// Return true if the given layer has some ancestor in the RenderLayer hierarchy that clips,
// up to the enclosing compositing ancestor. This is required because compositing layers are parented
// according to the z-order hierarchy, yet clipping goes down the renderer hierarchy.
// Thus, a RenderLayer can be clipped by a RenderLayer that is an ancestor in the renderer hierarchy,
// but a sibling in the z-order hierarchy.
bool RenderLayerCompositor::clippedByAncestor(RenderLayer* layer) const
    if (!layer->isComposited() || !layer->parent())
        return false;

    RenderLayer* compositingAncestor = layer->ancestorCompositingLayer();
    if (!compositingAncestor)
        return false;

    // If the compositingAncestor clips, that will be taken care of by clipsCompositingDescendants(),
    // so we only care about clipping between its first child that is our ancestor (the computeClipRoot),
    // and layer.
    RenderLayer* computeClipRoot = 0;
    RenderLayer* curr = layer;
    while (curr) {
        RenderLayer* next = curr->parent();
        if (next == compositingAncestor) {
            computeClipRoot = curr;
        curr = next;
    if (!computeClipRoot || computeClipRoot == layer)
        return false;

    IntRect backgroundRect = layer->backgroundClipRect(computeClipRoot, true);
    return backgroundRect != ClipRects::infiniteRect();
Пример #2
void GraphicsLayerUpdater::update(RenderLayer& layer, UpdateType updateType)
    if (layer.hasCompositedLayerMapping()) {
        CompositedLayerMappingPtr mapping = layer.compositedLayerMapping();

        // Note carefully: here we assume that the compositing state of all descendants have been updated already,
        // so it is legitimate to compute and cache the composited bounds for this layer.

        if (RenderLayerReflectionInfo* reflection = layer.reflectionInfo()) {
            if (reflection->reflectionLayer()->hasCompositedLayerMapping())

        updateType = mapping->updateGraphicsLayerGeometry(updateType);

        if (!layer.parent())

        if (mapping->hasUnpositionedOverflowControlsLayers())

    for (RenderLayer* child = layer.firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
        update(*child, updateType);
Пример #3
void MouseRelatedEvent::computeRelativePosition()
    Node* targetNode = target() ? target()->toNode() : 0;
    if (!targetNode)

    // Compute coordinates that are based on the target.
    m_layerLocation = m_pageLocation;
    m_offsetLocation = m_pageLocation;

    // Must have an updated render tree for this math to work correctly.

    // Adjust offsetLocation to be relative to the target's position.
    if (RenderObject* r = targetNode->renderer()) {
        FloatPoint localPos = r->absoluteToLocal(absoluteLocation(), UseTransforms);
        m_offsetLocation = roundedLayoutPoint(localPos);

    // Adjust layerLocation to be relative to the layer.
    // FIXME: event.layerX and event.layerY are poorly defined,
    // and probably don't always correspond to RenderLayer offsets.
    // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21868
    Node* n = targetNode;
    while (n && !n->renderer())
        n = n->parentNode();

    if (n) {
        // FIXME: This logic is a wrong implementation of convertToLayerCoords.
        for (RenderLayer* layer = n->renderer()->enclosingLayer(); layer; layer = layer->parent())
            m_layerLocation -= toLayoutSize(layer->location());

    m_hasCachedRelativePosition = true;
Пример #4
AffineTransform SVGRenderingContext::calculateTransformationToOutermostCoordinateSystem(const RenderObject& renderer)
    AffineTransform absoluteTransform = currentContentTransformation();

    float deviceScaleFactor = renderer.document().deviceScaleFactor();
    // Walk up the render tree, accumulating SVG transforms.
    const RenderObject* ancestor = &renderer;
    while (ancestor) {
        absoluteTransform = ancestor->localToParentTransform() * absoluteTransform;
        if (ancestor->isSVGRoot())
        ancestor = ancestor->parent();

    // Continue walking up the layer tree, accumulating CSS transforms.
    RenderLayer* layer = ancestor ? ancestor->enclosingLayer() : nullptr;
    while (layer) {
        if (TransformationMatrix* layerTransform = layer->transform())
            absoluteTransform = layerTransform->toAffineTransform() * absoluteTransform;

        // We can stop at compositing layers, to match the backing resolution.
        if (layer->isComposited())

        layer = layer->parent();

    return absoluteTransform;
RenderLayerStackingNode* RenderLayerStackingNode::ancestorStackingContextNode() const
    for (RenderLayer* ancestor = layer()->parent(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent()) {
        RenderLayerStackingNode* stackingNode = ancestor->stackingNode();
        if (stackingNode->isStackingContext())
            return stackingNode;
    return 0;
RenderLayerStackingNode* RenderLayerStackingNode::ancestorStackingNode() const
    RenderLayer* ancestor = layer()->parent();
    while (ancestor && !ancestor->stackingNode()->isStackingContext())
        ancestor = ancestor->parent();
    if (ancestor)
        return ancestor->stackingNode();
    return 0;
RenderLayer* RenderLayerCompositor::enclosingNonStackingClippingLayer(const RenderLayer* layer) const
    for (RenderLayer* curr = layer->parent(); curr != 0; curr = curr->parent()) {
        if (curr->isStackingContext())
            return 0;

        if (curr->renderer()->hasOverflowClip()  || layer->renderer()->hasClip())
            return curr;
    return 0;
Пример #8
RenderLayer* LinkHighlight::computeEnclosingCompositingLayer()
    if (!m_node || !m_node->renderer())
        return 0;

    RenderLayer* renderLayer = m_node->renderer()->enclosingLayer();

    // Find the nearest enclosing composited layer and attach to it. We may need to cross frame boundaries
    // to find a suitable layer.
    while (renderLayer && !renderLayer->isComposited()) {
        if (!renderLayer->parent()) {
            // See if we've reached the root in an enclosed frame.
            if (renderLayer->renderer()->frame()->ownerRenderer())
                renderLayer = renderLayer->renderer()->frame()->ownerRenderer()->enclosingLayer();
                renderLayer = 0;
        } else
            renderLayer = renderLayer->parent();

    if (!renderLayer || !renderLayer->isComposited())
        return 0;

    GraphicsLayerChromium* newGraphicsLayer = static_cast<GraphicsLayerChromium*>(renderLayer->backing()->graphicsLayer());
    if (!newGraphicsLayer->drawsContent()) {
        newGraphicsLayer = static_cast<GraphicsLayerChromium*>(m_owningWebViewImpl->nonCompositedContentHost()->topLevelRootLayer());

    if (m_currentGraphicsLayer != newGraphicsLayer) {
        if (m_currentGraphicsLayer)

        m_currentGraphicsLayer = newGraphicsLayer;

    return renderLayer;
Пример #9
void MouseRelatedEvent::computeRelativePosition()
    Node* targetNode = target() ? target()->toNode() : 0;
    if (!targetNode)

    // Compute coordinates that are based on the target.
    m_layerLocation = m_pageLocation;
    m_offsetLocation = m_pageLocation;

    // Must have an updated render tree for this math to work correctly.

    // Adjust offsetLocation to be relative to the target's position.
    if (!isSimulated()) {
        if (RenderObject* r = targetNode->renderer()) {
            FloatPoint localPos = r->absoluteToLocal(absoluteLocation(), false, true);
            m_offsetLocation = roundedLayoutPoint(localPos);
            float scaleFactor = 1 / pageZoomFactor(this);
            if (scaleFactor != 1.0f)
                m_offsetLocation.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);

    // Adjust layerLocation to be relative to the layer.
    // FIXME: We're pretty sure this is the wrong definition of "layer."
    // Our RenderLayer is a more modern concept, and layerX/Y is some
    // other notion about groups of elements (left over from the Netscape 4 days?);
    // we should test and fix this.
    Node* n = targetNode;
    while (n && !n->renderer())
        n = n->parentNode();

    RenderLayer* layer;
    if (n && (layer = n->renderer()->enclosingLayer())) {
        for (; layer; layer = layer->parent()) {
            m_layerLocation -= toSize(layer->location());

    m_hasCachedRelativePosition = true;
Пример #10
void MouseRelatedEvent::receivedTarget()
    Node* targ = target()->toNode();
    if (!targ)

    // Compute coordinates that are based on the target.
    m_layerX = m_pageX;
    m_layerY = m_pageY;
    m_offsetX = m_pageX;
    m_offsetY = m_pageY;

    // Must have an updated render tree for this math to work correctly.

    // Adjust offsetX/Y to be relative to the target's position.
    if (!isSimulated()) {
        if (RenderObject* r = targ->renderer()) {
            FloatPoint localPos = r->absoluteToLocal(absoluteLocation(), false, true);
            float zoomFactor = pageZoomFactor(this);
            m_offsetX = lroundf(localPos.x() / zoomFactor);
            m_offsetY = lroundf(localPos.y() / zoomFactor);

    // Adjust layerX/Y to be relative to the layer.
    // FIXME: We're pretty sure this is the wrong definition of "layer."
    // Our RenderLayer is a more modern concept, and layerX/Y is some
    // other notion about groups of elements (left over from the Netscape 4 days?);
    // we should test and fix this.
    Node* n = targ;
    while (n && !n->renderer())
        n = n->parentNode();
    if (n) {
        RenderLayer* layer = n->renderer()->enclosingLayer();
        for (; layer; layer = layer->parent()) {
            m_layerX -= layer->x();
            m_layerY -= layer->y();
Пример #11
void GraphicsLayerUpdater::update(RenderLayer& layer, UpdateType updateType, const UpdateContext& context)
    if (layer.hasCompositedLayerMapping()) {
        CompositedLayerMappingPtr mapping = layer.compositedLayerMapping();

        const RenderLayer* compositingContainer = context.compositingContainer(layer);
        ASSERT(compositingContainer == layer.ancestorCompositingLayer());
        if (mapping->updateRequiresOwnBackingStoreForAncestorReasons(compositingContainer))
            updateType = ForceUpdate;

        // Note carefully: here we assume that the compositing state of all descendants have been updated already,
        // so it is legitimate to compute and cache the composited bounds for this layer.

        if (RenderLayerReflectionInfo* reflection = layer.reflectionInfo()) {
            if (reflection->reflectionLayer()->hasCompositedLayerMapping())

        if (mapping->updateGraphicsLayerConfiguration(updateType))
            m_needsRebuildTree = true;

        mapping->updateGraphicsLayerGeometry(updateType, compositingContainer);

        updateType = mapping->updateTypeForChildren(updateType);

        if (!layer.parent())

        if (mapping->hasUnpositionedOverflowControlsLayers())

    UpdateContext childContext(context, layer);
    for (RenderLayer* child = layer.firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
        update(*child, updateType, childContext);
Пример #12
void MouseRelatedEvent::computeRelativePosition()
    Node* targetNode = target() ? target()->toNode() : nullptr;
    if (!targetNode)

    // Compute coordinates that are based on the target.
    m_layerLocation = m_pageLocation;
    m_offsetLocation = m_pageLocation;

    // Must have an updated render tree for this math to work correctly.

    // Adjust offsetLocation to be relative to the target's position.
    if (RenderObject* r = targetNode->renderer()) {
        m_offsetLocation = LayoutPoint(r->absoluteToLocal(absoluteLocation(), UseTransforms));
        float scaleFactor = 1 / (pageZoomFactor(this) * frameScaleFactor(this));
        if (scaleFactor != 1.0f)
            m_offsetLocation.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);

    // Adjust layerLocation to be relative to the layer.
    // FIXME: event.layerX and event.layerY are poorly defined,
    // and probably don't always correspond to RenderLayer offsets.
    // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21868
    Node* n = targetNode;
    while (n && !n->renderer())
        n = n->parentNode();

    RenderLayer* layer;
    if (n && (layer = n->renderer()->enclosingLayer())) {
        for (; layer; layer = layer->parent()) {
            m_layerLocation -= toLayoutSize(layer->location());

    m_hasCachedRelativePosition = true;
Пример #13
void MouseEventImpl::computeLayerPos()
    m_layerX = m_pageX;
    m_layerY = m_pageY;

    DocumentImpl* doc = view() ? view()->document() : 0;
    if (doc && doc->renderer()) {
        khtml::RenderObject::NodeInfo renderInfo(true, false);
        doc->renderer()->layer()->nodeAtPoint(renderInfo, m_pageX, m_pageY);

        NodeImpl *node = renderInfo.innerNonSharedNode();
        while (node && !node->renderer())
            node = node->parent();

        if (node) {
            for (RenderLayer* layer = node->renderer()->enclosingLayer(); layer;
                 layer = layer->parent()) {
                m_layerX -= layer->xPos();
                m_layerY -= layer->yPos();
bool CompositingReasonFinder::requiresCompositingForPositionFixed(RenderObject* renderer, const RenderLayer* layer, RenderLayer::ViewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason* viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason, bool* needToRecomputeCompositingRequirements) const
    if (!(m_compositingTriggers & ViewportConstrainedPositionedTrigger))
        return false;

    if (renderer->style()->position() != FixedPosition)
        return false;

    RenderObject* container = renderer->container();
    // If the renderer is not hooked up yet then we have to wait until it is.
    if (!container) {
        ASSERT(m_renderView.document().lifecycle().state() < DocumentLifecycle::InCompositingUpdate);
        // FIXME: Remove this and ASSERT(container) once we get rid of the incremental
        // allocateOrClearCompositedLayerMapping compositing update. This happens when
        // adding the renderer to the tree because we setStyle before addChild in
        // createRendererForElementIfNeeded.
        *needToRecomputeCompositingRequirements = true;
        return false;

    // Don't promote fixed position elements that are descendants of a non-view container, e.g. transformed elements.
    // They will stay fixed wrt the container rather than the enclosing frame.
    if (container != &m_renderView) {
        if (viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason)
            *viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason = RenderLayer::NotCompositedForNonViewContainer;
        return false;

    // If the fixed-position element does not have any scrollable ancestor between it and
    // its container, then we do not need to spend compositor resources for it. Start by
    // assuming we can opt-out (i.e. no scrollable ancestor), and refine the answer below.
    bool hasScrollableAncestor = false;

    // The FrameView has the scrollbars associated with the top level viewport, so we have to
    // check the FrameView in addition to the hierarchy of ancestors.
    FrameView* frameView = m_renderView.frameView();
    if (frameView && frameView->isScrollable())
        hasScrollableAncestor = true;

    RenderLayer* ancestor = layer->parent();
    while (ancestor && !hasScrollableAncestor) {
        if (ancestor->scrollsOverflow())
            hasScrollableAncestor = true;
        if (ancestor->renderer() == &m_renderView)
        ancestor = ancestor->parent();

    if (!hasScrollableAncestor) {
        if (viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason)
            *viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason = RenderLayer::NotCompositedForUnscrollableAncestors;
        return false;

    // Subsequent tests depend on layout. If we can't tell now, just keep things the way they are until layout is done.
    // FIXME: Get rid of this codepath once we get rid of the incremental compositing update in RenderLayer::styleChanged.
    if (m_renderView.document().lifecycle().state() < DocumentLifecycle::LayoutClean) {
        *needToRecomputeCompositingRequirements = true;
        return layer->hasCompositedLayerMapping();

    bool paintsContent = layer->isVisuallyNonEmpty() || layer->hasVisibleDescendant();
    if (!paintsContent) {
        if (viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason)
            *viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason = RenderLayer::NotCompositedForNoVisibleContent;
        return false;

    // Fixed position elements that are invisible in the current view don't get their own layer.
    if (FrameView* frameView = m_renderView.frameView()) {
        ASSERT(m_renderView.document().lifecycle().state() == DocumentLifecycle::InCompositingUpdate);
        LayoutRect viewBounds = frameView->viewportConstrainedVisibleContentRect();
        LayoutRect layerBounds = layer->boundingBoxForCompositing(layer->compositor()->rootRenderLayer(), RenderLayer::ApplyBoundsChickenEggHacks);
        if (!viewBounds.intersects(enclosingIntRect(layerBounds))) {
            if (viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason)
                *viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason = RenderLayer::NotCompositedForBoundsOutOfView;
            return false;

    return true;
Пример #15
bool CompositingReasonFinder::requiresCompositingForPosition(RenderObject* renderer, const RenderLayer* layer, RenderLayer::ViewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason* viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason, bool* needToRecomputeCompositingRequirements) const
    // position:fixed elements that create their own stacking context (e.g. have an explicit z-index,
    // opacity, transform) can get their own composited layer. A stacking context is required otherwise
    // z-index and clipping will be broken.
    if (!renderer->isPositioned())
        return false;

    EPosition position = renderer->style()->position();
    bool isFixed = renderer->isOutOfFlowPositioned() && position == FixedPosition;
    // FIXME: The isStackingContainer check here is redundant. Fixed position elements are always stacking contexts.
    if (isFixed && !layer->stackingNode()->isStackingContainer())
        return false;

    bool isSticky = renderer->isInFlowPositioned() && position == StickyPosition;
    if (!isFixed && !isSticky)
        return false;

    // FIXME: acceleratedCompositingForFixedPositionEnabled should probably be renamed acceleratedCompositingForViewportConstrainedPositionEnabled().
    if (Settings* settings = m_renderView.document().settings()) {
        if (!settings->acceleratedCompositingForFixedPositionEnabled())
            return false;

    if (isSticky)
        return isViewportConstrainedFixedOrStickyLayer(layer);

    RenderObject* container = renderer->container();
    // If the renderer is not hooked up yet then we have to wait until it is.
    if (!container) {
        *needToRecomputeCompositingRequirements = true;
        return false;

    // Don't promote fixed position elements that are descendants of a non-view container, e.g. transformed elements.
    // They will stay fixed wrt the container rather than the enclosing frame.
    if (container != &m_renderView) {
        if (viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason)
            *viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason = RenderLayer::NotCompositedForNonViewContainer;
        return false;

    // If the fixed-position element does not have any scrollable ancestor between it and
    // its container, then we do not need to spend compositor resources for it. Start by
    // assuming we can opt-out (i.e. no scrollable ancestor), and refine the answer below.
    bool hasScrollableAncestor = false;

    // The FrameView has the scrollbars associated with the top level viewport, so we have to
    // check the FrameView in addition to the hierarchy of ancestors.
    FrameView* frameView = m_renderView.frameView();
    if (frameView && frameView->isScrollable())
        hasScrollableAncestor = true;

    RenderLayer* ancestor = layer->parent();
    while (ancestor && !hasScrollableAncestor) {
        if (frameView->containsScrollableArea(ancestor->scrollableArea()))
            hasScrollableAncestor = true;
        if (ancestor->renderer() == &m_renderView)
        ancestor = ancestor->parent();

    if (!hasScrollableAncestor) {
        if (viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason)
            *viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason = RenderLayer::NotCompositedForUnscrollableAncestors;
        return false;

    // Subsequent tests depend on layout. If we can't tell now, just keep things the way they are until layout is done.
    if (m_renderView.document().lifecycle().state() < DocumentLifecycle::LayoutClean) {
        *needToRecomputeCompositingRequirements = true;
        return layer->hasCompositedLayerMapping();

    bool paintsContent = layer->isVisuallyNonEmpty() || layer->hasVisibleDescendant();
    if (!paintsContent) {
        if (viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason)
            *viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason = RenderLayer::NotCompositedForNoVisibleContent;
        return false;

    // Fixed position elements that are invisible in the current view don't get their own layer.
    if (FrameView* frameView = m_renderView.frameView()) {
        LayoutRect viewBounds = frameView->viewportConstrainedVisibleContentRect();
        LayoutRect layerBounds = layer->calculateLayerBounds(layer->compositor()->rootRenderLayer(), 0,
            | RenderLayer::ExcludeHiddenDescendants
            | RenderLayer::DontConstrainForMask
            | RenderLayer::IncludeCompositedDescendants
            | RenderLayer::PretendLayerHasOwnBacking);
        if (!viewBounds.intersects(enclosingIntRect(layerBounds))) {
            if (viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason) {
                *viewportConstrainedNotCompositedReason = RenderLayer::NotCompositedForBoundsOutOfView;
                *needToRecomputeCompositingRequirements = true;
            return false;

    return true;
Пример #16
bool RenderEmbeddedObject::isReplacementObscured() const
    // Return whether or not the replacement content for blocked plugins is accessible to the user.

    // Check the opacity of each layer containing the element or its ancestors.
    float opacity = 1.0;
    for (RenderLayer* layer = enclosingLayer(); layer; layer = layer->parent()) {
        RenderLayerModelObject* renderer = layer->renderer();
        RenderStyle* style = renderer->style();
        opacity *= style->opacity();
        if (opacity < 0.1)
            return true;

    // Calculate the absolute rect for the blocked plugin replacement text.
    IntRect absoluteBoundingBox = absoluteBoundingBoxRect();
    LayoutPoint absoluteLocation(absoluteBoundingBox.location());
    LayoutRect rect = replacementTextRect(absoluteLocation);
    if (rect.isEmpty())
        return true;

    RenderView* docRenderer = document()->renderView();
    if (!docRenderer)
        return true;
    HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active | HitTestRequest::IgnoreClipping | HitTestRequest::DisallowShadowContent);
    HitTestResult result;
    HitTestLocation location;
    LayoutUnit x = rect.x();
    LayoutUnit y = rect.y();
    LayoutUnit width = rect.width();
    LayoutUnit height = rect.height();
    // Hit test the center and near the corners of the replacement text to ensure
    // it is visible and is not masked by other elements.
    bool hit = false;
    location = LayoutPoint(x + width / 2, y + height / 2);
    hit = docRenderer->hitTest(request, location, result);
    if (!hit || result.innerNode() != node())
        return true;
    location = LayoutPoint(x, y);
    hit = docRenderer->hitTest(request, location, result);
    if (!hit || result.innerNode() != node())
        return true;
    location = LayoutPoint(x + width, y);
    hit = docRenderer->hitTest(request, location, result);
    if (!hit || result.innerNode() != node())
        return true;
    location = LayoutPoint(x + width, y + height);
    hit = docRenderer->hitTest(request, location, result);
    if (!hit || result.innerNode() != node())
        return true;
    location = LayoutPoint(x, y + height);
    hit = docRenderer->hitTest(request, location, result);
    if (!hit || result.innerNode() != node())
        return true;

    return false;
bool RenderEmbeddedObject::isReplacementObscured() const
    // Return whether or not the replacement content for blocked plugins is accessible to the user.

    // Check the opacity of each layer containing the element or its ancestors.
    float opacity = 1.0;
    for (RenderLayer* layer = enclosingLayer(); layer; layer = layer->parent()) {
        opacity *= layer->renderer().style().opacity();
        if (opacity < 0.1)
            return true;

    // Calculate the absolute rect for the blocked plugin replacement text.
    IntRect absoluteBoundingBox = absoluteBoundingBoxRect();
    LayoutPoint absoluteLocation(absoluteBoundingBox.location());
    LayoutRect rect = unavailablePluginIndicatorBounds(absoluteLocation);
    if (rect.isEmpty())
        return true;

    RenderView* rootRenderView = document().topDocument().renderView();
    if (!rootRenderView)
        return true;

    IntRect rootViewRect = view().frameView().convertToRootView(snappedIntRect(rect));
    HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active | HitTestRequest::IgnoreClipping | HitTestRequest::DisallowUserAgentShadowContent | HitTestRequest::AllowChildFrameContent);
    HitTestResult result;
    HitTestLocation location;
    LayoutUnit x = rootViewRect.x();
    LayoutUnit y = rootViewRect.y();
    LayoutUnit width = rootViewRect.width();
    LayoutUnit height = rootViewRect.height();
    // Hit test the center and near the corners of the replacement text to ensure
    // it is visible and is not masked by other elements.
    bool hit = false;
    location = LayoutPoint(x + width / 2, y + height / 2);
    hit = rootRenderView->hitTest(request, location, result);
    if (!hit || result.innerNode() != &frameOwnerElement())
        return true;
    location = LayoutPoint(x, y);
    hit = rootRenderView->hitTest(request, location, result);
    if (!hit || result.innerNode() != &frameOwnerElement())
        return true;
    location = LayoutPoint(x + width, y);
    hit = rootRenderView->hitTest(request, location, result);
    if (!hit || result.innerNode() != &frameOwnerElement())
        return true;
    location = LayoutPoint(x + width, y + height);
    hit = rootRenderView->hitTest(request, location, result);
    if (!hit || result.innerNode() != &frameOwnerElement())
        return true;
    location = LayoutPoint(x, y + height);
    hit = rootRenderView->hitTest(request, location, result);
    if (!hit || result.innerNode() != &frameOwnerElement())
        return true;

    return false;