Пример #1
void set_motor_speed1( int speed )
	if (speed>0)
		mot1.ForwardM1( 0x80, speed );
		mot1.BackwardM1( 0x80, -speed );
Пример #2
void set_motor_speed4( int speed )
	if (speed>0)
		mot2.ForwardM2( 0x80, speed );
		mot2.BackwardM2( 0x80, -speed );
Пример #3
//  MotorsDriver::RDrive
void MotorsDriver::LDrive(short sVal) {
    if (sVal != LDrivePrev) {
        LDrivePrev = sVal;

        if (sVal >= 0)
            RClaw.ForwardM2(PACKETS_ADDRESS, sVal);
            RClaw.BackwardM2(PACKETS_ADDRESS, -sVal);
Пример #4
void setup_encoders()
	uint8_t M1mode = 0x81;
	uint8_t M2mode = 0x81;
	uint8_t address= 0x80;
	bool result = mot.SetM1EncoderMode( address, M1mode );
	result = mot.SetM2EncoderMode( address, M2mode );

	result = mot.ReadEncoderModes( address, M1mode, M2mode );
	printf("Read EncoderModes m1,m2 = %x, %x\n", M1mode, M2mode );
Пример #5
void* serial_interface(void* mParam)				// serial port used for arduino connections & GPS.
	LoadCell_SerialInterface* mFoot = (LoadCell_SerialInterface*) mParam;
	static char  app_name[12];
	static char  read_r[4];
	static char  no_write_w[4];
	static char  device_p[4];

	static char  read_[20];
	static char  no_write_[20];
	static char  device_[20];

	sprintf(app_name,   "./avisual");
	sprintf(read_r,     "-R");
	sprintf(no_write_w, "-w");
	sprintf(device_p,   "-p");

	sprintf(read_,     "ascii");
	sprintf(no_write_, "0");

	//printf("mFoot=%p;  left_foot=%p\n", mFoot, &left_foot);
	if (mFoot == &left_foot)	{
		sprintf(device_,   "/dev/ttyACM0");
		mFoot->_cl_rx_dump = 1;
		mFoot->_cl_rx_dump_ascii = 1;		
		mFoot->_cl_port = strdup("/dev/ttyACM0");
		mFoot->_cl_tx_bytes = 0;
		mFoot->left_foot = false;
	} else {
		mFoot->_cl_port = strdup("/dev/ttyACM1");	
		mFoot->_cl_rx_dump = 1;
		mFoot->_cl_rx_dump_ascii = 1;		
		mFoot->_cl_tx_bytes = 0;
		mFoot->left_foot = true;		
		//sprintf(device_,   "/dev/ttyACM1");
	char * argv[] = { app_name, read_r, read_, no_write_w, no_write_, device_p, device_ }; 
	mFoot->serial_loadcell_main( 7, argv );	
	return NULL;
void read_main_battery()
//	mot.SetMainVoltages ( address, 100, 250 );	
//	mot.SetLogicVoltages( address, 100, 250 );

	uint16_t volts1 = mot.ReadMainBatteryVoltage( 0x80 );
	float volt = ((float)volts1)/10.;
	printf("\nMain Battery board #1 = %6.1f volts\n", volt );
	volts1 = mot.ReadLogicBatteryVoltage( 0x80 );
	volt = ((float)volts1)/10.;
	printf("\nLogic Battery board #1 = %6.1f volts\n", volts1 );

	//mot.SetM1MaxCurrent(0x80, 20.0);
	//mot.SetM2MaxCurrent(0x80, 20.0);	
Пример #6
void read_encoders()
	uint32_t enc1;
	uint32_t enc2;
	uint8_t status;
	bool valid= false;
	enc1 = mot.ReadEncM1(address, &status, &valid);
	enc2 = mot.ReadEncM2(address, &status, &valid);
	printf("Encoders m1,m2= %6.2f, %6.2f \n", 2.0*enc1/2047., 2.0*enc2/2047. );
	bool result = mot.ReadEncoders( address, enc1, enc2);
	printf("Encoders m1,m2= %6.2f, %6.2f \n", 2.0*enc1/2047., 2.0*enc2/2047. );
	//result = mot.ReadISpeeds( address,      uint32_t &ispeed1,uint32_t &ispeed2);	
Пример #7
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	bool stop=false;
	time_t t;
	time_stamp = *(localtime(&t));
	printf("====================== CLAW =========================\n");

	if (argc>1) {

		if (strcmp(argv[1], "stop")==0) {
			stop = true;
			int count = 10;
			while (count--) {
				mot.ForwardM1 (address, 0);
				mot.ForwardM2 (address, 0);		
				mot2.ForwardM1(address, 0);
				mot2.ForwardM2(address, 0);	
		/*		mot3.ForwardM1(address, 0);
				mot3.ForwardM2(address, 0);
				mot4.ForwardM1(address, 0);
				mot4.ForwardM2(address, 0); */
				usleep(1000000);	// 0.1 sec
				usleep(1000000);	// 0.1 sec
	while (1)
		mot.ForwardM1(address, 64);
		mot.ForwardM2(address, 64);
/*		mot2.ForwardM1(address, 64);
		mot2.ForwardM2(address, 64);		*/
		usleep(1000000);	// 0.1 sec
		//usleep(1000000);	// 0.1 sec
		mot.BackwardM1(address, 64);
		mot.BackwardM2(address, 64);
/*		mot2.BackwardM1(address, 64);
		mot2.BackwardM2(address, 64); */
		usleep(1000000);	// 0.1 sec		
		//usleep(1000000);	// 0.1 sec
Пример #8
void init_claws()
	if (mot.connected == true)		
		 printf("Roboclaw #1 - Available\n"    );
	else printf("Roboclaw #1 - not available\n");
	if (mot2.connected == true)	
		 printf("Roboclaw #2 - Available\n"    );
	else printf("Roboclaw #2 - not available\n");
	if (mot3.connected == true)	
		 printf("Roboclaw #3 - Available\n"    );
	else printf("Roboclaw #3 - not available\n");
	if (mot4.connected == true)	
		 printf("Roboclaw #4 - Available\n"	   );
	else printf("Roboclaw #4 - not available\n");

	int maxCurrent = 20;
	read_main_battery( );

	//uint16_t  config = 0x0067;
	//mot.SetConfig      ( address, config );
	usleep(1000000);	// 0.1 sec

	//config = 0;
	//bool result = mot.GetConfig( address, config );
	//printf("Config=%4x\n", config);	

	bool valid=false;
	uint16_t error = mot.ReadError(address, &valid);
	printf("hip ErrorStatus = %4x  %d\n\n", error, valid);
	char text[80];
	bool result = mot.ReadVersion( address, text );
	printf("\ntext=%s\n", text); 
	//read_encoders ();

/*	mot.SetM1MaxCurrent(0x80, maxCurrent*100);
	mot2.SetMainVoltages( address, 100, 250 );
	mot3.SetMainVoltages( address, 100, 250 );
	mot4.SetMainVoltages( address, 100, 250 ); */
Пример #9
void CheckVoltages(void)
#ifdef AVS_PIN
    uint16_t wVS = analogRead(AVS_PIN);
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (g_fDebugOutput && (wVS != g_wVSPrev)) {
        Serial.print("VS: ");
        Serial.println(wVS, DEC);
        g_wVSPrev = wVS;
    if ((wVS < (uint16_t)AVAL_MIN) && g_fServosInit) {
        // detach any servos we may have...
        MSound( 3, 100, 2500, 100, 2500, 100, 2500);
#elif defined(PACKET_MODE)
    // Using Roboclaw in packet mode, so we can ask it for the
    // motor voltages... Note: This requires us to send and receive
    // stuff serially, so probably only do this every so often.
    if ((millis()-g_ulCVTimeLast) > 1000)
        // more than a second since we last tested
        uint16_t wVS = RClaw.ReadMainBatteryVoltage(PACKETS_ADDRESS);

#ifdef DEBUG
        if (g_fDebugOutput && (wVS != g_wVSPrev)) {
            Serial.print("VS: ");
            Serial.println(wVS, DEC);
            g_wVSPrev = wVS;
        if ((wVS < (uint16_t)VOLTAGE_MIN1) && g_fServosInit) {
            // detach any servos we may have...
            MSound( 3, 100, 2500, 100, 2500, 100, 2500);
        g_ulCVTimeLast = millis();  // remember last we did it.
Пример #10
// Main: the main  function.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // Install signal handler to allow us to do some cleanup...
    struct sigaction sigIntHandler;

    sigIntHandler.sa_handler = SignalHandler;
    sigIntHandler.sa_flags = 0;

    sigaction(SIGINT, &sigIntHandler, NULL);

    char abT[40];        // give a nice large buffer.
    uint8_t cbRead;

        if (argc > 1)
           for (int i=1; i < argc; i++) 
                    printf("%d - %s\n", i, argv[i]);
    char *pszDevice;

    if (!RClaw.begin(pszDevice = (argc > 1? argv[1] : szRClawDevice), B38400))
        printf("RClaw (%s) Begin failed\n", pszDevice);
        return 0;

    if (!command.begin(pszDevice = (argc > 2? argv[2] : szCommanderDevice), B38400))
        printf("Commander (%s) Begin failed\n", pszDevice);
        return 0;

    int error;


    // Try to load the Rover Configuration Data


    Serial.println("Kurt's Rover Program Startup\n");

    g_fDebugOutput = false;			// start with it off!
    g_fShowDebugPrompt = true;
    g_fRoverActive = false;
    g_fRoverActivePrev = false;
    g_fServosInit = false;
    g_bGear = 3;                                // We init in 3rd gear.
    g_bSteeringMode = ONE_STICK_MODE;
    // Initialize our pan and tilt servos
    InitializeServos();                                // Make sure the servos are active

    // Loop: the main arduino main Loop function
        // We also have a simple debug monitor that allows us to
        // check things. call it here..
        if (TerminalMonitor())

        CheckVoltages();    // check voltages - if we get too low shut down the servos...

        // Lets get the PS2 data...

        // Drive the rover
        if (g_fRoverActive) {
            if (g_bSteeringMode == TANK_MODE) {
                sRDrivePWM = LStickY; //RStickY; // BUGBUG - appears like wrong ones doing each...
                sLDrivePWM = RStickY; // LStickY;
            } else {    // One stick driving
                if ((RStickY >=0) && (RStickX >= 0)) {    // Quadrant 1
                    sRDrivePWM = RStickY - RStickX;
                    sLDrivePWM = max(RStickX, RStickY);
                } else if ((RStickY<0) && (RStickX>=0))   { //Quadrant 2
                sRDrivePWM = (RStickY + RStickX);
                sLDrivePWM = min (-RStickX, RStickY);

            } else if ((RStickY<0)  && (RStickX<0)) {    //Quadrant 3
                sRDrivePWM = min (RStickX, RStickY);
                sLDrivePWM = (RStickY - RStickX);

            } else if ((RStickY>=0) && (RStickX<0)) {    // Quadrant 4
                sRDrivePWM = max(-RStickX, RStickY);
                sLDrivePWM = (RStickY + RStickX);
            } else {
                    sRDrivePWM = 0;
                sLDrivePWM = 0;

            // Lets output the appropriate stuff to the motor controller
            // ok lets figure out our speeds to output to the two motors.  two different commands
            // depending on going forward or backward.
            // Scale the two values for the motors.
            sRDrivePWM = max(min((sRDrivePWM * g_bGear) / 4, 127), -127);    // This should keep up in the -127 to +127 range and scale it depending on what gear we are in.
            sLDrivePWM = max(min((sLDrivePWM * g_bGear) / 4, 127), -127);

#ifdef DEBUG
            if (g_fDebugOutput) {
                if ((RStickY != RStickYPrev) || (RStickX != RStickXPrev) ||
                        (LStickY != LStickYPrev) || (LStickX != LStickXPrev) ||
                        (sRDrivePWM != sRDrivePWMPrev) || (sLDrivePWM != sLDrivePWMPrev)) {
                    Serial.print(LStickY, DEC);
                    Serial.print(LStickX, DEC);
                    Serial.print(" ");
                    Serial.print(RStickY, DEC);
                    Serial.print(RStickX, DEC);
                    Serial.print(" - ");
                    Serial.print(sLDrivePWM, DEC);
                    Serial.println(sRDrivePWM, DEC);
                    LStickYPrev = LStickY;
                    LStickXPrev = LStickX;
                    RStickYPrev = RStickY;
                    RStickXPrev = RStickX;
                    sRDrivePWMPrev = sRDrivePWM;
                    sLDrivePWMPrev = sLDrivePWM;
        // Call our motors driver code which may change depending on how we talk to the motors...

            // Also if we have a pan/tilt lets update that as well..
            if (g_bSteeringMode != TANK_MODE) {
                if (LStickX ) {
                    if (command.buttons & BUT_L6) {     //modify which thing we are controlling depending on if L6 is down or not.
                        w = max(min(g_wRot + LStickX/8, rcd.aServos[RoverConfigData::ROTATE].wMax), rcd.aServos[RoverConfigData::ROTATE].wMin);
                        if (w != g_wRot) {
                            g_wRot = w;
                    } else {
                        w = max(min(g_wPan + LStickX/8, rcd.aServos[RoverConfigData::PAN].wMax), rcd.aServos[RoverConfigData::PAN].wMin);
                        if (w != g_wPan) {
                            g_wPan = w;

                if (LStickY) {
                    w = max(min(g_wTilt + LStickY/8, rcd.aServos[RoverConfigData::TILT].wMax), rcd.aServos[RoverConfigData::TILT].wMin);
                    if (w != g_wTilt) {
                        g_wTilt = w;

            delay (10);
        } else {
            if (g_fRoverActivePrev) {
                MSound( 3, 100, 2500, 80, 2250, 60, 2000);
        delay (10);

        g_fRoverActivePrev = g_fRoverActive;