Пример #1
/// Initialize this system.
/// @param[in] rCommandLineInitialization    Interface for initializing command-line parameters.
/// @param[in] rObjectTypeRegistration       Interface for registering GameObject-based types.  Note that this must
///                                          remain valid until Shutdown() is called on this system, as a reference
///                                          to it will be held by this system.
/// @param[in] rMemoryHeapPreInitialization  Interface for performing any necessary pre-initialization of dynamic
///                                          memory heaps.
/// @param[in] rObjectLoaderInitialization   Interface for creating and initializing the main GameObjectLoader instance.
///                                          Note that this must remain valid until Shutdown() is called on this
///                                          system, as a reference to it will be held by this system.
/// @param[in] rConfigInitialization         Interface for initializing application configuration settings.
/// @param[in] rWindowManagerInitialization  Interface for creating and initializing the global window manager
///                                          instance.
/// @param[in] rRendererInitialization       Interface for creating and initializing the global renderer instance.
/// @param[in] pWorldType                    Type of World to create for the main world.  If this is null, the
///                                          actual World type will be used.
bool GameSystem::Initialize(
    CommandLineInitialization& rCommandLineInitialization,
    ObjectTypeRegistration& rObjectTypeRegistration,
    MemoryHeapPreInitialization& rMemoryHeapPreInitialization,
    ObjectLoaderInitialization& rObjectLoaderInitialization,
    ConfigInitialization& rConfigInitialization,
    WindowManagerInitialization& rWindowManagerInitialization,
    RendererInitialization& rRendererInitialization,
    const GameObjectType* pWorldType )
    // Initialize the timer first of all, in case someone wants to use it.

    // Initialize command-line parameters.
    bool bCommandLineInitSuccess = rCommandLineInitialization.Initialize( m_moduleName, m_arguments );
    HELIUM_ASSERT( bCommandLineInitSuccess );
    if( !bCommandLineInitSuccess )
        HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_ERROR, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): Command-line initialization failed.\n" ) );

        return false;

    HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_INFO, TXT( "Module name: %s\n" ), *m_moduleName );
    HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_INFO, TXT( "Command-line arguments:\n" ) );
    size_t argumentCount = m_arguments.GetSize();
    for( size_t argumentIndex = 0; argumentIndex < argumentCount; ++argumentIndex )
        HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_INFO, TXT( "* %s\n" ), *m_arguments[ argumentIndex ] );

    // Initialize the async loading thread.
    bool bAsyncLoaderInitSuccess = AsyncLoader::GetStaticInstance().Initialize();
    HELIUM_ASSERT( bAsyncLoaderInitSuccess );
    if( !bAsyncLoaderInitSuccess )
        HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_ERROR, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): Async loader initialization failed.\n" ) );

        return false;

    //pmd - Initialize the cache manager
    Path baseDirectory;
    if ( !File::GetBaseDirectory( baseDirectory ) )
      HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_ERROR, TXT( "Could not get base directory." ) );
      return false;

    HELIUM_VERIFY( CacheManager::InitializeStaticInstance( baseDirectory ) );

    // Initialize the reflection type registry and register GameObject-based types.

    m_pObjectTypeRegistration = &rObjectTypeRegistration;

    // Perform dynamic memory heap pre-initialization.

    // Create and initialize the main GameObjectLoader instance.
    GameObjectLoader* pObjectLoader = rObjectLoaderInitialization.Initialize();
    HELIUM_ASSERT( pObjectLoader );
    if( !pObjectLoader )
        HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_ERROR, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): GameObject loader initialization failed.\n" ) );

        return false;

    m_pObjectLoaderInitialization = &rObjectLoaderInitialization;

    // Initialize system configuration.
    bool bConfigInitSuccess = rConfigInitialization.Initialize();
    HELIUM_ASSERT( bConfigInitSuccess );
    if( !bConfigInitSuccess )
        HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_ERROR, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): Failed to initialize configuration settings.\n" ) );

        return false;

    // Initialize the job manager.
    bool bJobManagerInitSuccess = JobManager::GetStaticInstance().Initialize();
    HELIUM_ASSERT( bJobManagerInitSuccess );
    if( !bJobManagerInitSuccess )
        HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_ERROR, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): Job manager initialization failed.\n" ) );

        return false;

    // Create and initialize the window manager (note that we need a window manager for message loop processing, so
    // the instance cannot be left null).
    bool bWindowManagerInitSuccess = rWindowManagerInitialization.Initialize();
    HELIUM_ASSERT( bWindowManagerInitSuccess );
    if( !bWindowManagerInitSuccess )
        HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_ERROR, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): Window manager initialization failed.\n" ) );

        return false;

    WindowManager* pWindowManager = WindowManager::GetStaticInstance();
    if( !pWindowManager )
            ( TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): No window manager created.  A window manager is necessary for " )
            TXT( "GameSystem execution.\n" ) ) );

        return false;

    // Create and initialize the renderer.
    bool bRendererInitSuccess = rRendererInitialization.Initialize();
    HELIUM_ASSERT( bRendererInitSuccess );
    if( !bRendererInitSuccess )
        HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_ERROR, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): Renderer initialization failed.\n" ) );

        return false;

    Renderer* pRenderer = Renderer::GetStaticInstance();
    if( !pRenderer )
        HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_INFO, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): Using null renderer.\n" ) );
        // Create the main application window.
        Config& rConfig = Config::GetStaticInstance();
        StrongPtr< GraphicsConfig > spGraphicsConfig(
            rConfig.GetConfigObject< GraphicsConfig >( Name( TXT( "GraphicsConfig" ) ) ) );
        HELIUM_ASSERT( spGraphicsConfig );

        uint32_t displayWidth = spGraphicsConfig->GetWidth();
        uint32_t displayHeight = spGraphicsConfig->GetHeight();
        bool bFullscreen = spGraphicsConfig->GetFullscreen();
        bool bVsync = spGraphicsConfig->GetVsync();

        Window::Parameters windowParameters;
        windowParameters.pTitle = TXT( "Lunar" );
        windowParameters.width = displayWidth;
        windowParameters.height = displayHeight;
        windowParameters.bFullscreen = bFullscreen;

        m_pMainWindow = pWindowManager->Create( windowParameters );
        HELIUM_ASSERT( m_pMainWindow );
        if( !m_pMainWindow )
            HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_ERROR, TXT( "Failed to create main application window.\n" ) );

            return false;

        m_pMainWindow->SetOnDestroyed( boost::bind( &GameSystem::OnMainWindowDestroyed, this, _1 ) );

        Renderer::ContextInitParameters contextInitParams;
        contextInitParams.pWindow = m_pMainWindow->GetHandle();
        contextInitParams.displayWidth = displayWidth;
        contextInitParams.displayHeight = displayHeight;
        contextInitParams.bFullscreen = bFullscreen;
        contextInitParams.bVsync = bVsync;

        bool bContextCreateResult = pRenderer->CreateMainContext( contextInitParams );
        HELIUM_ASSERT( bContextCreateResult );
        if( !bContextCreateResult )
            HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_ERROR, TXT( "Failed to create main renderer context.\n" ) );

            return false;

        // Create and initialize the render resource manager.
        RenderResourceManager& rRenderResourceManager = RenderResourceManager::GetStaticInstance();

        // Create and initialize the dynamic drawing interface.
        DynamicDrawer& rDynamicDrawer = DynamicDrawer::GetStaticInstance();
        if( !rDynamicDrawer.Initialize() )
            HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_ERROR, TXT( "Failed to initialize dynamic drawing support.\n" ) );

            return false;

    // Initialize the world manager and main game world.
    WorldManager& rWorldManager = WorldManager::GetStaticInstance();
    bool bWorldManagerInitSuccess = rWorldManager.Initialize();
    HELIUM_ASSERT( bWorldManagerInitSuccess );
    if( !bWorldManagerInitSuccess )
        HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_ERROR, TXT( "World manager initialization failed.\n" ) );

        return false;

    if( !pWorldType )
        pWorldType = World::GetStaticType();
        HELIUM_ASSERT( pWorldType );

    WorldPtr spDefaultWorld( rWorldManager.CreateDefaultWorld( pWorldType ) );
    HELIUM_ASSERT( spDefaultWorld );
    if( !spDefaultWorld )
        HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_ERROR, TXT( "Failed to create the default world.\n" ) );

        return false;

    HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_INFO, TXT( "Created default world \"%s\".\n" ), *spDefaultWorld->GetPath().ToString() );

    bool bWorldInitSuccess = spDefaultWorld->Initialize();
    HELIUM_ASSERT( bWorldInitSuccess );
    if( !bWorldInitSuccess )
        HELIUM_TRACE( TRACE_ERROR, TXT( "Failed to initialize default world.\n" ) );

        return false;

    PackagePtr spLayerPackage;
    HELIUM_VERIFY( GameObject::Create< Package >( spLayerPackage, Name( TXT( "DefaultLayerPackage" ) ), NULL ) );
    HELIUM_ASSERT( spLayerPackage );

    LayerPtr spLayer;
    HELIUM_VERIFY( GameObject::Create< Layer >( spLayer, Name( TXT( "Layer" ) ), spLayerPackage ) );
    HELIUM_ASSERT( spLayer );
    spLayer->BindPackage( spLayerPackage );

    HELIUM_VERIFY( spDefaultWorld->AddLayer( spLayer ) );

    // Initialization complete.
    return true;
Пример #2
/// Initialize this system.
/// @param[in] rCommandLineInitialization    Interface for initializing command-line parameters.
/// @param[in] rMemoryHeapPreInitialization  Interface for performing any necessary pre-initialization of dynamic
///                                          memory heaps.
/// @param[in] rAssetLoaderInitialization   Interface for creating and initializing the main AssetLoader instance.
///                                          Note that this must remain valid until Shutdown() is called on this
///                                          system, as a reference to it will be held by this system.
/// @param[in] rConfigInitialization         Interface for initializing application configuration settings.
/// @param[in] rWindowManagerInitialization  Interface for creating and initializing the global window manager
///                                          instance.
/// @param[in] rRendererInitialization       Interface for creating and initializing the global renderer instance.
/// @param[in] pWorldType                    Type of World to create for the main world.  If this is null, the
///                                          actual World type will be used.
bool GameSystem::Initialize(
	CommandLineInitialization& rCommandLineInitialization,
	MemoryHeapPreInitialization& rMemoryHeapPreInitialization,
	AssetLoaderInitialization& rAssetLoaderInitialization,
	ConfigInitialization& rConfigInitialization,
	WindowManagerInitialization& rWindowManagerInitialization,
	RendererInitialization& rRendererInitialization,
	AssetPath &rSystemDefinitionPath)
	// Initialize the timer first of all, in case someone wants to use it.

	// Initialize command-line parameters.
	bool bCommandLineInitSuccess = rCommandLineInitialization.Initialize( m_moduleName, m_arguments );
	HELIUM_ASSERT( bCommandLineInitSuccess );
	if( !bCommandLineInitSuccess )
		HELIUM_TRACE( TraceLevels::Error, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): Command-line initialization failed.\n" ) );

		return false;

	HELIUM_TRACE( TraceLevels::Info, TXT( "Module name: %s\n" ), *m_moduleName );
	HELIUM_TRACE( TraceLevels::Info, TXT( "Command-line arguments:\n" ) );
	size_t argumentCount = m_arguments.GetSize();
	for( size_t argumentIndex = 0; argumentIndex < argumentCount; ++argumentIndex )
		HELIUM_TRACE( TraceLevels::Info, TXT( "* %s\n" ), *m_arguments[ argumentIndex ] );

	// Initialize the async loading thread.
	bool bAsyncLoaderInitSuccess = AsyncLoader::GetStaticInstance().Initialize();
	HELIUM_ASSERT( bAsyncLoaderInitSuccess );
	if( !bAsyncLoaderInitSuccess )
		HELIUM_TRACE( TraceLevels::Error, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): Async loader initialization failed.\n" ) );

		return false;

	//pmd - Initialize the cache manager
	FilePath baseDirectory;
	if ( !FileLocations::GetBaseDirectory( baseDirectory ) )
	  HELIUM_TRACE( TraceLevels::Error, TXT( "Could not get base directory." ) );
	  return false;

	HELIUM_VERIFY( CacheManager::InitializeStaticInstance( baseDirectory ) );

	// Initialize the reflection type registry and register Asset-based types.

	// Perform dynamic memory heap pre-initialization.

	// Create and initialize the main AssetLoader instance.
	AssetLoader* pAssetLoader = rAssetLoaderInitialization.Initialize();
	HELIUM_ASSERT( pAssetLoader );
	if( !pAssetLoader )
		HELIUM_TRACE( TraceLevels::Error, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): Asset loader initialization failed.\n" ) );

		return false;

	m_pAssetLoaderInitialization = &rAssetLoaderInitialization;

	// Initialize system configuration.
	bool bConfigInitSuccess = rConfigInitialization.Initialize();
	HELIUM_ASSERT( bConfigInitSuccess );
	if( !bConfigInitSuccess )
		HELIUM_TRACE( TraceLevels::Error, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): Failed to initialize configuration settings.\n" ) );

		return false;

	if ( !rSystemDefinitionPath.IsEmpty() )
		pAssetLoader->LoadObject<SystemDefinition>( rSystemDefinitionPath, m_spSystemDefinition );
		if ( !m_spSystemDefinition )
			HELIUM_TRACE( TraceLevels::Error, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): Could not find SystemDefinition. LoadObject on '%s' failed.\n" ), *rSystemDefinitionPath.ToString() );

	// Initialize the job manager.
	bool bJobManagerInitSuccess = JobManager::GetStaticInstance().Initialize();
	HELIUM_ASSERT( bJobManagerInitSuccess );
	if( !bJobManagerInitSuccess )
		HELIUM_TRACE( TraceLevels::Error, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): Job manager initialization failed.\n" ) );

		return false;

	// Create and initialize the window manager (note that we need a window manager for message loop processing, so
	// the instance cannot be left null).
	bool bWindowManagerInitSuccess = rWindowManagerInitialization.Initialize();
	HELIUM_ASSERT( bWindowManagerInitSuccess );
	if( !bWindowManagerInitSuccess )
		HELIUM_TRACE( TraceLevels::Error, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): Window manager initialization failed.\n" ) );

		return false;
	// Create and initialize the renderer.
	bool bRendererInitSuccess = rRendererInitialization.Initialize();
	HELIUM_ASSERT( bRendererInitSuccess );
	if( !bRendererInitSuccess )
		HELIUM_TRACE( TraceLevels::Error, TXT( "GameSystem::Initialize(): Renderer initialization failed.\n" ) );

		return false;

	m_pRendererInitialization = &rRendererInitialization;
	// Initialize the world manager and main game world.
	WorldManager& rWorldManager = WorldManager::GetStaticInstance();
	bool bWorldManagerInitSuccess = rWorldManager.Initialize();
	HELIUM_ASSERT( bWorldManagerInitSuccess );
	if( !bWorldManagerInitSuccess )
		HELIUM_TRACE( TraceLevels::Error, TXT( "World manager initialization failed.\n" ) );

		return false;

	// Initialization complete.
	return true;