ReplicaSessionPrx InternalRegistryI::registerReplica(const InternalReplicaInfoPtr& info, const InternalRegistryPrx& prx, const Ice::Current& current) { const Ice::LoggerPtr logger = _database->getTraceLevels()->logger; try { ReplicaSessionIPtr s = new ReplicaSessionI(_database, _wellKnownObjects, info, prx, _replicaSessionTimeout); _reaper->add(new SessionReapable<ReplicaSessionI>(logger, s), _replicaSessionTimeout); return s->getProxy(); } catch(const Ice::ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException&) { throw Ice::ObjectNotExistException(__FILE__, __LINE__,, current.facet, current.operation); } }
ReplicaSessionPrx InternalRegistryI::registerReplica(const InternalReplicaInfoPtr& info, const InternalRegistryPrx& prx, const Ice::Current& current) { const TraceLevelsPtr traceLevels = _database->getTraceLevels(); const Ice::LoggerPtr logger = traceLevels->logger; if(!info || !prx) { return 0; } if(_requireReplicaCertCN) { try { IceSSL::ConnectionInfoPtr sslConnInfo = IceSSL::ConnectionInfoPtr::dynamicCast(current.con->getInfo()); if(sslConnInfo) { if (sslConnInfo->certs.empty() || !sslConnInfo->certs[0]->getSubjectDN().match("CN=" + info->name)) { if(traceLevels->replica > 0) { Ice::Trace out(logger, traceLevels->replicaCat); out << "certificate CN doesn't match replica name `" << info->name << "'"; } throw PermissionDeniedException("certificate CN doesn't match replica name `" + info->name + "'"); } } else { if(traceLevels->replica > 0) { Ice::Trace out(logger, traceLevels->replicaCat); out << "replica certificate for `" << info->name << "' is required to connect to this registry"; } throw PermissionDeniedException("replica certificate is required to connect to this registry"); } } catch(const PermissionDeniedException&) { throw; } catch(const IceUtil::Exception&) { if(traceLevels->replica > 0) { Ice::Trace out(logger, traceLevels->replicaCat); out << "unexpected exception while verifying certificate for replica `" << info->name << "'"; } throw PermissionDeniedException("unable to verify certificate for replica `" + info->name + "'"); } } try { ReplicaSessionIPtr s = new ReplicaSessionI(_database, _wellKnownObjects, info, prx, _replicaSessionTimeout); _reaper->add(new SessionReapable<ReplicaSessionI>(logger, s), _replicaSessionTimeout); return s->getProxy(); } catch(const Ice::ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException&) { throw Ice::ObjectNotExistException(__FILE__, __LINE__,, current.facet, current.operation); } }
ReplicaEntryPtr ReplicaCache::add(const string& name, const ReplicaSessionIPtr& session) { Lock sync(*this); ReplicaEntryPtr entry; while((entry = getImpl(name))) { ReplicaSessionIPtr session = entry->getSession(); if(session->isDestroyed()) { wait(); // Wait for the session to be removed. } else { // // Check if the replica is still reachable, if not, we // destroy its session. // sync.release(); try { session->getInternalRegistry()->ice_ping(); throw ReplicaActiveException(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { try { session->destroy(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { } } sync.acquire(); } } if(_traceLevels && _traceLevels->replica > 0) { Ice::Trace out(_traceLevels->logger, _traceLevels->replicaCat); out << "replica `" << name << "' up"; } try { _observers->replicaAdded(session->getInternalRegistry()); } catch(const Ice::ConnectionRefusedException&) { // Expected if the replica is being shutdown. } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { TraceLevelsPtr traceLevels = getTraceLevels(); if(traceLevels) { Ice::Warning out(traceLevels->logger); out << "unexpected exception while publishing `replicaAdded' update:\n" << ex; } } return addImpl(name, new ReplicaEntry(name, session)); }