Пример #1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool HttpRestServices::query_scenes( CString& response, LPCSTR data )
    if ( !studio.getVenue() || !studio.getVenue()->isRunning() )
        return false;

    JsonBuilder json( response );

    ScenePtrArray scenes = studio.getVenue()->getScenes();

    std::sort( scenes.begin(), scenes.end(), CompareObjectNumber );

    Scene* default_scene = studio.getVenue()->getDefaultScene();

    UID active_uid = studio.getVenue()->getCurrentSceneUID();

    for ( ScenePtrArray::iterator it=scenes.begin(); it != scenes.end(); it++ ) {
        Scene* scene = (*it);

        json.add( "id", scene->getUID() );
        json.add( "number", scene->getSceneNumber() );
        json.add( "name", scene->getName() );
        json.add( "bpm_rating", scene->getBPMRating() );
        json.add( "description", scene->getDescription() );
        json.add( "is_default", (scene == default_scene) );
        json.add( "is_running", (active_uid == scene->getUID()) );
        json.addArray<Acts>( "acts", scene->getActs() );

        json.startArray( "actors" );

        ActorPtrArray actors = scene->getActors();

        for ( ActorPtrArray::iterator it=actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); ++it ) {
            Fixture* fixture = NULL;

            json.add( "id", (*it)->getActorUID() );
            json.add( "is_group", (*it)->isGroup() );

            if ( (*it)->isGroup() ) {
                fixture = studio.getVenue()->getGroupRepresentative( (*it)->getActorUID() );
            else {
                fixture = studio.getVenue()->getFixture( (*it)->getActorUID() );
                json.add( "address", (int)fixture->getAddress() );

            json.startArray( "channels" );
            if ( fixture != NULL ) {
                for ( channel_t channel=0; channel < fixture->getNumChannels(); channel++ ) {
                    Channel* ch = fixture->getChannel( channel );
                    BYTE value = (*it)->getChannelValue( fixture->mapChannel( channel ) );
                    ChannelValueRange* range = ch->getRange( value );
                    LPCSTR range_name = range ? range->getName() : "";

                    json.add( "channel", (int)channel );
                    json.add( "name", ch->getName() );
                    json.add( "value", value );
                    json.add( "range_name", range_name );
            json.endArray( "channels" );


        json.endArray( "actors" );

        json.startArray( "animations" );

        for ( size_t a=0; a < scene->getNumAnimations(); a++ ) {
            AbstractAnimation* animation = scene->getAnimation( a );

            json.add( "class_name", animation->getClassName() );
            json.add( "name", animation->getName() );
            json.add( "number", animation->getNumber() );
            json.addArray<UIDArray>( "actors", animation->getActors() );

            // Add common signal data
            AnimationSignal& signal = animation->signal();
            json.startObject( "signal" );
            json.add( "sample_rate_ms", signal.getSampleRateMS() );
            json.add( "input_type", signal.getInputType() );
            json.add( "input_low", signal.getInputLow() );
            json.add( "input_high", signal.getInputHigh() );
            json.add( "sample_decay_ms", signal.getSampleDecayMS() );
            json.add( "scale_factor", signal.getScaleFactor() );
            json.add( "max_threshold", signal.getMaxThreshold() );
            json.add( "apply_to", signal.getApplyTo() );

            // Add animation specific data
            CString json_anim_name = JsonObject::encodeJsonString( animation->getClassName() );
            json.startObject( json_anim_name );

            if ( !strcmp( animation->getClassName(), SceneStrobeAnimator::className ) ) {
                SceneStrobeAnimator* ssa = (SceneStrobeAnimator*)animation;
                json.add( "strobe_neg_color", ssa->getStrobeNegColor() );
                json.add( "strobe_pos_ms", ssa->getStrobePosMS() );
                json.add( "strobe_neg_ms", ssa->getStrobeNegMS() );
            else if ( !strcmp( animation->getClassName(), ScenePatternDimmer::className ) ) {
                ScenePatternDimmer* spd = (ScenePatternDimmer*)animation;
                json.add( "dimmer_pattern", spd->getDimmerPattern() );
            else if ( !strcmp( animation->getClassName(), SceneSoundLevel::className ) ) {
                SceneSoundLevel* ssl = (SceneSoundLevel*)animation;
                json.add( "fade_what", ssl->getFadeWhat() );
            else if ( !strcmp( animation->getClassName(), SceneColorFader::className ) ) {
                SceneColorFader* scs = (SceneColorFader*)animation;
                json.add( "fader_effect", scs->getFaderEffect() );
                json.add( "strobe_neg_color", scs->getStrobeNegColor() );
                json.add( "strobe_pos_ms", scs->getStrobePosMS() );
                json.add( "strobe_neg_ms", scs->getStrobeNegMS() );
                json.addColorArray<RGBWAArray>( "color_progression", scs->getCustomColors() );
            else if ( !strcmp( animation->getClassName(), ScenePixelAnimator::className ) ) {
                ScenePixelAnimator* spa = (ScenePixelAnimator*)animation;
                json.add( "pixel_effect", spa->getEffect() );
                json.add( "generations", spa->getGenerations() );
                json.add( "pixels", spa->getPixels() );
                json.add( "increment", spa->getIncrement() );
                json.add( "fade", spa->isFadeColors() );
                json.add( "combine", spa->getCombineFixtures() );
                json.add( "pixel_off_color", spa->getEmptyColor() );
                json.addColorArray<RGBWAArray>( "color_progression", spa->getCustomColors() );
            else if ( !strcmp( animation->getClassName(), SceneChannelFilter::className ) ) {
                SceneChannelFilter* scf = (SceneChannelFilter*)animation;
                json.add( "filter", scf->getFilter() );
                json.add( "channel", scf->getChannel() );
                json.add( "step", scf->getStep() );
                json.add( "amplitude", scf->getAmplitude() );
                json.add( "offset", scf->getOffset() );
            else if ( !strcmp( animation->getClassName(), SceneMovementAnimator::className ) ) {
                SceneMovementAnimator* sma = (SceneMovementAnimator*)animation;
                MovementAnimation& movement = sma->movement();

                json.add( "movement_type", movement.m_movement_type );
                json.add( "tilt_start_angle", movement.m_tilt_start );
                json.add( "tilt_end_angle", movement.m_tilt_end );
                json.add( "pan_start_angle", movement.m_pan_start );
                json.add( "pan_end_angle", movement.m_pan_end );
                json.add( "pan_increment", movement.m_pan_increment );
                json.add( "speed", movement.m_speed );
                json.add( "home_wait_periods", movement.m_home_wait_periods );
                json.add( "dest_wait_periods", movement.m_dest_wait_periods );
                json.add( "group_size", movement.m_group_size );
                json.add( "positions", movement.m_positions );
                json.add( "alternate_groups", movement.m_alternate_groups );
                json.add( "blackout_return", movement.m_backout_home_return );
                json.add( "run_once", movement.m_run_once );
                json.add( "home_x", movement.m_home_x );
                json.add( "home_y", movement.m_home_y );
                json.add( "height", movement.m_height );
                json.add( "fixture_spacing", movement.m_fixture_spacing );
                json.add( "radius", movement.m_radius );
                json.add( "head_number", movement.m_head_number );

                json.startArray( "coordinates" );
                for ( size_t index=0; index <  movement.m_coordinates.size(); index++ ) {
                    json.add( "pan", movement.m_coordinates[index].m_pan );
                    json.add( "tilt", movement.m_coordinates[index].m_tilt );
                json.endArray( "coordinates" );
            else if ( !strcmp( animation->getClassName(), SceneChannelAnimator::className ) ) {
                SceneChannelAnimator* sca = (SceneChannelAnimator*)animation;
                ChannelAnimationArray& chan_anims = sca->channelAnimations();

                json.startArray( "channel_animations" );

                for ( ChannelAnimationArray::iterator it=chan_anims.begin(); it != chan_anims.end(); ++it ) {
                    json.add( "actor_uid", (*it).getActorUID() );
                    json.add( "channel", (*it).getChannel() );
                    json.add( "style", (*it).getAnimationStyle() );
                    json.addArray<ChannelValueArray>( "values", (*it).getChannelValues() );

                json.endArray( "channel_animations" );

            json.endObject( json_anim_name );

        json.endArray( "animations" );


    return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SceneMovementAnimatorTask::generateProgram( AnimationDefinition* definition )
    SceneMovementAnimator* config = dynamic_cast< SceneMovementAnimator *>( definition );

    MovementAnimation& movement = config->movement();

    ParticipantArray participants;
    Head head;

    // Determine which actors will be participating
	for ( SceneActor& actor : getActors() ) {
        Fixture* pf = getActorRepresentative( actor.getActorUID() );
        if ( !pf || !pf->canMove() )

        if ( movement.m_head_number == 0 ) { // All heads on fixture(s)
            for ( UINT head_number=1; head_number <= pf->getNumHeads(); head_number++ ) {
                if ( pf->getHead( head_number, head ) )
                    participants.emplace_back( actor.getActorUID(), head );                    
        else {                                 // Single head on fixture(s)
            if ( pf->getHead( movement.m_head_number, head ) )
                participants.emplace_back( actor.getActorUID(), head ); 

    STUDIO_ASSERT( movement.m_group_size >= 1, "Movement group size must be >= 1" );
    STUDIO_ASSERT( movement.m_home_wait_periods > 0 && movement.m_home_wait_periods < MAX_WAIT_PERIODS, 
        "Home wait periods must be between 1 and %d", MAX_WAIT_PERIODS );
    STUDIO_ASSERT( movement.m_dest_wait_periods > 0 && movement.m_dest_wait_periods < MAX_WAIT_PERIODS, 
        "Destination wait periods must be between 1 and %d", MAX_WAIT_PERIODS );

    // TODO: At some point, pre-compute the channel arrays once rather on each scene load as
    // that will be a problem for many fixtures/animations in a single scene.

    switch ( movement.m_movement_type ) {
        case MOVEMENT_RANDOM:							// Move to random locations
            genRandomMovement( movement, participants );

        case MOVEMENT_FAN:								// Fan beams
            genFanMovement( movement, participants );

        case MOVEMENT_ROTATE:							// Simple rotate at tilt angle
            genRotateMovement( movement, participants );

        case MOVEMENT_NOD:								// Simple up and down
            genNodMovement( movement, participants );

        case MOVEMENT_XCROSS:							// Cross fixture beams
            genXcrossMovement( movement, participants );

        case MOVEMENT_MOONFLOWER:						// Moonflower effect
            genMoonflowerMovement( movement, participants );

        case MOVEMENT_COORDINATES:						// Absolute coordinates effect
            genCoordinatesMovement( movement, participants );

        case MOVEMENT_SINEWAVE:						    // Sinewave movement
            genSineMovement( movement, participants );