int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool printSw = true; //TString massModel = "Gauss-m[5622]"; string massModel = "DCB-m[5622]"; TString effbase = "/afs/"; bool printeff = false; TString dodata = "data"; bool fitsingle = false; TString wstr = "physRate_polp006"; TString decayToDo = "Lb2Lmumu"; if(dodata=="genMC") wstr += "_noDecay"; gROOT->ProcessLine(".x lhcbStyle.C"); RooRealVar * cosThetaL = new RooRealVar("cosThetaL","cosThetaL",0.,-1.,1.); RooRealVar * cosThetaB = new RooRealVar("cosThetaB","cosThetaB",0.,-1.,1.); RooRealVar * nsig_sw = new RooRealVar("nsig_sw","nsig_sw",1,-1.e6,1.e6); RooRealVar * MCweight = new RooRealVar(wstr,wstr,1.,-1.e10,1.e10); RooRealVar * MM = new RooRealVar("Lb_MassConsLambda","Lb_MassConsLambda",5620.,5500.,5900.); TString datafilename = "/afs/"; if(dodata=="MC") datafilename = "/afs/"; if(dodata=="genMC") datafilename = "/afs/"+(string)decayToDo+"_geomMC_Pythia8_NBweighted.root"; TreeReader * data; if(dodata!="genMC") data = new TreeReader("cand"+decayToDo); else data = new TreeReader("MCtree"); data->AddFile(datafilename); TFile * histFile = new TFile("Afb_hist.root","recreate"); RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::ERROR); int nbins = 1;//CutsDef::nq2bins; double q2min[] = {15.,11.0,15,16,18};//&CutsDef::q2min_highfirst[0]; double q2max[] = {20.,12.5,16,18,20};//&CutsDef::q2max_highfirst[0]; //int nbins = CutsDef::nq2bins //double *q2min = &CutsDef::q2min[0]; //double *q2max = &CutsDef::q2max[0]; TGraphErrors * Afb_vs_q2 = new TGraphErrors(); TGraphErrors * AfbB_vs_q2 = new TGraphErrors(); TGraphErrors * fL_vs_q2 = new TGraphErrors(); TCanvas * ceff = new TCanvas(); RooCategory * samples = new RooCategory("samples","samples"); samples->defineType("DD"); samples->defineType("LL"); RooRealVar * afb = new RooRealVar("afb","afb",0.,-100,100); RooRealVar * fL = new RooRealVar("fL","fL",0.7,-1.,10.); //RooRealVar * afb = new RooRealVar("afb","afb",0.,-1.,1.); //RooRealVar * fL = new RooRealVar("fL","fL",0.7,0.,1.); RooRealVar * origafb = new RooRealVar("afb","afb",0.,-1.,1.); RooRealVar * origfL = new RooRealVar("fL","fL",0.7,-1.,10.); TString afbLpdf = "((3./8.)*(1.-fL)*(1 + TMath::Power(cosThetaL,2)) + afb*cosThetaL + (3./4.)*fL*(1 - TMath::Power(cosThetaL,2)))"; RooRealVar * afbB = new RooRealVar("afbB","afbB",0.,-100,100); //RooRealVar * afbB = new RooRealVar("afbB","afbB",0.,-1.,1.); RooRealVar * origafbB = new RooRealVar("afbB","afbB",0.,-1.,1.); TString afbBpdf = "(1 + 2*afbB*cosThetaB)"; vector< vector< double > > afb_errs, afbB_errs, fL_errs; TList * LLlist = new TList, * DDlist = new TList; TCanvas * cDD = new TCanvas(); TCanvas * cLL = new TCanvas(); TCanvas * cDDB = new TCanvas(); TCanvas * cLLB = new TCanvas(); for(int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) { //if(q2min[i] < 8) continue; TString q2name = ((TString)Form("q2_%4.2f_%4.2f",q2min[i],q2max[i])).ReplaceAll(".",""); TString curq2cut = Form("TMath::Power(J_psi_1S_MM/1000,2) >= %e && TMath::Power(J_psi_1S_MM/1000,2) < %e",q2min[i],q2max[i]); //TString curq2cut = Form("TMath::Power(J_psi_1S_MM/1000,2) >= %e && TMath::Power(J_psi_1S_MM/1000,2) < %e && (Lb_MassConsLambda > 5680 || Lb_MassConsLambda < 5590)",q2min[i],q2max[i]); cout << "------------------- q2 bin: " << q2min[i] << " - " << q2max[i] << " -----------------------" << endl; TFile * effFile = NULL; TH1F * effDD = NULL, * effLL = NULL, * effLLB = NULL, * effDDB = NULL; if(q2min[i] == 15 && q2max[i] == 20) { effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"LbeffvscosThetaL_DD.root"); effDD = (TH1F *)effFile->Get("htoteff"); effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"LbeffvscosThetaL_LL.root"); effLL = (TH1F *)effFile->Get("htoteff"); effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"LbeffvscosThetaB_DD.root"); effDDB = (TH1F *)effFile->Get("htot_nodet_eff"); effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"LbeffvscosThetaB_LL.root"); effLLB = (TH1F *)effFile->Get("htot_nodet_eff"); } else { effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"Lbeff2D_cosThetaL_vs_q2_DD.root"); TH2F * effDD2D = (TH2F *)effFile->Get("htot_eff"); effDD = (TH1F*)GetSliceX(effDD2D,(q2max[i]+q2min[i])/2.); effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"Lbeff2D_cosThetaL_vs_q2_LL.root"); TH2F * effLL2D = (TH2F *)effFile->Get("htot_eff"); effLL = (TH1F*)GetSliceX(effLL2D,(q2max[i]+q2min[i])/2.); effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"Lbeff2D_cosThetaB_vs_q2_DD.root"); TH2F * effDDB2D = (TH2F *)effFile->Get("hupper_eff"); effDDB = (TH1F*)GetSliceX(effDDB2D,(q2max[i]+q2min[i])/2.); effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"Lbeff2D_cosThetaB_vs_q2_LL.root"); TH2F * effLLB2D = (TH2F *)effFile->Get("hupper_eff"); effLLB = (TH1F*)GetSliceX(effLLB2D,(q2max[i]+q2min[i])/2.); } ceff->cd(); /** FIT EFFICIENCY **/ RooDataHist * hLL = new RooDataHist("hLL","hLL",*cosThetaL,effLL); RooDataHist * hDD = new RooDataHist("hDD","hDD",*cosThetaL,effDD); RooRealVar * c1LL = new RooRealVar("c1LL","",0.,-1.,1); RooRealVar * c1DD = new RooRealVar("c1DD","",0.,-1.,1); RooRealVar * c2LL = new RooRealVar("c2LL","",0.,-1.,1); RooRealVar * c2DD = new RooRealVar("c2DD","",0.,-1.,1); TString effLLstr = "(1 + c1LL*cosThetaL + c2LL*TMath::Power(cosThetaL,2))"; TString effDDstr = "(1 + c1DD*cosThetaL + c2DD*TMath::Power(cosThetaL,2))"; RooAbsPdf * effLLpdf = new RooGenericPdf("effLLpdf", "", effLLstr, RooArgSet(*cosThetaL, *c1LL, *c2LL)); RooAbsPdf * effDDpdf = new RooGenericPdf("effDDpdf", "", effDDstr, RooArgSet(*cosThetaL, *c1DD, *c2DD)); effLLpdf->fitTo(*hLL,PrintLevel(-1)); effDDpdf->fitTo(*hDD,PrintLevel(-1)); fixParams(effLLpdf,cosThetaL); fixParams(effDDpdf,cosThetaL); RooDataHist * hLLB = new RooDataHist("hLLB","hLLB",*cosThetaB,effLLB); RooDataHist * hDDB = new RooDataHist("hDDB","hDDB",*cosThetaB,effDDB); RooRealVar * cB1LL = new RooRealVar("cB1LL","",0,-1.,1); RooRealVar * cB1DD = new RooRealVar("cB1DD","",0,-1.,1); RooRealVar * cB2LL = new RooRealVar("cB2LL","",0,-1.,1); RooRealVar * cB2DD = new RooRealVar("cB2DD","",0,-1.,1); TString effLLBstr = "(1 + cB1LL*cosThetaB + cB2LL*TMath::Power(cosThetaB,2))"; TString effDDBstr = "(1 + cB1DD*cosThetaB + cB2DD*TMath::Power(cosThetaB,2))"; RooAbsPdf * effLLpdfB = new RooGenericPdf("effLLpdfB", "", effLLBstr, RooArgSet(*cosThetaB, *cB1LL, *cB2LL)); RooAbsPdf * effDDpdfB = new RooGenericPdf("effDDpdfB", "", effDDBstr, RooArgSet(*cosThetaB, *cB1DD, *cB2DD)); effLLpdfB->fitTo(*hLLB,PrintLevel(-1)); effDDpdfB->fitTo(*hDDB,PrintLevel(-1)); fixParams(effLLpdfB,cosThetaB); fixParams(effDDpdfB,cosThetaB); //cout << q2min[i] << " - " << q2max[i] << " LL cosThetaL -> " << c1LL->getVal() << " " << c2LL->getVal() << endl; //cout << q2min[i] << " - " << q2max[i] << " DD cosThetaL -> " << c1DD->getVal() << " " << c2DD->getVal() << endl; //cout << q2min[i] << " - " << q2max[i] << " LL cosThetaB -> " << cB1LL->getVal() << " " << cB2LL->getVal() << endl; //cout << q2min[i] << " - " << q2max[i] << " DD cosThetaB -> " << cB1DD->getVal() << " " << cB2DD->getVal() << endl; if(printeff) { GetFrame(cosThetaL, hLL,effLLpdf,"-nochi2",0,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}","Tot. eff.")->Draw(); ceff->Print("DDeffFit"+q2name+".pdf"); GetFrame(cosThetaL, hDD,effDDpdf,"-nochi2",0,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}","Tot. eff.")->Draw(); ceff->Print("LLeffFit"+q2name+".pdf"); GetFrame(cosThetaB, hLLB,effLLpdfB,"-nochi2",0,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{#Lambda}","Tot. eff.")->Draw(); ceff->Print("DDeffFitB"+q2name+".pdf"); GetFrame(cosThetaB, hDDB,effDDpdfB,"-nochi2",0,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{#Lambda}","Tot. eff.")->Draw(); ceff->Print("LLeffFitB"+q2name+".pdf"); } /** FIT AFB **/ afb->setVal(0); afbB->setVal(0); fL->setVal(0.7); TString LLnorm = "1./( 1. + (2./3.)*afb*c1LL + (2./5.)*c2LL - (1./5.)*c2LL*fL )*"+effLLstr; TString DDnorm = "1./( 1. + (2./3.)*afb*c1DD + (2./5.)*c2DD - (1./5.)*c2DD*fL )*"+effDDstr; RooAbsPdf * corrPdfLL = new RooGenericPdf(Form("corrPdfLL_%i",i),LLnorm+"*"+afbLpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaL, *afb, *fL, *c1LL, *c2LL) ); RooAbsPdf * corrPdfDD = new RooGenericPdf(Form("corrPdfDD_%i",i),DDnorm+"*"+afbLpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaL, *afb, *fL, *c1DD, *c2DD) ); TString LLnormB = "1./( (2./3.)*( 2*afbB*cB1LL + cB2LL + 3.) )*"+effLLBstr; TString DDnormB = "1./( (2./3.)*( 2*afbB*cB1DD + cB2DD + 3.) )*"+effDDBstr; RooAbsPdf * corrPdfLLB = new RooGenericPdf(Form("corrPdfLLB_%i",i),LLnormB+"*"+afbBpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaB, *afbB, *cB1LL, *cB2LL) ); RooAbsPdf * corrPdfDDB = new RooGenericPdf(Form("corrPdfDDB_%i",i),DDnormB+"*"+afbBpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaB, *afbB, *cB1DD, *cB2DD) ); TCut cutLL = CutsDef::LLcut + (TCut)curq2cut; TCut cutDD = CutsDef::DDcut + (TCut)curq2cut; if(dodata=="genMC") { corrPdfLLB = new RooGenericPdf("corrPdfLL",afbBpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaB, *afbB, *cB1LL, *cB2LL) ); corrPdfDDB = new RooGenericPdf("corrPdfDD",afbBpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaB, *afbB, *cB1DD, *cB2DD) ); corrPdfLL = new RooGenericPdf("corrPdfLL",afbLpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaL, *afb, *fL, *c1LL, *c2LL) ); corrPdfDD = new RooGenericPdf("corrPdfDD",afbLpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaL, *afb, *fL, *c1DD, *c2DD) ); cutLL = (TCut)curq2cut; cutDD = (TCut)curq2cut; } Analysis * anaLL = new Analysis(Form("LL_mass_%i",i),"Lb",data,&cutLL,MM); anaLL->AddVariable(cosThetaL); anaLL->AddVariable(cosThetaB); anaLL->AddVariable("J_psi_1S_MM"); if(dodata!="data") anaLL->SetWeight(wstr); RooDataSet * dataLL = anaLL->GetDataSet("-recalc-docuts"); Analysis * anaDD = new Analysis(Form("DD_mass_%i",i),"Lb",data,&cutDD,MM); anaDD->AddVariable(cosThetaL); anaDD->AddVariable(cosThetaB); anaDD->AddVariable("J_psi_1S_MM"); if(dodata!="data") anaDD->SetWeight(wstr); RooDataSet * dataDD = anaDD->GetDataSet("-recalc-docuts"); RooDataSet * sdataDD, * sdataLL; if(dodata=="data") { sdataLL = anaLL->CalcSweight("",massModel.c_str(),"Exp"); if(printSw) { GetFrame(MM,NULL,sdataLL,"-nochi2",30,NULL,0,"M(#Lambda#mu#mu) (MeV/c^{2})")->Draw(); ceff->Print("Mass_LL_sWeighted"+q2name+".pdf"); GetFrame(cosThetaL,NULL,sdataLL,"-nochi2",6,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("cosThetaL_LL_sWeighted"+q2name+".pdf"); GetFrame(cosThetaL,NULL,dataLL,"-nochi2",6,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("cosThetaL_LL_"+q2name+".pdf"); } sdataDD = anaDD->CalcSweight("",massModel.c_str(),"Exp"); if(printSw) { GetFrame(MM,NULL,sdataDD,"-nochi2",30,NULL,0,"M(#Lambda#mu#mu) (MeV/c^{2})")->Draw(); ceff->Print("Mass_DD_sWeighted"+q2name+".pdf"); GetFrame(cosThetaL,NULL,sdataDD,"-nochi2",10,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("cosThetaL_DD_sWeighted"+q2name+".pdf"); GetFrame(cosThetaL,NULL,dataDD,"-nochi2",10,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("cosThetaL_DD_"+q2name+".pdf"); } } else { sdataLL = dataLL; sdataDD = dataDD; } histFile->cd(); TTree * LLTree = (TTree*)sdataLL->tree(); LLTree->SetName(Form("treeLL_%i",i)); LLlist->Add(LLTree); TTree * DDTree = (TTree*)sdataDD->tree(); DDTree->SetName(Form("treeDD_%i",i)); DDlist->Add(DDTree); // CREATE COMBINED DATASET RooDataSet * combData; if(dodata=="data") combData = new RooDataSet(Form("combData_%i",i),"combined data",RooArgSet(*cosThetaL,*cosThetaB,*nsig_sw),Index(*samples),Import("DD",*sdataDD),Import("LL",*sdataLL),WeightVar("nsig_sw")); else combData = new RooDataSet(Form("combData_%i",i),"combined data",RooArgSet(*cosThetaL,*cosThetaB,*MCweight),Index(*samples),Import("DD",*sdataDD),Import("LL",*sdataLL),WeightVar(wstr)); // FIT COS LEPTON RooSimultaneous * combModel = new RooSimultaneous(Form("combModel_%i",i),"",*samples); combModel->addPdf(*corrPdfLL,"LL"); combModel->addPdf(*corrPdfDD,"DD"); combModel->fitTo(*combData,PrintLevel(-1),Verbose(kFALSE),SumW2Error(kTRUE)); if(fitsingle) corrPdfLL->fitTo(*sdataLL,PrintLevel(-1),Verbose(kFALSE),SumW2Error(kTRUE)); GetFrame(cosThetaL,corrPdfLL,sdataLL,"-sumW2err-nochi2-noCost",6,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("Afb_LL_"+q2name+".pdf"); if(fitsingle) corrPdfDD->fitTo(*sdataDD,PrintLevel(-1),Verbose(kFALSE),SumW2Error(kTRUE)); GetFrame(cosThetaL,corrPdfDD,sdataDD,"-sumW2err-nochi2-noCost",10,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("Afb_DD_"+q2name+".pdf"); Afb_vs_q2->SetPoint(i,(q2max[i] + q2min[i])/2.,afb->getVal()); Afb_vs_q2->SetPointError(i,(q2max[i] - q2min[i])/2.,afb->getError()); fL_vs_q2->SetPoint(i,(q2max[i] + q2min[i])/2.,fL->getVal()); fL_vs_q2->SetPointError(i,(q2max[i] - q2min[i])/2.,fL->getError()); // FIT COS HADRON RooSimultaneous * combModelB = new RooSimultaneous(Form("combModelB_%i",i),"",*samples); combModelB->addPdf(*corrPdfLLB,"LL"); combModelB->addPdf(*corrPdfDDB,"DD"); combModelB->fitTo(*combData,PrintLevel(-1),Verbose(kFALSE),SumW2Error(kTRUE)); if(fitsingle) corrPdfLLB->fitTo(*sdataLL,PrintLevel(-1),Verbose(kFALSE),SumW2Error(kTRUE)); GetFrame(cosThetaB,corrPdfLLB,sdataLL,"-sumW2err-nochi2-noCost",6,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{#Lambda}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("AfbB_LL_"+q2name+".pdf"); if(fitsingle) corrPdfDDB->fitTo(*sdataDD,PrintLevel(-1),Verbose(kFALSE),SumW2Error(kTRUE)); GetFrame(cosThetaB,corrPdfDDB,sdataDD,"-sumW2err-nochi2-noCost",10,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{#Lambda}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("AfbB_DD_"+q2name+".pdf"); AfbB_vs_q2->SetPoint(i,(q2max[i] + q2min[i])/2.,afbB->getVal()); AfbB_vs_q2->SetPointError(i,(q2max[i] - q2min[i])/2.,afbB->getError()); cout << endl << fixed << setprecision(6) << "AfbB = " << afbB->getVal() << " +/- " << afbB->getError() << endl; cout << "Afb = " << afb->getVal() << " +/- " << afb->getError() << endl; cout << "fL = " << fL->getVal() << " +/- " << fL->getError() << endl; cout << endl; cout << "------------------------ FELDMAN AND COUSINS ------------------------" << endl; vector < RooDataSet * > datas; vector < RooAbsPdf * > pdfs, pdfsB; vector < TString > cat; cat.push_back("LL"); cat.push_back("DD"); datas.push_back(sdataLL); datas.push_back(sdataDD); RooArgSet * origPars = new RooArgSet(); origPars->add(*origafb); origPars->add(*origfL); pdfs.push_back(corrPdfLL); pdfs.push_back(corrPdfDD); vector< double > afb_err, afbB_err, fL_err; /* double fLval = fL->getVal(), fLerr = fL->getError(); FeldmanCousins * FC = new FeldmanCousins(q2name,cat,datas,pdfs,cosThetaL,afb,"nsig_sw"); //FC->SetNPointsToScan(20); //FC->SetNExp(1000); if(q2min[i]==18) afb_err = FC->ExtractLimits(origPars,-0.3,0.3); else if( (afb->getVal()-1.4*afb->getError()) > -1 && (afb->getVal()+1.4*afb->getError()) < 1 ) afb_err = FC->ExtractLimits(origPars,afb->getVal()-1.4*afb->getError(),afb->getVal()+1.4*afb->getError()); else afb_err = FC->ExtractLimits(origPars,-0.4,0.4); //FeldmanCousins * FCfL = new FeldmanCousins(q2name,cat,datas,pdfs,cosThetaL,fL,"nsig_sw"); //if(q2min[i]==11) fL_err = FCfL->ExtractLimits(origPars,0.,0.6); //else if (q2min[i]==18) fL_err = FCfL->ExtractLimits(origPars,0.75,0.992); //( (fLval-1.3*fLerr) > 0 && (fLval+1.3*fLerr) <= 1 ) //else fL_err = FCfL->ExtractLimits(origPars,fLval-1.3*fLerr,fLval+1.3*fLerr); afb_errs.push_back(afb_err); //fL_errs.push_back(fL_err); RooArgSet * origParsB = new RooArgSet(); origParsB->add(*origafbB); pdfsB.push_back(corrPdfLLB); pdfsB.push_back(corrPdfDDB); FeldmanCousins * FCB = new FeldmanCousins(q2name,cat,datas,pdfsB,cosThetaB,afbB,"nsig_sw"); if( (afbB->getVal()-1.5*afbB->getError()) > -1 && (afbB->getVal()+1.5*afbB->getError()) < 1 ) afbB_err = FCB->ExtractLimits(origParsB,afbB->getVal()-1.5*afbB->getError(),afbB->getVal()+1.5*afbB->getError()); else afbB_err = FCB->ExtractLimits(origParsB,-0.4,0.4); afbB_errs.push_back(afbB_err); */ delete effDD; delete effLL; delete effLLB; delete effDDB; } cDD->Print("DDeff.pdf"); cLL->Print("LLeff.pdf"); cDDB->Print("DDBeff.pdf"); cLLB->Print("LLBeff.pdf"); Afb_vs_q2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("q^{2}"); Afb_vs_q2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Afb"); Afb_vs_q2->SetMaximum(1); Afb_vs_q2->SetMinimum(-1); Afb_vs_q2->Draw("AP"); ceff->Print("Afb_vs_q2.pdf"); AfbB_vs_q2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("q^{2}"); AfbB_vs_q2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("AfbB"); AfbB_vs_q2->SetMaximum(1); AfbB_vs_q2->SetMinimum(-1); AfbB_vs_q2->Draw("AP"); ceff->Print("AfbB_vs_q2.pdf"); fL_vs_q2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("q^{2}"); fL_vs_q2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("fL"); fL_vs_q2->Draw("AP"); ceff->Print("fL_vs_q2.pdf"); for(int bb = 0; bb < Afb_vs_q2->GetN(); bb++) { double qq, qqerr, afbv, afbBv, fLv; Afb_vs_q2->GetPoint(bb,qq,afbv); qqerr = Afb_vs_q2->GetErrorX(bb); AfbB_vs_q2->GetPoint(bb,qq,afbBv); fL_vs_q2->GetPoint(bb,qq,fLv); cout << fixed << setprecision(1) << qq-qqerr << " - " << qq+qqerr; cout << fixed << setprecision(4); //cout << " & $" << afbv << "_{-" << TMath::Abs(afb_errs[bb][0] - afbv) << "}^{+" << TMath::Abs(afb_errs[bb][1] - afbv) << "} \\text{(stat)} \\pm \\text{(sys)}$ "; //cout << " & $" << afbBv << "_{-" << TMath::Abs(afbB_errs[bb][0] - afbBv) << "}^{+" << TMath::Abs(afbB_errs[bb][1]-afbBv) << "} \\text{(stat)} \\pm \\text{(sys)}$ " ; //cout << " & $" << fLv << "_{-" << TMath::Abs(fL_errs[bb][0] - fLv) << "}^{+" << TMath::Abs(fL_errs[bb][1] - fLv) << "} \\text{(stat)} \\pm \\text{(sys)}$ "; cout << " \\\\ " << endl; } histFile->cd(); TTree * finalLLtree = (TTree*)TTree::MergeTrees(LLlist); TTree * finalDDtree = (TTree*)TTree::MergeTrees(DDlist); finalLLtree->SetName("LL_data"); finalDDtree->SetName("DD_data"); finalLLtree->Write(); finalDDtree->Write(); delete ceff; histFile->Write(); delete histFile; }
// total PDF void makeTotalPdf( RooWorkspace *w ) { // constrain the bs->phikst / bd->phikst ratio w->factory( "yield_ratio_bs2phikst_o_bd2phikst[0.,1.]" ); w->factory( "Gaussian::yield_ratio_bs2phikst_o_bd2phikst_constraint( yield_ratio_bs2phikst_o_bd2phikst, 0.113, 0.0287 )" ); // constrain the bd->rhokst / bd->phikst ratio w->factory("yield_ratio_bd2rhokst_o_bd2phikst[0.,1.]" ); w->factory( "Gaussian::yield_ratio_bd2rhokst_o_bd2phikst_constraint( yield_ratio_bd2rhokst_o_bd2phikst, 0.390, 0.130 )" ); // PDG err is 0.130 (relax this for eff) // make a yield for each category RooCategory *cat = (RooCategory*)w->cat("DataCat"); for ( int i=0; i < cat->numTypes(); i++ ) { cat->setIndex(i); w->factory( Form("bkg_y_%s[200,400e3]", cat->getLabel())); w->factory( Form("part_reco_y_%s[100,200e3]", cat->getLabel())); w->factory( Form("bs2kstkst_y_%s[0,20e3]", cat->getLabel())); w->factory( Form("bd2kstkst_y_%s[0,3000]", cat->getLabel())); w->factory( Form("bd2phikst_y_%s[10,5000]", cat->getLabel())); // add bs2phikst yield as constrained ratio w->factory( Form("prod::bs2phikst_y_%s( yield_ratio_bs2phikst_o_bd2phikst, bd2phikst_y_%s )", cat->getLabel(), cat->getLabel()) ); //w->factory( Form("bs2phikst_y_%s[10,5000]", cat->getLabel())); // add bd2rhokst yield as constrained ratio w->factory( Form("prod::bd2rhokst_y_%s( yield_ratio_bd2rhokst_o_bd2phikst, bd2phikst_y_%s )", cat->getLabel(), cat->getLabel()) ); //w->factory( Form("bd2rhokst_y_%s[5,250]", cat->getLabel())); w->factory( Form("lb2pkpipi_y_%s[0,4000]", cat->getLabel())); w->factory( Form("lb2ppipipi_y_%s[0,4000]", cat->getLabel())); } // construct the pdf for each category for ( int i=0; i < cat->numTypes(); i++ ) { cat->setIndex(i); RooArgList *yields = new RooArgList(); yields->add(*w->var( Form("bkg_y_%s" , cat->getLabel()) )); yields->add(*w->var( Form("part_reco_y_%s", cat->getLabel()) )); yields->add(*w->var( Form("bs2kstkst_y_%s", cat->getLabel()) )); yields->add(*w->var( Form("bd2kstkst_y_%s", cat->getLabel()) )); yields->add(*w->var( Form("bd2phikst_y_%s", cat->getLabel()) )); yields->add(*w->function( Form("bs2phikst_y_%s", cat->getLabel()) )); //yields->add(*w->var( Form("bs2phikst_y_%s", cat->getLabel()) )); yields->add(*w->function( Form("bd2rhokst_y_%s", cat->getLabel()) )); //yields->add(*w->var( Form("bd2rhokst_y_%s", cat->getLabel()) )); yields->add(*w->var( Form("lb2pkpipi_y_%s", cat->getLabel()) )); //yields->add(*w->var( Form("lb2ppipipi_y_%s", cat->getLabel()) )); // this guy we scrap RooArgList *pdfs = new RooArgList(); pdfs->add(*w->pdf( Form("bkg_pdf_%s", cat->getLabel()) )); pdfs->add(*w->pdf("part_reco_pdf" )); pdfs->add(*w->pdf("bs2kstkst_mc_pdf" )); pdfs->add(*w->pdf("bd2kstkst_mc_pdf" )); pdfs->add(*w->pdf("bd2phikst_mc_pdf" )); pdfs->add(*w->pdf("bs2phikst_mc_pdf" )); pdfs->add(*w->pdf("bd2rhokst_mc_pdf" )); pdfs->add(*w->pdf("lb2pkpipi_mc_pdf" )); //pdfs->add(*w->pdf("lb2ppipipi_mc_pdf")); // this guy we scrap RooAddPdf *pdf = new RooAddPdf( Form("pdf_%s",cat->getLabel()), "pdf" , *pdfs, *yields); w->import(*pdf); delete pdf; // then make the constrained pdf RooArgSet *prodpdfs = new RooArgSet(); prodpdfs->add( *w->pdf(Form("pdf_%s",cat->getLabel())) ); prodpdfs->add( *w->pdf("yield_ratio_bs2phikst_o_bd2phikst_constraint") ); prodpdfs->add( *w->pdf("yield_ratio_bd2rhokst_o_bd2phikst_constraint") ); RooProdPdf *cpdf = new RooProdPdf( Form("constrained_pdf_%s",cat->getLabel()), "constrained_pdf", *prodpdfs ); w->import(*cpdf); delete cpdf; w->defineSet(Form("pdf_%s_yield_params",cat->getLabel()), *yields); w->defineSet(Form("constrained_pdf_%s_yield_params",cat->getLabel()), *yields); } // now make simultaneous pdf RooSimultaneous *cpdf = new RooSimultaneous( "constrained_pdf", "constrained_pdf", *w->cat("DataCat") ); RooSimultaneous *pdf = new RooSimultaneous( "pdf", "pdf", *w->cat("DataCat") ); for ( int i=0; i < cat->numTypes(); i++ ) { cat->setIndex(i); cpdf->addPdf( *w->pdf( Form("constrained_pdf_%s", cat->getLabel() )), cat->getLabel() ); pdf->addPdf( *w->pdf( Form("pdf_%s", cat->getLabel() )), cat->getLabel() ); } w->import(*cpdf); w->import(*pdf); delete pdf; delete cpdf; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool printeff = true; string fc = "none"; gROOT->ProcessLine(".x lhcbStyle.C"); if(argc > 1) { for(int a = 1; a < argc; a++) { string arg = argv[a]; string str = arg.substr(2,arg.length()-2); if(arg.find("-E")!=string::npos) fc = str; if(arg=="-peff") printeff = true; } } int nexp = 100; int nbins = 6; double q2min[] = {8.,15.,11.0,15,16,18}; double q2max[] = {11.,20.,12.5,16,18,20}; TString datafilename = "/afs/"; TreeReader * data = new TreeReader("candLb2Lmumu"); data->AddFile(datafilename); TreeReader * datajpsi = new TreeReader("candLb2JpsiL"); datajpsi->AddFile(datafilename); TFile * histFile = new TFile("Afb_bkgSys.root","recreate"); string options = "-quiet-noPlot-lin-stdAxis-XM(#Lambda#mu#mu) (MeV/c^{2})-noCost-noParams"; Analysis::SetPrintLevel("s"); RooRealVar * cosThetaL = new RooRealVar("cosThetaL","cosThetaL",0.,-1.,1.); RooRealVar * cosThetaB = new RooRealVar("cosThetaB","cosThetaB",0.,-1.,1.); RooRealVar * MM = new RooRealVar("Lb_MassConsLambda","Lb_MassConsLambda",5621.,5400.,6000.); MM->setRange("Signal",5600,5640); RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::ERROR); //TGraphAsymmErrors * fL_vs_q2 = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); //TCanvas * ceff = new TCanvas(); RooCategory * samples = new RooCategory("samples","samples"); samples->defineType("DD"); samples->defineType("LL"); RooRealVar * afb = new RooRealVar("afb","afb",0.,-0.75,0.75); RooRealVar * fL = new RooRealVar("fL","fL",0.6,0.,1.); TString afbLpdf = "((3./8.)*(1.-fL)*(1 + TMath::Power(cosThetaL,2)) + afb*cosThetaL + (3./4.)*fL*(1 - TMath::Power(cosThetaL,2)))"; RooRealVar * afbB = new RooRealVar("afbB","afbB",0.,-0.5,0.5); TString afbBpdf = "(1 + 2*afbB*cosThetaB)"; RooAbsPdf * teoPdf = new RooGenericPdf("teoPdf",afbLpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaL,*afb,*fL)); RooAbsPdf * teoPdfB = new RooGenericPdf("teoPdfB",afbBpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaB,*afbB)); TreeReader * mydata = datajpsi; Str2VarMap jpsiParsLL = getJpsiPars("LL", CutsDef::LLcut, histFile); Str2VarMap jpsiParsDD = getJpsiPars("DD", CutsDef::DDcut, histFile); vector<TH1 *> fLsysh, afbsysh, afbBsysh, fLsysh_frac, afbsysh_frac, afbBsysh_frac; for(int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) { TString q2name = ((TString)Form("q2_%4.2f_%4.2f",q2min[i],q2max[i])).ReplaceAll(".",""); if(i>0) { mydata = data; MM->setRange(5400,6000); } else { q2name = "jpsi"; MM->setRange(5500,5850); } TString curq2cut = Form("TMath::Power(J_psi_1S_MM/1000,2) >= %e && TMath::Power(J_psi_1S_MM/1000,2) < %e",q2min[i],q2max[i]); cout << "------------------- q2 bin: " << q2min[i] << " - " << q2max[i] << " -----------------------" << endl; /** GET AND FIT EFFICIENCIES **/ RooAbsPdf * effDDpdf = NULL, * effLLpdf = NULL, * effLLBpdf = NULL, * effDDBpdf = NULL; getEfficiencies(q2min[i],q2max[i],&effLLpdf,&effDDpdf,&effLLBpdf,&effDDBpdf,printeff); cout << "Efficiencies extracted" << endl; histFile->cd(); /** FIT AFB **/ afb->setVal(0); afbB->setVal(-0.37); fL->setVal(0.6); RooAbsPdf * corrPdfLL = new RooProdPdf("sigPdfLL"+q2name,"corrPdfLL",*teoPdf,*effLLpdf); RooAbsPdf * corrPdfDD = new RooProdPdf("sigPdfDD"+q2name,"corrPdfDD",*teoPdf,*effDDpdf); RooAbsPdf * corrPdfLLB = new RooProdPdf("sigPdfLLB"+q2name,"corrPdfLLB",*teoPdfB,*effLLBpdf); RooAbsPdf * corrPdfDDB = new RooProdPdf("sigPdfDDB"+q2name,"corrPdfDDB",*teoPdfB,*effDDBpdf); TCut baseCut = ""; TCut cutLL = CutsDef::LLcut + (TCut)curq2cut + baseCut; TCut cutDD = CutsDef::DDcut + (TCut)curq2cut + baseCut; histFile->cd(); double fracDDv[2], fracLLv[2]; double nsigDD, nsigLL; RooDataSet * dataLL = getDataAndFrac("LL",q2name,mydata,cutLL,MM,&fracLLv[0],jpsiParsLL,&nsigLL); RooDataSet * dataDD = getDataAndFrac("DD",q2name,mydata,cutDD,MM,&fracDDv[0],jpsiParsDD,&nsigDD); double nevts = nsigDD+nsigLL; cout << fixed << setprecision(3) << fracDDv[0] << " " << fracDDv[1] << endl; RooRealVar * fracLL = new RooRealVar("fracLL","fracLL",fracLLv[0]); RooRealVar * fracDD = new RooRealVar("fracDD","fracDD",fracDDv[0]); RooAbsPdf * bkgLL = NULL, * bkgLLB = NULL, * bkgDD = NULL, * bkgDDB = NULL; buildBkgPdfs(q2min[i],q2max[i],"LL",CutsDef::LLcut,&bkgLL,&bkgLLB); buildBkgPdfs(q2min[i],q2max[i],"DD",CutsDef::DDcut,&bkgDD,&bkgDDB); cout << "Backgrounds extracted" << endl; RooAbsPdf * modelLL = new RooAddPdf("modelLL","modelLL",RooArgSet(*corrPdfLL,*bkgLL),*fracLL); RooAbsPdf * modelDD = new RooAddPdf("modelDD","modelDD",RooArgSet(*corrPdfDD,*bkgDD),*fracDD); RooAbsPdf * modelLLB = new RooAddPdf("modelLLB","modelLLB",RooArgSet(*corrPdfLLB,*bkgLLB),*fracLL); RooAbsPdf * modelDDB = new RooAddPdf("modelDDB","modelDDB",RooArgSet(*corrPdfDDB,*bkgDDB),*fracDD); // CREATE COMBINED DATASET RooDataSet * combData = new RooDataSet(Form("combData_%i",i),"combined data",RooArgSet(*MM,*cosThetaL,*cosThetaB),Index(*samples),Import("DD",*dataDD),Import("LL",*dataLL)); Str2VarMap params; params["fL"] = fL; params["afb"] = afb; Str2VarMap paramsB; paramsB["afbB"] = afbB; // FIT COS LEPTON RooSimultaneous * combModel = new RooSimultaneous(Form("combModel_%i",i),"",*samples); combModel->addPdf(*modelLL,"LL"); combModel->addPdf(*modelDD,"DD"); RooFitResult * res = safeFit(combModel,combData,params,&isInAllowedArea); // FIT COS HADRON RooSimultaneous * combModelB = new RooSimultaneous(Form("combModelB_%i",i),"",*samples); combModelB->addPdf(*modelLLB,"LL"); combModelB->addPdf(*modelDDB,"DD"); RooFitResult * resB = safeFit(combModelB,combData,paramsB,&isInAllowedAreaB); cout << endl << fixed << setprecision(6) << "AfbB = " << afbB->getVal() << " +/- " << afbB->getError() << endl; cout << "Afb = " << afb->getVal() << " +/- " << afb->getError() << endl; cout << "fL = " << fL->getVal() << " +/- " << fL->getError() << endl; cout << endl; cout << "lepton: " << res->edm() << " " << res->covQual() << endl; cout << "baryon: " << resB->edm() << " " << resB->covQual() << endl; cout << endl; TH1F * fLsys = new TH1F(Form("fLsys_%i",i),"fLsys",40,-1,1); TH1F * afbsys = new TH1F(Form("afbsys_%i",i),"afbsys",40,-1,1); TH1F * afbBsys = new TH1F(Form("afbBsys_%i",i),"afbBsys",40,-1,1); TH1F * fLsys_frac = new TH1F(Form("fLsys_frac%i",i),"fLsys",40,-1,1); TH1F * afbsys_frac = new TH1F(Form("afbsys_frac%i",i),"afbsys",40,-1,1); TH1F * afbBsys_frac = new TH1F(Form("afbBsys_frac%i",i),"afbBsys",40,-1,1); RooAbsPdf * mybkgDD_2 = NULL, * mybkgDDB_2 = NULL; buildBkgPdfs(q2min[i],q2max[i],"DD",CutsDef::DDcut,&mybkgDD_2,&mybkgDDB_2,"RooKeyPdf"); //cout << nevts << endl; //TRandom3 r(0); for(int e = 0; e < nexp; e++) { histFile->cd(); RooAbsPdf * toypdf = (RooAbsPdf *)modelDD->Clone(); Analysis * toy = new Analysis("toy",cosThetaL,modelDD,nevts); RooAbsPdf * toypdfB = (RooAbsPdf *)modelDDB->Clone(); Analysis * toyB = new Analysis("toyB",cosThetaB,modelDDB,nevts); afb->setVal(0); afbB->setVal(-0.37); fL->setVal(0.6); safeFit(toypdf,toy->GetDataSet("-recalc"),params,&isInAllowedArea); safeFit(toypdfB,toyB->GetDataSet("-recalc"),paramsB,&isInAllowedAreaB); double def_afb = afb->getVal(); double def_fL = fL->getVal(); double def_afbB = afbB->getVal(); afb->setVal(0); afbB->setVal(-0.37); fL->setVal(0.6); RooAbsPdf * modelDD_2 = new RooAddPdf("modelDD_2","modelDD",RooArgSet(*corrPdfDD,*mybkgDD_2),*fracDD); RooAbsPdf * modelDDB_2 = new RooAddPdf("modelDDB_2","modelDDB",RooArgSet(*corrPdfDDB,*mybkgDDB_2),*fracDD); safeFit(modelDD_2,toy->GetDataSet("-recalc"),params,&isInAllowedArea); safeFit(modelDDB_2,toyB->GetDataSet("-recalc"),paramsB,&isInAllowedAreaB); double oth_afb = afb->getVal(); double oth_fL = fL->getVal(); double oth_afbB = afbB->getVal(); fLsys->Fill(oth_fL-def_fL); afbsys->Fill(oth_afb-def_afb); afbBsys->Fill(oth_afbB-def_afbB); afb->setVal(0.); afbB->setVal(-0.37); fL->setVal(0.6); //double rdm_frac = r.Gaus(fracDDv[0],fracDDv[1]); double rdm_frac = fracDDv[0] + fracDDv[1]; RooRealVar * fracDD_2 = new RooRealVar("fracDD_2","fracDD_2",rdm_frac); RooAbsPdf * modelDD_3 = new RooAddPdf("modelDD_3","modelDD",RooArgSet(*corrPdfDD,*bkgDD),*fracDD_2); RooAbsPdf * modelDDB_3 = new RooAddPdf("modelDDB_3","modelDDB",RooArgSet(*corrPdfDDB,*bkgDDB),*fracDD_2); safeFit(modelDD_3,toy->GetDataSet("-recalc"),params,&isInAllowedArea); safeFit(modelDDB_3,toyB->GetDataSet("-recalc"),paramsB,&isInAllowedAreaB); double frc_afb = afb->getVal(); double frc_fL = fL->getVal(); double frc_afbB = afbB->getVal(); fLsys_frac->Fill(frc_fL-def_fL); afbsys_frac->Fill(frc_afb-def_afb); afbBsys_frac->Fill(frc_afbB-def_afbB); } afbsysh.push_back(afbsys); afbBsysh.push_back(afbBsys); fLsysh.push_back(fLsys); afbsysh_frac.push_back(afbsys_frac); afbBsysh_frac.push_back(afbBsys_frac); fLsysh_frac.push_back(fLsys_frac); } for(int q = 0; q < nbins; q++) { cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << "-------- Bin " << q2min[q] << "-" << q2max[q] << endl; cout << fixed << setprecision(5) << "fL sys = " << fLsysh[q]->GetMean() << " +/- " << fLsysh[q]->GetMeanError() << endl; cout << "Afb sys = " << afbsysh[q]->GetMean() << " +/- " << afbsysh[q]->GetMeanError() << endl; cout << "AfbB sys = " << afbBsysh[q]->GetMean() << " +/- " << afbBsysh[q]->GetMeanError() << endl; } cout << "#################################################################" << endl; for(int q = 0; q < nbins; q++) { cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << "-------- Bin " << q2min[q] << "-" << q2max[q] << endl; cout << fixed << setprecision(5) << "fL sys = " << fLsysh_frac[q]->GetMean() << " +/- " << fLsysh_frac[q]->GetMeanError() << endl; cout << "Afb sys = " << afbsysh_frac[q]->GetMean() << " +/- " << afbsysh_frac[q]->GetMeanError() << endl; cout << "AfbB sys = " << afbBsysh_frac[q]->GetMean() << " +/- " << afbBsysh_frac[q]->GetMeanError() << endl; } cout << "#################################################################" << endl; for(int q = 0; q < nbins; q++) { cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << "-------- Bin " << q2min[q] << "-" << q2max[q] << endl; cout << fixed << setprecision(5) << "fL sys = " << TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(fLsysh_frac[q]->GetMean(),2) + TMath::Power(fLsysh[q]->GetMean(),2) ) << endl; cout << "Afb sys = " << TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(afbsysh_frac[q]->GetMean(),2) + TMath::Power(afbsysh[q]->GetMean(),2) ) << endl; cout << "AfbB sys = " << TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(afbBsysh_frac[q]->GetMean(),2) + TMath::Power(afbBsysh[q]->GetMean(),2) ) << endl; } }
bool fitCharmoniaMassModel( RooWorkspace& myws, // Local Workspace const RooWorkspace& inputWorkspace, // Workspace with all the input RooDatasets struct KinCuts& cut, // Variable containing all kinematic cuts map<string, string>& parIni, // Variable containing all initial parameters struct InputOpt& opt, // Variable with run information (kept for legacy purpose) string outputDir, // Path to output directory // Select the type of datasets to fit string DSTAG, // Specifies the type of datasets: i.e, DATA, MCJPSINP, ... bool isPbPb = false, // isPbPb = false for pp, true for PbPb bool importDS = true, // Select if the dataset is imported in the local workspace // Select the type of object to fit bool incJpsi = true, // Includes Jpsi model bool incPsi2S = true, // Includes Psi(2S) model bool incBkg = true, // Includes Background model // Select the fitting options bool doFit = true, // Flag to indicate if we want to perform the fit bool cutCtau = false, // Apply prompt ctau cuts bool doConstrFit = false, // Do constrained fit bool doSimulFit = false, // Do simultaneous fit bool wantPureSMC = false, // Flag to indicate if we want to fit pure signal MC const char* applyCorr ="", // Flag to indicate if we want corrected dataset and which correction uint loadFitResult = false, // Load previous fit results string inputFitDir = "", // Location of the fit results int numCores = 2, // Number of cores used for fitting // Select the drawing options bool setLogScale = true, // Draw plot with log scale bool incSS = false, // Include Same Sign data bool zoomPsi = false, // Zoom Psi(2S) peak on extra pad double binWidth = 0.05, // Bin width used for plotting bool getMeanPT = false // Compute the mean PT (NEED TO FIX) ) { if (DSTAG.find("_")!=std::string::npos) DSTAG.erase(DSTAG.find("_")); // Check if input dataset is MC bool isMC = false; if (DSTAG.find("MC")!=std::string::npos) { if (incJpsi && incPsi2S) { cout << "[ERROR] We can only fit one type of signal using MC" << endl; return false; } isMC = true; } wantPureSMC = (isMC && wantPureSMC); bool cutSideBand = (incBkg && (!incPsi2S && !incJpsi)); bool applyWeight_Corr = ( strcmp(applyCorr,"") ); // Define the mass range setMassCutParameters(cut, incJpsi, incPsi2S, isMC); parIni["invMassNorm"] = Form("RooFormulaVar::%s('( -1.0 + 2.0*( @0 - @1 )/( @2 - @1) )', {%s, mMin[%.6f], mMax[%.6f]})", "invMassNorm", "invMass", cut.dMuon.M.Min, cut.dMuon.M.Max ); // Apply the ctau cuts to reject non-prompt charmonia if (cutCtau) { setCtauCuts(cut, isPbPb); } string COLL = (isPbPb ? "PbPb" : "PP" ); string plotLabelPbPb, plotLabelPP; if (doSimulFit || !isPbPb) { // Set models based on initial parameters struct OniaModel model; if (!setMassModel(model, parIni, false, incJpsi, incPsi2S, incBkg)) { return false; } // Import the local datasets double numEntries = 1000000; string label = ((DSTAG.find("PP")!=std::string::npos) ? DSTAG.c_str() : Form("%s_%s", DSTAG.c_str(), "PP")); if (wantPureSMC) label += "_NoBkg"; if (applyWeight_Corr) label += Form("_%s",applyCorr); string dsName = Form("dOS_%s", label.c_str()); if (importDS) { if ( !( ) { int importID = importDataset(myws, inputWorkspace, cut, label, cutSideBand); if (importID<0) { return false; } else if (importID==0) { doFit = false; } } numEntries =>sumEntries(); if (numEntries<=0) { doFit = false; } } else if (doFit && !( { cout << "[ERROR] No local dataset was found to perform the fit!" << endl; return false; } if ( numEntries =>sumEntries(); // Set global parameters setMassGlobalParameterRange(myws, parIni, cut, incJpsi, incPsi2S, incBkg, wantPureSMC); // Build the Fit Model if (!buildCharmoniaMassModel(myws, model.PP, parIni, false, doConstrFit, doSimulFit, incBkg, incJpsi, incPsi2S, numEntries)) { return false; } // Define plot names if (incJpsi) { plotLabelPP += Form("_Jpsi_%s", parIni["Model_Jpsi_PP"].c_str()); } if (incPsi2S) { plotLabelPP += Form("_Psi2S_%s", parIni["Model_Psi2S_PP"].c_str()); } if (incBkg) { plotLabelPP += Form("_Bkg_%s", parIni["Model_Bkg_PP"].c_str()); } if (wantPureSMC) plotLabelPP +="_NoBkg"; if (applyWeight_Corr) plotLabelPP +=Form("_%s",applyCorr); } if (doSimulFit || isPbPb) { // Set models based on initial parameters struct OniaModel model; if (!setMassModel(model, parIni, true, incJpsi, incPsi2S, incBkg)) { return false; } // Import the local datasets double numEntries = 1000000; string label = ((DSTAG.find("PbPb")!=std::string::npos) ? DSTAG.c_str() : Form("%s_%s", DSTAG.c_str(), "PbPb")); if (wantPureSMC) label += "_NoBkg"; if (applyWeight_Corr) label += Form("_%s",applyCorr); string dsName = Form("dOS_%s", label.c_str()); if (importDS) { if ( !( ) { int importID = importDataset(myws, inputWorkspace, cut, label, cutSideBand); if (importID<0) { return false; } else if (importID==0) { doFit = false; } } numEntries =>sumEntries(); if (numEntries<=0) { doFit = false; } } else if (doFit && !( { cout << "[ERROR] No local dataset was found to perform the fit!" << endl; return false; } if ( numEntries =>sumEntries(); // Set global parameters setMassGlobalParameterRange(myws, parIni, cut, incJpsi, incPsi2S, incBkg, wantPureSMC); // Build the Fit Model if (!buildCharmoniaMassModel(myws, model.PbPb, parIni, true, doConstrFit, doSimulFit, incBkg, incJpsi, incPsi2S, numEntries)) { return false; } // Define plot names if (incJpsi) { plotLabelPbPb += Form("_Jpsi_%s", parIni["Model_Jpsi_PbPb"].c_str()); } if (incPsi2S) { plotLabelPbPb += Form("_Psi2S_%s", parIni["Model_Psi2S_PbPb"].c_str()); } if (incBkg) { plotLabelPbPb += Form("_Bkg_%s", parIni["Model_Bkg_PbPb"].c_str()); } if (wantPureSMC) plotLabelPbPb += "_NoBkg"; if (applyWeight_Corr) plotLabelPbPb += Form("_%s",applyCorr); } if (doSimulFit) { // Create the combided datasets RooCategory* sample = new RooCategory("sample","sample"); sample->defineType("PbPb"); sample->defineType("PP"); RooDataSet* combData = new RooDataSet("combData","combined data", *myws.var("invMass"), Index(*sample), Import("PbPb", *((RooDataSet*)"dOS_DATA_PbPb"))), Import("PP", *((RooDataSet*)"dOS_DATA_PP"))) ); myws.import(*sample); // Create the combided models RooSimultaneous* simPdf = new RooSimultaneous("simPdf", "simultaneous pdf", *sample); simPdf->addPdf(*myws.pdf("pdfMASS_Tot_PbPb"), "PbPb"); simPdf->addPdf(*myws.pdf("pdfMASS_Tot_PP"), "PP"); myws.import(*simPdf); // check if we have already done this fit. If yes, do nothing and return true. string FileName = ""; setMassFileName(FileName, (inputFitDir=="" ? outputDir : inputFitDir), DSTAG, (plotLabelPP + plotLabelPbPb), cut, isPbPb, cutSideBand, doSimulFit); if (gSystem->AccessPathName(FileName.c_str()) && inputFitDir!="") { cout << "[WARNING] User Input File : " << FileName << " was not found!" << endl; if (loadFitResult) return false; setMassFileName(FileName, outputDir, DSTAG, (plotLabelPP + plotLabelPbPb), cut, isPbPb, cutSideBand, doSimulFit); } bool found = true; bool skipFit = !doFit; RooArgSet *newpars = myws.pdf("simPdf")->getParameters(*(myws.var("invMass"))); myws.saveSnapshot("simPdf_parIni", *newpars, kTRUE); found = found && isFitAlreadyFound(newpars, FileName, "simPdf"); if (loadFitResult) { if ( loadPreviousFitResult(myws, FileName, DSTAG, false, (!isMC && !cutSideBand && loadFitResult==1), loadFitResult==1) ) { skipFit = true; } else { skipFit = false; } if ( loadPreviousFitResult(myws, FileName, DSTAG, true, (!isMC && !cutSideBand && loadFitResult==1), loadFitResult==1) ) { skipFit = true; } else { skipFit = false; } if (skipFit) { cout << "[INFO] This simultaneous mass fit was already done, so I'll load the fit results." << endl; } myws.saveSnapshot("simPdf_parLoad", *newpars, kTRUE); } else if (found) { cout << "[INFO] This simultaneous mass fit was already done, so I'll just go to the next one." << endl; return true; } // Do the simultaneous fit if (skipFit==false) { RooFitResult* fitResult = simPdf->fitTo(*combData, Offset(kTRUE), Extended(kTRUE), NumCPU(numCores), Range("MassWindow"), Save()); //, Minimizer("Minuit2","Migrad") fitResult->Print("v"); myws.import(*fitResult, "fitResult_simPdf"); // Create the output files int nBins = min(int( round((cut.dMuon.M.Max - cut.dMuon.M.Min)/binWidth) ), 1000); drawMassPlot(myws, outputDir, opt, cut, parIni, plotLabelPP, DSTAG, false, incJpsi, incPsi2S, incBkg, cutCtau, doSimulFit, false, setLogScale, incSS, zoomPsi, nBins, getMeanPT); drawMassPlot(myws, outputDir, opt, cut, parIni, plotLabelPbPb, DSTAG, true, incJpsi, incPsi2S, incBkg, cutCtau, doSimulFit, false, setLogScale, incSS, zoomPsi, nBins, getMeanPT); // Save the results string FileName = ""; setMassFileName(FileName, outputDir, DSTAG, (plotLabelPP + plotLabelPbPb), cut, isPbPb, cutSideBand, doSimulFit); myws.saveSnapshot("simPdf_parFit", *newpars, kTRUE); saveWorkSpace(myws, Form("%smass%s/%s/result", outputDir.c_str(), (cutSideBand?"SB":""), DSTAG.c_str()), FileName); // Delete the objects used during the simultaneous fit delete sample; delete combData; delete simPdf; } } else { // Define pdf and plot names string pdfName = Form("pdfMASS_Tot_%s", COLL.c_str()); string plotLabel = (isPbPb ? plotLabelPbPb : plotLabelPP); // Import the local datasets string label = ((DSTAG.find(COLL.c_str())!=std::string::npos) ? DSTAG.c_str() : Form("%s_%s", DSTAG.c_str(), COLL.c_str())); if (wantPureSMC) label += "_NoBkg"; if (applyWeight_Corr) label += Form("_%s",applyCorr); string dsName = Form("dOS_%s", label.c_str()); // check if we have already done this fit. If yes, do nothing and return true. string FileName = ""; setMassFileName(FileName, (inputFitDir=="" ? outputDir : inputFitDir), DSTAG, plotLabel, cut, isPbPb, cutSideBand); if (gSystem->AccessPathName(FileName.c_str()) && inputFitDir!="") { cout << "[WARNING] User Input File : " << FileName << " was not found!" << endl; if (loadFitResult) return false; setMassFileName(FileName, outputDir, DSTAG, plotLabel, cut, isPbPb, cutSideBand); } bool found = true; bool skipFit = !doFit; RooArgSet *newpars = myws.pdf(pdfName.c_str())->getParameters(*(myws.var("invMass"))); found = found && isFitAlreadyFound(newpars, FileName, pdfName.c_str()); if (loadFitResult) { if ( loadPreviousFitResult(myws, FileName, DSTAG, isPbPb, (!isMC && !cutSideBand && loadFitResult==1), loadFitResult==1) ) { skipFit = true; } else { skipFit = false; } if (skipFit) { cout << "[INFO] This mass fit was already done, so I'll load the fit results." << endl; } myws.saveSnapshot(Form("%s_parLoad", pdfName.c_str()), *newpars, kTRUE); } else if (found) { cout << "[INFO] This mass fit was already done, so I'll just go to the next one." << endl; return true; } // Fit the Datasets if (skipFit==false) { bool isWeighted =>isWeighted(); RooFitResult* fitResult(0x0); if (doConstrFit) { cout << "[INFO] Performing constrained fit" << endl; if (isPbPb) { cout << "[INFO] Constrained variables: alpha, n, ratio of sigmas" << endl; fitResult = myws.pdf(pdfName.c_str())->fitTo(*, Extended(kTRUE), SumW2Error(isWeighted), Range(cutSideBand ? parIni["BkgMassRange_FULL_Label"].c_str() : "MassWindow"), ExternalConstraints(RooArgSet(*(myws.pdf("sigmaAlphaConstr")),*(myws.pdf("sigmaNConstr")),*(myws.pdf("sigmaRSigmaConstr")))), NumCPU(numCores), Save()); } else { cout << "[INFO] Constrained variables: alpha, n, ratio of sigmas" << endl; fitResult = myws.pdf(pdfName.c_str())->fitTo(*, Extended(kTRUE), SumW2Error(isWeighted), Range(cutSideBand ? parIni["BkgMassRange_FULL_Label"].c_str() : "MassWindow"), ExternalConstraints(RooArgSet(*(myws.pdf("sigmaAlphaConstr")),*(myws.pdf("sigmaNConstr")))), NumCPU(numCores), Save()); } } else { fitResult = myws.pdf(pdfName.c_str())->fitTo(*, Extended(kTRUE), SumW2Error(isWeighted), Range(cutSideBand ? parIni["BkgMassRange_FULL_Label"].c_str() : "MassWindow"), NumCPU(numCores), Save()); } fitResult->Print("v"); myws.import(*fitResult, Form("fitResult_%s", pdfName.c_str())); // Create the output files int nBins = min(int( round((cut.dMuon.M.Max - cut.dMuon.M.Min)/binWidth) ), 1000); drawMassPlot(myws, outputDir, opt, cut, parIni, plotLabel, DSTAG, isPbPb, incJpsi, incPsi2S, incBkg, cutCtau, doSimulFit, wantPureSMC, setLogScale, incSS, zoomPsi, nBins, getMeanPT); // Save the results string FileName = ""; setMassFileName(FileName, outputDir, DSTAG, plotLabel, cut, isPbPb, cutSideBand); myws.saveSnapshot(Form("%s_parFit", pdfName.c_str()), *newpars, kTRUE); saveWorkSpace(myws, Form("%smass%s/%s/result", outputDir.c_str(), (cutSideBand?"SB":""), DSTAG.c_str()), FileName); } } return true; };