Пример #1
   // Private helper routine for casts from this to OrbitEph-based Ephemerides
   void Rinex3NavData::castTo(OrbitEph *oeptr) const
      try {
         // Glonass and Geosync do not have a orbit-based ephemeris
         if(satSys == "R" || satSys == "S") {
            oeptr->dataLoadedFlag = false;

         // Overhead
         RinexSatID sat;
         sat.fromString(satSys + StringUtils::asString(PRNID));
         oeptr->satID = SatID(sat);
         //obsID = ?? ObsID obsID; // Defines carrier and tracking code
         oeptr->ctToe = time;

         // clock model
         oeptr->af0 = af0;
         oeptr->af1 = af1;
         oeptr->af2 = af2;
         // Major orbit parameters
         oeptr->M0 = M0;
         oeptr->dn = dn;
         oeptr->ecc = ecc;
         oeptr->A = Ahalf * Ahalf;
         oeptr->OMEGA0 = OMEGA0;
         oeptr->i0 = i0;
         oeptr->w = w;
         oeptr->OMEGAdot = OMEGAdot;
         oeptr->idot = idot;
         // modern nav msg
         oeptr->dndot = 0.;
         oeptr->Adot = 0.;
         // Harmonic perturbations
         oeptr->Cuc = Cuc;
         oeptr->Cus = Cus;
         oeptr->Crc = Crc;
         oeptr->Crs = Crs;
         oeptr->Cic = Cic;
         oeptr->Cis = Cis;
         oeptr->dataLoadedFlag = true;
      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Пример #2
RinexDatum Rinex3ObsData::getObs(const RinexSatID& svID,
                                 const RinexObsID& obsID,
                                 const Rinex3ObsHeader& hdr ) const
    string sys(1,svID.systemChar());
    return getObs(svID, hdr.getObsIndex(sys, obsID));
Пример #3
void Rinex3ObsData::setObs(const RinexDatum& data,
                           const RinexSatID& svID,
                           const RinexObsID& obsID,
                           const Rinex3ObsHeader& hdr )
    size_t index = hdr.getObsIndex(string(1,svID.systemChar()), obsID);
    if (obs[svID].size() <= index)
    obs[svID][index] = data;
Пример #4
RinexDatum Rinex3ObsData::getObs(const RinexSatID& svID,
                                 const std::string& type,
                                 const Rinex3ObsHeader& hdr ) const
    string obsID;
    // Add GNSS code if needed
    if( type.size() == 3 )
        obsID = svID.systemChar() + type;
        obsID = type;

    return getObs(svID, hdr.getObsIndex(obsID));
Пример #5
   void reallyGetRecordVer2(Rinex3ObsStream& strm, Rinex3ObsData& rod)
      static CommonTime previousTime(CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME);

      // get the epoch line and check
      string line;
      while(line.empty())        // ignore blank lines in place of epoch lines
         strm.formattedGetLine(line, true);

      if(line.size()>80 || line[0] != ' ' || line[3] != ' ' || line[6] != ' ') {
         FFStreamError e("Bad epoch line: >" + line + "<");

      // process the epoch line, including SV list and clock bias
      rod.epochFlag = asInt(line.substr(28,1));
      if((rod.epochFlag < 0) || (rod.epochFlag > 6)) {
         FFStreamError e("Invalid epoch flag: " + asString(rod.epochFlag));

      // Not all epoch flags are required to have a time.
      // Specifically, 0,1,5,6 must have an epoch time; it is optional for 2,3,4.
      // If there is and epoch time, parse it and load it in the member "time".
      // If epoch flag=0, 1, 5, or 6 and there is NO epoch time, then throw.
      // If epoch flag=2, 3, or 4 and there is no epoch time,
      // use the time of the previous record.
      bool noEpochTime = (line.substr(0,26) == string(26, ' '));
      if(noEpochTime && (rod.epochFlag==0 || rod.epochFlag==1 ||
                         rod.epochFlag==5 || rod.epochFlag==6 )) {
         FFStreamError e("Required epoch time missing: " + line);
      else if(noEpochTime)
         rod.time = previousTime;
      else {
         try {
            // check if the spaces are in the right place - an easy
            // way to check if there's corruption in the file
            if((line[0] != ' ') || (line[3] != ' ') || (line[6] != ' ') ||
                 (line[9] != ' ') || (line[12] != ' ') || (line[15] != ' '))
               FFStreamError e("Invalid time format");

            // if there's no time, just use a bad time
            if(line.substr(0,26) == string(26, ' '))
               rod.time = CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME;
               //rod.time = previousTime; ??
            else {
               int year, month, day, hour, min;
               double sec;
               int yy = (static_cast<CivilTime>(strm.header.firstObs)).year/100;
               yy *= 100;

               year  = asInt(   line.substr(1,  2 ));
               month = asInt(   line.substr(4,  2 ));
               day   = asInt(   line.substr(7,  2 ));
               hour  = asInt(   line.substr(10, 2 ));
               min   = asInt(   line.substr(13, 2 ));
               sec   = asDouble(line.substr(15, 11));

               // Real Rinex has epochs 'yy mm dd hr 59 60.0' surprisingly often....
               double ds(0);
               if(sec >= 60.) { ds=sec; sec=0.0; }
               CivilTime rv(yy+year, month, day, hour, min, sec, TimeSystem::GPS);
               if(ds != 0) rv.second += ds;

               rod.time = rv.convertToCommonTime();
         // string exceptions for substr are caught here
         catch(exception &e)
            FFStreamError err("std::exception: " + string(e.what()));
         catch(Exception& e)
            string text;
            for(size_t i=0; i<e.getTextCount(); i++) text += e.getText(i);
            FFStreamError err("gpstk::Exception in parseTime(): " + text);
         // end rod.time = parseTime(line, strm.header);

         // save for next call
         previousTime = rod.time;

      // number of satellites
      rod.numSVs = asInt(line.substr(29,3));

      // clock offset
      if(line.size() > 68 )
         rod.clockOffset = asDouble(line.substr(68, 12));
         rod.clockOffset = 0.0;

      // Read the observations ...
      if(rod.epochFlag==0 || rod.epochFlag==1 || rod.epochFlag==6) {
         // first read the SatIDs off the epoch line
         int isv, ndx, line_ndx;
         string satsys;
         RinexSatID sat;
         vector<RinexSatID> satIndex(rod.numSVs);
         for(isv=1, ndx=0; ndx<rod.numSVs; isv++, ndx++) {
            if(!(isv % 13)) {                   // get a new continuation line
               isv = 1;
               if(line.size() > 80) {
                  FFStreamError err("Invalid line size:" + asString(line.size()));

            // read the sat id
            try {
               sat = RinexSatID(line.substr(30+isv*3-1, 3));
               satIndex[ndx] = sat;
               //// if this system does not have obs types assigned, do so
               //string satsys = asString(sat.systemChar());
               //if(strm.header.mapObsTypes[satsys].size() == 0) {
               //   strm.header.mapObsTypes[satsys] = strm.header.mapObsTypes["G"];
            catch (Exception& e) {
               FFStreamError ffse(e);
         }  // end loop over numSVs

         // loop over all sats, reading obs data
         int numObs(strm.header.R2ObsTypes.size());// number of R2 OTs in header
         for(isv=0; isv < rod.numSVs; isv++) {
            //strm.formattedGetLine(line);           // get a line
            //line.resize(80, ' ');                  // pad just in case
            sat = satIndex[isv];                   // sat for this data
            satsys = asString(sat.systemChar());   // system for this sat
            vector<RinexDatum> data;
            // loop over data in the line
            for(ndx=0, line_ndx=0; ndx < numObs; ndx++, line_ndx++) {
               if(! (line_ndx % 5)) {              // get a new line
                  line.resize(80, ' ');            // pad just in case
                  line_ndx = 0;
                  if(line.size() > 80) {
                     FFStreamError err("Invalid line size:" + asString(line.size()));

               // does this R2 OT map into a valid R3 ObsID?
               string R2ot(strm.header.R2ObsTypes[ndx]);
               string R3ot(strm.header.mapSysR2toR3ObsID[satsys][R2ot].asString());
               if(R3ot != string("   ")) {
                  RinexDatum tempData;
                  tempData.data = asDouble(line.substr(line_ndx*16,   14));
                  tempData.lli =     asInt(line.substr(line_ndx*16+14, 1));
                  tempData.ssi =     asInt(line.substr(line_ndx*16+15, 1));
            rod.obs[sat] = data;

         }  // end loop over sats to read obs data

      // ... or the auxiliary header information
      else if(rod.numSVs > 0) {
         for(int i=0; i<rod.numSVs; i++)
            try {
            catch(FFStreamError& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
            catch(StringException& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
   }  // end void reallyGetRecordVer2(Rinex3ObsStream& strm, Rinex3ObsData& rod)
Пример #6
bool convertRinex2ObsFile(std::string& fileName, std::string& outFile)
   bool retBool = true;

      // Open the input & output files.

      if (debug) cout << "Trying to open input file:" << fileName << endl;
      RinexObsStream obsIn(fileName.c_str(), ios::in);
      if (!obsIn) return false;
      else if (debug) cout << "...opened" << endl;

      if (outFile.length() == 0)
         if (outputPath.length() > 0)
            outFile = outputPath;
         int lastIndexOf = fileName.find_last_of("\\/");
         if (lastIndexOf == -1)
            lastIndexOf = 0;
         outFile = fileName.substr(lastIndexOf);
      if (debug) cout << "Trying to open output file: " << outFile << endl;
      Rinex3ObsStream obsOut(outFile.c_str(), ios::out);
      if (!obsOut) return false;
      else if (debug) cout << "...opened" << endl;

      // Declare the header and its converted version.

      RinexObsHeader robsHead;
      Rinex3ObsHeader convHead;

      // Read in the header data.

      if (debug) cout << "Reading in header..." << endl;
      obsIn >> robsHead;
      if (debug) cout << "...finished" << endl;

      // Convert the obs header and test, all in one step.
      // If the header couldn't be converted return false.

      if (debug) cout << "Converting header..." << endl;
      if (!RinexConverter::convertToRinex3(convHead, robsHead)) return false;
      if (debug) cout << "...finished" << endl;

      // Write out the converted header data.

      obsOut << convHead;

      if (debug)
         cout << "        Version: " << convHead.version << endl;
         cout << "      File Type: " << convHead.fileType << endl;
         cout << "         System: " << convHead.system << endl;
         cout << "   File Program: " << convHead.fileProgram << endl;
         cout << "    File Agency: " << convHead.fileAgency << endl;
         cout << "           Date: " << convHead.date << endl;
         cout << "    Marker Name: " << convHead.markerName << endl;
         cout << "  Marker Number: " << convHead.markerNumber << endl;
         cout << "    Marker Type: " << convHead.markerType << endl;
         cout << "       Observer: " << convHead.observer << endl;
         cout << "         Agency: " << convHead.agency << endl;
         cout << "        Rec. No: " << convHead.recNo << endl;
         cout << "      Rec. Type: " << convHead.recType << endl;
         cout << "   Rec. Version: " << convHead.recVers << endl;
         cout << "        Ant. No: " << convHead.antNo << endl;
         cout << "      Ant. Type: " << convHead.antType << endl;
         cout << "  Ant. Position: " << convHead.antennaPosition << endl;
         cout << " Ant. Delta HEN: " << convHead.antennaDeltaHEN << endl;
         cout << "       Interval: " << convHead.interval << endl;
         cout << "Receiver Offset: " << convHead.receiverOffset << endl;
         cout << "   Leap Seconds: " << convHead.leapSeconds << endl;
         cout << "        Num SVs: " << convHead.numSVs << endl;
         cout << "          Valid: " << convHead.valid << endl;

      // All of the data contained in the file.
      vector<RinexObsData> robsData;
      // A temporary data object for reading in from the stream.
      RinexObsData temp;
      // Converted data object.
      Rinex3ObsData convData;
      // Last observed epoch
      CommonTime lastEpoch = CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME;

      // Flags for the presence of the different systems
      bool hasGPS, hasGLO, hasGAL, hasGEO;
      hasGPS = hasGLO = hasGAL = hasGEO = false;

      if (debug) cout << "Start reading in data..." << endl;

            obsIn >> temp;
         catch (Exception gpstkEx)
            if (printExceptions)
               cout << "Exception Reading Data:" << endl
                    << gpstkEx << endl;
         catch (exception stdEx)
            if (printExceptions)
               cout << "Exception Reading Data:" << endl
                    << stdEx.what() << endl;
         catch (...)
            if (printExceptions)
               cout << "Exception Reading Data" << endl;

         // Break for bad data or end of file.
         if (!obsIn.good() || obsIn.eof()) break;

         // Otherwise, save the data.

         if (temp.time > lastEpoch)
            lastEpoch = temp.time;

         // Set the system flags.

         RinexSatID id;
         RinexObsData::RinexSatMap::const_iterator iter = temp.obs.begin();
         while(iter != temp.obs.end())
            id = RinexSatID(iter->first);

            if      (id.systemChar() == 'G')
               hasGPS = true;
            else if (id.systemChar() == 'R')
               hasGLO = true;
            else if (id.systemChar() == 'E')
               hasGAL = true;
            else if (id.systemChar() == 'S')
               hasGEO = true;


/// For now, comment out the following.  While logical, we will abide by the
/// philosophy that this converter sould simply read in and write out, not
/// alter the data in any way.
      // Erase any systems that were not present.
      map<string, vector<ObsID> >::const_iterator mapIter;
      mapIter = convHead.mapObsTypes.find("G");
      if (!hasGPS && mapIter != convHead.mapObsTypes.end())

      mapIter = convHead.mapObsTypes.find("R");
      if (!hasGPS && mapIter != convHead.mapObsTypes.end())

      mapIter = convHead.mapObsTypes.find("E");
      if (!hasGPS && mapIter != convHead.mapObsTypes.end())

      mapIter = convHead.mapObsTypes.find("S");
      if (!hasGPS && mapIter != convHead.mapObsTypes.end())

      // close the input stream

      for (int i = 0; i < robsData.size(); ++i)
         RinexConverter::convertToRinex3(convData, robsData[i], robsHead);
         obsOut << convData;

//      obsOut.flush();
   catch(Exception gpstkException)
      if (printExceptions)
         cout << "GPSTk Exception:" << gpstkException << endl;
      return false;
   catch(exception stdException)
      if (printExceptions)
         cout << "Exception:" << stdException.what() << endl;
      return false;
      if (printExceptions) cout << "Exception!" << endl;
      return false;