT == MVT::isVoid && j != 0 && j != je - 1)
          throw "Var arg type not last argument";

    // Emit the parameter types.
    for (unsigned j = 0, je = ParamTys.size(); j != je; ++j) {
      Record *ArgType = ParamTys[j];
      OS << ", ";

      if (ArgType->isSubClassOf("LLVMMatchType")) {
        unsigned Number = ArgType->getValueAsInt("Number");
        assert(Number < OverloadedTypeIndices.size() &&
               "Invalid matching number!");
        Number = OverloadedTypeIndices[Number];
        if (ArgType->isSubClassOf("LLVMExtendedElementVectorType"))
          OS << "~(ExtendedElementVectorType | " << Number << ")";
        else if (ArgType->isSubClassOf("LLVMTruncatedElementVectorType"))
          OS << "~(TruncatedElementVectorType | " << Number << ")";
          OS << "~" << Number;
      } else {
        MVT::SimpleValueType VT = getValueType(ArgType->getValueAsDef("VT"));
        OS << getEnumName(VT);

        if (EVT(VT).isOverloaded())
          OverloadedTypeIndices.push_back(j + RetTys.size());

        if (VT == MVT::isVoid && j != 0 && j != je - 1)
          throw "Var arg type not last argument";
    OS << ");\n";
    OS << "    break;\n";
  OS << "  }\n";
  OS << "#endif\n\n";
Пример #4
    DiskLoc _repairExtent( Database* db , string ns, bool forward , DiskLoc eLoc , Writer& w ){
        LogIndentLevel lil;
        if ( eLoc.getOfs() <= 0 ){
            error() << "invalid extent ofs: " << eLoc.getOfs() << endl;
            return DiskLoc();

        MongoDataFile * mdf = db->getFile( eLoc.a() );

        Extent * e = mdf->debug_getExtent( eLoc );
        if ( ! e->isOk() ){
            warning() << "Extent not ok magic: " << e->magic << " going to try to continue" << endl;
        log() << "length:" << e->length << endl;
        LogIndentLevel lil2;
        set<DiskLoc> seen;

        DiskLoc loc = forward ? e->firstRecord : e->lastRecord;
        while ( ! loc.isNull() ){
            if ( ! seen.insert( loc ).second ) {
                error() << "infinite loop in extent, seen: " << loc << " before" << endl;

            if ( loc.getOfs() <= 0 ){
                error() << "offset is 0 for record which should be impossible" << endl;
            LOG(1) << loc << endl;
            Record* rec = loc.rec();
            BSONObj obj;
            try {
                obj = loc.obj();
                verify( obj.valid() );
                LOG(1) << obj << endl;
                w( obj );
            catch ( std::exception& e ) {
                log() << "found invalid document @ " << loc << " " << e.what() << endl;
                if ( ! obj.isEmpty() ) {
                    try {
                        BSONElement e = obj.firstElement();
                        stringstream ss;
                        ss << "first element: " << e;
                        log() << ss.str();
                    catch ( std::exception& ) {
                        log() << "unable to log invalid document @ " << loc << endl;
            loc = forward ? rec->getNext( loc ) : rec->getPrev( loc );

            // break when new loc is outside current extent boundary
            if ( ( forward && loc.compare( e->lastRecord ) > 0 ) || 
                 ( ! forward && loc.compare( e->firstRecord ) < 0 ) ) 
        log() << "wrote " << seen.size() << " documents" << endl;
        return forward ? e->xnext : e->xprev;
Пример #5
CodeGenInstAlias::CodeGenInstAlias(Record *R, CodeGenTarget &T) : TheDef(R) {
  AsmString = R->getValueAsString("AsmString");
  Result = R->getValueAsDag("ResultInst");

  // Verify that the root of the result is an instruction.
  DefInit *DI = dynamic_cast<DefInit*>(Result->getOperator());
  if (DI == 0 || !DI->getDef()->isSubClassOf("Instruction"))
    throw TGError(R->getLoc(), "result of inst alias should be an instruction");

  ResultInst = &T.getInstruction(DI->getDef());
  // NameClass - If argument names are repeated, we need to verify they have
  // the same class.
  StringMap<Record*> NameClass;
  // Decode and validate the arguments of the result.
  unsigned AliasOpNo = 0;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = ResultInst->Operands.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    // Tied registers don't have an entry in the result dag.
    if (ResultInst->Operands[i].getTiedRegister() != -1)

    if (AliasOpNo >= Result->getNumArgs())
      throw TGError(R->getLoc(), "result has " + utostr(Result->getNumArgs()) +
                    " arguments, but " + ResultInst->TheDef->getName() +
                    " instruction expects " +
                    utostr(ResultInst->Operands.size()) + " operands!");
    Init *Arg = Result->getArg(AliasOpNo);
    Record *ResultOpRec = ResultInst->Operands[i].Rec;

    // Handle explicit registers.
    if (DefInit *ADI = dynamic_cast<DefInit*>(Arg)) {
      if (ADI->getDef()->isSubClassOf("Register")) {
        if (!Result->getArgName(AliasOpNo).empty())
          throw TGError(R->getLoc(), "result fixed register argument must "
                        "not have a name!");
        if (!ResultOpRec->isSubClassOf("RegisterClass"))
          throw TGError(R->getLoc(), "result fixed register argument is not "
                        "passed to a RegisterClass operand!");
        if (!T.getRegisterClass(ResultOpRec).containsRegister(ADI->getDef()))
          throw TGError(R->getLoc(), "fixed register " +ADI->getDef()->getName()
                        + " is not a member of the " + ResultOpRec->getName() +
                        " register class!");
        // Now that it is validated, add it.
    // If the operand is a record, it must have a name, and the record type must
    // match up with the instruction's argument type.
    if (DefInit *ADI = dynamic_cast<DefInit*>(Arg)) {
      if (Result->getArgName(AliasOpNo).empty())
        throw TGError(R->getLoc(), "result argument #" + utostr(AliasOpNo) +
                      " must have a name!");

      if (ADI->getDef() != ResultOpRec)
        throw TGError(R->getLoc(), "result argument #" + utostr(AliasOpNo) +
                      " declared with class " + ADI->getDef()->getName() +
                      ", instruction operand is class " + 
      // Verify we don't have something like: (someinst GR16:$foo, GR32:$foo)
      // $foo can exist multiple times in the result list, but it must have the
      // same type.
      Record *&Entry = NameClass[Result->getArgName(AliasOpNo)];
      if (Entry && Entry != ADI->getDef())
        throw TGError(R->getLoc(), "result value $" +
                      Result->getArgName(AliasOpNo) +
                      " is both " + Entry->getName() + " and " +
                      ADI->getDef()->getName() + "!");
      // Now that it is validated, add it.
    if (IntInit *II = dynamic_cast<IntInit*>(Arg)) {
      // Integer arguments can't have names.
      if (!Result->getArgName(AliasOpNo).empty())
        throw TGError(R->getLoc(), "result argument #" + utostr(AliasOpNo) +
                      " must not have a name!");
      if (ResultInst->Operands[i].MINumOperands != 1 ||
        throw TGError(R->getLoc(), "invalid argument class " + 
                      ResultOpRec->getName() +
                      " for integer result operand!");

    throw TGError(R->getLoc(), "result of inst alias has unknown operand type");
  if (AliasOpNo != Result->getNumArgs())
    throw TGError(R->getLoc(), "result has " + utostr(Result->getNumArgs()) +
                  " arguments, but " + ResultInst->TheDef->getName() +
                  " instruction expects " + utostr(ResultInst->Operands.size())+
                  " operands!");
Пример #6
CodeGenIntrinsic::CodeGenIntrinsic(Record *R) {
  TheDef = R;
  std::string DefName = R->getName();
  ModRef = ReadWriteMem;
  isOverloaded = false;
  isCommutative = false;
  canThrow = false;
  isNoReturn = false;
  isNoDuplicate = false;

  if (DefName.size() <= 4 ||
      std::string(DefName.begin(), DefName.begin() + 4) != "int_")
    PrintFatalError("Intrinsic '" + DefName + "' does not start with 'int_'!");

  EnumName = std::string(DefName.begin()+4, DefName.end());

  if (R->getValue("GCCBuiltinName"))  // Ignore a missing GCCBuiltinName field.
    GCCBuiltinName = R->getValueAsString("GCCBuiltinName");
  if (R->getValue("MSBuiltinName"))   // Ignore a missing MSBuiltinName field.
    MSBuiltinName = R->getValueAsString("MSBuiltinName");

  TargetPrefix = R->getValueAsString("TargetPrefix");
  Name = R->getValueAsString("LLVMName");

  if (Name == "") {
    // If an explicit name isn't specified, derive one from the DefName.
    Name = "llvm.";

    for (unsigned i = 0, e = EnumName.size(); i != e; ++i)
      Name += (EnumName[i] == '_') ? '.' : EnumName[i];
  } else {
    // Verify it starts with "llvm.".
    if (Name.size() <= 5 ||
        std::string(Name.begin(), Name.begin() + 5) != "llvm.")
      PrintFatalError("Intrinsic '" + DefName + "'s name does not start with 'llvm.'!");

  // If TargetPrefix is specified, make sure that Name starts with
  // "llvm.<targetprefix>.".
  if (!TargetPrefix.empty()) {
    if (Name.size() < 6+TargetPrefix.size() ||
        std::string(Name.begin() + 5, Name.begin() + 6 + TargetPrefix.size())
        != (TargetPrefix + "."))
      PrintFatalError("Intrinsic '" + DefName + "' does not start with 'llvm." +
        TargetPrefix + ".'!");

  // Parse the list of return types.
  std::vector<MVT::SimpleValueType> OverloadedVTs;
  ListInit *TypeList = R->getValueAsListInit("RetTypes");
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = TypeList->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
    Record *TyEl = TypeList->getElementAsRecord(i);
    assert(TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMType") && "Expected a type!");
    MVT::SimpleValueType VT;
    if (TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMMatchType")) {
      unsigned MatchTy = TyEl->getValueAsInt("Number");
      assert(MatchTy < OverloadedVTs.size() &&
             "Invalid matching number!");
      VT = OverloadedVTs[MatchTy];
      // It only makes sense to use the extended and truncated vector element
      // variants with iAny types; otherwise, if the intrinsic is not
      // overloaded, all the types can be specified directly.
      assert(((!TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMExtendedType") &&
               !TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMTruncatedType")) ||
              VT == MVT::iAny || VT == MVT::vAny) &&
             "Expected iAny or vAny type");
    } else {
      VT = getValueType(TyEl->getValueAsDef("VT"));
    if (MVT(VT).isOverloaded()) {
      isOverloaded = true;

    // Reject invalid types.
    if (VT == MVT::isVoid)
      PrintFatalError("Intrinsic '" + DefName + " has void in result type list!");


  // Parse the list of parameter types.
  TypeList = R->getValueAsListInit("ParamTypes");
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = TypeList->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
    Record *TyEl = TypeList->getElementAsRecord(i);
    assert(TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMType") && "Expected a type!");
    MVT::SimpleValueType VT;
    if (TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMMatchType")) {
      unsigned MatchTy = TyEl->getValueAsInt("Number");
      assert(MatchTy < OverloadedVTs.size() &&
             "Invalid matching number!");
      VT = OverloadedVTs[MatchTy];
      // It only makes sense to use the extended and truncated vector element
      // variants with iAny types; otherwise, if the intrinsic is not
      // overloaded, all the types can be specified directly.
      assert(((!TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMExtendedType") &&
               !TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMTruncatedType") &&
               !TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMVectorSameWidth")) ||
              VT == MVT::iAny || VT == MVT::vAny) &&
             "Expected iAny or vAny type");
    } else
      VT = getValueType(TyEl->getValueAsDef("VT"));

    if (MVT(VT).isOverloaded()) {
      isOverloaded = true;

    // Reject invalid types.
    if (VT == MVT::isVoid && i != e-1 /*void at end means varargs*/)
      PrintFatalError("Intrinsic '" + DefName + " has void in result type list!");


  // Parse the intrinsic properties.
  ListInit *PropList = R->getValueAsListInit("Properties");
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = PropList->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
    Record *Property = PropList->getElementAsRecord(i);
    assert(Property->isSubClassOf("IntrinsicProperty") &&
           "Expected a property!");

    if (Property->getName() == "IntrNoMem")
      ModRef = NoMem;
    else if (Property->getName() == "IntrReadArgMem")
      ModRef = ReadArgMem;
    else if (Property->getName() == "IntrReadMem")
      ModRef = ReadMem;
    else if (Property->getName() == "IntrReadWriteArgMem")
      ModRef = ReadWriteArgMem;
    else if (Property->getName() == "Commutative")
      isCommutative = true;
    else if (Property->getName() == "Throws")
      canThrow = true;
    else if (Property->getName() == "IntrNoDuplicate")
      isNoDuplicate = true;
    else if (Property->getName() == "IntrNoReturn")
      isNoReturn = true;
    else if (Property->isSubClassOf("NoCapture")) {
      unsigned ArgNo = Property->getValueAsInt("ArgNo");
      ArgumentAttributes.push_back(std::make_pair(ArgNo, NoCapture));
    } else if (Property->isSubClassOf("ReadOnly")) {
      unsigned ArgNo = Property->getValueAsInt("ArgNo");
      ArgumentAttributes.push_back(std::make_pair(ArgNo, ReadOnly));
    } else if (Property->isSubClassOf("ReadNone")) {
      unsigned ArgNo = Property->getValueAsInt("ArgNo");
      ArgumentAttributes.push_back(std::make_pair(ArgNo, ReadNone));
    } else
      llvm_unreachable("Unknown property!");

  // Sort the argument attributes for later benefit.
  std::sort(ArgumentAttributes.begin(), ArgumentAttributes.end());
RegisterInfoEmitter::EmitRegMapping(raw_ostream &OS,
                                    const std::vector<CodeGenRegister*> &Regs,
                                    bool isCtor) {

  // Collect all information about dwarf register numbers
  typedef std::map<Record*, std::vector<int64_t>, LessRecord> DwarfRegNumsMapTy;
  DwarfRegNumsMapTy DwarfRegNums;

  // First, just pull all provided information to the map
  unsigned maxLength = 0;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Regs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    Record *Reg = Regs[i]->TheDef;
    std::vector<int64_t> RegNums = Reg->getValueAsListOfInts("DwarfNumbers");
    maxLength = std::max((size_t)maxLength, RegNums.size());
    if (DwarfRegNums.count(Reg))
      errs() << "Warning: DWARF numbers for register " << getQualifiedName(Reg)
             << "specified multiple times\n";
    DwarfRegNums[Reg] = RegNums;

  if (!maxLength)

  // Now we know maximal length of number list. Append -1's, where needed
  for (DwarfRegNumsMapTy::iterator
       I = DwarfRegNums.begin(), E = DwarfRegNums.end(); I != E; ++I)
    for (unsigned i = I->second.size(), e = maxLength; i != e; ++i)

  // Emit reverse information about the dwarf register numbers.
  for (unsigned j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
    OS << "  switch (";
    if (j == 0)
      OS << "DwarfFlavour";
      OS << "EHFlavour";
    OS << ") {\n"
     << "  default:\n"
     << "    assert(0 && \"Unknown DWARF flavour\");\n"
     << "    break;\n";

    for (unsigned i = 0, e = maxLength; i != e; ++i) {
      OS << "  case " << i << ":\n";
      for (DwarfRegNumsMapTy::iterator
             I = DwarfRegNums.begin(), E = DwarfRegNums.end(); I != E; ++I) {
        int DwarfRegNo = I->second[i];
        if (DwarfRegNo < 0)
        OS << "    ";
        if (!isCtor)
          OS << "RI->";
        OS << "mapDwarfRegToLLVMReg(" << DwarfRegNo << ", "
           << getQualifiedName(I->first) << ", ";
        if (j == 0)
          OS << "false";
          OS << "true";
        OS << " );\n";
      OS << "    break;\n";
    OS << "  }\n";

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Regs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    Record *Reg = Regs[i]->TheDef;
    const RecordVal *V = Reg->getValue("DwarfAlias");
    if (!V || !V->getValue())

    DefInit *DI = dynamic_cast<DefInit*>(V->getValue());
    Record *Alias = DI->getDef();
    DwarfRegNums[Reg] = DwarfRegNums[Alias];

  // Emit information about the dwarf register numbers.
  for (unsigned j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
    OS << "  switch (";
    if (j == 0)
      OS << "DwarfFlavour";
      OS << "EHFlavour";
    OS << ") {\n"
       << "  default:\n"
       << "    assert(0 && \"Unknown DWARF flavour\");\n"
       << "    break;\n";

    for (unsigned i = 0, e = maxLength; i != e; ++i) {
      OS << "  case " << i << ":\n";
      // Sort by name to get a stable order.
      for (DwarfRegNumsMapTy::iterator
             I = DwarfRegNums.begin(), E = DwarfRegNums.end(); I != E; ++I) {
        int RegNo = I->second[i];
        OS << "    ";
        if (!isCtor)
          OS << "RI->";
        OS << "mapLLVMRegToDwarfReg(" << getQualifiedName(I->first) << ", "
           <<  RegNo << ", ";
        if (j == 0)
          OS << "false";
          OS << "true";
        OS << " );\n";
      OS << "    break;\n";
    OS << "  }\n";
Пример #8
    StatusWith<DiskLoc> Collection::updateDocument( const DiskLoc& oldLocation,
                                                    const BSONObj& objNew,
                                                    bool enforceQuota,
                                                    OpDebug* debug ) {

        Record* oldRecord = getExtentManager()->recordFor( oldLocation );
        BSONObj objOld = BSONObj::make( oldRecord );

        if ( objOld.hasElement( "_id" ) ) {
            BSONElement oldId = objOld["_id"];
            BSONElement newId = objNew["_id"];
            if ( oldId != newId )
                return StatusWith<DiskLoc>( ErrorCodes::InternalError,
                                            "in Collection::updateDocument _id mismatch",
                                            13596 );

        if ( ns().coll() == "system.users" ) {
            // XXX - andy and spencer think this should go away now
            V2UserDocumentParser parser;
            Status s = parser.checkValidUserDocument(objNew);
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return StatusWith<DiskLoc>( s );

        /* duplicate key check. we descend the btree twice - once for this check, and once for the actual inserts, further
           below.  that is suboptimal, but it's pretty complicated to do it the other way without rollbacks...
        OwnedPointerVector<UpdateTicket> updateTickets;
        for (int i = 0; i < _indexCatalog.numIndexesTotal(); ++i) {
            IndexDescriptor* descriptor = _indexCatalog.getDescriptor( i );
            IndexAccessMethod* iam = _indexCatalog.getIndex( descriptor );

            InsertDeleteOptions options;
            options.logIfError = false;
            options.dupsAllowed =
                !(KeyPattern::isIdKeyPattern(descriptor->keyPattern()) || descriptor->unique())
                || ignoreUniqueIndex(descriptor);
            updateTickets.mutableVector()[i] = new UpdateTicket();
            Status ret = iam->validateUpdate(objOld, objNew, oldLocation, options,
            if ( !ret.isOK() ) {
                return StatusWith<DiskLoc>( ret );

        if ( oldRecord->netLength() < objNew.objsize() ) {
            // doesn't fit, have to move to new location

            if ( _details->isCapped() )
                return StatusWith<DiskLoc>( ErrorCodes::InternalError,
                                            "failing update: objects in a capped ns cannot grow",
                                            10003 );


            // unindex old record, don't delete
            // this way, if inserting new doc fails, we can re-index this one
            ClientCursor::aboutToDelete(_ns.ns(), _details, oldLocation);
            _indexCatalog.unindexRecord( objOld, oldLocation, true );

            if ( debug ) {
                if (debug->nmoved == -1) // default of -1 rather than 0
                    debug->nmoved = 1;
                    debug->nmoved += 1;

            StatusWith<DiskLoc> loc = insertDocument( objNew, enforceQuota );

            if ( loc.isOK() ) {
                // insert successful, now lets deallocate the old location
                // remember its already unindexed
                _recordStore.deallocRecord( oldLocation, oldRecord );
            else {
                // new doc insert failed, so lets re-index the old document and location
                _indexCatalog.indexRecord( objOld, oldLocation );

            return loc;


        if ( debug )
            debug->keyUpdates = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < _indexCatalog.numIndexesTotal(); ++i) {
            IndexDescriptor* descriptor = _indexCatalog.getDescriptor( i );
            IndexAccessMethod* iam = _indexCatalog.getIndex( descriptor );

            int64_t updatedKeys;
            Status ret = iam->update(*updateTickets.vector()[i], &updatedKeys);
            if ( !ret.isOK() )
                return StatusWith<DiskLoc>( ret );
            if ( debug )
                debug->keyUpdates += updatedKeys;

        //  update in place
        int sz = objNew.objsize();
        memcpy(getDur().writingPtr(oldRecord->data(), sz), objNew.objdata(), sz);
        return StatusWith<DiskLoc>( oldLocation );
Пример #9
void CallingConvEmitter::EmitAction(Record *Action,
                                    unsigned Indent, std::ostream &O) {
  std::string IndentStr = std::string(Indent, ' ');
  if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCPredicateAction")) {
    O << IndentStr << "if (";
    if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCIfType")) {
      ListInit *VTs = Action->getValueAsListInit("VTs");
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = VTs->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
        Record *VT = VTs->getElementAsRecord(i);
        if (i != 0) O << " ||\n    " << IndentStr;
        O << "LocVT == " << getEnumName(getValueType(VT));

    } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCIf")) {
      O << Action->getValueAsString("Predicate");
    } else {
      throw "Unknown CCPredicateAction!";
    O << ") {\n";
    EmitAction(Action->getValueAsDef("SubAction"), Indent+2, O);
    O << IndentStr << "}\n";
  } else {
    if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCDelegateTo")) {
      Record *CC = Action->getValueAsDef("CC");
      O << IndentStr << "if (!" << CC->getName()
        << "(ValNo, ValVT, LocVT, LocInfo, ArgFlags, State))\n"
        << IndentStr << "  return false;\n";
    } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCAssignToReg")) {
      ListInit *RegList = Action->getValueAsListInit("RegList");
      if (RegList->getSize() == 1) {
        O << IndentStr << "if (unsigned Reg = State.AllocateReg(";
        O << getQualifiedName(RegList->getElementAsRecord(0)) << ")) {\n";
      } else {
        O << IndentStr << "static const unsigned RegList" << ++Counter
          << "[] = {\n";
        O << IndentStr << "  ";
        for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegList->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
          if (i != 0) O << ", ";
          O << getQualifiedName(RegList->getElementAsRecord(i));
        O << "\n" << IndentStr << "};\n";
        O << IndentStr << "if (unsigned Reg = State.AllocateReg(RegList"
          << Counter << ", " << RegList->getSize() << ")) {\n";
      O << IndentStr << "  State.addLoc(CCValAssign::getReg(ValNo, ValVT, "
        << "Reg, LocVT, LocInfo));\n";
      O << IndentStr << "  return false;\n";
      O << IndentStr << "}\n";
    } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCAssignToRegWithShadow")) {
      ListInit *RegList = Action->getValueAsListInit("RegList");
      ListInit *ShadowRegList = Action->getValueAsListInit("ShadowRegList");
      if (ShadowRegList->getSize() >0 &&
          ShadowRegList->getSize() != RegList->getSize())
        throw "Invalid length of list of shadowed registers";

      if (RegList->getSize() == 1) {
        O << IndentStr << "if (unsigned Reg = State.AllocateReg(";
        O << getQualifiedName(RegList->getElementAsRecord(0));
        O << ", " << getQualifiedName(ShadowRegList->getElementAsRecord(0));
        O << ")) {\n";
      } else {
        unsigned RegListNumber = ++Counter;
        unsigned ShadowRegListNumber = ++Counter;

        O << IndentStr << "static const unsigned RegList" << RegListNumber
          << "[] = {\n";
        O << IndentStr << "  ";
        for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegList->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
          if (i != 0) O << ", ";
          O << getQualifiedName(RegList->getElementAsRecord(i));
        O << "\n" << IndentStr << "};\n";

        O << IndentStr << "static const unsigned RegList"
          << ShadowRegListNumber << "[] = {\n";
        O << IndentStr << "  ";
        for (unsigned i = 0, e = ShadowRegList->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
          if (i != 0) O << ", ";
          O << getQualifiedName(ShadowRegList->getElementAsRecord(i));
        O << "\n" << IndentStr << "};\n";

        O << IndentStr << "if (unsigned Reg = State.AllocateReg(RegList"
          << RegListNumber << ", " << "RegList" << ShadowRegListNumber
          << ", " << RegList->getSize() << ")) {\n";
      O << IndentStr << "  State.addLoc(CCValAssign::getReg(ValNo, ValVT, "
        << "Reg, LocVT, LocInfo));\n";
      O << IndentStr << "  return false;\n";
      O << IndentStr << "}\n";
    } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCAssignToStack")) {
      int Size = Action->getValueAsInt("Size");
      int Align = Action->getValueAsInt("Align");

      O << IndentStr << "unsigned Offset" << ++Counter
        << " = State.AllocateStack(";
      if (Size)
        O << Size << ", ";
        O << "\n" << IndentStr << "  State.getTarget().getTargetData()"
          "->getABITypeSize(MVT::getTypeForValueType(LocVT)), ";
      if (Align)
        O << Align;
        O << "\n" << IndentStr << "  State.getTarget().getTargetData()"
      O << ");\n" << IndentStr
        << "State.addLoc(CCValAssign::getMem(ValNo, ValVT, Offset"
        << Counter << ", LocVT, LocInfo));\n";
      O << IndentStr << "return false;\n";
    } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCPromoteToType")) {
      Record *DestTy = Action->getValueAsDef("DestTy");
      O << IndentStr << "LocVT = " << getEnumName(getValueType(DestTy)) <<";\n";
      O << IndentStr << "if (ArgFlags.isSExt())\n"
        << IndentStr << IndentStr << "LocInfo = CCValAssign::SExt;\n"
        << IndentStr << "else if (ArgFlags.isZExt())\n"
        << IndentStr << IndentStr << "LocInfo = CCValAssign::ZExt;\n"
        << IndentStr << "else\n"
        << IndentStr << IndentStr << "LocInfo = CCValAssign::AExt;\n";
    } else if (Action->isSubClassOf("CCPassByVal")) {
      int Size = Action->getValueAsInt("Size");
      int Align = Action->getValueAsInt("Align");
      O << IndentStr
        << "State.HandleByVal(ValNo, ValVT, LocVT, LocInfo, "
        << Size << ", " << Align << ", ArgFlags);\n";
      O << IndentStr << "return false;\n";
    } else {
      throw "Unknown CCAction!";
Пример #10
 BSONObj Collection::docFor( const DiskLoc& loc ) {
     Record* rec = getExtentManager()->recordFor( loc );
     return BSONObj::make( rec->accessed() );
Пример #11
    StatusWith<DiskLoc> Collection::insertDocument( const BSONObj& docToInsert, bool enforceQuota ) {

        if ( _indexCatalog.findIdIndex() ) {
            if ( docToInsert["_id"].eoo() ) {
                return StatusWith<DiskLoc>( ErrorCodes::InternalError,
                                            "Collection::insertDocument got document without _id" );

        int lenWHdr = _details->getRecordAllocationSize( docToInsert.objsize() + Record::HeaderSize );
        fassert( 17208, lenWHdr >= ( docToInsert.objsize() + Record::HeaderSize ) );

        if ( _details->isCapped() ) {
            // TOOD: old god not done
            Status ret = _indexCatalog.checkNoIndexConflicts( docToInsert );
            if ( !ret.isOK() )
                return StatusWith<DiskLoc>( ret );

        // TODO: for now, capped logic lives inside NamespaceDetails, which is hidden
        //       under the RecordStore, this feels broken since that should be a
        //       collection access method probably
        StatusWith<DiskLoc> loc = _recordStore.allocRecord( lenWHdr,
                                                            enforceQuota ? largestFileNumberInQuota() : 0 );
        if ( !loc.isOK() )
            return loc;

        Record *r = loc.getValue().rec();
        fassert( 17210, r->lengthWithHeaders() >= lenWHdr );

        // copy the data
        r = reinterpret_cast<Record*>( getDur().writingPtr(r, lenWHdr) );
        memcpy( r->data(), docToInsert.objdata(), docToInsert.objsize() );

        addRecordToRecListInExtent(r, loc.getValue()); // XXX move down into record store

        _details->incrementStats( r->netLength(), 1 );

        // TOOD: old god not done

        try {
            _indexCatalog.indexRecord( docToInsert, loc.getValue() );
        catch( AssertionException& e ) {
            if ( _details->isCapped() ) {
                return StatusWith<DiskLoc>( ErrorCodes::InternalError,
                                            str::stream() << "unexpected index insertion failure on"
                                            << " capped collection" << e.toString()
                                            << " - collection and its index will not match" );

            // normal case -- we can roll back
            deleteDocument( loc.getValue(), false, true, NULL );
            return StatusWith<DiskLoc>( e.toStatus( "insertDocument" ) );

        // TODO: this is what the old code did, but is it correct?

        return loc;

Пример #12
    /* we write to local.oplog.$main:
         { ts : ..., op: ..., ns: ..., o: ... }
       ts: an OpTime timestamp
        "i" insert
        "u" update
        "d" delete
        "c" db cmd
        "db" declares presence of a database (ns is set to the db name + '.')
        "n" no op
       logNS: where to log it.  0/null means "local.oplog.$main".
         if not null, specifies a boolean to pass along to the other side as b: param.
         used for "justOne" or "upsert" flags on 'd', 'u'
       first: true
         when set, indicates this is the first thing we have logged for this database.
         thus, the slave does not need to copy down all the data when it sees this.

       note this is used for single collection logging even when --replSet is enabled.
    static void _logOpOld(const char *opstr, const char *ns, const char *logNS, const BSONObj& obj, BSONObj *o2, bool *bb, bool fromMigrate ) {
        Lock::DBWrite lk("local");
        static BufBuilder bufbuilder(8*1024); // todo there is likely a mutex on this constructor

        if ( strncmp(ns, "local.", 6) == 0 ) {
            if ( strncmp(ns, "local.slaves", 12) == 0 ) {

        mutex::scoped_lock lk2(OpTime::m);

        const OpTime ts = OpTime::now(lk2);
        Client::Context context("",0,false);

        /* we jump through a bunch of hoops here to avoid copying the obj buffer twice --
           instead we do a single copy to the destination position in the memory mapped file.

        BSONObjBuilder b(bufbuilder);
        b.appendTimestamp("ts", ts.asDate());
        b.append("op", opstr);
        b.append("ns", ns);
        if (fromMigrate) 
            b.appendBool("fromMigrate", true);
        if ( bb )
            b.appendBool("b", *bb);
        if ( o2 )
            b.append("o2", *o2);
        BSONObj partial = b.done(); // partial is everything except the o:... part.

        int po_sz = partial.objsize();
        int len = po_sz + obj.objsize() + 1 + 2 /*o:*/;

        Record *r;
        if( logNS == 0 ) {
            logNS = "local.oplog.$main";
            if ( localOplogMainDetails == 0 ) {
                Client::Context ctx( logNS , dbpath, false);
                localDB = ctx.db();
                verify( localDB );
                localOplogMainDetails = nsdetails(logNS);
                verify( localOplogMainDetails );
            Client::Context ctx( logNS , localDB, false );
            r = theDataFileMgr.fast_oplog_insert(localOplogMainDetails, logNS, len);
        else {
            Client::Context ctx( logNS, dbpath, false );
            verify( nsdetails( logNS ) );
            // first we allocate the space, then we fill it below.
            r = theDataFileMgr.fast_oplog_insert( nsdetails( logNS ), logNS, len);

        append_O_Obj(r->data(), partial, obj);

        context.getClient()->setLastOp( ts );

        LOG( 6 ) << "logging op:" << BSONObj::make(r) << endl;
Пример #13
    static void _logOpRS(const char *opstr, const char *ns, const char *logNS, const BSONObj& obj, BSONObj *o2, bool *bb, bool fromMigrate ) {
        Lock::DBWrite lk1("local");

        if ( strncmp(ns, "local.", 6) == 0 ) {
            if ( strncmp(ns, "local.slaves", 12) == 0 )

        mutex::scoped_lock lk2(OpTime::m);

        const OpTime ts = OpTime::now(lk2);
        long long hashNew;
        if( theReplSet ) {
            massert(13312, "replSet error : logOp() but not primary?", theReplSet->box.getState().primary());
            hashNew = (theReplSet->lastH * 131 + ts.asLL()) * 17 + theReplSet->selfId();
        else {
            // must be initiation
            verify( *ns == 0 );
            hashNew = 0;

        /* we jump through a bunch of hoops here to avoid copying the obj buffer twice --
           instead we do a single copy to the destination position in the memory mapped file.

        BSONObjBuilder b(logopbufbuilder);
        b.appendTimestamp("ts", ts.asDate());
        b.append("h", hashNew);
        b.append("op", opstr);
        b.append("ns", ns);
        if (fromMigrate) 
            b.appendBool("fromMigrate", true);
        if ( bb )
            b.appendBool("b", *bb);
        if ( o2 )
            b.append("o2", *o2);
        BSONObj partial = b.done();
        int posz = partial.objsize();
        int len = posz + obj.objsize() + 1 + 2 /*o:*/;

        Record *r;
        DEV verify( logNS == 0 );
            const char *logns = rsoplog;
            if ( rsOplogDetails == 0 ) {
                Client::Context ctx( logns , dbpath, false);
                localDB = ctx.db();
                verify( localDB );
                rsOplogDetails = nsdetails(logns);
                massert(13347, "local.oplog.rs missing. did you drop it? if so restart server", rsOplogDetails);
            Client::Context ctx( logns , localDB, false );
            r = theDataFileMgr.fast_oplog_insert(rsOplogDetails, logns, len);
            /* todo: now() has code to handle clock skew.  but if the skew server to server is large it will get unhappy.
                     this code (or code in now() maybe) should be improved.
            if( theReplSet ) {
                if( !(theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten<ts) ) {
                    log() << "replSet ERROR possible failover clock skew issue? " << theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten << ' ' << ts << rsLog;
                    log() << "replSet " << theReplSet->isPrimary() << rsLog;
                theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten = ts;
                theReplSet->lastH = hashNew;
                ctx.getClient()->setLastOp( ts );

        append_O_Obj(r->data(), partial, obj);

        if ( logLevel >= 6 ) {
            log( 6 ) << "logOp:" << BSONObj::make(r) << endl;
Пример #14
 * Aim: compare (*this) record object with rhs record object, and
 * return a similarity profile (which is vector<uint32_t>)
 * for all activated columns.
 * Algorithm: call each attribute pointer's "compare" method.
Record::record_compare(const Record & rhs) const {

    static const bool detail_debug = false;
    SimilarityProfile sp;

    // TODO: Refactor this debugging code
    if ( detail_debug ) {

        static const uint32_t uid_index = Record::get_index_by_name(cUnique_Record_ID::static_get_class_name());
        const string debug_string = "06476708-1";
        const string * ps = this->get_attrib_pointer_by_index(uid_index)->get_data().at(0);
        const string * qs = rhs.get_attrib_pointer_by_index(uid_index)->get_data().at(0);

        if ( *ps == debug_string || * qs == debug_string ) {
            std::cout << "Before record compare: "<< std::endl;
            std::cout << "-----------" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "===========" << std::endl;
            std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
    /////////////////////////////// End refactor /////////////////

    ///////////////////////// /////////////////
    // TODO: Refactor this block as it's duplicated
    // with record_compare_attrib_indice
    try {

        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < this->vector_pdata.size(); ++i) {
            try {
                uint32_t stage_result = this->vector_pdata[i]->compare(*(rhs.vector_pdata[i]));
            catch (const cException_No_Comparision_Function & err) {
                //std::cout << err.what() << " does not have comparision function. " << std::endl; //for debug purpose
    } catch (const cException_Interactive_Misalignment & except) {

        std::cout << "Skipped" << std::endl;
    /////////////////// End refactor /////////////////

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////
    // TODO: Refactor to it's own function
    if (detail_debug) {
        static const uint32_t uid_index = Record::get_index_by_name(cUnique_Record_ID::static_get_class_name());
        const string debug_string = "06476708-1";
        const string * ps = this->get_attrib_pointer_by_index(uid_index)->get_data().at(0);
        const string * qs = rhs.get_attrib_pointer_by_index(uid_index)->get_data().at(0);

        if ( *ps == debug_string || * qs == debug_string ) {
            std::cout << "After record compare: "<< std::endl;
            std::cout << "-----------" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "===========" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "..........." << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Similarity Profile =";

            for ( vector < uint32_t >::const_iterator t = sp.begin(); t != sp.end(); ++t )
                std::cout << *t << ",";
            std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
    /////////////////// End refactor /////////////////

    return sp;
Пример #15
InstrInfoEmitter::GetOperandInfo(const CodeGenInstruction &Inst) {
  std::vector<std::string> Result;

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Inst.Operands.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    // Handle aggregate operands and normal operands the same way by expanding
    // either case into a list of operands for this op.
    std::vector<CGIOperandList::OperandInfo> OperandList;

    // This might be a multiple operand thing.  Targets like X86 have
    // registers in their multi-operand operands.  It may also be an anonymous
    // operand, which has a single operand, but no declared class for the
    // operand.
    DagInit *MIOI = Inst.Operands[i].MIOperandInfo;

    if (!MIOI || MIOI->getNumArgs() == 0) {
      // Single, anonymous, operand.
    } else {
      for (unsigned j = 0, e = Inst.Operands[i].MINumOperands; j != e; ++j) {

        Record *OpR = dynamic_cast<DefInit*>(MIOI->getArg(j))->getDef();
        OperandList.back().Rec = OpR;

    for (unsigned j = 0, e = OperandList.size(); j != e; ++j) {
      Record *OpR = OperandList[j].Rec;
      std::string Res;

      if (OpR->isSubClassOf("RegisterOperand"))
        OpR = OpR->getValueAsDef("RegClass");
      if (OpR->isSubClassOf("RegisterClass"))
        Res += getQualifiedName(OpR) + "RegClassID, ";
      else if (OpR->isSubClassOf("PointerLikeRegClass"))
        Res += utostr(OpR->getValueAsInt("RegClassKind")) + ", ";
        // -1 means the operand does not have a fixed register class.
        Res += "-1, ";

      // Fill in applicable flags.
      Res += "0";

      // Ptr value whose register class is resolved via callback.
      if (OpR->isSubClassOf("PointerLikeRegClass"))
        Res += "|(1<<MCOI::LookupPtrRegClass)";

      // Predicate operands.  Check to see if the original unexpanded operand
      // was of type PredicateOperand.
      if (Inst.Operands[i].Rec->isSubClassOf("PredicateOperand"))
        Res += "|(1<<MCOI::Predicate)";

      // Optional def operands.  Check to see if the original unexpanded operand
      // was of type OptionalDefOperand.
      if (Inst.Operands[i].Rec->isSubClassOf("OptionalDefOperand"))
        Res += "|(1<<MCOI::OptionalDef)";

      // Fill in constraint info.
      Res += ", ";

      const CGIOperandList::ConstraintInfo &Constraint =
      if (Constraint.isNone())
        Res += "0";
      else if (Constraint.isEarlyClobber())
        Res += "(1 << MCOI::EARLY_CLOBBER)";
      else {
        Res += "((" + utostr(Constraint.getTiedOperand()) +
                    " << 16) | (1 << MCOI::TIED_TO))";

      // Fill in operand type.
      Res += ", MCOI::";
      assert(!Inst.Operands[i].OperandType.empty() && "Invalid operand type.");
      Res += Inst.Operands[i].OperandType;


  return Result;
Пример #16
// EmitStageData - Generate unique itinerary stages.  Record itineraries for 
// processors.
void SubtargetEmitter::EmitStageData(std::ostream &OS,
       unsigned NItinClasses,
       std::map<std::string, unsigned> &ItinClassesMap, 
       std::vector<std::vector<InstrItinerary> > &ProcList) {
  // Gather processor iteraries
  std::vector<Record*> ProcItinList =
  // If just no itinerary then don't bother
  if (ProcItinList.size() < 2) return;

  // Begin stages table
  OS << "static const llvm::InstrStage Stages[] = {\n"
        "  { 0, 0 }, // No itinerary\n";
  unsigned StageCount = 1;
  unsigned ItinEnum = 1;
  std::map<std::string, unsigned> ItinMap;
  for (unsigned i = 0, N = ProcItinList.size(); i < N; i++) {
    // Next record
    Record *Proc = ProcItinList[i];
    // Get processor itinerary name
    const std::string &Name = Proc->getName();
    // Skip default
    if (Name == "NoItineraries") continue;
    // Create and expand processor itinerary to cover all itinerary classes
    std::vector<InstrItinerary> ItinList;
    // Get itinerary data list
    std::vector<Record*> ItinDataList = Proc->getValueAsListOfDefs("IID");
    // For each itinerary data
    for (unsigned j = 0, M = ItinDataList.size(); j < M; j++) {
      // Next itinerary data
      Record *ItinData = ItinDataList[j];
      // Get string and stage count
      std::string ItinString;
      unsigned NStages;
      FormItineraryString(ItinData, ItinString, NStages);

      // Check to see if it already exists
      unsigned Find = ItinMap[ItinString];
      // If new itinerary
      if (Find == 0) {
        // Emit as { cycles, u1 | u2 | ... | un }, // index
        OS << ItinString << ", // " << ItinEnum << "\n";
        // Record Itin class number.
        ItinMap[ItinString] = Find = StageCount;
        StageCount += NStages;
      // Set up itinerary as location and location + stage count
      InstrItinerary Intinerary = { Find, Find + NStages };

      // Locate where to inject into processor itinerary table
      const std::string &Name = ItinData->getValueAsDef("TheClass")->getName();
      Find = ItinClassesMap[Name];
      // Inject - empty slots will be 0, 0
      ItinList[Find] = Intinerary;
    // Add process itinerary to list
  // Closing stage
  OS << "  { 0, 0 } // End itinerary\n";
  // End stages table
  OS << "};\n";
  // Emit size of table
  OS<<"\nenum {\n";
  OS<<"  StagesSize = sizeof(Stages)/sizeof(llvm::InstrStage)\n";
Пример #17
 DiskLoc MmapV1ExtentManager::extentLocForV1( const DiskLoc& loc ) const {
     Record* record = recordForV1( loc );
     return DiskLoc( loc.a(), record->extentOfs() );
Пример #18
 * Updates the record pointed to by tid with the content of record r
 * @param tid: the tuple ID
 * @param r: the record
 * @return rtrn: whether successfully or not
bool SPSegment::update(TID tid, Record& r) {

	bool rtrn = true;

	try {

		if (tid.pageId >= 0 && tid.slotId >= 0) {

			if (spMap.count(tid.pageId) > 0) {

				// fetch slotted page
				SlottedPage* sp = spMap.at(tid.pageId);
				// slotted page which must be updated
				SlottedPage* spUpdate;

				if (sp->getRecordsMap().count(tid.slotId) > 0) {

					// fetch old record
					Record* rOld = sp->getRecordsMap().at(tid.slotId);
					// record which must be updated
					Record* rUpdate;
					// tid which must be updated
					TID tidUpdate;

					if (rOld->isDataRecord()) {
						// in case of old record is a data record, update the old record and slottedpage
						rUpdate = rOld;
						spUpdate = sp;
						tidUpdate = tid;
					} else {
						// in case of old record is a redirection, update the corresponding remote record and slotted page
						rUpdate = lookup(rOld->redirection);
						spUpdate = spMap.at(rOld->redirection.pageId);
						tidUpdate = rOld->redirection;

					// calculate whether or not the sp has enough free space to contain the new record
					bool enoughFreeSpace = (spUpdate->getFreeSpace() + rUpdate->getLen()) >= r.getLen();

					// if there is enough free space just update
					if (enoughFreeSpace) {

						spUpdate->updateRecord(tidUpdate.slotId, r);

						// write changes back to disk
						if (!writeToFrame(spUpdate, tidUpdate.pageId)) {
							cerr << "Cannot write slotted page into frame" << endl;
					// otherwise redirect record
					else {

						// 1st step: insert record into new page with enough space
						TID redTid = insert(r);

						// 2nd step: write/update redirection into old position
						rOld->dataRecord = false;
						rOld->data = 0;
						rOld->len = 0;
						rOld->redirection = redTid;

						// 3rd step: update header information for slotted page of rOld
						sp->updateRecord(tid.slotId, *rOld);

						// write changes back to disk
						if (!writeToFrame(sp, tid.pageId)) {
							cerr << "Cannot write slotted page into frame" << endl;

				} else {
					throw invalid_argument("No record found by given slotId");

			} else {
				throw invalid_argument("No page found by given tid");

		} else {
			throw invalid_argument("Given tid is invalid");

	} catch (const invalid_argument& e) {
		cerr << "Invalid argument @lookup segment: " << e.what() << endl;
		rtrn = false;

	return rtrn;
// runTargetDesc - Output the target register and register file descriptions.
RegisterInfoEmitter::runTargetDesc(raw_ostream &OS, CodeGenTarget &Target,
                                   CodeGenRegBank &RegBank){
  EmitSourceFileHeader("Target Register and Register Classes Information", OS);

  OS << "\n#ifdef GET_REGINFO_TARGET_DESC\n";

  OS << "namespace llvm {\n\n";

  // Get access to MCRegisterClass data.
  OS << "extern const MCRegisterClass " << Target.getName()
     << "MCRegisterClasses[];\n";

  // Start out by emitting each of the register classes.
  ArrayRef<CodeGenRegisterClass*> RegisterClasses = RegBank.getRegClasses();

  // Collect all registers belonging to any allocatable class.
  std::set<Record*> AllocatableRegs;

  // Collect allocatable registers.
  for (unsigned rc = 0, e = RegisterClasses.size(); rc != e; ++rc) {
    const CodeGenRegisterClass &RC = *RegisterClasses[rc];
    ArrayRef<Record*> Order = RC.getOrder();

    if (RC.Allocatable)
      AllocatableRegs.insert(Order.begin(), Order.end());

  OS << "namespace {     // Register classes...\n";

  // Emit the ValueType arrays for each RegisterClass
  for (unsigned rc = 0, e = RegisterClasses.size(); rc != e; ++rc) {
    const CodeGenRegisterClass &RC = *RegisterClasses[rc];

    // Give the register class a legal C name if it's anonymous.
    std::string Name = RC.getName() + "VTs";

    // Emit the register list now.
    OS << "  // " << Name
       << " Register Class Value Types...\n"
       << "  static const EVT " << Name
       << "[] = {\n    ";
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = RC.VTs.size(); i != e; ++i)
      OS << getEnumName(RC.VTs[i]) << ", ";
    OS << "MVT::Other\n  };\n\n";
  OS << "}  // end anonymous namespace\n\n";

  // Now that all of the structs have been emitted, emit the instances.
  if (!RegisterClasses.empty()) {
    OS << "namespace " << RegisterClasses[0]->Namespace
       << " {   // Register class instances\n";
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegisterClasses.size(); i != e; ++i)
      OS << "  " << RegisterClasses[i]->getName()  << "Class\t"
         << RegisterClasses[i]->getName() << "RegClass;\n";

    std::map<unsigned, std::set<unsigned> > SuperRegClassMap;

    OS << "\n  static const TargetRegisterClass* const "
      << "NullRegClasses[] = { NULL };\n\n";

    unsigned NumSubRegIndices = RegBank.getSubRegIndices().size();

    if (NumSubRegIndices) {
      // Compute the super-register classes for each RegisterClass
      for (unsigned rc = 0, e = RegisterClasses.size(); rc != e; ++rc) {
        const CodeGenRegisterClass &RC = *RegisterClasses[rc];
        for (DenseMap<Record*,Record*>::const_iterator
             i = RC.SubRegClasses.begin(),
             e = RC.SubRegClasses.end(); i != e; ++i) {
          // Find the register class number of i->second for SuperRegClassMap.
          const CodeGenRegisterClass *RC2 = RegBank.getRegClass(i->second);
          assert(RC2 && "Invalid register class in SubRegClasses");

      // Emit the super-register classes for each RegisterClass
      for (unsigned rc = 0, e = RegisterClasses.size(); rc != e; ++rc) {
        const CodeGenRegisterClass &RC = *RegisterClasses[rc];

        // Give the register class a legal C name if it's anonymous.
        std::string Name = RC.getName();

        OS << "  // " << Name
           << " Super-register Classes...\n"
           << "  static const TargetRegisterClass* const "
           << Name << "SuperRegClasses[] = {\n    ";

        bool Empty = true;
        std::map<unsigned, std::set<unsigned> >::iterator I =
        if (I != SuperRegClassMap.end()) {
          for (std::set<unsigned>::iterator II = I->second.begin(),
                 EE = I->second.end(); II != EE; ++II) {
            const CodeGenRegisterClass &RC2 = *RegisterClasses[*II];
            if (!Empty)
              OS << ", ";
            OS << "&" << RC2.getQualifiedName() << "RegClass";
            Empty = false;

        OS << (!Empty ? ", " : "") << "NULL";
        OS << "\n  };\n\n";

    // Emit the sub-classes array for each RegisterClass
    for (unsigned rc = 0, e = RegisterClasses.size(); rc != e; ++rc) {
      const CodeGenRegisterClass &RC = *RegisterClasses[rc];

      // Give the register class a legal C name if it's anonymous.
      std::string Name = RC.getName();

      OS << "  static const unsigned " << Name << "SubclassMask[] = { ";
      printBitVectorAsHex(OS, RC.getSubClasses(), 32);
      OS << "};\n\n";

    // Emit NULL terminated super-class lists.
    for (unsigned rc = 0, e = RegisterClasses.size(); rc != e; ++rc) {
      const CodeGenRegisterClass &RC = *RegisterClasses[rc];
      ArrayRef<CodeGenRegisterClass*> Supers = RC.getSuperClasses();

      // Skip classes without supers.  We can reuse NullRegClasses.
      if (Supers.empty())

      OS << "  static const TargetRegisterClass* const "
         << RC.getName() << "Superclasses[] = {\n";
      for (unsigned i = 0; i != Supers.size(); ++i)
        OS << "    &" << Supers[i]->getQualifiedName() << "RegClass,\n";
      OS << "    NULL\n  };\n\n";

    // Emit methods.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegisterClasses.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      const CodeGenRegisterClass &RC = *RegisterClasses[i];
      OS << RC.getName() << "Class::" << RC.getName()
         << "Class()  : TargetRegisterClass(&"
         << Target.getName() << "MCRegisterClasses["
         << RC.getName() + "RegClassID" << "], "
         << RC.getName() + "VTs" << ", "
         << RC.getName() + "SubclassMask" << ", ";
      if (RC.getSuperClasses().empty())
        OS << "NullRegClasses, ";
        OS << RC.getName() + "Superclasses, ";
      OS << (NumSubRegIndices ? RC.getName() + "Super" : std::string("Null"))
         << "RegClasses"
         << ") {}\n";
      if (!RC.AltOrderSelect.empty()) {
        OS << "\nstatic inline unsigned " << RC.getName()
           << "AltOrderSelect(const MachineFunction &MF) {"
           << RC.AltOrderSelect << "}\n\nArrayRef<unsigned> "
           << RC.getName() << "Class::"
           << "getRawAllocationOrder(const MachineFunction &MF) const {\n";
        for (unsigned oi = 1 , oe = RC.getNumOrders(); oi != oe; ++oi) {
          ArrayRef<Record*> Elems = RC.getOrder(oi);
          OS << "  static const unsigned AltOrder" << oi << "[] = {";
          for (unsigned elem = 0; elem != Elems.size(); ++elem)
            OS << (elem ? ", " : " ") << getQualifiedName(Elems[elem]);
          OS << " };\n";
        OS << "  const MCRegisterClass &MCR = " << Target.getName()
           << "MCRegisterClasses[" << RC.getQualifiedName() + "RegClassID];"
           << "  static const ArrayRef<unsigned> Order[] = {\n"
           << "    makeArrayRef(MCR.begin(), MCR.getNumRegs()";
        for (unsigned oi = 1, oe = RC.getNumOrders(); oi != oe; ++oi)
          OS << "),\n    makeArrayRef(AltOrder" << oi;
        OS << ")\n  };\n  const unsigned Select = " << RC.getName()
           << "AltOrderSelect(MF);\n  assert(Select < " << RC.getNumOrders()
           << ");\n  return Order[Select];\n}\n";

    OS << "}\n";

  OS << "\nnamespace {\n";
  OS << "  const TargetRegisterClass* const RegisterClasses[] = {\n";
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = RegisterClasses.size(); i != e; ++i)
    OS << "    &" << RegisterClasses[i]->getQualifiedName()
       << "RegClass,\n";
  OS << "  };\n";
  OS << "}\n";       // End of anonymous namespace...

  // Emit extra information about registers.
  const std::string &TargetName = Target.getName();
  OS << "\n  static const TargetRegisterInfoDesc "
     << TargetName << "RegInfoDesc[] = "
     << "{ // Extra Descriptors\n";
  OS << "    { 0, 0 },\n";

  const std::vector<CodeGenRegister*> &Regs = RegBank.getRegisters();
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Regs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    const CodeGenRegister &Reg = *Regs[i];
    OS << "    { ";
    OS << Reg.CostPerUse << ", "
       << int(AllocatableRegs.count(Reg.TheDef)) << " },\n";
  OS << "  };\n";      // End of register descriptors...

  // Calculate the mapping of subregister+index pairs to physical registers.
  // This will also create further anonymous indexes.
  unsigned NamedIndices = RegBank.getNumNamedIndices();

  // Emit SubRegIndex names, skipping 0
  const std::vector<Record*> &SubRegIndices = RegBank.getSubRegIndices();
  OS << "\n  static const char *const " << TargetName
     << "SubRegIndexTable[] = { \"";
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = SubRegIndices.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    OS << SubRegIndices[i]->getName();
    if (i+1 != e)
      OS << "\", \"";
  OS << "\" };\n\n";

  // Emit names of the anonymus subreg indexes.
  if (SubRegIndices.size() > NamedIndices) {
    OS << "  enum {";
    for (unsigned i = NamedIndices, e = SubRegIndices.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      OS << "\n    " << SubRegIndices[i]->getName() << " = " << i+1;
      if (i+1 != e)
        OS << ',';
    OS << "\n  };\n\n";
  OS << "\n";

  std::string ClassName = Target.getName() + "GenRegisterInfo";

  // Emit the subregister + index mapping function based on the information
  // calculated above.
  OS << "unsigned " << ClassName
     << "::getSubReg(unsigned RegNo, unsigned Index) const {\n"
     << "  switch (RegNo) {\n"
     << "  default:\n    return 0;\n";
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Regs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    const CodeGenRegister::SubRegMap &SRM = Regs[i]->getSubRegs();
    if (SRM.empty())
    OS << "  case " << getQualifiedName(Regs[i]->TheDef) << ":\n";
    OS << "    switch (Index) {\n";
    OS << "    default: return 0;\n";
    for (CodeGenRegister::SubRegMap::const_iterator ii = SRM.begin(),
         ie = SRM.end(); ii != ie; ++ii)
      OS << "    case " << getQualifiedName(ii->first)
         << ": return " << getQualifiedName(ii->second->TheDef) << ";\n";
    OS << "    };\n" << "    break;\n";
  OS << "  };\n";
  OS << "  return 0;\n";
  OS << "}\n\n";

  OS << "unsigned " << ClassName
     << "::getSubRegIndex(unsigned RegNo, unsigned SubRegNo) const {\n"
     << "  switch (RegNo) {\n"
     << "  default:\n    return 0;\n";
   for (unsigned i = 0, e = Regs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
     const CodeGenRegister::SubRegMap &SRM = Regs[i]->getSubRegs();
     if (SRM.empty())
    OS << "  case " << getQualifiedName(Regs[i]->TheDef) << ":\n";
    for (CodeGenRegister::SubRegMap::const_iterator ii = SRM.begin(),
         ie = SRM.end(); ii != ie; ++ii)
      OS << "    if (SubRegNo == " << getQualifiedName(ii->second->TheDef)
         << ")  return " << getQualifiedName(ii->first) << ";\n";
    OS << "    return 0;\n";
  OS << "  };\n";
  OS << "  return 0;\n";
  OS << "}\n\n";

  // Emit composeSubRegIndices
  OS << "unsigned " << ClassName
     << "::composeSubRegIndices(unsigned IdxA, unsigned IdxB) const {\n"
     << "  switch (IdxA) {\n"
     << "  default:\n    return IdxB;\n";
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = SubRegIndices.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    bool Open = false;
    for (unsigned j = 0; j != e; ++j) {
      if (Record *Comp = RegBank.getCompositeSubRegIndex(SubRegIndices[i],
                                                         SubRegIndices[j])) {
        if (!Open) {
          OS << "  case " << getQualifiedName(SubRegIndices[i])
             << ": switch(IdxB) {\n    default: return IdxB;\n";
          Open = true;
        OS << "    case " << getQualifiedName(SubRegIndices[j])
           << ": return " << getQualifiedName(Comp) << ";\n";
    if (Open)
      OS << "    }\n";
  OS << "  }\n}\n\n";

  // Emit getSubClassWithSubReg.
  OS << "const TargetRegisterClass *" << ClassName
     << "::getSubClassWithSubReg(const TargetRegisterClass *RC, unsigned Idx)"
        " const {\n";
  if (SubRegIndices.empty()) {
    OS << "  assert(Idx == 0 && \"Target has no sub-registers\");\n"
       << "  return RC;\n";
  } else {
    // Use the smallest type that can hold a regclass ID with room for a
    // sentinel.
    if (RegisterClasses.size() < UINT8_MAX)
      OS << "  static const uint8_t Table[";
    else if (RegisterClasses.size() < UINT16_MAX)
      OS << "  static const uint16_t Table[";
      throw "Too many register classes.";
    OS << RegisterClasses.size() << "][" << SubRegIndices.size() << "] = {\n";
    for (unsigned rci = 0, rce = RegisterClasses.size(); rci != rce; ++rci) {
      const CodeGenRegisterClass &RC = *RegisterClasses[rci];
      OS << "    {\t// " << RC.getName() << "\n";
      for (unsigned sri = 0, sre = SubRegIndices.size(); sri != sre; ++sri) {
        Record *Idx = SubRegIndices[sri];
        if (CodeGenRegisterClass *SRC = RC.getSubClassWithSubReg(Idx))
          OS << "      " << SRC->EnumValue + 1 << ",\t// " << Idx->getName()
             << " -> " << SRC->getName() << "\n";
          OS << "      0,\t// " << Idx->getName() << "\n";
      OS << "    },\n";
    OS << "  };\n  assert(RC && \"Missing regclass\");\n"
       << "  if (!Idx) return RC;\n  --Idx;\n"
       << "  assert(Idx < " << SubRegIndices.size() << " && \"Bad subreg\");\n"
       << "  unsigned TV = Table[RC->getID()][Idx];\n"
       << "  return TV ? getRegClass(TV - 1) : 0;\n";
  OS << "}\n\n";

  // Emit the constructor of the class...
  OS << "extern const MCRegisterDesc " << TargetName << "RegDesc[];\n";

  OS << ClassName << "::" << ClassName
     << "(unsigned RA, unsigned DwarfFlavour, unsigned EHFlavour)\n"
     << "  : TargetRegisterInfo(" << TargetName << "RegInfoDesc"
     << ", RegisterClasses, RegisterClasses+" << RegisterClasses.size() <<",\n"
     << "                 " << TargetName << "SubRegIndexTable) {\n"
     << "  InitMCRegisterInfo(" << TargetName << "RegDesc, "
     << Regs.size()+1 << ", RA, " << TargetName << "MCRegisterClasses, "
     << RegisterClasses.size() << ");\n\n";

  EmitRegMapping(OS, Regs, true);

  OS << "}\n\n";

  OS << "} // End llvm namespace \n";
  OS << "#endif // GET_REGINFO_TARGET_DESC\n\n";
Пример #20
CodeGenIntrinsic::CodeGenIntrinsic(Record *R) {
  TheDef = R;
  std::string DefName = R->getName();
  ModRef = WriteMem;
  isOverloaded = false;
  isCommutative = false;
  if (DefName.size() <= 4 || 
      std::string(DefName.begin(), DefName.begin() + 4) != "int_")
    throw "Intrinsic '" + DefName + "' does not start with 'int_'!";

  EnumName = std::string(DefName.begin()+4, DefName.end());

  if (R->getValue("GCCBuiltinName"))  // Ignore a missing GCCBuiltinName field.
    GCCBuiltinName = R->getValueAsString("GCCBuiltinName");

  TargetPrefix = R->getValueAsString("TargetPrefix");
  Name = R->getValueAsString("LLVMName");

  if (Name == "") {
    // If an explicit name isn't specified, derive one from the DefName.
    Name = "llvm.";

    for (unsigned i = 0, e = EnumName.size(); i != e; ++i)
      Name += (EnumName[i] == '_') ? '.' : EnumName[i];
  } else {
    // Verify it starts with "llvm.".
    if (Name.size() <= 5 || 
        std::string(Name.begin(), Name.begin() + 5) != "llvm.")
      throw "Intrinsic '" + DefName + "'s name does not start with 'llvm.'!";
  // If TargetPrefix is specified, make sure that Name starts with
  // "llvm.<targetprefix>.".
  if (!TargetPrefix.empty()) {
    if (Name.size() < 6+TargetPrefix.size() ||
        std::string(Name.begin() + 5, Name.begin() + 6 + TargetPrefix.size())
        != (TargetPrefix + "."))
      throw "Intrinsic '" + DefName + "' does not start with 'llvm." +
        TargetPrefix + ".'!";
  // Parse the list of return types.
  std::vector<MVT::SimpleValueType> OverloadedVTs;
  ListInit *TypeList = R->getValueAsListInit("RetTypes");
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = TypeList->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
    Record *TyEl = TypeList->getElementAsRecord(i);
    assert(TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMType") && "Expected a type!");
    MVT::SimpleValueType VT;
    if (TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMMatchType")) {
      unsigned MatchTy = TyEl->getValueAsInt("Number");
      assert(MatchTy < OverloadedVTs.size() &&
             "Invalid matching number!");
      VT = OverloadedVTs[MatchTy];
      // It only makes sense to use the extended and truncated vector element
      // variants with iAny types; otherwise, if the intrinsic is not
      // overloaded, all the types can be specified directly.
      assert(((!TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMExtendedElementVectorType") &&
               !TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMTruncatedElementVectorType")) ||
              VT == MVT::iAny) && "Expected iAny type");
    } else {
      VT = getValueType(TyEl->getValueAsDef("VT"));
    if (VT == MVT::iAny || VT == MVT::fAny || VT == MVT::iPTRAny) {
      isOverloaded |= true;

  if (IS.RetVTs.size() == 0)
    throw "Intrinsic '"+DefName+"' needs at least a type for the ret value!";

  // Parse the list of parameter types.
  TypeList = R->getValueAsListInit("ParamTypes");
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = TypeList->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
    Record *TyEl = TypeList->getElementAsRecord(i);
    assert(TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMType") && "Expected a type!");
    MVT::SimpleValueType VT;
    if (TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMMatchType")) {
      unsigned MatchTy = TyEl->getValueAsInt("Number");
      assert(MatchTy < OverloadedVTs.size() &&
             "Invalid matching number!");
      VT = OverloadedVTs[MatchTy];
      // It only makes sense to use the extended and truncated vector element
      // variants with iAny types; otherwise, if the intrinsic is not
      // overloaded, all the types can be specified directly.
      assert(((!TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMExtendedElementVectorType") &&
               !TyEl->isSubClassOf("LLVMTruncatedElementVectorType")) ||
              VT == MVT::iAny) && "Expected iAny type");
    } else
      VT = getValueType(TyEl->getValueAsDef("VT"));
    if (VT == MVT::iAny || VT == MVT::fAny || VT == MVT::iPTRAny) {
      isOverloaded |= true;

  // Parse the intrinsic properties.
  ListInit *PropList = R->getValueAsListInit("Properties");
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = PropList->getSize(); i != e; ++i) {
    Record *Property = PropList->getElementAsRecord(i);
    assert(Property->isSubClassOf("IntrinsicProperty") &&
           "Expected a property!");
    if (Property->getName() == "IntrNoMem")
      ModRef = NoMem;
    else if (Property->getName() == "IntrReadArgMem")
      ModRef = ReadArgMem;
    else if (Property->getName() == "IntrReadMem")
      ModRef = ReadMem;
    else if (Property->getName() == "IntrWriteArgMem")
      ModRef = WriteArgMem;
    else if (Property->getName() == "IntrWriteMem")
      ModRef = WriteMem;
    else if (Property->getName() == "Commutative")
      isCommutative = true;
    else if (Property->isSubClassOf("NoCapture")) {
      unsigned ArgNo = Property->getValueAsInt("ArgNo");
      ArgumentAttributes.push_back(std::make_pair(ArgNo, NoCapture));
    } else
      assert(0 && "Unknown property!");
Пример #21
InvTreePatternNode *InvTreePattern::ParseTreePattern(Init *TheInit, StringRef OpName) {
  if (DefInit *DI = dyn_cast<DefInit>(TheInit)) {
    Record *R = DI->getDef();

    // On direct reference to a leaf DagNode (SDNode) or a pattern fragment, create
    // a new InvTreePatternNode.
    if (R->isSubClassOf("SDNode") || R->isSubClassOf("PatFrag")) {
      return ParseTreePattern(DagInit::get(DI, "", 
          std::vector<std::pair<Init*, std::string> >()), OpName);

    // Treat as an input element
    InvTreePatternNode *Res = new InvTreePatternNode(DI);
    if (R->getName() == "node" && OpName.empty()) {
      error("'node' requires an opname to match operand lists!");

    return Res;

  if (IntInit *II = dyn_cast<IntInit>(TheInit)) {
    if (!OpName.empty()) {
      error("Constant int args should not have a name!");
    return new InvTreePatternNode(II);

  if (BitsInit *BI = dyn_cast<BitsInit>(TheInit)) {
    // Convert to IntInit
    Init *II = BI->convertInitializerTo(IntRecTy::get());
    if (II == 0 || !isa<IntInit>(II)) {
      error("Bits values must be integer constants!");
    return ParseTreePattern(II, OpName);

  DagInit *Dag = dyn_cast<DagInit>(TheInit);
  if (!Dag) {
    error("The Pattern has an unexpected init type.");
  DefInit *OpDef = dyn_cast<DefInit>(Dag->getOperator());
  if (!OpDef) {
    error("Thye Pattern has an unexpected operator type.");
  Record *OpRec = OpDef->getDef();

  if (OpRec->isSubClassOf("ValueType")) {
    // ValueType is the type of a leaf node.
    if (Dag->getNumArgs() != 1) {
      error("Expected 1 argument for a ValueType operator.");
    InvTreePatternNode *New = ParseTreePattern(Dag->getArg(0), Dag->getArgName(0));

    // assert(New->getNumTypes() == 1 && "Unable to handle multiple types!");
    // New->UpdateNodeType(0, getValueType(OpRec), *this);

    if (!OpName.empty()) {
      error("ValueType should not have a name!");
    return New;

  // Verify that this makes sense for an operator
  if (!OpRec->isSubClassOf("PatFrag") && !OpRec->isSubClassOf("SDNode") &&
    !OpRec->isSubClassOf("Instruction") && !OpRec->isSubClassOf("SDNodeXForm") &&
    !OpRec->isSubClassOf("Intrinsic") && OpRec->getName() != "set" &&
    OpRec->getName() != "implicit" && OpRec->getName() != "outs" &&
    OpRec->getName() != "ins" && OpRec->getName() != "null_frag") {
    error("Unrecognized node '" + OpRec->getName() + "'!");

  // Unlike Regular treepatterns, we assume all patterns are "input" patterns
  // in the TableGen context
  if (OpRec->isSubClassOf("Instruction") ||
    OpRec->isSubClassOf("SDNodeXForm")) {
    error("Cannot use '" + OpRec->getName() + "' in the output pattern.");

  std::vector<InvTreePatternNode*> Children;

  // Parse operands
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Dag->getNumArgs(); i != e; ++i) {
    Children.push_back(ParseTreePattern(Dag->getArg(i), Dag->getArgName(i)));

  if (OpRec->isSubClassOf("Intrinsic")) {
    // Unhandled...
    DEBUG(error("Intrinsics unhandled at this time."););
Пример #22
void test1()
    Schema *schema = Schema::create(srch2::instantsearch::DefaultIndex);

    schema->setPrimaryKey("article_id"); // integer, not searchable

    schema->setSearchableAttribute("article_id"); // convert id to searchable text
    schema->setSearchableAttribute("article_authors", 2); // searchable text
    schema->setSearchableAttribute("article_title", 7); // searchable text

    // create an analyzer
    SynonymContainer *syn = SynonymContainer::getInstance("", SYNONYM_DONOT_KEEP_ORIGIN);
    Analyzer *analyzer = new Analyzer(NULL, NULL, NULL, syn, "");
    unsigned mergeEveryNSeconds = 3;
    unsigned mergeEveryMWrites = 5;
    unsigned updateHistogramEveryPMerges = 1;
    unsigned updateHistogramEveryQWrites = 5;
    string INDEX_DIR = "test";
    IndexMetaData *indexMetaData = new IndexMetaData( new CacheManager(),
    		mergeEveryNSeconds, mergeEveryMWrites,
    		updateHistogramEveryPMerges, updateHistogramEveryQWrites,
    Indexer *index = Indexer::create(indexMetaData, analyzer, schema);
    Record *record = new Record(schema);
    char* authorsCharStar = new char[30];
    char* titleCharStar = new char[30];

    //generate random characers
    srand ( time(NULL) );
    // create a record of 3 attributes
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
        record->setPrimaryKey(i + 1000);

        sprintf(authorsCharStar,"John %cLen%cnon",(rand() % 50)+65,(rand() % 10)+65);
        string authors = string(authorsCharStar);
        record->setSearchableAttributeValue("article_authors", authors);

        sprintf(titleCharStar,"Yesterday %cOnc%ce %cMore",
                (rand()%59)+65, (rand()%59)+65, (rand()%10)+65);
        string title = string(titleCharStar);
        record->setSearchableAttributeValue("article_title", title);

        record->setRecordBoost(rand() % 100);
        index->addRecord(record, analyzer);

        // for creating another record

    // build the index


    delete[] authorsCharStar;
    delete[] titleCharStar;
    delete record;
    delete index;
    delete analyzer;
    delete schema;
Пример #23
CGIOperandList::CGIOperandList(Record *R) : TheDef(R) {
  isPredicable = false;
  hasOptionalDef = false;
  isVariadic = false;
  DagInit *OutDI = R->getValueAsDag("OutOperandList");
  if (DefInit *Init = dynamic_cast<DefInit*>(OutDI->getOperator())) {
    if (Init->getDef()->getName() != "outs")
      throw R->getName() + ": invalid def name for output list: use 'outs'";
  } else
    throw R->getName() + ": invalid output list: use 'outs'";
  NumDefs = OutDI->getNumArgs();

  DagInit *InDI = R->getValueAsDag("InOperandList");
  if (DefInit *Init = dynamic_cast<DefInit*>(InDI->getOperator())) {
    if (Init->getDef()->getName() != "ins")
      throw R->getName() + ": invalid def name for input list: use 'ins'";
  } else
    throw R->getName() + ": invalid input list: use 'ins'";
  unsigned MIOperandNo = 0;
  std::set<std::string> OperandNames;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = InDI->getNumArgs()+OutDI->getNumArgs(); i != e; ++i){
    Init *ArgInit;
    std::string ArgName;
    if (i < NumDefs) {
      ArgInit = OutDI->getArg(i);
      ArgName = OutDI->getArgName(i);
    } else {
      ArgInit = InDI->getArg(i-NumDefs);
      ArgName = InDI->getArgName(i-NumDefs);
    DefInit *Arg = dynamic_cast<DefInit*>(ArgInit);
    if (!Arg)
      throw "Illegal operand for the '" + R->getName() + "' instruction!";
    Record *Rec = Arg->getDef();
    std::string PrintMethod = "printOperand";
    std::string EncoderMethod;
    unsigned NumOps = 1;
    DagInit *MIOpInfo = 0;
    if (Rec->isSubClassOf("Operand")) {
      PrintMethod = Rec->getValueAsString("PrintMethod");
      // If there is an explicit encoder method, use it.
      EncoderMethod = Rec->getValueAsString("EncoderMethod");
      MIOpInfo = Rec->getValueAsDag("MIOperandInfo");
      // Verify that MIOpInfo has an 'ops' root value.
      if (!dynamic_cast<DefInit*>(MIOpInfo->getOperator()) ||
          ->getDef()->getName() != "ops")
        throw "Bad value for MIOperandInfo in operand '" + Rec->getName() +
      // If we have MIOpInfo, then we have #operands equal to number of entries
      // in MIOperandInfo.
      if (unsigned NumArgs = MIOpInfo->getNumArgs())
        NumOps = NumArgs;
      if (Rec->isSubClassOf("PredicateOperand"))
        isPredicable = true;
      else if (Rec->isSubClassOf("OptionalDefOperand"))
        hasOptionalDef = true;
    } else if (Rec->getName() == "variable_ops") {
      isVariadic = true;
    } else if (!Rec->isSubClassOf("RegisterClass") &&
               Rec->getName() != "ptr_rc" && Rec->getName() != "unknown")
      throw "Unknown operand class '" + Rec->getName() +
      "' in '" + R->getName() + "' instruction!";
    // Check that the operand has a name and that it's unique.
    if (ArgName.empty())
      throw "In instruction '" + R->getName() + "', operand #" + utostr(i) +
      " has no name!";
    if (!OperandNames.insert(ArgName).second)
      throw "In instruction '" + R->getName() + "', operand #" + utostr(i) +
      " has the same name as a previous operand!";
    OperandList.push_back(OperandInfo(Rec, ArgName, PrintMethod, EncoderMethod,
                                      MIOperandNo, NumOps, MIOpInfo));
    MIOperandNo += NumOps;
  // Make sure the constraints list for each operand is large enough to hold
  // constraint info, even if none is present.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = OperandList.size(); i != e; ++i)
Пример #24
void addRecords()
    ///Create Schema
    Schema *schema = Schema::create(srch2::instantsearch::DefaultIndex);
    schema->setPrimaryKey("article_id"); // integer, not searchable
    schema->setSearchableAttribute("article_id"); // convert id to searchable text
    schema->setSearchableAttribute("article_authors", 2); // searchable text
    schema->setSearchableAttribute("article_title", 7); // searchable text
    SynonymContainer *syn = SynonymContainer::getInstance("", SYNONYM_DONOT_KEEP_ORIGIN);
    Record *record = new Record(schema);
    Analyzer *analyzer = new Analyzer(NULL, NULL, NULL, syn, "");

    unsigned mergeEveryNSeconds = 3;
    unsigned mergeEveryMWrites = 5;
    unsigned updateHistogramEveryPMerges = 1;
    unsigned updateHistogramEveryQWrites = 5;
    string INDEX_DIR = ".";
    IndexMetaData *indexMetaData = new IndexMetaData( NULL,
    		mergeEveryNSeconds, mergeEveryMWrites,
    		updateHistogramEveryPMerges, updateHistogramEveryQWrites,
    Indexer *index = Indexer::create(indexMetaData, analyzer, schema);
    record->setSearchableAttributeValue("article_authors", "Tom Smith and Jack Lennon");
    record->setSearchableAttributeValue("article_title", "come Yesterday Once More");
    index->addRecord(record, analyzer);

    record->setSearchableAttributeValue(0, "Jimi Hendrix");
    record->setSearchableAttributeValue(1, "Little wing");
    index->addRecord(record, analyzer);


    std::cout << "print 1 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$" << std::endl;

    record->setSearchableAttributeValue(0, "Jimaai Hendaarix");
    record->setSearchableAttributeValue(1, "Littaale waaing");
    index->addRecord(record, analyzer);


    std::cout << "print 2 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$" << std::endl;

    delete schema;
    delete record;
    delete analyzer;
    delete index;
Пример #25
void CodeEmitterGen::run(raw_ostream &o) {
  CodeGenTarget Target;
  std::vector<Record*> Insts = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Instruction");
  // For little-endian instruction bit encodings, reverse the bit order
  if (Target.isLittleEndianEncoding()) reverseBits(Insts);

  EmitSourceFileHeader("Machine Code Emitter", o);
  std::string Namespace = Insts[0]->getValueAsString("Namespace") + "::";
  const std::vector<const CodeGenInstruction*> &NumberedInstructions =

  // Emit function declaration
  o << "unsigned " << Target.getName() << "CodeEmitter::"
    << "getBinaryCodeForInstr(const MachineInstr &MI) {\n";

  // Emit instruction base values
  o << "  static const unsigned InstBits[] = {\n";
  for (std::vector<const CodeGenInstruction*>::const_iterator
          IN = NumberedInstructions.begin(),
          EN = NumberedInstructions.end();
       IN != EN; ++IN) {
    const CodeGenInstruction *CGI = *IN;
    Record *R = CGI->TheDef;
    if (R->getName() == "PHI" ||
        R->getName() == "INLINEASM" ||
        R->getName() == "DBG_LABEL" ||
        R->getName() == "EH_LABEL" ||
        R->getName() == "GC_LABEL" ||
        R->getName() == "KILL" ||
        R->getName() == "EXTRACT_SUBREG" ||
        R->getName() == "INSERT_SUBREG" ||
        R->getName() == "IMPLICIT_DEF" ||
        R->getName() == "SUBREG_TO_REG" ||
        R->getName() == "COPY_TO_REGCLASS" ||
        R->getName() == "DBG_VALUE") {
      o << "    0U,\n";
    BitsInit *BI = R->getValueAsBitsInit("Inst");

    // Start by filling in fixed values...
    unsigned Value = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = BI->getNumBits(); i != e; ++i) {
      if (BitInit *B = dynamic_cast<BitInit*>(BI->getBit(e-i-1))) {
        Value |= B->getValue() << (e-i-1);
    o << "    " << Value << "U," << '\t' << "// " << R->getName() << "\n";
  o << "    0U\n  };\n";
  // Map to accumulate all the cases.
  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > CaseMap;
  // Construct all cases statement for each opcode
  for (std::vector<Record*>::iterator IC = Insts.begin(), EC = Insts.end();
        IC != EC; ++IC) {
    Record *R = *IC;
    const std::string &InstName = R->getName();
    std::string Case("");
    if (InstName == "PHI" ||
        InstName == "INLINEASM" ||
        InstName == "DBG_LABEL"||
        InstName == "EH_LABEL"||
        InstName == "GC_LABEL"||
        InstName == "KILL"||
        InstName == "EXTRACT_SUBREG" ||
        InstName == "INSERT_SUBREG" ||
        InstName == "IMPLICIT_DEF" ||
        InstName == "SUBREG_TO_REG" ||
        InstName == "COPY_TO_REGCLASS" ||
        InstName == "DBG_VALUE") continue;

    BitsInit *BI = R->getValueAsBitsInit("Inst");
    const std::vector<RecordVal> &Vals = R->getValues();
    CodeGenInstruction &CGI = Target.getInstruction(R);
    // Loop over all of the fields in the instruction, determining which are the
    // operands to the instruction.
    unsigned op = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = Vals.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      if (!Vals[i].getPrefix() && !Vals[i].getValue()->isComplete()) {
        // Is the operand continuous? If so, we can just mask and OR it in
        // instead of doing it bit-by-bit, saving a lot in runtime cost.
        const std::string &VarName = Vals[i].getName();
        bool gotOp = false;
        for (int bit = BI->getNumBits()-1; bit >= 0; ) {
          int varBit = getVariableBit(VarName, BI, bit);
          if (varBit == -1) {
          } else {
            int beginInstBit = bit;
            int beginVarBit = varBit;
            int N = 1;
            for (--bit; bit >= 0;) {
              varBit = getVariableBit(VarName, BI, bit);
              if (varBit == -1 || varBit != (beginVarBit - N)) break;

            if (!gotOp) {
              /// If this operand is not supposed to be emitted by the generated
              /// emitter, skip it.
              while (CGI.isFlatOperandNotEmitted(op))
              Case += "      // op: " + VarName + "\n"
                   +  "      op = getMachineOpValue(MI, MI.getOperand("
                   +  utostr(op++) + "));\n";
              gotOp = true;
            unsigned opMask = ~0U >> (32-N);
            int opShift = beginVarBit - N + 1;
            opMask <<= opShift;
            opShift = beginInstBit - beginVarBit;
            if (opShift > 0) {
              Case += "      Value |= (op & " + utostr(opMask) + "U) << "
                   +  itostr(opShift) + ";\n";
            } else if (opShift < 0) {
              Case += "      Value |= (op & " + utostr(opMask) + "U) >> "
                   +  itostr(-opShift) + ";\n";
            } else {
              Case += "      Value |= op & " + utostr(opMask) + "U;\n";

    std::vector<std::string> &InstList = CaseMap[Case];

  // Emit initial function code
  o << "  const unsigned opcode = MI.getOpcode();\n"
    << "  unsigned Value = InstBits[opcode];\n"
    << "  unsigned op = 0;\n"
    << "  op = op;  // suppress warning\n"
    << "  switch (opcode) {\n";

  // Emit each case statement
  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >::iterator IE, EE;
  for (IE = CaseMap.begin(), EE = CaseMap.end(); IE != EE; ++IE) {
    const std::string &Case = IE->first;
    std::vector<std::string> &InstList = IE->second;

    for (int i = 0, N = InstList.size(); i < N; i++) {
      if (i) o << "\n";
      o << "    case " << Namespace << InstList[i]  << ":";
    o << " {\n";
    o << Case;
    o << "      break;\n"
      << "    }\n";

  // Default case: unhandled opcode
  o << "  default:\n"
    << "    std::string msg;\n"
    << "    raw_string_ostream Msg(msg);\n"
    << "    Msg << \"Not supported instr: \" << MI;\n"
    << "    report_fatal_error(Msg.str());\n"
    << "  }\n"
    << "  return Value;\n"
    << "}\n\n";
Пример #26
void testIndexData()
    /// Create Schema
    Schema *schema = Schema::create(srch2::instantsearch::DefaultIndex);
    schema->setPrimaryKey("article_id"); // integer, not searchable
    schema->setSearchableAttribute("article_id"); // convert id to searchable text
    schema->setSearchableAttribute("article_authors", 2); // searchable text
    schema->setSearchableAttribute("article_title", 7); // searchable text

    /// Create Analyzer
    SynonymContainer *syn = SynonymContainer::getInstance("", SYNONYM_DONOT_KEEP_ORIGIN);

    Analyzer *analyzer = new Analyzer(NULL, NULL, NULL, syn, "");

    /// Create IndexData
    string INDEX_DIR = ".";
    IndexData *indexData = IndexData::create(INDEX_DIR,

    Record *record = new Record(schema);

    record->setSearchableAttributeValue("article_authors", "Tom Smith and Jack Lennon");
    record->setSearchableAttributeValue("article_title", "come Yesterday Once More");
    indexData->_addRecord(record, analyzer);

    record->setSearchableAttributeValue(0, "Jimi Hendrix");
    record->setSearchableAttributeValue(1, "Little wing");
    indexData->_addRecord(record, analyzer);


    record->setSearchableAttributeValue(0, "Jimaai Hendaarix");
    record->setSearchableAttributeValue(1, "Littaale waaing");
    indexData->_addRecord(record, analyzer);


    /// test Trie
    Trie_Internal *trie = indexData->trie;

    typedef boost::shared_ptr<TrieRootNodeAndFreeList > TrieRootNodeSharedPtr;
    TrieRootNodeSharedPtr rootSharedPtr;
    TrieNode *root = rootSharedPtr->root;


    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "and")->getId() < trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "come")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "come")->getId() < trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "hendrix")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "hendrix")->getId() < trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "jack")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "jack")->getId() < trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "jimi")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "jimi")->getId() < trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "lennon")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "lennon")->getId() < trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "little")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "little")->getId() < trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "more")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "more")->getId() < trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "once")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "once")->getId() < trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "smith")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "smith")->getId() < trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "tom")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "tom")->getId() < trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "wing")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "wing")->getId() < trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "yesterday")->getId() );

    // we assume that there is no background thread does merge,
    // or even if there is such a background thread, it didn't have a chance to do the merge
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "jimaai") == NULL );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "Hendaarix") == NULL );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "Littaale") == NULL );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "waaing") == NULL );

    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "j")->getMinId() == trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "jack")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "j")->getMaxId() == trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "jimi")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "ja")->getMinId() == trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "jack")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "ja")->getMaxId() == trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "jack")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "win")->getMinId() == trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "wing")->getId() );
    ASSERT( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "win")->getMaxId() == trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "wing")->getId() );

    /// test ForwardIndex
    ForwardIndex *forwardIndex = indexData->forwardIndex;
    shared_ptr<vectorview<ForwardListPtr> > forwardListDirectoryReadView;
    float score = 0;
    unsigned keywordId = 1;
    // define the attributeBitmap only in debug mode
    vector<unsigned> attributeBitmap;
    ASSERT( forwardIndex->haveWordInRange(forwardListDirectoryReadView, 0,
    		trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "jack")->getId(),
    		trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "lennon")->getId(),
    		vector<unsigned>(), ATTRIBUTES_OP_AND,
    		keywordId, attributeBitmap, score) == true );
    ASSERT( forwardIndex->haveWordInRange(forwardListDirectoryReadView, 0,
    		trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "smith")->getId() + 1,
    		trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "tom")->getId() - 1,
    		vector<unsigned>(), ATTRIBUTES_OP_AND,
    		keywordId, attributeBitmap, score) == false );
    ASSERT( forwardIndex->haveWordInRange(forwardListDirectoryReadView, 1,
    		trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "hendrix")->getId(),
    		trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "jimi")->getId(),
    		vector<unsigned>(), ATTRIBUTES_OP_AND,
    		keywordId, attributeBitmap, score) == true );
    ASSERT( forwardIndex->haveWordInRange(forwardListDirectoryReadView, 1,
    		trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "wing")->getId() + 1,
    		trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "wing")->getId() + 2,
    		vector<unsigned>(), ATTRIBUTES_OP_AND,
    		keywordId, attributeBitmap, score) == false );

    /// test InvertedIndex
    InvertedIndex *invertedIndex = indexData->invertedIndex;


    ASSERT(invertedIndex->getInvertedListSize_ReadView( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "and")->getInvertedListOffset() ) == 1);
    ASSERT(invertedIndex->getInvertedListSize_ReadView( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "come")->getInvertedListOffset() ) == 1);
    ASSERT(invertedIndex->getInvertedListSize_ReadView( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "hendrix")->getInvertedListOffset() ) == 1);
    ASSERT(invertedIndex->getInvertedListSize_ReadView( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "jack")->getInvertedListOffset() ) == 1);
    ASSERT(invertedIndex->getInvertedListSize_ReadView( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "jimi")->getInvertedListOffset() ) == 1);
    ASSERT(invertedIndex->getInvertedListSize_ReadView( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "lennon")->getInvertedListOffset() ) == 1);
    ASSERT(invertedIndex->getInvertedListSize_ReadView( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "little")->getInvertedListOffset() ) == 1);
    ASSERT(invertedIndex->getInvertedListSize_ReadView( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "more")->getInvertedListOffset() ) == 1);
    ASSERT(invertedIndex->getInvertedListSize_ReadView( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "once")->getInvertedListOffset() ) == 1);
    ASSERT(invertedIndex->getInvertedListSize_ReadView( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "smith")->getInvertedListOffset() ) == 1);
    ASSERT(invertedIndex->getInvertedListSize_ReadView( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "tom")->getInvertedListOffset() ) == 1);
    ASSERT(invertedIndex->getInvertedListSize_ReadView( trie->getTrieNodeFromUtf8String( root, "wing")->getInvertedListOffset() ) == 1);

    delete schema;
    delete record;
    delete analyzer;
    delete indexData;
Пример #27
Status RecordStoreV1Base::validate( OperationContext* txn,
                                    bool full, bool scanData,
                                    ValidateAdaptor* adaptor,
                                    ValidateResults* results, BSONObjBuilder* output ) const {

    // 1) basic status that require no iteration
    // 2) extent level info
    // 3) check extent start and end
    // 4) check each non-deleted record
    // 5) check deleted list

    // -------------

    // 1111111111111111111
    if ( isCapped() ) {
        output->appendBool("capped", true);
        output->appendNumber("max", _details->maxCappedDocs());

    output->appendNumber("datasize", _details->dataSize());
    output->appendNumber("nrecords", _details->numRecords());
    output->appendNumber("lastExtentSize", _details->lastExtentSize());
    output->appendNumber("padding", _details->paddingFactor());

    if ( _details->firstExtent().isNull() )
        output->append( "firstExtent", "null" );
        output->append( "firstExtent",
                        str::stream() << _details->firstExtent().toString()
                        << " ns:"
                        << _getExtent( _details->firstExtent() )->nsDiagnostic.toString());
    if ( _details->lastExtent().isNull() )
        output->append( "lastExtent", "null" );
        output->append( "lastExtent", str::stream() << _details->lastExtent().toString()
                        << " ns:"
                        << _getExtent( _details->lastExtent() )->nsDiagnostic.toString());

    // 22222222222222222222222222
    {   // validate extent basics
        BSONArrayBuilder extentData;
        int extentCount = 0;
        try {
            if ( !_details->firstExtent().isNull() ) {
                _getExtent( _details->firstExtent() )->assertOk();
                _getExtent( _details->lastExtent() )->assertOk();

            DiskLoc extentDiskLoc = _details->firstExtent();
            while (!extentDiskLoc.isNull()) {
                Extent* thisExtent = _getExtent( extentDiskLoc );
                if (full) {
                    extentData << thisExtent->dump();
                if (!thisExtent->validates(extentDiskLoc, &results->errors)) {
                    results->valid = false;
                DiskLoc nextDiskLoc = thisExtent->xnext;
                if (extentCount > 0 && !nextDiskLoc.isNull()
                        &&  _getExtent( nextDiskLoc )->xprev != extentDiskLoc) {
                    StringBuilder sb;
                    sb << "'xprev' pointer " << _getExtent( nextDiskLoc )->xprev.toString()
                       << " in extent " << nextDiskLoc.toString()
                       << " does not point to extent " << extentDiskLoc.toString();
                    results->errors.push_back( sb.str() );
                    results->valid = false;
                if (nextDiskLoc.isNull() && extentDiskLoc != _details->lastExtent()) {
                    StringBuilder sb;
                    sb << "'lastExtent' pointer " << _details->lastExtent().toString()
                       << " does not point to last extent in list " << extentDiskLoc.toString();
                    results->errors.push_back( sb.str() );
                    results->valid = false;
                extentDiskLoc = nextDiskLoc;
        catch (const DBException& e) {
            StringBuilder sb;
            sb << "exception validating extent " << extentCount
               << ": " << e.what();
            results->errors.push_back( sb.str() );
            results->valid = false;
            return Status::OK();
        output->append("extentCount", extentCount);

        if ( full )
            output->appendArray( "extents" , extentData.arr() );


    try {
        // 333333333333333333333333333
        bool testingLastExtent = false;
        try {
            if (_details->firstExtent().isNull()) {
                // this is ok
            else {
                output->append("firstExtentDetails", _getExtent(_details->firstExtent())->dump());
                if (!_getExtent(_details->firstExtent())->xprev.isNull()) {
                    StringBuilder sb;
                    sb << "'xprev' pointer in 'firstExtent' " << _details->firstExtent().toString()
                       << " is " << _getExtent(_details->firstExtent())->xprev.toString()
                       << ", should be null";
                    results->errors.push_back( sb.str() );
                    results->valid = false;
            testingLastExtent = true;
            if (_details->lastExtent().isNull()) {
                // this is ok
            else {
                if (_details->firstExtent() != _details->lastExtent()) {
                    output->append("lastExtentDetails", _getExtent(_details->lastExtent())->dump());
                    if (!_getExtent(_details->lastExtent())->xnext.isNull()) {
                        StringBuilder sb;
                        sb << "'xnext' pointer in 'lastExtent' " << _details->lastExtent().toString()
                           << " is " << _getExtent(_details->lastExtent())->xnext.toString()
                           << ", should be null";
                        results->errors.push_back( sb.str() );
                        results->valid = false;
        catch (const DBException& e) {
            StringBuilder sb;
            sb << "exception processing '"
               << (testingLastExtent ? "lastExtent" : "firstExtent")
               << "': " << e.what();
            results->errors.push_back( sb.str() );
            results->valid = false;

        // 4444444444444444444444444

        set<DiskLoc> recs;
        if( scanData ) {
            int n = 0;
            int nInvalid = 0;
            long long nQuantizedSize = 0;
            long long nPowerOf2QuantizedSize = 0;
            long long len = 0;
            long long nlen = 0;
            long long bsonLen = 0;
            int outOfOrder = 0;
            DiskLoc cl_last;

            scoped_ptr<RecordIterator> iterator( getIterator( DiskLoc(),
                                                 CollectionScanParams::FORWARD ) );
            DiskLoc cl;
            while ( !( cl = iterator->getNext() ).isNull() ) {

                if ( n < 1000000 )
                if ( isCapped() ) {
                    if ( cl < cl_last )
                    cl_last = cl;

                Record *r = recordFor(cl);
                len += r->lengthWithHeaders();
                nlen += r->netLength();

                if ( r->lengthWithHeaders() ==
                        quantizeAllocationSpace( r->lengthWithHeaders() ) ) {
                    // Count the number of records having a size consistent with
                    // the quantizeAllocationSpace quantization implementation.

                if ( r->lengthWithHeaders() ==
                        quantizePowerOf2AllocationSpace( r->lengthWithHeaders() ) ) {
                    // Count the number of records having a size consistent with the
                    // quantizePowerOf2AllocationSpace quantization implementation.

                if (full) {
                    size_t dataSize = 0;
                    const Status status = adaptor->validate( r->toRecordData(), &dataSize );
                    if (!status.isOK()) {
                        results->valid = false;
                        if (nInvalid == 0) // only log once;
                            results->errors.push_back( "invalid object detected (see logs)" );

                        log() << "Invalid object detected in " << _ns
                              << ": " << status.reason();
                    else {
                        bsonLen += dataSize;

            if ( isCapped() && !_details->capLooped() ) {
                output->append("cappedOutOfOrder", outOfOrder);
                if ( outOfOrder > 1 ) {
                    results->valid = false;
                    results->errors.push_back( "too many out of order records" );
            output->append("objectsFound", n);

            if (full) {
                output->append("invalidObjects", nInvalid);

            output->appendNumber("nQuantizedSize", nQuantizedSize);
            output->appendNumber("nPowerOf2QuantizedSize", nPowerOf2QuantizedSize);
            output->appendNumber("bytesWithHeaders", len);
            output->appendNumber("bytesWithoutHeaders", nlen);

            if (full) {
                output->appendNumber("bytesBson", bsonLen);
        } // end scanData

        // 55555555555555555555555555
        BSONArrayBuilder deletedListArray;
        for ( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
            deletedListArray << _details->deletedListEntry(i).isNull();

        int ndel = 0;
        long long delSize = 0;
        BSONArrayBuilder delBucketSizes;
        int incorrect = 0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
            DiskLoc loc = _details->deletedListEntry(i);
            try {
                int k = 0;
                while ( !loc.isNull() ) {
                    if ( recs.count(loc) )

                    if ( loc.questionable() ) {
                        if( isCapped() && !loc.isValid() && i == 1 ) {
                            /* the constructor for NamespaceDetails intentionally sets deletedList[1] to invalid
                               see comments in namespace.h

                        string err( str::stream() << "bad pointer in deleted record list: "
                                    << loc.toString()
                                    << " bucket: " << i
                                    << " k: " << k );
                        results->errors.push_back( err );
                        results->valid = false;

                    const DeletedRecord* d = deletedRecordFor(loc);
                    delSize += d->lengthWithHeaders();
                    loc = d->nextDeleted();
                delBucketSizes << k;
            catch (...) {
                results->errors.push_back( (string)"exception in deleted chain for bucket " +
                                           BSONObjBuilder::numStr(i) );
                results->valid = false;
        output->appendNumber("deletedCount", ndel);
        output->appendNumber("deletedSize", delSize);
        if ( full ) {
            output->append( "delBucketSizes", delBucketSizes.arr() );

        if ( incorrect ) {
            results->errors.push_back( BSONObjBuilder::numStr(incorrect) +
                                       " records from datafile are in deleted list" );
            results->valid = false;

    catch (AssertionException) {
        results->errors.push_back( "exception during validate" );
        results->valid = false;

    return Status::OK();
Пример #28
// run - Emit the main instruction description records for the target...
void InstrInfoEmitter::run(raw_ostream &OS) {


  EmitSourceFileHeader("Target Instruction Descriptors", OS);

  OS << "\n#ifdef GET_INSTRINFO_MC_DESC\n";
  OS << "#undef GET_INSTRINFO_MC_DESC\n";

  OS << "namespace llvm {\n\n";

  CodeGenTarget &Target = CDP.getTargetInfo();
  const std::string &TargetName = Target.getName();
  Record *InstrInfo = Target.getInstructionSet();

  // Keep track of all of the def lists we have emitted already.
  std::map<std::vector<Record*>, unsigned> EmittedLists;
  unsigned ListNumber = 0;

  // Emit all of the instruction's implicit uses and defs.
  for (CodeGenTarget::inst_iterator II = Target.inst_begin(),
         E = Target.inst_end(); II != E; ++II) {
    Record *Inst = (*II)->TheDef;
    std::vector<Record*> Uses = Inst->getValueAsListOfDefs("Uses");
    if (!Uses.empty()) {
      unsigned &IL = EmittedLists[Uses];
      if (!IL) PrintDefList(Uses, IL = ++ListNumber, OS);
    std::vector<Record*> Defs = Inst->getValueAsListOfDefs("Defs");
    if (!Defs.empty()) {
      unsigned &IL = EmittedLists[Defs];
      if (!IL) PrintDefList(Defs, IL = ++ListNumber, OS);

  OperandInfoMapTy OperandInfoIDs;

  // Emit all of the operand info records.
  EmitOperandInfo(OS, OperandInfoIDs);

  // Emit all of the MCInstrDesc records in their ENUM ordering.
  OS << "\nMCInstrDesc " << TargetName << "Insts[] = {\n";
  const std::vector<const CodeGenInstruction*> &NumberedInstructions =

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumberedInstructions.size(); i != e; ++i)
    emitRecord(*NumberedInstructions[i], i, InstrInfo, EmittedLists,
               OperandInfoIDs, OS);
  OS << "};\n\n";

  // MCInstrInfo initialization routine.
  OS << "static inline void Init" << TargetName
     << "MCInstrInfo(MCInstrInfo *II) {\n";
  OS << "  II->InitMCInstrInfo(" << TargetName << "Insts, "
     << NumberedInstructions.size() << ");\n}\n\n";

  OS << "} // End llvm namespace \n";

  OS << "#endif // GET_INSTRINFO_MC_DESC\n\n";

  // Create a TargetInstrInfo subclass to hide the MC layer initialization.
  OS << "\n#ifdef GET_INSTRINFO_HEADER\n";
  OS << "#undef GET_INSTRINFO_HEADER\n";

  std::string ClassName = TargetName + "GenInstrInfo";
  OS << "namespace llvm {\n";
  OS << "struct " << ClassName << " : public TargetInstrInfoImpl {\n"
     << "  explicit " << ClassName << "(int SO = -1, int DO = -1);\n"
     << "};\n";
  OS << "} // End llvm namespace \n";

  OS << "#endif // GET_INSTRINFO_HEADER\n\n";

  OS << "\n#ifdef GET_INSTRINFO_CTOR\n";
  OS << "#undef GET_INSTRINFO_CTOR\n";

  OS << "namespace llvm {\n";
  OS << "extern MCInstrDesc " << TargetName << "Insts[];\n";
  OS << ClassName << "::" << ClassName << "(int SO, int DO)\n"
     << "  : TargetInstrInfoImpl(SO, DO) {\n"
     << "  InitMCInstrInfo(" << TargetName << "Insts, "
     << NumberedInstructions.size() << ");\n}\n";
  OS << "} // End llvm namespace \n";

  OS << "#endif // GET_INSTRINFO_CTOR\n\n";
Пример #29
int main() {
  Record rec = getScores();
  cout << "Grade is " << rec.overallGrade() << endl;
  return 0;
Пример #30
 virtual QVariant get (const Record<ESXRecordT>& record) const
     return QString::fromUtf8 (record.get().mId.c_str());