Пример #1
void MangoGross::parseQuery (Scanner &scanner)

   char c = scanner.readChar();

   if (c == '>')
      if (scanner.readChar() != '=')
         throw Error("expecting '=' after '>'");
      _sign = 1;
   else if (c == '<')
      if (scanner.readChar() != '=')
         throw Error("expecting '=' after '<'");
      _sign = -1;
   else if (c == '=')
      _sign = 0;
      throw Error("expected one of '<= >= =', got %c", c);

   MoleculeGrossFormula::fromString(scanner, _query_gross);

   ArrayOutput out(_conditions);

   bool first = true;

   if (_sign == 0)
      QS_DEF(Array<char>, query_gross_str);

      MoleculeGrossFormula::toString(_query_gross, query_gross_str);

      out.printf("gross = '%s'", query_gross_str.ptr());
   else for (int i = 0; i < NELEM(MangoIndex::counted_elements); i++)
      int elem = MangoIndex::counted_elements[i];

      if (_query_gross[elem] <= 0 && _sign == 1)

      if (!first)
         out.printf(" AND ");

      first = false;

      if (_sign == 1)
         out.printf("cnt_%s >= %d", Element::toString(elem), _query_gross[elem]);
      else // _sign == -1
         out.printf("cnt_%s <= %d", Element::toString(elem), _query_gross[elem]);
Пример #2
int Element::read (Scanner &scanner)
   char str[3] = {0, 0, 0};

   str[0] = scanner.readChar();

   if (islower(scanner.lookNext()))
      str[1] = scanner.readChar();

   return fromString(str);
Пример #3
bool MoleculeAutoLoader::tryMDLCT (Scanner &scanner, Array<char> &outbuf)
   int pos = scanner.tell();
   bool endmark = false;
   QS_DEF(Array<char>, curline);

   while (!scanner.isEOF())
      int len = scanner.readByte();

      if (len > 90) // Molfiles and Rxnfiles actually have 80 characters limit
         scanner.seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
         // Garbage after endmark means end of data.
         // (See the note below about endmarks)
         if (endmark)
            return true;
         return false;


      while (len-- > 0)
         if (scanner.isEOF())
            scanner.seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
            return false;
         int c = scanner.readChar();


      if (endmark)
         // We can not properly read the data to the end as there
         // is often garbage after the actual MDLCT data.
         // Instead, we are doing this lousy check:
         // "M  END" or "$END MOL" can be followed only
         // by "$END CTAB" (in Markush queries), or
         // by "$MOL" (in Rxnfiles). Otherwise, this
         // is actually the end of data.
         if (strcmp(curline.ptr(), "$END CTAB") != 0 &&
             strcmp(curline.ptr(), "$MOL") != 0)
            scanner.seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
            return true;

      if (strcmp(curline.ptr(), "M  END") == 0)
         endmark = true;
      else if (strcmp(curline.ptr(), "$END MOL") == 0)
         endmark = true;
         endmark = false;

      outbuf.appendString(curline.ptr(), false);
   scanner.seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
   // It happened once that a valid Molfile had successfully
   // made its way through the above while() cycle, and thus
   // falsely recognized as MDLCT. To fight this case, we include
   // here a check that the last line was actually an endmark
   return endmark;