Пример #1
// Build a ledger from consensus transactions
    std::shared_ptr<Ledger const> const& parent,
    NetClock::time_point closeTime,
    const bool closeTimeCorrect,
    NetClock::duration closeResolution,
    SHAMap const& txs,
    Application& app,
    CanonicalTXSet& retriableTxs,
    beast::Journal j)
    JLOG(j.debug()) << "Report: TxSt = " << txs.getHash().as_uint256()
                    << ", close " << closeTime.time_since_epoch().count()
                    << (closeTimeCorrect ? "" : " (incorrect)");

    return buildLedgerImpl(
        [&](OpenView& accum, std::shared_ptr<Ledger> const& buildLCL) {
            retriableTxs = applyTransactions(app, txs, accum, buildLCL, j);
Пример #2
    bool confuseMap (SHAMap& map, int count)
        // add a bunch of random states to a map, then remove them
        // map should be the same
        uint256 beforeHash = map.getHash ();

        std::list<uint256> items;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            std::shared_ptr<SHAMapItem> item = makeRandomAS ();
            items.push_back (item->getTag ());

            if (!map.addItem (*item, false, false))
                log <<
                    "Unable to add item to map";
                assert (false);
                return false;

        for (std::list<uint256>::iterator it = items.begin (); it != items.end (); ++it)
            if (!map.delItem (*it))
                log <<
                    "Unable to remove item from map";
                assert (false);
                return false;

        if (beforeHash != map.getHash ())
            log <<
                "Hashes do not match " << beforeHash << " " << map.getHash ();
            assert (false);
            return false;

        return true;
Пример #3
    void run ()
        testcase ("add/traverse");

        beast::Journal const j;                            // debug journal
        tests::TestFamily f(j);

        // h3 and h4 differ only in the leaf, same terminal node (level 19)
        uint256 h1, h2, h3, h4, h5;
        h1.SetHex ("092891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda0e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca7");
        h2.SetHex ("436ccbac3347baa1f1e53baeef1f43334da88f1f6d70d963b833afd6dfa289fe");
        h3.SetHex ("b92891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
        h4.SetHex ("b92891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda2e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
        h5.SetHex ("a92891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda0e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca7");

        SHAMap sMap (SHAMapType::FREE, f);
        SHAMapItem i1 (h1, IntToVUC (1)), i2 (h2, IntToVUC (2)), i3 (h3, IntToVUC (3)), i4 (h4, IntToVUC (4)), i5 (h5, IntToVUC (5));
        unexpected (!sMap.addItem (i2, true, false), "no add");
        unexpected (!sMap.addItem (i1, true, false), "no add");

        auto i = sMap.begin();
        auto e = sMap.end();
        unexpected (i == e || (*i != i1), "bad traverse");
        unexpected (i == e || (*i != i2), "bad traverse");
        unexpected (i != e, "bad traverse");
        sMap.addItem (i4, true, false);
        sMap.delItem (i2.key());
        sMap.addItem (i3, true, false);
        i = sMap.begin();
        e = sMap.end();
        unexpected (i == e || (*i != i1), "bad traverse");
        unexpected (i == e || (*i != i3), "bad traverse");
        unexpected (i == e || (*i != i4), "bad traverse");
        unexpected (i != e, "bad traverse");

        testcase ("snapshot");
        SHAMapHash mapHash = sMap.getHash ();
        std::shared_ptr<SHAMap> map2 = sMap.snapShot (false);
        unexpected (sMap.getHash () != mapHash, "bad snapshot");
        unexpected (map2->getHash () != mapHash, "bad snapshot");
        unexpected (!sMap.delItem (sMap.begin()->key()), "bad mod");
        unexpected (sMap.getHash () == mapHash, "bad snapshot");
        unexpected (map2->getHash () != mapHash, "bad snapshot");

        testcase ("build/tear");
            std::vector<uint256> keys(8);
            keys[0].SetHex ("b92891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
            keys[1].SetHex ("b92881fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
            keys[2].SetHex ("b92691fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
            keys[3].SetHex ("b92791fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
            keys[4].SetHex ("b91891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
            keys[5].SetHex ("b99891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
            keys[6].SetHex ("f22891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
            keys[7].SetHex ("292891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");

            std::vector<uint256> hashes(8);
            hashes[0].SetHex ("B7387CFEA0465759ADC718E8C42B52D2309D179B326E239EB5075C64B6281F7F");
            hashes[1].SetHex ("FBC195A9592A54AB44010274163CB6BA95F497EC5BA0A8831845467FB2ECE266");
            hashes[2].SetHex ("4E7D2684B65DFD48937FFB775E20175C43AF0C94066F7D5679F51AE756795B75");
            hashes[3].SetHex ("7A2F312EB203695FFD164E038E281839EEF06A1B99BFC263F3CECC6C74F93E07");
            hashes[4].SetHex ("395A6691A372387A703FB0F2C6D2C405DAF307D0817F8F0E207596462B0E3A3E");
            hashes[5].SetHex ("D044C0A696DE3169CC70AE216A1564D69DE96582865796142CE7D98A84D9DDE4");
            hashes[6].SetHex ("76DCC77C4027309B5A91AD164083264D70B77B5E43E08AEDA5EBF94361143615");
            hashes[7].SetHex ("DF4220E93ADC6F5569063A01B4DC79F8DB9553B6A3222ADE23DEA02BBE7230E5");

            SHAMap map (SHAMapType::FREE, f);

            expect (map.getHash() == zero, "bad initial empty map hash");
            for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i)
                SHAMapItem item (keys[i], IntToVUC (i));
                map.addItem (item, true, false);
                expect (map.getHash().as_uint256() == hashes[i], "bad buildup map hash");
            for (int i = keys.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                expect (map.getHash().as_uint256() == hashes[i], "bad teardown hash");
                map.delItem (keys[i]);
            expect (map.getHash() == zero, "bad final empty map hash");
Пример #4
    Application& app,
    SHAMap const& txns,
    OpenView& view,
    std::shared_ptr<Ledger> const& buildLCL,
    beast::Journal j)
    CanonicalTXSet retriableTxs(txns.getHash().as_uint256());

    for (auto const& item : txns)
        if (buildLCL->txExists(item.key()))

        // The transaction wasn't filtered
        // Add it to the set to be tried in canonical order
        JLOG(j.debug()) << "Processing candidate transaction: " << item.key();
                std::make_shared<STTx const>(SerialIter{item.slice()}));
        catch (std::exception const&)
            JLOG(j.warn()) << "Txn " << item.key() << " throws";

    bool certainRetry = true;
    // Attempt to apply all of the retriable transactions
    for (int pass = 0; pass < LEDGER_TOTAL_PASSES; ++pass)
        JLOG(j.debug()) << "Pass: "******" Txns: " << retriableTxs.size()
                        << (certainRetry ? " retriable" : " final");
        int changes = 0;

        auto it = retriableTxs.begin();

        while (it != retriableTxs.end())
                switch (applyTransaction(
                    app, view, *it->second, certainRetry, tapNONE, j))
                    case ApplyResult::Success:
                        it = retriableTxs.erase(it);

                    case ApplyResult::Fail:
                        it = retriableTxs.erase(it);

                    case ApplyResult::Retry:
            catch (std::exception const&)
                JLOG(j.warn()) << "Transaction throws";
                it = retriableTxs.erase(it);

        JLOG(j.debug()) << "Pass: "******" finished " << changes
                        << " changes";

        // A non-retry pass made no changes
        if (!changes && !certainRetry)
            return retriableTxs;

        // Stop retriable passes
        if (!changes || (pass >= LEDGER_RETRY_PASSES))
            certainRetry = false;

    // If there are any transactions left, we must have
    // tried them in at least one final pass
    assert(retriableTxs.empty() || !certainRetry);
    return retriableTxs;