Пример #1
STLString MOAILuaState::GetStackTrace ( int level ) {

	int firstpart = 1;  /* still before eventual `...' */
	lua_Debug ar;
	lua_State* L = this->mState;

	STLString out;
	out.append ( "stack traceback:" );
	while ( lua_getstack ( L, level++, &ar )) {
		if ( level > LEVELS1 && firstpart ) {
			if ( !lua_getstack ( L, level + LEVELS2, &ar )) {
			else {
				// too many levels
				out.append ( "\n\t..." );  /* too many levels */
				// find last levels */
				while ( lua_getstack ( L, level + LEVELS2, &ar ))  
			firstpart = 0;
		out.append ( "\n\t" );
		lua_getinfo ( L, "Snl", &ar );
		out.append ( ar.short_src );
		if ( ar.currentline > 0 ) {
			out.write ( ":%d", ar.currentline );
		if ( *ar.namewhat != '\0' ) {
			out.write ( " in function '%s'", ar.name );
		else {
			if ( *ar.what == 'm' ) {
				out.write ( " in main chunk" );
			else if ( *ar.what == 'C' || *ar.what == 't' ) {
				out.write ( " ?" );
			else {
				out.write ( " in function <%s:%d>", ar.short_src, ar.linedefined );
	out.append ( "\n" );

	return out;
Пример #2
bool USFileSys::Copy ( cc8* path, cc8* newPath ) {

	zl_stat fileStat;

	if ( !USFileSys::GetFileStat ( path, fileStat )) return false;
	if ( !fileStat.mExists ) return false;

	if ( fileStat.mIsDir ) {
		bool result = true;
		STLString cwd = USFileSys::GetCurrentPath ();
		STLString toPath = USFileSys::GetAbsoluteDirPath ( newPath );
		USFileSys::AffirmPath ( toPath );
		USFileSys::SetCurrentPath ( path );
		ZLDIR* itr = zl_dir_open ();
		if ( itr ) {
			while ( zl_dir_read_entry ( itr )) {
				cc8* entry = zl_dir_entry_name ( itr );
				if ( strcmp ( entry, "." ) == 0 ) continue;
				if ( strcmp ( entry, ".." ) == 0 ) continue;
				STLString destEntry = toPath;
				destEntry.append ( entry );
				if ( !USFileSys::Copy ( entry, destEntry )) {
					result = false;
			zl_dir_close ( itr );
		USFileSys::SetCurrentPath ( cwd );
		return result;
	else {
		USFileStream infile;
		if ( infile.OpenRead ( path )) {
			USFileStream outfile;
			if ( outfile.OpenWrite ( newPath )) {
				outfile.WriteStream ( infile );
				return true;
	return false;
Пример #3
static STLString _escapeString ( cc8* str ) {
	u32 len = ( u32 )strlen ( str );
	STLString outStr;
	outStr.reserve ( len * 2 );
	for ( u32 i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
		char c = str [ i ];
		if ( c == '\\' ) {
			outStr.append ( "\\\\" );
		else {
			outStr.push_back ( c );
	return outStr;
Пример #4
STLString ZLCgt::ReadUnicodeAsASCII ( ZLStream& stream ) {

	// TODO: change this to convert to UTF8!
	// Also: GOLD now has native UTF8 support. Look into it.

	STLString result = "";

	static const u32 BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
	char buffer [ BUFFER_SIZE ];
	u16 utf = 1;
	while ( utf ) {
		for ( u32 i = 0; ( i < BUFFER_SIZE ) && utf; ++i ) {
			utf = stream.Read < u16 >( 0 );
			buffer [ i ] = ( char )( utf & 0x00ff );
		result.append ( buffer );
	return result;
Пример #5
STLString USStream::ReadToken ( cc8* delimiters ) {

	STLString str;
	if ( this->IsAtEnd ()) return str;

	char stackBuffer [ LOCAL_BUFFER ];
	USMemStream memStream;
	memStream.SetChunkSize ( LOCAL_BUFFER );
	memStream.SetGuestBuffer ( stackBuffer, LOCAL_BUFFER );
	char c = 0;
	size_t size = 0;
	do {
		c = this->Read < char >( 0 );
		if ( delimiters && c ) {
			bool isDelimiter = false;
			for ( size_t i = 0; delimiters [ i ]; ++i ) {
				if ( delimiters [ i ] == c ) {
					isDelimiter = true;
			if ( isDelimiter ) {
				if ( size ) {
					c = 0;
				else {
		memStream.Write < char >( c );
	while ( c );
	if ( size ) {
		str.reserve ( size + 1 );
		memStream.Seek ( 0, SEEK_SET );
		while ( size > 0 ) {
			char buffer [ LOCAL_BUFFER ];
			size_t readSize = size;
			if ( LOCAL_BUFFER < readSize ) {
				readSize = LOCAL_BUFFER;
			memStream.ReadBytes ( buffer, readSize );
			str.append ( buffer, readSize );
			size -= readSize;
	return str;
Пример #6
u32 USLuaSerializer::WriteTable ( USStream& stream, USLuaState& state, int idx, u32 tab ) {

	STLString indent;
	for ( u32 i = 0; i < tab; ++i ) {
		indent.append ( "\t" );
	u32 count = 0;
	u32 itr = state.PushTableItr ( idx );
	while ( state.TableItrNext ( itr )) {
		if ( count == 0 ) {
			stream.Print ( "\n" );
		switch ( lua_type ( state, -2 )) {
			case LUA_TSTRING: {
				stream.Print ( "%s[ \"%s\" ] = ", indent.c_str (), lua_tostring ( state, -2 ));
			case LUA_TNUMBER: {
				stream.Print ( "%s[ %s ]\t= ", indent.c_str (), lua_tostring ( state, -2 ));
		switch ( lua_type ( state, -1 )) {
			case LUA_TBOOLEAN: {
				int value = lua_toboolean ( state, -1 );
				cc8* str = ( value ) ? "true": "false";
				stream.Print ( "%s,\n", str );
			case LUA_TTABLE: {
				uintptr tableID = ( uintptr )lua_topointer ( state, -1 );
				if ( this->mTableMap.contains ( tableID )) {
					stream.Print ( "objects [ 0x%08X ],\n", tableID );
				else {
					stream.Print ( "{" );
					if ( this->WriteTable ( stream, state, -1, tab + 1 )) {
						stream.Print ( "%s},\n", indent.c_str ());
					else {
						stream.Print ( "},\n" );
			case LUA_TSTRING: {
				STLString str = _escapeString ( lua_tostring ( state, -1 ));
				stream.Print ( "\"%s\",\n", str.c_str ());
			case LUA_TNUMBER: {
				stream.Print ( "%s,\n", lua_tostring ( state, -1 ));
				stream.Print ( "%p,\n", lua_touserdata ( state, -1 ));
	return count;