Пример #1
 * Fit a variable into an argument according to the argument rule. If necessary and
 * appropriate, we do type conversion or type promotion.
 * @todo To conform to the old code we change the required type of the incoming
 *       variable wrapper here. We need to change this so that we do not change
 *       the wrapper here, but make sure that if the argument variable is inserted
 *       in a member variable or container element slot, that the slot variable
 *       wrapper, which should be unique (not the same as the incoming variable
 *       wrapper), has the right required type.
Argument ArgumentRule::fitArgument( Argument& arg, bool once ) const

    RevPtr<RevVariable> theVar = arg.getVariable();
    if ( evalType == BY_VALUE || theVar->isWorkspaceVariable() || theVar->getRevObject().isConstant() )
        once = true;
    for ( std::vector<TypeSpec>::const_iterator it = argTypeSpecs.begin(); it != argTypeSpecs.end(); ++it )
        if ( evalType == BY_VALUE )
            if ( theVar->getRevObject().isType( *it ) )
                RevPtr<RevVariable> valueVar = RevPtr<RevVariable>( new RevVariable(theVar->getRevObject().clone(),arg.getLabel()) );
                return Argument( valueVar, getArgumentLabel(), false );
            else if ( theVar->getRevObject().isConvertibleTo( *it, once ) != -1)
                // Fit by type conversion. For now, we also modify the type of the incoming variable wrapper.
                RevObject* convertedObject = theVar->getRevObject().convertTo( *it );

                RevPtr<RevVariable> valueVar = RevPtr<RevVariable>( new RevVariable(convertedObject,arg.getLabel()) );
                return Argument( valueVar, getArgumentLabel(), false );
        } // if (by-value)
            if ( theVar->getRevObject().isType( *it ) )
                // For now, change the required type of the incoming variable wrapper
                theVar->setRequiredTypeSpec( *it );
                if ( !isEllipsis() )
                    return Argument( theVar, getArgumentLabel(), evalType == BY_CONSTANT_REFERENCE );
                    return Argument( theVar, arg.getLabel(), true );
            else if ( theVar->getRevObject().isConvertibleTo( *it, once ) != -1  && (*it).isDerivedOf( theVar->getRequiredTypeSpec() ))
                // Fit by type conversion. For now, we also modify the type of the incoming variable wrapper.
                RevObject* convertedObject = theVar->getRevObject().convertTo( *it );
                theVar->replaceRevObject( convertedObject );
                theVar->setRequiredTypeSpec( *it );
                if ( !isEllipsis() )
                    return Argument( theVar, getArgumentLabel(), false );
                    return Argument( theVar, arg.getLabel(), false );
                // Fit by type conversion function
                const TypeSpec& typeFrom = theVar->getRevObject().getTypeSpec();
                const TypeSpec& typeTo   = *it;
                // create the function name
                std::string functionName = "_" + typeFrom.getType() + "2" + typeTo.getType();
                // Package arguments
                std::vector<Argument> args;
                Argument theArg = Argument( theVar, "arg" );
                args.push_back( theVar );
                Environment& env = Workspace::globalWorkspace();
                    Function* func = env.getFunction(functionName, args, once).clone();

                    // Allow the function to process the arguments
                    func->processArguments( args, once );
                    // Set the execution environment of the function
                    func->setExecutionEnviroment( &env );
                    // Evaluate the function
                    RevPtr<RevVariable> conversionVar = func->execute();
                    // free the memory
                    delete func;
                    conversionVar->setHiddenVariableState( true );
                    conversionVar->setRequiredTypeSpec( *it );
                    return Argument( conversionVar, getArgumentLabel(), evalType == BY_CONSTANT_REFERENCE );
                catch (RbException e)
                // we do nothing here
            } // else (type conversion function)

        } // else (not by-value)

    std::cerr << "Once = " << (once ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << std::endl;
    throw RbException( "Argument type mismatch fitting a " + theVar->getRevObject().getType() + " argument to formal " +
                        getArgumentTypeSpec()[0].getType() + " " + getArgumentLabel() );
Пример #2
 * @brief Process arguments
 * This function processes arguments based on argument rules. First it deletes
 * any previously stored arguments. If the matching of the new arguments
 * succeeds, the processedArguments will be set to the new vector of processed
 * arguments and the function returns true. Any subsequent calls to execute()
 * will then use the processed arguments. You can also call the function with
 * the arguments directly, in which case processArguments will be called first
 * before the operation is actually performed.
 * In matching arguments to argument rules, we use the same rules as in R with
 * the addition that types are also used in the matching process, after arguments
 * have been reordered as in R. The FunctionTable ensure that all argument rules
 * are distinct. However, several functions can nevertheless match the same
 * arguments because of the inheritance hierarchy. In these clases, the closest
 * match is chosen based on the first argument, then on the second, etc.
 * The function returns a match score based on how closely the arguments match the
 * rules, with 0 being perfect match, 1 being a match to an immediate base class type,
 * 2 a match to a grandparent class, etc. A large number is used for arguments that
 * need type conversion.
 * The evaluateOnce parameter MemberObject whether the function is to be evaluated once,
 * immediately after the call to processArguments, or whether the processed arguments
 * will be used in repeated function calls in a function node. Argument matching is
 * based on current values in the first case, but on the wrapper type in the second.
 * @todo Labels need to be stored for ellipsis arguments.
 * These are the argument matching rules:
 *  1. If the last argument rule is an ellipsis, and it is the kth argument passed
 *     in, then all arguments passed in, from position k to the end, are wrapped
 *     in a single ContainerNode object. These arguments are not matched to any
 *     rules.
 *  2. The remaining arguments are matched to labels using exact matching. If the
 *     type does not match the type of the rule, it is an error.
 *  3. The remaining arguments are matched to any remaining slots using partial
 *     matching. If there is ambiguity or the types do not match, it is an error.
 *  4. The remaining arguments are used for the empty slots in the order they were
 *     passed in. If the types do not match, it is an error.
 *  5. Any remaining empty slots are filled with default values stored in the argument
 *     rules (we use copies of the values, of course).
 *  6. If there are still empty slots, the arguments do not match the rules.
 * @todo Fredrik: The code and the logic has been changed without changing the comments, so these
 *       are out of date. Also note that the argument matching is problematic for unlabeled
 *       arguments (order can be changed based on argument types, which may cause unintended
 *       consequences). Furthermore, there is redundant code left from the old implementation.
 *       Finally, the ellipsis arguments no longer have to be last among the rules, but they
 *       are still the last arguments after processing.
 * @todo Fredrik: Static and dynamic type conversion added, but partly hack-ish, so the implementation
 *       needs to be revised
void Function::processArguments( const std::vector<Argument>& passedArgs, bool once )

    /*********************  0. Initialization  **********************/
    /* Get my own copy of the argument vector */
    std::vector<Argument> pArgs = passedArgs;
    /* Get the argument rules */
    const ArgumentRules& theRules = getArgumentRules();

    /* Get the number of argument rules */
    size_t nRules = theRules.size();

    /* Clear previously processed arguments */
    /* Keep track of which arguments we have used, and which argument slots we have filled, and with what passed arguments */
    std::vector<bool>   taken           = std::vector<bool>( passedArgs.size(), false );
    std::vector<bool>   filled          = std::vector<bool>( nRules, false );
    std::vector<size_t> passedArgIndex  = std::vector<size_t>( nRules, 1000 );
    std::vector<Argument> ellipsisArgs;

    /*********************  1. Do exact matching  **********************/

    /* Do exact matching of labels */
    for(size_t i=0; i<passedArgs.size(); i++)

        /* Test if swallowed by ellipsis; if so, we can quit because the remaining passedArgs will also be swallowed */
        if ( taken[i] )
        /* Skip if no label */
        if ( passedArgs[i].getLabel().size() == 0 )
        /* Check for matches in all regular rules (we assume that all labels are unique; this is checked by FunctionTable) */
        for (size_t j=0; j<nRules; j++)
            std::vector<std::string> aliases = theRules[j].getArgumentAliases();

            for(size_t k=0; k < aliases.size(); k++)
                if ( passedArgs[i].getLabel() == aliases[k] )

                    if ( filled[j] )
                        throw RbException( "Duplicate argument labels '" + passedArgs[i].getLabel() );

                    pArgs[i]            = theRules[j].fitArgument( pArgs[i], once );
                    taken[i]            = true;
                    filled[j]           = true;
                    passedArgIndex[j]   = static_cast<int>( i );

                    // We got an exact match -> we can skip the other labels for checking
                    j = nRules;

    /*********************  2. Do partial matching  **********************/

    /* Do partial matching of labels */
    for(size_t i=0; i<passedArgs.size(); i++) 

        /* Skip if already matched */
        if ( taken[i] )
        /* Skip if no label */
        if ( passedArgs[i].getLabel().size() == 0 )
        /* Initialize match index and number of matches */
        int nMatches = 0;
        int matchRule = -1;
        std::string label;

        /* Try all rules */
        for (size_t j=0; j<nRules; j++) 
            std::vector<std::string> aliases = theRules[j].getArgumentAliases();

            for(size_t k=0; k < aliases.size(); k++)
                if ( !filled[j] && aliases[k].compare(0, passedArgs[i].getLabel().size(), passedArgs[i].getLabel()) == 0 )
                    matchRule = static_cast<int>( j );
                    label = aliases[k];

        if (nMatches > 1)
            throw RbException( "Argument label '" + passedArgs[i].getLabel() + "' matches mutliple parameter labels." );
        else if (nMatches < 1)
            throw RbException( "Argument label '" + passedArgs[i].getLabel() + "' matches no untaken parameter labels." );
        if ( nMatches == 1)
            pArgs[i]                    = theRules[matchRule].fitArgument( pArgs[i], once );
            taken[i]                    = true;
            filled[matchRule]           = true;
            passedArgIndex[matchRule]   = static_cast<int>( i );

    /*********************  3. Fill with unused passedArgs  **********************/

    /* Fill in empty slots using the remaining args in order */
    for(size_t i=0; i<passedArgs.size(); i++) 

        /* Skip if already matched */
        if ( taken[i] )
        /* Find first empty slot and try to fit argument there */
        for (size_t j=0; j<nRules; j++) 

            if ( filled[j] == false &&
                 ( (!theRules[j].isEllipsis() && passedArgs[i].getLabel().size() == 0) || (theRules[j].isEllipsis()) ) )
                Argument &arg = const_cast<Argument&>(passedArgs[i]);
                double penalty = theRules[j].isArgumentValid( arg, once );
                if ( penalty != -1 )
                    if(theRules[j].getArgumentAliases().size() > 1)
                        throw RbException("Could not determine argument label for parameter '" + theRules[j].getArgumentLabel() + "'.");
                    pArgs[i].setLabel( theRules[j].getArgumentLabel() );
                    pArgs[i]          = theRules[j].fitArgument( pArgs[i], once );
                    taken[i]          = true;
                    if ( !theRules[j].isEllipsis() ) 
                        filled[j]     = true;
                        passedArgIndex[j] = static_cast<int>( i );
                        ellipsisArgs.push_back( pArgs[i] );
        /* Final test if we found a match */
        if ( !taken[i] )
            throw RbException("Superfluous argument of type '" + passedArgs[i].getVariable()->getRevObject().getType() + "' and name '" + passedArgs[i].getLabel() + "' passed to function '" + getType() + "'.");

    /*********************  4. Fill with default values  **********************/

    /* Fill in empty slots using default values */
    for(size_t i=0; i<nRules; i++) 

        if ( filled[i] == true || theRules[i].isEllipsis())
        // we just leave the optional arguments empty
        if ( !theRules[i].hasDefault() )
            throw RbException("No argument found for parameter '" + theRules[i].getArgumentLabel() + "'.");
        const ArgumentRule& theRule = theRules[i];
        RevPtr<RevVariable> theVar = theRule.getDefaultVariable().clone();
        theVar->setName( "." + theRule.getArgumentLabel() );
        theVar->setRequiredTypeSpec( theRule.getDefaultVariable().getRequiredTypeSpec() );
        size_t idx = pArgs.size();
        passedArgIndex[i] = idx;
        pArgs.push_back( Argument( theVar, theRule.getArgumentLabel(), theRule.getEvaluationType() != ArgumentRule::BY_CONSTANT_REFERENCE ) );

    argsProcessed = true;
    /*********************  5. Insert arguments into argument list  **********************/
    for (size_t j=0; j<nRules; j++) 
        if ( passedArgIndex[j] < 1000 )
            args.push_back( pArgs[ passedArgIndex[j] ] );
    /*********************  6. Insert ellipsis arguments  **********************/
    for (std::vector<Argument>::iterator i = ellipsisArgs.begin(); i != ellipsisArgs.end(); i++) 
        args.push_back( *i );
