bool RenderLineBoxList::hitTest(RenderBoxModelObject* renderer, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction hitTestAction) const
    if (hitTestAction != HitTestForeground)
        return false;

    ASSERT(renderer->isRenderBlock() || (renderer->isRenderInline() && renderer->hasLayer())); // The only way an inline could hit test like this is if it has a layer.

    // If we have no lines then we have no work to do.
    if (!firstLineBox())
        return false;

    LayoutPoint point = locationInContainer.point();
    LayoutRect rect = firstLineBox()->isHorizontal() ?
        IntRect(point.x(), point.y() - locationInContainer.topPadding(), 1, locationInContainer.topPadding() + locationInContainer.bottomPadding() + 1) :
        IntRect(point.x() - locationInContainer.leftPadding(), point.y(), locationInContainer.rightPadding() + locationInContainer.leftPadding() + 1, 1);

    if (!anyLineIntersectsRect(renderer, rect, accumulatedOffset))
        return false;

    // See if our root lines contain the point.  If so, then we hit test
    // them further.  Note that boxes can easily overlap, so we can't make any assumptions
    // based off positions of our first line box or our last line box.
    for (InlineFlowBox* curr = lastLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->prevLineBox()) {
        RootInlineBox* root = curr->root();
        if (rangeIntersectsRect(renderer, curr->logicalTopVisualOverflow(root->lineTop()), curr->logicalBottomVisualOverflow(root->lineBottom()), rect, accumulatedOffset)) {
            bool inside = curr->nodeAtPoint(request, result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, root->lineTop(), root->lineBottom());
            if (inside) {
                renderer->updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(accumulatedOffset));
                return true;

    return false;
Пример #2
VisiblePosition RenderReplaced::positionForPoint(const IntPoint& point)
    InlineBox* box = inlineBoxWrapper();
    if (!box)
        return createVisiblePosition(0, DOWNSTREAM);

    // FIXME: This code is buggy if the replaced element is relative positioned.

    RootInlineBox* root = box->root();

    int top = root->lineTop();
    int bottom = root->nextRootBox() ? root->nextRootBox()->lineTop() : root->lineBottom();

    if (point.y() + y() < top)
        return createVisiblePosition(caretMinOffset(), DOWNSTREAM); // coordinates are above
    if (point.y() + y() >= bottom)
        return createVisiblePosition(caretMaxOffset(), DOWNSTREAM); // coordinates are below
    if (node()) {
        if (point.x() <= width() / 2)
            return createVisiblePosition(0, DOWNSTREAM);
        return createVisiblePosition(1, DOWNSTREAM);

    return RenderBox::positionForPoint(point);
bool RenderLineBoxList::lineIntersectsDirtyRect(RenderBoxModelObject* renderer, InlineFlowBox* box, const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& offset) const
    RootInlineBox* root = box->root();
    LayoutUnit logicalTop = min<LayoutUnit>(box->logicalTopVisualOverflow(root->lineTop()), root->selectionTop()) - renderer->maximalOutlineSize(paintInfo.phase);
    LayoutUnit logicalBottom = box->logicalBottomVisualOverflow(root->lineBottom()) + renderer->maximalOutlineSize(paintInfo.phase);
    return rangeIntersectsRect(renderer, logicalTop, logicalBottom, paintInfo.rect, offset);
bool RenderLineBoxList::anyLineIntersectsRect(RenderBoxModelObject* renderer, const LayoutRect& rect, const LayoutPoint& offset, bool usePrintRect, LayoutUnit outlineSize) const
    // We can check the first box and last box and avoid painting/hit testing if we don't
    // intersect.  This is a quick short-circuit that we can take to avoid walking any lines.
    // FIXME: This check is flawed in the following extremely obscure way:
    // if some line in the middle has a huge overflow, it might actually extend below the last line.
    RootInlineBox* firstRootBox = firstLineBox()->root();
    RootInlineBox* lastRootBox = lastLineBox()->root();
    LayoutUnit firstLineTop = firstLineBox()->logicalTopVisualOverflow(firstRootBox->lineTop());
    if (usePrintRect && !firstLineBox()->parent())
        firstLineTop = min(firstLineTop, firstLineBox()->root()->lineTop());
    LayoutUnit lastLineBottom = lastLineBox()->logicalBottomVisualOverflow(lastRootBox->lineBottom());
    if (usePrintRect && !lastLineBox()->parent())
        lastLineBottom = max(lastLineBottom, lastLineBox()->root()->lineBottom());
    LayoutUnit logicalTop = firstLineTop - outlineSize;
    LayoutUnit logicalBottom = outlineSize + lastLineBottom;
    return rangeIntersectsRect(renderer, logicalTop, logicalBottom, rect, offset);
void RenderListItem::positionListMarker()
    if (m_marker && m_marker->parent()->isBox() && !m_marker->isInside() && m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()) {
        LayoutUnit markerOldLogicalLeft = m_marker->logicalLeft();
        LayoutUnit blockOffset = 0;
        LayoutUnit lineOffset = 0;
        for (RenderBox* o = m_marker->parentBox(); o != this; o = o->parentBox()) {
            blockOffset += o->logicalTop();
            lineOffset += o->logicalLeft();

        bool adjustOverflow = false;
        LayoutUnit markerLogicalLeft;
        RootInlineBox* root = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->root();
        bool hitSelfPaintingLayer = false;

        RootInlineBox* rootBox = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->root();
        LayoutUnit lineTop = rootBox->lineTop();
        LayoutUnit lineBottom = rootBox->lineBottom();

        // FIXME: Need to account for relative positioning in the layout overflow.
        if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection()) {
            LayoutUnit leftLineOffset = logicalLeftOffsetForLine(blockOffset, logicalLeftOffsetForLine(blockOffset, false), false);
            markerLogicalLeft = leftLineOffset - lineOffset - paddingStart() - borderStart() + m_marker->marginStart();
            m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->adjustLineDirectionPosition(markerLogicalLeft - markerOldLogicalLeft);
            for (InlineFlowBox* box = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->parent(); box; box = box->parent()) {
                LayoutRect newLogicalVisualOverflowRect = box->logicalVisualOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
                LayoutRect newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect = box->logicalLayoutOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
                if (markerLogicalLeft < newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.x() && !hitSelfPaintingLayer) {
                    newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.setWidth(newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.maxX() - markerLogicalLeft);
                    if (box == root)
                        adjustOverflow = true;
                if (markerLogicalLeft < newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.x()) {
                    newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.setWidth(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.maxX() - markerLogicalLeft);
                    if (box == root)
                        adjustOverflow = true;
                box->setOverflowFromLogicalRects(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect, newLogicalVisualOverflowRect, lineTop, lineBottom);
                if (box->boxModelObject()->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                    hitSelfPaintingLayer = true;
        } else {
            LayoutUnit rightLineOffset = logicalRightOffsetForLine(blockOffset, logicalRightOffsetForLine(blockOffset, false), false);
            markerLogicalLeft = rightLineOffset - lineOffset + paddingStart() + borderStart() + m_marker->marginEnd();
            m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->adjustLineDirectionPosition(markerLogicalLeft - markerOldLogicalLeft);
            for (InlineFlowBox* box = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->parent(); box; box = box->parent()) {
                LayoutRect newLogicalVisualOverflowRect = box->logicalVisualOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
                LayoutRect newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect = box->logicalLayoutOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
                if (markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() > newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.maxX() && !hitSelfPaintingLayer) {
                    newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.setWidth(markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() - newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.x());
                    if (box == root)
                        adjustOverflow = true;
                if (markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() > newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.maxX()) {
                    newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.setWidth(markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() - newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.x());
                    if (box == root)
                        adjustOverflow = true;
                box->setOverflowFromLogicalRects(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect, newLogicalVisualOverflowRect, lineTop, lineBottom);

                if (box->boxModelObject()->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                    hitSelfPaintingLayer = true;

        if (adjustOverflow) {
            LayoutRect markerRect(markerLogicalLeft + lineOffset, blockOffset, m_marker->width(), m_marker->height());
            if (!style()->isHorizontalWritingMode())
                markerRect = markerRect.transposedRect();
            RenderBox* o = m_marker;
            bool propagateVisualOverflow = true;
            bool propagateLayoutOverflow = true;
            do {
                o = o->parentBox();
                if (o->isRenderBlock()) {
                    if (propagateVisualOverflow)
                    if (propagateLayoutOverflow)
                if (o->hasOverflowClip()) {
                    propagateLayoutOverflow = false;
                    propagateVisualOverflow = false;
                if (o->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                    propagateVisualOverflow = false;
            } while (o != this && propagateVisualOverflow && propagateLayoutOverflow);
Пример #6
VisiblePosition nextLinePosition(const VisiblePosition &visiblePosition, int x)
    Position p = visiblePosition.deepEquivalent();
    Node *node = p.node();
    Node* highestRoot = highestEditableRoot(p);
    if (!node)
        return VisiblePosition();

    RenderObject *renderer = node->renderer();
    if (!renderer)
        return VisiblePosition();

    RenderBlock *containingBlock = 0;
    RootInlineBox *root = 0;
    InlineBox* box;
    int ignoredCaretOffset;
    visiblePosition.getInlineBoxAndOffset(box, ignoredCaretOffset);
    if (box) {
        root = box->root()->nextRootBox();
        if (root)
            containingBlock = renderer->containingBlock();

    if (!root) {
        // This containing editable block does not have a next line.
        // Need to move forward to next containing editable block in this root editable
        // block and find the first root line box in that block.
        Node* startBlock = enclosingNodeWithNonInlineRenderer(node);
        Node* n = nextLeafWithSameEditability(node, p.deprecatedEditingOffset());
        while (n && startBlock == enclosingNodeWithNonInlineRenderer(n))
            n = nextLeafWithSameEditability(n);
        while (n) {
            if (highestEditableRoot(Position(n, 0)) != highestRoot)
            Position pos(n, caretMinOffset(n));
            if (pos.isCandidate()) {
                pos.getInlineBoxAndOffset(DOWNSTREAM, box, ignoredCaretOffset);
                if (box) {
                    // next root line box found
                    root = box->root();
                    containingBlock = n->renderer()->containingBlock();

                return VisiblePosition(pos, DOWNSTREAM);
            n = nextLeafWithSameEditability(n);
    if (root) {
        // FIXME: Can be wrong for multi-column layout and with transforms.
        FloatPoint absPos = containingBlock->localToAbsolute(FloatPoint());
        if (containingBlock->hasOverflowClip())
            absPos -= containingBlock->layer()->scrolledContentOffset();
        RenderObject* renderer = root->closestLeafChildForXPos(x - absPos.x(), isEditablePosition(p))->renderer();
        Node* node = renderer->node();
        if (node && editingIgnoresContent(node))
            return Position(node->parent(), node->nodeIndex());
        return renderer->positionForPoint(IntPoint(x - absPos.x(), root->lineTop()));

    // Could not find a next line. This means we must already be on the last line.
    // Move to the end of the content in this block, which effectively moves us
    // to the end of the line we're on.
    Element* rootElement = node->isContentEditable() ? node->rootEditableElement() : node->document()->documentElement();
    return VisiblePosition(rootElement, rootElement ? rootElement->childNodeCount() : 0, DOWNSTREAM);
Пример #7
void RenderLineBoxList::readyWRATHWidgets(PaintedWidgetsOfWRATHHandle &handle,
                                          RenderBoxModelObject *renderer,
                                          PaintInfoOfWRATH &paintInfo, int tx, int ty)
    RenderLineBoxList_WRATHWidgets *d;
    d=RenderLineBoxList_WRATHWidgets::object(renderer, handle);

    ContextOfWRATH::AutoPushNode autoPushRoot(paintInfo.wrath_context, d->m_root_node);

      this just.. sucks. WebKit builds a list of 
      RenderInline objects that it will draw outlines.
      It is not clear if and how that list changes,
      so we punt and make all them handle non-visible
      and only those that are found in the list
      are then made visible.

  // Only paint during the foreground/selection phases.
    if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseForeground && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelection && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseOutline 
        && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelfOutline && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseChildOutlines && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseTextClip
        && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseMask)

    ASSERT(renderer->isRenderBlock() || (renderer->isRenderInline() && renderer->hasLayer())); // The only way an inline could paint like this is if it has a layer.

    // If we have no lines then we have no work to do.
    if (!firstLineBox())

    RenderView* v = renderer->view();
    bool usePrintRect = !v->printRect().isEmpty();
    int outlineSize = renderer->maximalOutlineSize(paintInfo.phase);
    if (!anyLineIntersectsRect(renderer, paintInfo.rect, tx, ty, usePrintRect, outlineSize))

    PaintInfoOfWRATH info(paintInfo);
    ListHashSet<RenderInline*> outlineObjects;
    info.outlineObjects = &outlineObjects;


    for (InlineFlowBox* curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox()) {
        if (usePrintRect) {

            RootInlineBox* root = curr->root();
            int topForPaginationCheck = curr->logicalTopVisualOverflow(root->lineTop());
            int bottomForPaginationCheck = curr->logicalLeftVisualOverflow();
            if (!curr->parent()) {
                // We're a root box.  Use lineTop and lineBottom as well here.
                topForPaginationCheck = min(topForPaginationCheck, root->lineTop());
                bottomForPaginationCheck = max(bottomForPaginationCheck, root->lineBottom());
            if (bottomForPaginationCheck - topForPaginationCheck <= v->printRect().height()) {
                if (ty + bottomForPaginationCheck > v->printRect().maxY()) {
                    if (RootInlineBox* nextRootBox = curr->root()->nextRootBox())
                        bottomForPaginationCheck = min(bottomForPaginationCheck, min(nextRootBox->logicalTopVisualOverflow(), nextRootBox->lineTop()));
                if (ty + bottomForPaginationCheck > v->printRect().maxY()) {
                    if (ty + topForPaginationCheck < v->truncatedAt())
                        v->setBestTruncatedAt(ty + topForPaginationCheck, renderer);
                    // If we were able to truncate, don't paint.
                    if (ty + topForPaginationCheck >= v->truncatedAt())

        if (lineIntersectsDirtyRect(renderer, curr, info, tx, ty)) {
            RootInlineBox* root = curr->root();
            PaintedWidgetsOfWRATHHandleT<InlineBox> &currHandle(d->m_handles.getHandle(curr));

            curr->readyWRATHWidgets(currHandle, info, tx, ty, root->lineTop(), root->lineBottom());

    if (info.phase == PaintPhaseOutline || info.phase == PaintPhaseSelfOutline || info.phase == PaintPhaseChildOutlines) {
        ListHashSet<RenderInline*>::iterator end = info.outlineObjects->end();
        for (ListHashSet<RenderInline*>::iterator it = info.outlineObjects->begin(); it != end; ++it) {
            RenderInline* flow = *it;
            PaintedWidgetsOfWRATHHandle &handle(d->m_outlineHandles.getHandle(flow));

            flow->readyWRATHWidgetOutline(handle, info.wrath_context, tx, ty);

void RenderLineBoxList::paint(RenderBoxModelObject* renderer, PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) const
    // Only paint during the foreground/selection phases.
    if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseForeground && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelection && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseOutline 
        && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelfOutline && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseChildOutlines && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseTextClip
        && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseMask)

    ASSERT(renderer->isRenderBlock() || (renderer->isRenderInline() && renderer->hasLayer())); // The only way an inline could paint like this is if it has a layer.

    // If we have no lines then we have no work to do.
    if (!firstLineBox())

    // FIXME: Paint-time pagination is obsolete and is now only used by embedded WebViews inside AppKit
    // NSViews.  Do not add any more code for this.
    RenderView* v = renderer->view();
    bool usePrintRect = !v->printRect().isEmpty();
    LayoutUnit outlineSize = renderer->maximalOutlineSize(paintInfo.phase);
    if (!anyLineIntersectsRect(renderer, paintInfo.rect, paintOffset, usePrintRect, outlineSize))

    PaintInfo info(paintInfo);
    ListHashSet<RenderInline*> outlineObjects;
    info.outlineObjects = &outlineObjects;

    // See if our root lines intersect with the dirty rect.  If so, then we paint
    // them.  Note that boxes can easily overlap, so we can't make any assumptions
    // based off positions of our first line box or our last line box.
    for (InlineFlowBox* curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox()) {
        if (usePrintRect) {
            // FIXME: This is the deprecated pagination model that is still needed
            // for embedded views inside AppKit.  AppKit is incapable of paginating vertical
            // text pages, so we don't have to deal with vertical lines at all here.
            RootInlineBox* root = curr->root();
            LayoutUnit topForPaginationCheck = curr->logicalTopVisualOverflow(root->lineTop());
            LayoutUnit bottomForPaginationCheck = curr->logicalLeftVisualOverflow();
            if (!curr->parent()) {
                // We're a root box.  Use lineTop and lineBottom as well here.
                topForPaginationCheck = min(topForPaginationCheck, root->lineTop());
                bottomForPaginationCheck = max(bottomForPaginationCheck, root->lineBottom());
            if (bottomForPaginationCheck - topForPaginationCheck <= v->printRect().height()) {
                if (paintOffset.y() + bottomForPaginationCheck > v->printRect().maxY()) {
                    if (RootInlineBox* nextRootBox = curr->root()->nextRootBox())
                        bottomForPaginationCheck = min(bottomForPaginationCheck, min<LayoutUnit>(nextRootBox->logicalTopVisualOverflow(), nextRootBox->lineTop()));
                if (paintOffset.y() + bottomForPaginationCheck > v->printRect().maxY()) {
                    if (paintOffset.y() + topForPaginationCheck < v->truncatedAt())
                        v->setBestTruncatedAt(paintOffset.y() + topForPaginationCheck, renderer);
                    // If we were able to truncate, don't paint.
                    if (paintOffset.y() + topForPaginationCheck >= v->truncatedAt())

        if (lineIntersectsDirtyRect(renderer, curr, info, paintOffset)) {
            RootInlineBox* root = curr->root();
            curr->paint(info, paintOffset, root->lineTop(), root->lineBottom());

    if (info.phase == PaintPhaseOutline || info.phase == PaintPhaseSelfOutline || info.phase == PaintPhaseChildOutlines) {
        ListHashSet<RenderInline*>::iterator end = info.outlineObjects->end();
        for (ListHashSet<RenderInline*>::iterator it = info.outlineObjects->begin(); it != end; ++it) {
            RenderInline* flow = *it;
            flow->paintOutline(info, paintOffset);