Пример #1
/// HighlightRange - Highlight a range in the source code with the specified
/// start/end tags.  B/E must be in the same file.  This ensures that
/// start/end tags are placed at the start/end of each line if the range is
/// multiline.
void html::HighlightRange(Rewriter &R, SourceLocation B, SourceLocation E,
                          const char *StartTag, const char *EndTag) {
  SourceManager &SM = R.getSourceMgr();
  B = SM.getInstantiationLoc(B);
  E = SM.getInstantiationLoc(E);
  FileID FID = SM.getFileID(B);
  assert(SM.getFileID(E) == FID && "B/E not in the same file!");

  unsigned BOffset = SM.getFileOffset(B);
  unsigned EOffset = SM.getFileOffset(E);
  // Include the whole end token in the range.
  EOffset += Lexer::MeasureTokenLength(E, R.getSourceMgr(), R.getLangOpts());
  HighlightRange(R.getEditBuffer(FID), BOffset, EOffset,
                 SM.getBufferData(FID).first, StartTag, EndTag);
Пример #2
void HTMLDiagnostics::HighlightRange(Rewriter& R, FileID BugFileID,
                                     SourceRange Range,
                                     const char *HighlightStart,
                                     const char *HighlightEnd) {
  SourceManager &SM = R.getSourceMgr();
  const LangOptions &LangOpts = R.getLangOpts();

  SourceLocation InstantiationStart = SM.getExpansionLoc(Range.getBegin());
  unsigned StartLineNo = SM.getExpansionLineNumber(InstantiationStart);

  SourceLocation InstantiationEnd = SM.getExpansionLoc(Range.getEnd());
  unsigned EndLineNo = SM.getExpansionLineNumber(InstantiationEnd);

  if (EndLineNo < StartLineNo)

  if (SM.getFileID(InstantiationStart) != BugFileID ||
      SM.getFileID(InstantiationEnd) != BugFileID)

  // Compute the column number of the end.
  unsigned EndColNo = SM.getExpansionColumnNumber(InstantiationEnd);
  unsigned OldEndColNo = EndColNo;

  if (EndColNo) {
    // Add in the length of the token, so that we cover multi-char tokens.
    EndColNo += Lexer::MeasureTokenLength(Range.getEnd(), SM, LangOpts)-1;

  // Highlight the range.  Make the span tag the outermost tag for the
  // selected range.

  SourceLocation E =
    InstantiationEnd.getLocWithOffset(EndColNo - OldEndColNo);

  html::HighlightRange(R, InstantiationStart, E, HighlightStart, HighlightEnd);