Пример #1
   // Load an SP3 ephemeris file; if the clock store uses RINEX clock files,
   // this routine will also accept that file type and load the data into the
   // clock store. This routine will may set the velocity, acceleration, bias
   // or drift 'have' flags.
   void SP3EphemerisStore::loadFile(const string& filename) throw(Exception)
      try {
         // if using only SP3, simply read the SP3
         if(useSP3clock) {
            loadSP3Store(filename, true);

         // must determine what kind of file it is
         bool isSP3(true);
         while(1) {                    // decide if the file is SP3
            SP3Stream strm;

            // open
            try {
               if(!strm.is_open()) { isSP3 = false; break; }
            catch(Exception& e) { isSP3 = false; break; }
            catch(std::exception& e) { isSP3 = false; break; }

            // read the header
            SP3Header header;
            try {
               strm >> header;
               strm.close();           // close will throw when file does not exist
            catch(Exception& e) { isSP3 = false; break; }
            catch(std::exception& e) { isSP3 = false; break; }

            break;      // mandatory

         // call the appropriate load routine
         if(isSP3) loadSP3File(filename);
         else      loadRinexClockFile(filename);

      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   if (argc<2) {
      cout << "Usage: petest <SP3-format files ...>\n";
      return -1;


      bool firstEpochFound=true;
      DayTime firstTime;
      DayTime lastTime;
      SatID firstSat;
      int i,ip,it,nf=0,np=0,nt=0;
      SP3EphemerisStore EphList;
      for(i=1; i<argc; i++) {
         SP3Header header;
         SP3Data data;
         // you can't open, close, and reopen a file w/o abort on second open...
         SP3Stream pefile;
         cout << "Reading SP3 file " << argv[i] << "." << endl;

         pefile >> header;
         data.version = header.version;
         //cout << "Dump header:\n";
         //cout << endl;

         ip = it = 0;
         DayTime t(DayTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME);

         while(pefile >> data) {
            if (firstEpochFound)
               firstSat = data.sat;
               firstTime = data.time;
               lastTime = firstTime;

            if (data.time > lastTime) lastTime = data.time;
            if(data.time > t) {
               //cout << "Epoch " << data.time << endl;
               t = data.time;
               it++; nt++;
            ip++; np++;
         cout << "\nDone with file " << argv[i] << ": read "
              << ip << " P/V records and " << it << " epochs." << endl;

         // add to store
      cout << "\nDone with " << nf << " files: read "
           << np << " P/V records and " << nt << " epochs." << endl;


      unsigned long ref;
      // choose a time tag within the data....
      DayTime tt = firstTime + (lastTime-firstTime)/2.;
      SatID tsat = firstSat;
      Xvt PVT;
      for(i=0; i<300; i++) {
         tt += 30.0;
         PVT = EphList.getXvt(tsat,tt);

         if (true) 
            cout << "LI " << tt << " P " << fixed
                 << setw(13) << setprecision(6) << PVT.x[0] << " "
                 << setw(13) << setprecision(6) << PVT.x[1] << " "
                 << setw(13) << setprecision(6) << PVT.x[2] << " "
                 << setw(13) << setprecision(6) << PVT.dtime
                 << " V "
                 << setw(13) << setprecision(6) << PVT.v[0] << " "
                 << setw(13) << setprecision(6) << PVT.v[1] << " "
                 << setw(13) << setprecision(6) << PVT.v[2] << " "
                 << setw(13) << setprecision(6) << PVT.ddtime
                 << endl;
   catch (Exception& e)
      cout << e;
   catch (...)
      cout << "Caught an unknown exception" << endl;

   return 0;