Пример #1
    DIALOG_SHIM( aParent, wxID_ANY, _( "Navigator" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
    wxASSERT( dynamic_cast< SCH_EDIT_FRAME* >( aParent ) );

    m_SchFrameEditor = aParent;
    m_currSheet = aParent->GetCurrentSheet();
    m_Tree = new HIERARCHY_TREE( this );
    m_nbsheets = 1;

    // root is the link to the main sheet.
    wxTreeItemId root;
    root = m_Tree->AddRoot( _( "Root" ), 0, 1 );
    m_Tree->SetItemBold( root, true );

    SCH_SHEET_PATH list;
    list.push_back( g_RootSheet );
    m_Tree->SetItemData( root, new TreeItemData( list ) );

    if( m_SchFrameEditor->GetCurrentSheet().Last() == g_RootSheet )
        m_Tree->SelectItem( root );

    buildHierarchyTree( &list, &root );


    // This bloc gives a good size to the dialog, better than the default "best" size,
    // the first time the dialog is opened, during a session
    wxRect itemrect;
    wxSize tree_size;

    m_Tree->GetBoundingRect( root, itemrect );

    // Set dialog window size to be large enough
    tree_size.x = itemrect.GetWidth() + 20;
    tree_size.x = std::max( tree_size.x, 250 );

    // Readjust the size of the frame to an optimal value.
    tree_size.y = m_nbsheets * itemrect.GetHeight();

    if( m_nbsheets < 2 )
        tree_size.y += 10;  // gives a better look for small trees

    SetClientSize( tree_size );

    // manage the ESC key to close the dialog, because thre is no Cancel button
    // in dialog
    m_Tree->Connect( wxEVT_CHAR, wxKeyEventHandler( HIERARCHY_TREE::onChar ) );

    // Manage double click on a selection, or the enter key:
    Bind( wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED, &HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG::onSelectSheetPath, this );
    // Manage a simple click on a selection, if the selection changes
    Bind( wxEVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED, &HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG::onSelectSheetPath, this );
Пример #2
void SCH_SHEET::GetNetListItem( NETLIST_OBJECT_LIST& aNetListItems,
                                SCH_SHEET_PATH*      aSheetPath )
    SCH_SHEET_PATH sheetPath = *aSheetPath;
    sheetPath.push_back( this );

    for( size_t i = 0;  i < m_pins.size();  i++ )
        NETLIST_OBJECT* item = new NETLIST_OBJECT();
        item->m_SheetPathInclude = sheetPath;
        item->m_SheetPath = *aSheetPath;
        item->m_Comp = &m_pins[i];
        item->m_Link = this;
        item->m_Type = NET_SHEETLABEL;
        item->m_Label = m_pins[i].GetText();
        item->m_Start = item->m_End = m_pins[i].GetPosition();
        aNetListItems.push_back( item );

        if( IsBusLabel( m_pins[i].GetText() ) )
            item->ConvertBusToNetListItems( aNetListItems );