Пример #1
			std::vector<glm::vec3> GetTravelPathBounding(const Rectangle& rectangle, const glm::vec3& targetCenter)
				const auto& currentCenter = rectangle.Center();
				std::vector<glm::vec3> vertices{ rectangle.A(), rectangle.B(), rectangle.C(), rectangle.D() };
				auto indices = GetSortedIndicesByDistanceFromPoint(vertices, targetCenter);

				const glm::vec3 directionVector = targetCenter - currentCenter;

				std::vector<glm::vec3> travelPathBoundingRectangle;
				bool isBoundingPathRectangle = IsBoundingPathRectangle(vertices, directionVector);
				if (isBoundingPathRectangle)
					travelPathBoundingRectangle = GetBoundingPathAsRectangle(vertices, indices, directionVector);
					travelPathBoundingRectangle = GetBoundingPathAsHexagon(vertices, indices, directionVector);

				return travelPathBoundingRectangle;
Пример #2
void ShipInfoPanel::DrawWeapons(const Rectangle &bounds)
	// Colors to draw with.
	Color dim = *GameData::Colors().Get("medium");
	Color bright = *GameData::Colors().Get("bright");
	const Font &font = FontSet::Get(14);
	const Ship &ship = **shipIt;
	// Figure out how much to scale the sprite by.
	const Sprite *sprite = ship.GetSprite();
	double scale = 0.;
		scale = min(1., min((WIDTH - 10) / sprite->Width(), (WIDTH - 10) / sprite->Height()));
	// Figure out the left- and right-most hardpoints on the ship. If they are
	// too far apart, the scale may need to be reduced.
	// Also figure out how many weapons of each type are on each side.
	double maxX = 0.;
	int count[2][2] = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}};
	for(const Hardpoint &hardpoint : ship.Weapons())
		// Multiply hardpoint X by 2 to convert to sprite pixels.
		maxX = max(maxX, fabs(2. * hardpoint.GetPoint().X()));
		++count[hardpoint.GetPoint().X() >= 0.][hardpoint.IsTurret()];
	// If necessary, shrink the sprite to keep the hardpoints inside the labels.
	// The width of this UI block will be 2 * (LABEL_WIDTH + HARDPOINT_DX).
	static const double LABEL_WIDTH = 150.;
	static const double LABEL_DX = 95.;
	static const double LABEL_PAD = 5.;
	if(maxX > (LABEL_DX - LABEL_PAD))
		scale = min(scale, (LABEL_DX - LABEL_PAD) / (2. * maxX));
	// Draw the ship, using the black silhouette swizzle.
	SpriteShader::Draw(sprite, bounds.Center(), scale, 8);
	OutlineShader::Draw(sprite, bounds.Center(), scale * Point(sprite->Width(), sprite->Height()), Color(.5f));
	// Figure out how tall each part of the weapon listing will be.
	int gunRows = max(count[0][0], count[1][0]);
	int turretRows = max(count[0][1], count[1][1]);
	// If there are both guns and turrets, add a gap of ten pixels.
	double height = 20. * (gunRows + turretRows) + 10. * (gunRows && turretRows);
	double gunY = bounds.Top() + .5 * (bounds.Height() - height);
	double turretY = gunY + 20. * gunRows + 10. * (gunRows != 0);
	double nextY[2][2] = {
		{gunY + 20. * (gunRows - count[0][0]), turretY + 20. * (turretRows - count[0][1])},
		{gunY + 20. * (gunRows - count[1][0]), turretY + 20. * (turretRows - count[1][1])}};
	int index = 0;
	const double centerX = bounds.Center().X();
	const double labelCenter[2] = {-.5 * LABEL_WIDTH - LABEL_DX, LABEL_DX + .5 * LABEL_WIDTH};
	const double fromX[2] = {-LABEL_DX + LABEL_PAD, LABEL_DX - LABEL_PAD};
	static const double LINE_HEIGHT = 20.;
	static const double TEXT_OFF = .5 * (LINE_HEIGHT - font.Height());
	Point topFrom;
	Point topTo;
	Color topColor;
	bool hasTop = false;
	for(const Hardpoint &hardpoint : ship.Weapons())
		string name = "[empty]";
			name = font.Truncate(hardpoint.GetOutfit()->Name(), 150);
		bool isRight = (hardpoint.GetPoint().X() >= 0.);
		bool isTurret = hardpoint.IsTurret();
		double &y = nextY[isRight][isTurret];
		double x = centerX + (isRight ? LABEL_DX : (-LABEL_DX - font.Width(name)));
		bool isHover = (index == hoverIndex);
		font.Draw(name, Point(x, y + TEXT_OFF), isHover ? bright : dim);
		Point zoneCenter(labelCenter[isRight], y + .5 * LINE_HEIGHT);
		zones.emplace_back(zoneCenter, LINE_SIZE, index);
		// Determine what color to use for the line.
		float high = (index == hoverIndex ? .8f : .5f);
		Color color(high, .75f * high, 0.f, 1.f);
			color = Color(0.f, .75f * high, high, 1.f);
		// Draw the line.
		Point from(fromX[isRight], zoneCenter.Y());
		Point to = bounds.Center() + (2. * scale) * hardpoint.GetPoint();
		DrawLine(from, to, color);
			topFrom = from;
			topTo = to;
			topColor = color;
			hasTop = true;
	// Make sure the line for whatever hardpoint we're hovering is always on top.
		DrawLine(topFrom, topTo, topColor);
	// Re-positioning weapons.
	if(draggingIndex >= 0)
		const Outfit *outfit = ship.Weapons()[draggingIndex].GetOutfit();
		string name = outfit ? outfit->Name() : "[empty]";
		Point pos(hoverPoint.X() - .5 * font.Width(name), hoverPoint.Y());
		font.Draw(name, pos + Point(1., 1.), Color(0., 1.));
		font.Draw(name, pos, bright);