Status RoleGraph::removeAllRolesFromRole(const RoleName& victim) { typedef std::vector<RoleName> RoleNameVector; if (!roleExists(victim)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << victim.getFullName() << " does not exist", 0); } if (isBuiltinRole(victim)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot remove roles from built-in role: " << victim.getFullName(), 0); } RoleNameVector& subordinatesOfVictim = _roleToSubordinates[victim]; for (RoleNameVector::const_iterator subordinateRole = subordinatesOfVictim.begin(), end = subordinatesOfVictim.end(); subordinateRole != end; ++subordinateRole) { RoleNameVector& membersOfSubordinate = _roleToMembers[*subordinateRole]; RoleNameVector::iterator toErase = std::find(membersOfSubordinate.begin(), membersOfSubordinate.end(), victim); fassert(17173, toErase != membersOfSubordinate.end()); membersOfSubordinate.erase(toErase); } subordinatesOfVictim.clear(); return Status::OK(); }
Status RoleGraph::addRoleToRole(const RoleName& recipient, const RoleName& role) { if (!roleExists(recipient)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << recipient.getFullName() << " does not exist"); } if (isBuiltinRole(recipient)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot grant roles to built-in role: " << role.getFullName()); } if (!roleExists(role)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName() << " does not exist"); } if (std::find(_roleToSubordinates[recipient].begin(), _roleToSubordinates[recipient].end(), role) == _roleToSubordinates[recipient].end()) { // Only add role if it's not already present _roleToSubordinates[recipient].push_back(role); _roleToMembers[role].push_back(recipient); } return Status::OK(); }
Status RoleGraph::deleteRole(const RoleName& role) { if (!roleExists(role)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName() << " does not exist", 0); } if (isBuiltinRole(role)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot delete built-in role: " << role.getFullName(), 0); } for (std::vector<RoleName>::iterator it = _roleToSubordinates[role].begin(); it != _roleToSubordinates[role].end(); ++it) { _roleToMembers[*it].erase( std::find(_roleToMembers[*it].begin(), _roleToMembers[*it].end(), role)); } for (std::vector<RoleName>::iterator it = _roleToMembers[role].begin(); it != _roleToMembers[role].end(); ++it) { _roleToSubordinates[*it].erase( std::find(_roleToSubordinates[*it].begin(), _roleToSubordinates[*it].end(), role)); } _roleToSubordinates.erase(role); _roleToIndirectSubordinates.erase(role); _roleToMembers.erase(role); _directPrivilegesForRole.erase(role); _allPrivilegesForRole.erase(role); _allRoles.erase(role); return Status::OK(); }
Status RoleGraph::removeAllPrivilegesFromRole(const RoleName& role) { if (!roleExists(role)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName() << " does not exist", 0); } if (isBuiltinRole(role)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot remove privileges from built-in role: " << role.getFullName()); } _directPrivilegesForRole[role].clear(); return Status::OK(); }
Status AuthorizationManager::updateRoleDocument(OperationContext* txn, const RoleName& role, const BSONObj& updateObj, const BSONObj& writeConcern) const { Status status = _externalState->updateOne( txn, rolesCollectionNamespace, BSON(AuthorizationManager::ROLE_NAME_FIELD_NAME << role.getRole() << AuthorizationManager::ROLE_DB_FIELD_NAME << role.getDB()), updateObj, false, writeConcern); if (status.isOK()) { return status; } if (status.code() == ErrorCodes::NoMatchingDocument) { return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role " << role.getFullName() << " not found"); } if (status.code() == ErrorCodes::UnknownError) { return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleModificationFailed, status.reason()); } return status; }
Status RoleGraph::removePrivilegeFromRole(const RoleName& role, const Privilege& privilegeToRemove) { if (!roleExists(role)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName() << " does not exist", 0); } if (isBuiltinRole(role)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot remove privileges from built-in role: " << role.getFullName()); } PrivilegeVector& currentPrivileges = _directPrivilegesForRole[role]; for (PrivilegeVector::iterator it = currentPrivileges.begin(); it != currentPrivileges.end(); ++it) { Privilege& curPrivilege = *it; if (curPrivilege.getResourcePattern() == privilegeToRemove.getResourcePattern()) { ActionSet curActions = curPrivilege.getActions(); if (!curActions.isSupersetOf(privilegeToRemove.getActions())) { // Didn't possess all the actions being removed. return Status( ErrorCodes::PrivilegeNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName() << " does not contain a privilege on " << privilegeToRemove.getResourcePattern().toString() << " with actions: " << privilegeToRemove.getActions().toString(), 0); } curPrivilege.removeActions(privilegeToRemove.getActions()); if (curPrivilege.getActions().empty()) { currentPrivileges.erase(it); } return Status::OK(); } } return Status(ErrorCodes::PrivilegeNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName() << " does not " "contain any privileges on " << privilegeToRemove.getResourcePattern().toString(), 0); }
Status RoleGraph::addPrivilegeToRole(const RoleName& role, const Privilege& privilegeToAdd) { if (!roleExists(role)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName() << " does not exist", 0); } if (isBuiltinRole(role)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot grant privileges to built-in role: " << role.getFullName(), 0); } _addPrivilegeToRoleNoChecks(role, privilegeToAdd); return Status::OK(); }
Status RoleGraph::createRole(const RoleName& role) { if (roleExists(role)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::DuplicateKey, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName() << " already exists", 0); } _createRoleDontCheckIfRoleExists(role); return Status::OK(); }
// NOTE: Current runtime of this is O(n*m) where n is the size of the current PrivilegeVector // for the given role, and m is the size of the privilegesToAdd vector. // If this was a PrivilegeSet (sorted on resource) rather than a PrivilegeVector, we // could do this in O(n+m) instead. Status RoleGraph::addPrivilegesToRole(const RoleName& role, const PrivilegeVector& privilegesToAdd) { if (!roleExists(role)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName() << " does not exist", 0); } if (isBuiltinRole(role)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot grant privileges to built-in role: " << role.getFullName(), 0); } for (PrivilegeVector::const_iterator it = privilegesToAdd.begin(); it != privilegesToAdd.end(); ++it) { _addPrivilegeToRoleNoChecks(role, *it); } return Status::OK(); }
Status RoleGraph::removeRoleFromRole(const RoleName& recipient, const RoleName& role) { if (!roleExists(recipient)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << recipient.getFullName() << " does not exist", 0); } if (isBuiltinRole(recipient)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot remove roles from built-in role: " << role.getFullName(), 0); } if (!roleExists(role)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName() << " does not exist", 0); } std::vector<RoleName>::iterator itToRm = std::find(_roleToMembers[role].begin(), _roleToMembers[role].end(), recipient); if (itToRm != _roleToMembers[role].end()) { _roleToMembers[role].erase(itToRm); } else { return Status(ErrorCodes::RolesNotRelated, mongoutils::str::stream() << recipient.getFullName() << " is not a member" " of " << role.getFullName(), 0); } itToRm = std::find( _roleToSubordinates[recipient].begin(), _roleToSubordinates[recipient].end(), role); fassert(16827, itToRm != _roleToSubordinates[recipient].end()); _roleToSubordinates[recipient].erase(itToRm); return Status::OK(); }
Status AuthorizationManager::getBSONForRole(RoleGraph* graph, const RoleName& roleName, mutablebson::Element result) { if (!graph->roleExists(roleName)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << roleName.getFullName() << "does not name an existing role"); } std::string id = mongoutils::str::stream() << roleName.getDB() << "." << roleName.getRole(); result.appendString("_id", id); result.appendString(ROLE_NAME_FIELD_NAME, roleName.getRole()); result.appendString(ROLE_SOURCE_FIELD_NAME, roleName.getDB()); // Build privileges array mutablebson::Element privilegesArrayElement = result.getDocument().makeElementArray("privileges"); result.pushBack(privilegesArrayElement); const PrivilegeVector& privileges = graph->getDirectPrivileges(roleName); Status status = getBSONForPrivileges(privileges, privilegesArrayElement); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } // Build roles array mutablebson::Element rolesArrayElement = result.getDocument().makeElementArray("roles"); result.pushBack(rolesArrayElement); for (RoleNameIterator roles = graph->getDirectSubordinates(roleName); roles.more(); { const RoleName& subRole = roles.get(); mutablebson::Element roleObj = result.getDocument().makeElementObject(""); roleObj.appendString(ROLE_NAME_FIELD_NAME, subRole.getRole()); roleObj.appendString(ROLE_SOURCE_FIELD_NAME, subRole.getDB()); rolesArrayElement.pushBack(roleObj); } return Status::OK(); }
bool run(const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int options, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) { AuthorizationManager* authzManager = getGlobalAuthorizationManager(); AuthzDocumentsUpdateGuard updateGuard(authzManager); if (!updateGuard.tryLock("Grant privileges to role")) { addStatus(Status(ErrorCodes::LockBusy, "Could not lock auth data update lock."), result); return false; } RoleName roleName; PrivilegeVector privilegesToAdd; BSONObj writeConcern; Status status = auth::parseAndValidateRolePrivilegeManipulationCommands( cmdObj, "grantPrivilegesToRole", dbname, &roleName, &privilegesToAdd, &writeConcern); if (!status.isOK()) { addStatus(status, result); return false; } if (!authzManager->roleExists(roleName)) { addStatus(Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << roleName.getFullName() << " does not name an existing role"), result); return false; } if (authzManager->isBuiltinRole(roleName)) { addStatus(Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification, mongoutils::str::stream() << roleName.getFullName() << " is a built-in role and cannot be modified."), result); return false; } PrivilegeVector privileges = authzManager->getDirectPrivilegesForRole(roleName); for (PrivilegeVector::iterator it = privilegesToAdd.begin(); it != privilegesToAdd.end(); ++it) { Privilege::addPrivilegeToPrivilegeVector(&privileges, *it); } // Build up update modifier object to $set privileges. mutablebson::Document updateObj; mutablebson::Element setElement = updateObj.makeElementObject("$set"); status = updateObj.root().pushBack(setElement); if (!status.isOK()) { addStatus(status, result); return false; } mutablebson::Element privilegesElement = updateObj.makeElementArray("privileges"); status = setElement.pushBack(privilegesElement); if (!status.isOK()) { addStatus(status, result); return false; } status = authzManager->getBSONForPrivileges(privileges, privilegesElement); if (!status.isOK()) { addStatus(status, result); return false; } BSONObjBuilder updateBSONBuilder; updateObj.writeTo(&updateBSONBuilder); status = authzManager->updateRoleDocument( roleName, updateBSONBuilder.done(), writeConcern); if (!status.isOK()) { addStatus(status, result); return false; } return true; }
Status RoleGraph::_recomputePrivilegeDataHelper(const RoleName& startingRole, unordered_set<RoleName>& visitedRoles) { if (visitedRoles.count(startingRole)) { return Status::OK(); } std::vector<RoleName> inProgressRoles; inProgressRoles.push_back(startingRole); while (inProgressRoles.size()) { const RoleName currentRole = inProgressRoles.back(); fassert(17277, !visitedRoles.count(currentRole)); if (!roleExists(currentRole)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << currentRole.getFullName() << " does not exist", 0); } // Check for cycles { const std::vector<RoleName>::const_iterator begin = inProgressRoles.begin(); // The currentRole will always be last so don't look there. const std::vector<RoleName>::const_iterator end = --inProgressRoles.end(); const std::vector<RoleName>::const_iterator firstOccurence = std::find(begin, end, currentRole); if (firstOccurence != end) { std::ostringstream os; os << "Cycle in dependency graph: "; for (std::vector<RoleName>::const_iterator it = firstOccurence; it != end; ++it) { os << it->getFullName() << " -> "; } os << currentRole.getFullName(); return Status(ErrorCodes::GraphContainsCycle, os.str()); } } // Make sure we've already visited all subordinate roles before worrying about this one. const std::vector<RoleName>& currentRoleDirectRoles = _roleToSubordinates[currentRole]; std::vector<RoleName>::const_iterator roleIt; for (roleIt = currentRoleDirectRoles.begin(); roleIt != currentRoleDirectRoles.end(); ++roleIt) { const RoleName& childRole = *roleIt; if (!visitedRoles.count(childRole)) { inProgressRoles.push_back(childRole); break; } } // If roleIt didn't reach the end of currentRoleDirectRoles that means we found a child // of currentRole that we haven't visited yet. if (roleIt != currentRoleDirectRoles.end()) { continue; } // At this point, we know that we've already visited all child roles of currentRole // and thus their "all privileges" sets are correct and can be added to currentRole's // "all privileges" set // Need to clear out the "all privileges" vector for the current role, and re-fill it // with just the direct privileges for this role. PrivilegeVector& currentRoleAllPrivileges = _allPrivilegesForRole[currentRole]; currentRoleAllPrivileges = _directPrivilegesForRole[currentRole]; // Need to do the same thing for the indirect roles unordered_set<RoleName>& currentRoleIndirectRoles = _roleToIndirectSubordinates[currentRole]; currentRoleIndirectRoles.clear(); for (std::vector<RoleName>::const_iterator it = currentRoleDirectRoles.begin(); it != currentRoleDirectRoles.end(); ++it) { currentRoleIndirectRoles.insert(*it); } // Recursively add children's privileges to current role's "all privileges" vector, and // children's roles to current roles's "indirect roles" vector. for (std::vector<RoleName>::const_iterator roleIt = currentRoleDirectRoles.begin(); roleIt != currentRoleDirectRoles.end(); ++roleIt) { // At this point, we already know that the "all privilege" set for the child is // correct, so add those privileges to our "all privilege" set. const RoleName& childRole = *roleIt; const PrivilegeVector& childsPrivileges = _allPrivilegesForRole[childRole]; for (PrivilegeVector::const_iterator privIt = childsPrivileges.begin(); privIt != childsPrivileges.end(); ++privIt) { Privilege::addPrivilegeToPrivilegeVector(¤tRoleAllPrivileges, *privIt); } // We also know that the "indirect roles" for the child is also correct, so we can // add those roles to our "indirect roles" set. const unordered_set<RoleName>& childsRoles = _roleToIndirectSubordinates[childRole]; for (unordered_set<RoleName>::const_iterator childsRoleIt = childsRoles.begin(); childsRoleIt != childsRoles.end(); ++childsRoleIt) { currentRoleIndirectRoles.insert(*childsRoleIt); } } visitedRoles.insert(currentRole); inProgressRoles.pop_back(); } return Status::OK(); }